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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Reagan had laid down for a while but was still unable to sleep. She decided to get up and find Arnaldus, she wanted to talk to him. She stood up and walked into the common room. She again recieved a mix of glares and sympathetic looks. She pressed on and walked out, looking around for Arnaldus. However a teacher began to question her harshly as to where she was going and since she didn't have a satisfactory answer when she walked away from the teacher she had a red mark across her cheek. She wandered the halls looking for Arnaldus.

Apus' words barely reached James' ears as he shook his head and walked over to the fire that was burning in the Gryffindor common room fireplace, watching it fold in on it's self and turn black and then into nothing but more ash to add onto the piles that laid underneath fire already. He took a deep breath, finally peeling his eyes away from the flames and the spot where the letter used to be before looking back at Apus and forcing a convincing onto his lips, though he still felt a panging emptiness in his chest. "I'm fine, just a letter from mum and, now that you mention it, I am a bit peckish. There won't be many people up and around yet, but would you want to head down to the Great Hall?" James kept his voice steady and slightly cheerful. A letter means nothing. A letter doesn't decide who he is or he will become. His mother's opinion, or his father's or anyone else's for that matter, doesn't decide who he is or who he will become. His future was completely in his own hands and, whether he got all the support in the world or none at all, he would find a way to better himself anyway. As he started heading toward the portrait to make his way down to breakfast, just knowing that Apus would follow him, he realized that it was a little bit too early for Apus to be up and around and called over his shoulder, "Hey, why are you awake anyway? You aren't usually even awake for another half an hour or so, let alone dressed and cleaned up."
His smile was convincing enough, and she really would of believed him if he didn't look so, well, sick. It was liked James had just seen a ghost, which, despite Hogwarts being riddled with spirits, wouldn't have scared him that much. At the mention of a letter, Apus wondered if maybe something bad happened with his family, that's what gotten him so shaken up. She hurried up to catch up with him, glancing at his appearance to make sure he wasn't about to pass out or anything. He looked pretty stable, despite his deathly pale skin and dark eyes. "Wait, what was in the letter?" If something bad really was happening with his family, he probably wouldn't want to talk about it. But then again, Apus was a pretty trustworthy friend, at least, that's how she thought of herself. So James could talk to her about anything, and she'd listen, just like how she hoped he would do the same for her. They were making their way to the Great Hall, where James brought up the subject of Apus being up early. Again, she wasn't a really morning person, and she's kind of happy he noticed that. "I don't know what happened, I guess I was still a bit excited from last night." Just thinking about what happened last night made an involuntary giggle escape from her lips. But no, now wasn't the time for laughing, now she had to figure out what was wrong with James.
Victoria rolled her eyes at Lupus's arrogance and his insults. She knew he was trying to make fun of her and she was not going to give the satisfaction of her humiliation, especially after not getting the information she wanted. She had always been calm in these kind of situations, yet, she couldn't resist a good passive aggressive fight. "Yes, I pity arrogant bastards with nothing to be proud of." She commented, taking a sip out of her tea before continuing. "After all, it must be hard to be proud of anything when your family will forever be remembered as cowards. Didn't Malfoys escape the battle of Hogwarts? A low thing to do, isn't it? No wonder you don't have much power, politically speaking of course." She continued in a bored tone. Yes, the insult had been around for a long time and it wasn't that good, she knew Lupus wouldn't be amused or angry but insulting him was incredibly satisfying. Who knows? Purebloods didn't like it when others insulted their families, the insult could actually make him mad. "About the book, have you gotten anything interesting out of it? Anything worth mentioning?" Turning her attention to Kota, she smiled and looked down at her food. "Food poisoning, that's a clever idea. No offence."
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Lupus couldn't help but smirk. He'd gotten a rise out of her, not what he was looking for, but he'd gotten it. He'd heard her insults before, so they didn't really hit him as hard as she might of wanted. But hey, who wasn't up for a good argument? "Surprisingly, you're absolutely correct, us Malfoys did escape. But not because we were cowards, it was because we're actually the smart ones." Lupus, in turn, turned a page of his book, scanning the contents for a second before continuing. "I mean, why would we need to fight if we could just sit back and let the others do it? You guys can work hard and we can work smart." He took a second to glance up at her, the smirk never leaving his face. "It's brains over brawn, my dear. And my family has all the political power we need, thank you." Looking back at his book, he gave an exaggerated sigh, "Everything in here is interesting, probably nothing you'd understand though." There, Lupus was done with the insults. From here on out, everything that would leave his mouth would be straight facts.
Kota Addams

"Food poisoning?"
Kota echoed arching a brow at the girl as a smile curled his lips from Lupus insults. "No, nothing that weak. Carsa likes to deal more in snake venom and other types of poison. I just happen to be her favorite test victim since I have a high record of evading all the ones that can send me into deaths sweet arms which angers her. I do enjoy the one's I've grown a tolerance to though. The burn some of them leave behind helps spice up the flavor a bit. Reminds me of home. "
Arnaldus continued up and down the halls before class would begin. It wasn't likely he would make his first class or his second with the plans they had made for today. Not that he would have missed much in class, it was likely the same reviews and what they would be learning this year. As Arnaldus continued walking up the halls and down another eying the different paintings and statues along the way, he came to notice Reagan noticing as he came closer into view of her a red mark across her cheek. A little surprised at the marking on her face and curious of what had happened since they parted company, a number of thoughts crossing his mind as Arnaldus walked over toward Reagan. "It seems you have been........... Busy this morning, since our parting. Everything alright?" He asked

@Paint The Wind
Reagan touched her cheek lightly when he mentioned it and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. I got punched and I'll probably have a bruise there tomorrow." She shrugged. "Better than the Cruciatus Curse. How are you? I was wondering if you wanted to walk to class with me. I don't have many friends but if you don't want to that's perfectly okay, I'm used to being alone." She smiled kindly but then realized how that could be taken. "No pressure, I'm not trying to get pity or anything…uh…dammit." She looked down. "Sorry."

"Oh you're absolutely right, I've always chosen muscle over brains. How silly of me." Victoria replied sarcastically to his reply. Regardless of what he said about letting others do all of the work, she still thought of it as an act of cowardice instead of bravery. Yet, was it wise to get on his nerves in her current position? Sure , getting in her father's rank was going to keep her off the suspect list but she expected the attakcs against pureblood elitists to begin in a short time and she didn't want any kind of bad relationships with the other purebloods. That could get her into trouble and negative attention was the last thing she wanted. "If it's so hard for me to understand then how about you let me take a look at it? I wouldn't be able to cause any harm and my attempts might humor you."
Arnaldus shook his head a little at the sight of her mark, noticing Reagan touch her cheek as he mentioned it. "Nothing like a punch to brighten ones expression." He joked trying to make light of it with some humor, pausing after he said it and shaking his head at his attempt. It wasn't exactly the most sensitive or sympathetic response he could have had to Reagan. Not to mention she may not find this humorous the way he had meant for it with his words in lighthearted attempt to joke. "Sorry, perhaps the not the best response. Truly It's a shame we have some teachers who stoop so low. Or was it another student?" He asked realizing he hadn't known for certain which side was responsible. Arnaldus then smiled and gave a nod of his head to Reagans asking of how he was doing and if he would like to walk with her to class. "True..... A punch may mark you and hurt for a bit, but there is nothing quite like being cursed. Something I would rather postpone experiencing again for awhile longer... Atleast." Arnaldus replied and returned thought to Reagans question and smiling as she spoke to him and apologized. "I am well so far....... I survived the ball last night and can still walk after all that dancing. So that's always a good sign." He chuckled in response and looked back toward her with a kind appearing look from his eyes. "Sure Reagan I would love to accompany you to class. It wouldn't take pity to get my attention, girls can achieve that easily without such things....... Not that I thought you were trying to achieve pity or anything." Arnaldus spoke quickly trying to catch himself and clear up what he had intended his words to mean. It must be something about the 12th of September...... The normally well at ease with charm and talking Arnaldus was fumbling and losing himself inside his words. " But yeah, I would love to walk with you. Two friends on way to class both of whom who are having quite the day, you with your action adventure tales and I and my off day with words." He replied to her with a smile and reached out his hand and gently gestured for her chin to raise and eyes to look up. "Apologies are unnecessary unless you did something worthy of offering it. And I believe you have done nothing wrong here. Now shall we see what our dear professors have in store?" Arnaldus smiled

@Paint The Wind
Reagan laughed slightly at his joke about the punch she had recieved. "It was a teacher this time, though it alternates." she said with a small laugh, though t wasn't exactly a happy topic. When he spoke of postponing being cursed she nodded. "Yeah being cursed is one of the worst experiences I've ever had to deal with. That and being given a poison that left me in utter agony while preserving my sanity for two days. It was horrible. I'm still glad it's me and not anyone else, if anyone is going to get hurt it should be me." When he made the comment about the ball she frowned slightly. "Yeah I've heard a lot about that. I didn't go, it seemed like more of a party parading pure bloods than anything else. Being muggle born would have made everything horrible." Reagan smiled at him when he said he would go with her. "Thank you, and you and I are just having a great day huh? I got punched and am probably about to get beaten up again and you can't seem to even say one sentence." she teased with a laugh. She looked back up at him and smiled. "Let's go. To infinity and beyond."

Slowing his pace to allow Apus to catch up to them as they navigated their way through the maze of enchanted staircases down to the Great Hall, he flashed her a sincere smile when she brought up last night, hoping that she'd changed the subject away from the letter, but found himself with no such luck when the smile faded from her lips and she went back to being serious. With another sigh, James moved his eyes to the ground and gave a small shrug, shoving his hands into his pockets. He looked a little younger now with all the usual arrogance and pride absent from his features and his usual swagger gone from his step. He looked more like a young, confused boy rather than a strong, proud man. "Before I left for King's Cross station, my parents sat me down and lectured me on how I've been throwing my life away and how I've brought them and my family a great deal of pain... So, I came into this school year ready to get my head on straight and, y'know, make something of my last year and maybe make my parents proud for once. But, then I got my mum's letter this morning and she just echoed the things she said about how disappointed she is in me and how I am disgrace to all three of my names..." he trailed off, shaking his head and then said, "You know, it's not even really a big deal. It's fine really, nothing new. I'll fix things. They'll get better."
"See a change of pace....... A new brute everyday or time." He smiled though really it was poor behavior exhibited by people of professor status and even from fellow students. If all would end the way he had hoped and others as well, the reign of elitists would come crashing down and light would shine again through the darkness until fades once and for all. " It leaves some disturbing effects that is for certain. I was left as nothing more then some pathetic hufflepuff blood traitor my first time. The last was better....... But still not something I would wish to endure or anyone else to endure for that matter." Arnaldus continued and considered what form of poison they had used on Reagan, finding it rather cowardly to use poison instead of fighting someone head on and in a fair fight. "Nobody should suffer like that...... It's not what hogwarts is for and never was intended to be. It was a safe haven for wizards and witches to learn their craft, preferably accepted no matter there blood. My ancestor had some saying about her house and about accepting the rest, pureblood or not and care for them the same." He added thinking about her saying she stayed back and did not attend the ball. "Well....... It was sadly just like you would expect. Every student was allowed but no everyone was treated the same by all. I suppose being a pureblood makes it somewhat easier then it would for you and other muggleborns and half bloods. But I can see what it must be like and have experienced some backlash for my beliefs. Though I don't always say aloud...... Time and a place and all." He spoke with a frown..... Once he said it aloud the worse it sounded. He had his ways of fighting back while keeping out of sight and knowledge of responsibility of others, allowing him some advantages with the very people he hated, blood purists and their twisted ways. All thanks to his animagus status and non listed one at that. But it also made him sound poor in some ways. "It will improve Reagan...... Maybe not immediately but it will one day. We'll see to that all of us within our little study club." He spoke with a brightened smile and expression while using a code word for their unamed order as they passed by others. "Indeed. You and me are the type of folks they all write about in the great tales, we're practically famous and rich..... Let's not forget rich." He chuckled and exhaled a soft breath as they walked towards class. " Sounds good...... To the stars and clouds where few travel save for the daring. But let's just make sure we don't forget our lunch, it's the only meal that can be combined with breakfast and form a whole another word." Arnaldus grinned while purposefully going random all to try and get a smile and laugh out of Reagan. She had endured quite a bit and he couldn't promise she wouldn't endure further punishment from other brutes and bullies. Even if he was present to help her in defense. So making the best of the time before and after such things was the least he could do and wanted to achieve for Reagan.

@Paint The Wind
Reagan shrugged and sighed softly. "I've gotten used to the insults and pain they use to scare me. I'm not scared anymore. They won't keep me under their thumb. And now I have our study club," she said, catching onto the name, "to help stand with me. And I'm sorry the ball didn't go well. I'm sorry you had to see all the injustice there as well. And if your beliefs are the same as mine you should be careful when you voice them. You could maybe use your blood status to get us help." She smiled at him. "I'm okay standing up alone sometimes. I've done it for a long time, as long as I know that someone believes in the same things I do." She sighed when they got to the door of the class. "Well, here we go." She walked inside and sat down at her desk, taking out her books though she knew the teacher would just go on and on about how horrible muggles are.

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James sat in the library pouring over a few books. He hadn't thought about much over the last few days except making sure to keep up the appearance of being a student who just wanted to finish up his time at Hogwarts. James had also heard nothing from his father since the dance on the first of September. Probably for the best since his father now seemed to be firmly with the Minister and his followers. James didn't know how he felt about that. While his father had never been a man to show affection for his son, he was hardly the type to not let his son know of new accomplishments. His dad hadn't even sent him a letter bragging about joining the minister. With a sigh, James just continued writing note from each of the books he had laid out in front of him, not wanting to dwell on thoughts of his father any longer.
Andre found difficulty in sleeping tonight the worry of his two friends preventing him to do so, in the mean time he thought of ways to help the order. What the might need, what they might need to be trained in and other matters. Soon he had some idea and got out of bed to gather everyone, starting in the Great Hall. He found Victoria and he approuched her."Hey... I think we should meet up and sort out what to do next." He whispered to her.
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Victoria remained calm while Andre spoke to her and took a last book at the book she wanted. Meeting up was a good idea and they had scheduled to skip class to sort everything out, yet, she wished she could've gotten the book from Lupus during breakfast . Not like she couldn't find good books in the library, she just wanted to know exactly what dark wizards were learning, she wanted to know how to block their spells and outsmart them in duels. Well, that would just have to wait. Nodding, she quickly stood up from the table and scanned the Great Hall for more members. "Where is everyone else?" She asked, now dragging Andre to the exit after not being able to find anyone in the Great Hall. "James is probably in the library so he won't be hard to find. Dorian and Arnaldus will be a challenge thought." She commented, trying to think of her friend's possible whereabouts. "Do you think we should talk to the headmaster? He might be able to help us and he's got a lot of power. Clearly someone we need on our side."
Dorian hauls himself up grabbing his bag and shoving his things in before making his way over to the great hall, his tummy rumbling ever so slightly as he thinks of breakfast. He was eager to start training and strengthening their group, but first he needed some food, although he was hoping his friends would be there already to save him the effort of having to traipse around the castle in search of them. As he entered the hall he instantly noticed his friends, smiling to himself as he walks over giving them a greeting wave as he sits down opposite them, and grabbing a plate and shoving some food om before speaking "And how did we all sleep?" He asks gently as he constructs a sandwich, looking to them with hope that they slept better than he. Although he was very skeptical of the idea.
Arnaldus walked and listened as Reagan spoke to him in response. Allowing the sounds of their footsteps drift into the background as they walked toward the classroom, the quiet chatter of passing students and professors though not mostly students. "It's good to hear your fear has been conquered. The future that lays in store shall test ones will and courage, anyone could falter at anytime if they allow fear to defeat them..... Instead forcing the enemy to accomplish that with a tough fight." He replied looking toward the approaching door of the class. "Yeah, in fact we're meeting today. Possibly soon if I recall correctly, you should come along Reagan. It may be good for you to meet everyone involved wih our little club." Arnaldus smiled and continued to listen with a cheerful expression, so far the day had gone well with few if any real problems. Once his friends came looking for him like Arnaldus suspected they might, the sooner they could get down to the details and overall state of their order now that the initial plan and tasks were set before them and laid out. "Ah...... I am rather used to disappointing balls and pureblood radicals. Sadly...... But used to the game well enough, it just takes quite a bit of patience not to explode with a bombarda spell now and again. My blood status huh? Well perhaps I know some good folk of pureblood status...... But I can't guarantee how many would be willing to fight with us, while also not turning us over for their own well being and their families. But once we reach a certain point of success and waking people up from their dreams and having their heads in the clouds, I think I and others could reach them..... Inspire them to fight with us. Light that fire and start some mass uprising against the radicals." He continued in response and chuckled at the thought, the idea of some mass uprising was quite appealing and a fire being lit brought a few different images in his head and scenes. "Hmm..... I am sure there are plenty with like minded beliefs and opinions. Just not enough of us rebels willing to fight back amd speak up. The dark arts wields incredible power over people through fear alone, combine that fear with what it can really do once used or cast....... It's enough to shut people up and cower unfortunately." Arnaldus added and followed Reagan into the room. "Yeah....... New year another first day of classes and previews into what we will be learning this year."
"Like a baby" Victoria mumbled in response to Dorian's question. In all honesty, being woken up nightmares more than once wasn't considered a good night's sleep in her book, however, she didn't want her friends to sorry about her. If they began panicking about their movement and the dangers that came with it then they were going to become a very easy target. Fear got people killed, after all. She smiled, thinking she was starting to think like a Gryffindor. The thought amused her, since she had never liked the house in the first place and her sudden courage was the only trait she shared with the lions. "Great, now we just need to find Arnaldus and James. " She whispered, keeping in mind the fact that they were surrounded by pureblood elitists and would have to take care of their words from now on. "Don't worry, I know what to tell the teachers to get us out of class. Another reason why I want the headmaster to be on our side now that I think about it . He has control over the teachers and we'll be able to skip as muchc classes as we want for meetings and ... You know...Quidditch games." She spoke, hoping they would understand the coding she was using to keep their secret.

@Prouvaire @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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Reagan looked at him with a smile. "I'm really glad you're with me now. I hate standing alone, and if you are having a meeting I'd love to come. I want to find out who else is with us." She smiled at him and looked through her book and then up at the professor.

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Arnaldus grinned and gave a nod of his head. "Good it's settled then." He spoke with a short reply before pausing and looking forward to the professor and listening to both Reagan and the professor as each spoke and one shared with them the classes lesson, previews and reviews for today and the school year ahead of them. "You're coming and shall meet the rest of us, who so far make up our study club." He continued keeping his responses short for the moment as the professor spoke, keeping his best attempt to prevent garnering attention of the professor and drawing eyes to his position. Thus causing suspicion and forcing a moments thought to come up with a cover story of what they were really talking about during class. "But I am glad your joining us, you'll be welcome amongst our club." Arnaldus added with a smile

@Paint The Wind
Reagan smiled at him and nodded. "Great. I'm so excited." She recieved a few glares from some students by the professor didn't seem to notice. She sighed and yawned. She leaned back in her chair and listened to the professor go on and on and on and on.

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"Bonjoir Dorian was on our way to find you, and to answer the question well enough. Considering you two could die at anymoment due to the bond you made." He said his lack of sleep getting the better of him for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Sorry... Never mind. As for the head master... We can try but we need to make sure he is not like dear old minister... With so many dark influences I wonder if evil wizard need a plot to take over."He said with a sigh.
Victoria couldn't help but to wince with Andre's reminder of their possible fate. " Thank you, Andre. That was exactly what we needed to hear." She replied sarcastically, crossing her arms and digging her nails in her arms. She wasn't mad at Andre but she really didn't want to be reminded of the vow with her father. Still, she knew it was going to come up sooner or later and she praised Andre for bringing it up so quickly and without any hesitation. It was just like the subject had to be treated, they were almost adults after all and they were old enough to understand the gravity of the situation. "Let's just hope the Headmaster doesn't desire power as much as my father does. Now, shall we make our way to the room? Or do you want to find the others first?"

@Prouvaire @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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