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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Dorian gives her his usual grin "Are you kidding? it could end up in us getting brutally tortured and murdered, or more than likely publicly executed by Voldemort himself. But it's the right thing to do, we have no excuse for sitting in silence when there are muggles, muggle-born, half bloods who go through that because of people with our blood. If we aren't the ones to do something, we're just as bad as those that hold the wands to them. We can't keep silent, not if that silence is a lie" He sighs shrugging and looking to her, a solemn frown now upon his brow "What about you Vic? Are you okay doing this?" He asks, his voice filled with concern and sincerity. Truth be told he was worried for his friends, they were going to take on one of the most powerful groups in the world, with people that would kill them if they messed up just once whilst infiltrating them. He'd already decided that he was ready to fall for his friends, ready to fall for their cause. He knows what people like that would do if they ever contained full power, people like that already have families where they already have their own power, a power they abuse to indoctrinate their children, and induce fear against rebelling to create docile children who would dare not rebel against what they are told.
"I always wondered how the heroes in stories felt just before making their a life changing decision at the beginning of the story. I suppose this is it, huh? We're giving our lives for a better world." Victoria replied solemnly, stopping for a second to let those words sink in. She had never considered herself a weak person, in fact, she had always been proud of her strength and strong morals. Dorian was right, not doing anything would make them as bad as the other pure bloods and changes had to be made. "Some teenagers die, thousands of people live. Fair trade." She muttered. Honestly, she didn't think they were going to die but she asked herself if she was ready to die to change the world. Well, that was definitely a positive answer. Living in a world ruled by the purebloods while others suffered was not a world she was going to live in and she was ready to fight for a change, even if it killed her. "I'm more than ready." She replied, a proud smile on her face as she made her way to where her father was. "Father?" She asked, giving Dorian wink before continuing. "I have something to tell you."
As they approach her father he gives her a supportive smile, standing proudly by her side and quickly shifting his casual posture for that of the correct etiquette that his mother had taught him, holding his hands behind his back and his chin tilted ever so slightly. It was odd to be doing this willingly, without the threat of his parents leering behind him. He was rather impressed by his own fluidity, he rarely made such an effort in these sort of events, hating the dressing up, and the game that was constantly being played between the families, all gagging for power and a chance to prove their name. Although by this point it was more adults living off their names by what their predecessors had done, claiming power that they had rarely proved. Although he didn't really want to see half of the things he'd heard be proved, he knew full well what people like his parents were capable of.
Nodding quickly, Apus turned and stared at one of the tables in the room. Another idea popped up in her head and she giggled before turning to James. "I know we're supposed to wait for your count but..." A wicked grin grew on her face, "3, 2, 1, GO!" She rushed the numbers out of her mouth and tugged out her wand before quickly casting a spell. A quiet 'Evanesco' could be heard coming out her mouth as she rushed backwards into the exit. Suddenly, the legs from all the tables in the room disappeared, leaving the guests confused. As she sat in the tunnel, giggling to herself, she suddenly felt a little bad for starting it that way. I mean, Apus was one for a good prank, but a prank can't work well if everything doesn't go as planned, and she's pretty sure that wasn't what James was expecting. Hopefully the other boy was able to cast his spell too so the prank could work succesfully, but if he didn't, well, at least it'd be one less person getting caught. Besides, the table legs taken away could be funny enough on its own, right?
Robert was surprised, to say the least, when his daughter came to him with some news. Victoria had always been a reserved person and she rarely spoke to him, well, only when she had something truly important to say. He noticed her friend was there too and he quickly recognized him as the child of two of his trusted followers, Olivia and Gordon Rumancek. Oh, now he was definitely interested in what she had to say. Especially after recalling someone mentioning they had looked suspicious. "What is it, Victoria? Can't you see I'm in the middle of an important conversation?" He replied. He rolled his eyes when the confusion began after the legs of the tables disappeared. Clearly the work of a child. "Please remain calm, nothing more than a juvenile prank. I'll make sure the ones guilty are properly punished. For now, please enjoy the rest of the party." He spoke loudly, calming down most of the guests.
It took all of Victoria's self control to stop herself from laughing at the guests when the tables lost their legs. She had no idea who had been the genius to pull off a prank during a pureblood ball but something told her she was going to find out sooner or later. Once she knew, she was definitely going to praise the person and get him or her to join the order. "We really need a name for it." She thought, now turning her attention back to her father and her solemn expression returning. "Nothing more than mudblood scum trying to get attention from those above them. " She commented, making sure her father heard. "I have always been loyal to you and our beliefs." She began, looking straight into her father's eyes. "And there is nothing I-we, would love more than to serve you. Enter your ranks, watch you conquer the world. Father, you know nothing would make me happier and you know we have what it takes to fight for you. Please, we're ready for the vow."
Pranking was James' game and he was used to being the one pulling one over on other people so when someone pulls one over on him, he becomes a bit dumbfounded and this time was no exception. His reaction time was exceptional, moving to stop the tapestry from swishing back and forth after Apus' escape and quickly stuffing his wand in his pocket so no one would suspect him. He felt tiny twang of pride pulling on his heartstrings as he watched the slight confusion among the adult guests and the minor chaos among the student guests, particularly the ones that got splattered with food or drink. Sure, he hadn't been the one to pull off the prank, BUT it was his idea after all. As he watched, the minister called out to the guests, dismissing the incident as a silly juvenile misdemeanor and James couldn't help but scoff to himself.

Now, he still wanted to pull off his part of the plan because, well, the minister might not dismiss his genius so quickly this time, but he didn't dare pull his wand out and risk someone seeing it and accusing him of the table legs going missing. Lucky for James and thanks to himself, he'd studied and trained himself in the art of wandless magic. So, he slid back behind the tapestry while everyone was cleaning up the mess Apus had created and concealed himself behind it, peeking out through the tiny space between the fabric and the wall, training his eyes on his targets and focusing on what the task at hand was. With a simple mumble under his breath of a transfiguration charm every single floating decoration transformed into a Cornish pixie with an all together loud pop and he didn't even wait to see the chaos that might ensue. He quickly turned and took off in a sprint down the dark and slightly moist tunnel, pulling his wand from his pocket and whispering "
Lumos." as he ran. He saw Apus up ahead and reached her in a couple of seconds, a genuine smile creeping onto his face and a laugh bubbling from his lips when he realized she was still giggling.
Kota Addams

Kota was a bit disappointed when the Malfoy girl made the table legs disappear. The sudden disappearance may have caused some confusion however where was the fun. The bloodshed and violence. The cruelty and humiliation that often dealt hand in hand in pranks. He had just moved to put his wand away when suddenly Cornish pixies replaced the decorations around the room and began wrecking havoc. Now that is much better. Humming he cast a shield charm and a silencing charm around himself before unleashing himself onto the pixies. He was still invisible to the rooms occupants but dared not use any dark spells. Not when light spells could be used just as well and he wouldn't get into as much trouble. I love when things work out. Cornish pixies screeched as their brethren was levitated and blasted into walls, attacked by birds, or slashed by cutting hexes. Kota just laughed.
Joey watched as Apus pulled her wand from her robes and shouted a charm that made the legs on the tables disappear, leaving many of the guests confused and shocked, some of them having "food" flung on their expensive robes and dresses. Personally, it was taking quite a bit to not burst out laughing at the sight. Seeing these hoity-toity wizards and witches in a fluster over their clothes was almost too much. But soon enough, all urge to laugh disappeared. The decorations in the room were replaced by Cornish Pixies, and the stupid blue buggers immediately took to picking on the people, including her. They especially enjoyed tugging on her fiery red hair. She growled angrily as she swatted at them, then in a fit of anger she pulled her wand out of her stocking and pointed it up at the general mass of Cornish Pixies and shouted, "IMMOBULUS!" This caused the many pixies to become still in the air, only for them to suddenly be set on by magic that began to be pounded by hexes, birds, anything really. She stood there with her wand in her hand and watched as this happened. She let her arm fall back beside her and looked where Apus had been previously, only to find her gone.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
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Upon noticing James, Apus lit up, her giggles turning into full on laughter. She could just imagine the chaos going on in the other room now that James was here. She brought a hand to her stomach and doubled over, taking a few seconds to breathe. Once she felt better, she swung her self upright again and gave James a grin. "I'm guessing by the smile on your face, things went well?" Apus carefully tucked her wand back in her boot, something she forgot to do before she ran off. "You did get to finish your part of the prank, right? I would hate it if my randomness messed things up." However, despite even mentioning the possibility that James didn't get his spell off, she knew for a fact that he was just quick enough to make their mission a success. So, instead of waiting for him to answer, she jumped in the air and gave him a big hug. "James, that was great. It really made the night better." She was talking a little faster than normal, but she was exhilarated. The adrenaline was just slowing down in her veins, but her heart was still pumping fast. This was really what she needed.
Apus never failed to be exactly what James needed her to be: a friend, a comrade, family. Oh, she made him feel like he could do things right and he adored her for it. He didn't bother telling her that he had been able to pull it off, he knew she already knew he had and plus, with all her talking, he couldn't really get a word in edge wise. He stumbled slightly from the sudden weight of her jumping hug, a little shocked, and wrapped his arms around her and gave her a good spin before setting her down. He could feel her heart speeding like a race horse in her chest and his own was also pumping at a mile a minute, as if they were racing each other.

James had dabbled in the area of stimulants that would give him a high, both muggle and wizard alike, but nothing compared to a rush of pure adrenaline. It made him feel alive which is ironic because half the time his goal was to feel like he wasn't. As he caught his breath and Apus slowed down her speech enough that he could talk, he pulled the Marauder's Map out from his back pocket, flattening it's wrinkles out a bit. With his wand in hand, James spoke the literal magic words that would open the handy object and laughed out loud again when he found the Great Hall on the map, moving it towards Apus so she could see the chaos of rushing footprints followed by the names of the people who were being terrorized by the pixies.
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Arnaldus was prepared and ready to begin recruiting, lending a hand in quietly observing and listening of and to others seeing who would best qualify for their club so to speak. Rebuilding the order would require a thorough search for quality and loyal members, they could teach lesser strength wizards and witches spells and how to fight, but they couldn't teach trust and loyalty. That was where quality would come into play..... Some just didn't have it. They would likely be too scared and willi to betray them for selfish reasons like saving their own skin or simply they were already purists and no better then the enemies of the new order and old. So when Victoria mentioned he would be the one to make the rounds finding some recruits like the ones in his book, Arnaldus was happy to do his part. He finally felt like something was about to happen, finally begin the cleansing the world of elitists scum ruling over all and forcing their beliefs and ways onto others, controlling what could be taught and what couldn't, looking down on others because of their blood status or beliefs of equality. Now was the time to elevate his game and help make a big difference, whether he failed and died or lived in success Arnaldus Tywin Smith would and was ready.

Upon leaving the room of requirement and walking down the stairs toward the hall. Arnaldus thought of one name who might be interested in joining up, he had faced her before in matches His team hufflepuff and her team gryffindor, both were captains of their respective houses Quidditch team and so faced one another a time or two over the years. Plus classes and other social opportunities, Arnaldus was certain she was not one who would be in favor of this regime and so would likely be all for joining the new order. Right? He continued towards the great hall rather dreading the possibility of what could happen upon his return to the ball. He wasn't up for more dancing and didn't want to waste time he could spend recruiting in secret dancing with more girls who wanted the attention. Arnaldus walked into the room and scouted the area and through the sea of people, looking around the room and getting the feeling he had just missed something while doing so. Bringing a smile to his face and slight chuckle before he noticed Joey and starting to walk over toward her. "Ready for Quidditch season, Joey?" He spoke breaking the ice and sounding casual at the same time.

Out of all of the teenagers in the crowd, Victoria definitely felt like she was the only one who was worried about the pixies. Sure, seeing the elitist being attacked by pixies was hilarious and they were getting what they deserved but still, was it really a good idea? Being next to her father and close to the powerful dark lords made her feel scared for the poor students who'd pulled off the prank. They were the ones slicing the pixies mercilessly with fury and the ones muttering about killing the ones responsible. Victoria quickly took out her wand and fired various curses at the pixies. Not just paralizing spells, oh no, Victoria had never been a fan of those anyways . She was the one slicing the pixies with simple, weak dark spells. It wasn't a bad plan, she would harm the pixies and gain her father's approval without having to kill any of them. Seeing the guests start to leave made an amused smirk appear on her face. So much for the families of the most dangerous Dark Lords in the universe.
"Huh?" She turned slowly to whoever was talking to her. She found herself face to face with Arnie, the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. She had spent several year at least hanging out with this guy and making small talk, so she felt relatively comfortable talking to this guy, so why not. She shrugged her shoulders, relaxing her arms and twiddling her wands in her fingers. "Well, I always look forward to Quidditch, Arnie. However I'll be surprised if they even let me play. Ya know," She said bitterly and made air quotes with her fingers, "Blood status, and all. Which is stupid, if you ask me." She looked at him as she bluntly said that, then after a moment's pause she ran her fingers through her hair and said, "Ugh, I'm sorry I'm just... I'm pretty irritated. Some idiot decided to turn all the decorations into Cornish Pixies." She gestures up at the many Cornish pixies floating around getting blasted by magic from all over. "Though I highly suspect it was the resident Potter."

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Hearing his daughter say she wanted to enter his ranks made him feel happiness like he hadn't felt since their last meeting when they'd discussed their several victories. After all, he'd been pushing Victoria to become just like him since her birth . Private trainings, lessons and extremely harsh punishments had finally gotten her somewhere. Just as he was going to give them his approval, some idiot decided to turn the decorations into Cornish Pixies, which immediately turned into chaos. He supposed it was time for the party to end anyways but still, he didn't like being ridiculed. Taking out his wand, he began shooting killing curses at the pixies, watching as their corpses fell to the ground. Soon, with everyone's help, the pixies who managed to survive were taken away and the house elves began cleaning up the corpses. "I'll get the one who did this and kill the scum myself." He muttered, now pointing his wand at Victoria. "Do you vow to always be loyal to your cause and die for it if you must?" He asked, narrowing his eyes. Ready to kill her without remorse if she didn't answer correctly.
Arnaldus took a drink from a passing elf and his tray, feeling a little thirsty and knowing of its use for their conversation. He gave a smile and nod while listening. " Yeah, Quidditch just isn't the same anymore is it? I mean it's still fun and something to look forward too but....." He paused thinking over his words and how to properly phrase his response to fit the hidden meaning behind them. " You know the classics of the old days and the matches we had back then. The great moments and all, now it just doesn't feel the same. Kinda like school right?" He added feeling akin to Joey's feelings despite his experiences differing from hers in terms of blood. " If only their was a room where all of us similar minded folk and stock, could meet when we required it? Maybe bring back the old days and the true feel of Quidditch and looking forward to it, all of us no matter our blood." Arnaldus spoke a little quieter and with his glass near his lips, blocking others from reading them or hearing him talk outside of Joey. He then took a drink and held back a laugh as he looked up at Joey's gesture, Cornish pixies for decorations...... Brilliant. Instead he kept a straight face and watched as the elves cleaned up the dead pixies and the others. "It's no problem Joey. Its kinda funny in a way...... But I see your point. Can be irritating sometimes. Potter?" He lowered his voice toward the end to a whisper. He shook his head and chuckled thinking of the possible thought behind the pixie plan and missing table legs? Oh Arnaldus certainly missed out here during his absence. "But in all honesty Joey, I hope you get to play. It wouldn't be the same facing gryffindor without you as captain leading them. We had some good matches over the years facing one another, it would be a shame to break the streak."

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Johanna honestly wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't allowed to play Quidditch. At the very least she would be removed from her role as captain. Maybe even forced out of the seeker position for a pureblood. Who knows anymore, the school had changed so much in so little time.

She listened to Arnie talk and slowly she turned to look at him, slowly, her eyes narrowed slightly. The way he was speaking sounded rather deliberate, like he was choosing his words carefully, or as though it was rehearsed. He sounds like he's... Planning something...

She stared for a short moment, then casually shrugged her shoulders and said, "Yeah right, as if that's going to happen anytime soon." But her green eyes spoke a different sentence.

You've got my attention, Arnie.

Kota Addams

I guess the fun has ended,
Kota pouted as the rest of the pixies was taken away. Letting the shield and disillusionment charm drop he tucked his wand back into it's holster before taking a quick look at the damage. His outfit was covered in blood and guts from the pixies. How delightful. Mother would be delighted to hear I ruined my dress robes in such a way. Pleased he didn't dawdle around in the great hall that was emptying of people but instead made his way to his dorm. He practically danced through the halls on his adrenaline high. I really must do things like that more often. To bad Carsa missed the fun.
Arnaldus was certain he was getting through to Joey with his phrasing and wordplay. The more they talked and the more he noticed and listened he could tell through her language of eyes. She was following him and his meaning of the selected words and carefully posed form, " True..... Soon would be a dream and the most we could ever hope for and likely have. But they say time heals all, no?" Arnie responded with final sip from his drink clearing the glass of its contents and giving a slight motion with his shoulders as his head pointed casually toward the exit, as if stretching his neck with some basic and common motions though truly using it as a gesture. He looked toward Joey upon noticing her eyes and seeing he had her attention now. "A wizard no matter their blood should enjoy life and all it has to offer. The same for any witch but without imperfection we wouldn't have inspiration......." He paused nearing the end of his own quote or atleast he believed it was original. In truth he knew only for certain he liked it and it had some perfect and useable meanings to make out for others without him saying anything really, atleast no more then a seemingly speech-esque quote. "For something far more grand. Like the dreams many of us share in both life and in death." Arnaldus spoke and placed his glass down on the tray that had been set down and walked toward the exit and out of the room, casually with the hope Joey would follow.

Andre stayed behind seeing what he could in the room of requirement to make it suite there needs. After a bit of consideration he had some idea before leaving and returned to the hall to see it in near caos, pixies were frozen in the air and slowly being gathered away. Another pank it seems and he fellt sorry for whatever prankster performant this trick, while at the same was sorry to miss it. Scanning the room he saw Victoria and dorian with Robery which worried him, how was that going? He sighed as he slowly approuched them.
Victoria flinched when her father pointed his wand at her but managed to keep a straight face and a menacing glare. It wasn't like such a glare would help her in the dangerous situation she was currently in, she simply couldn't help herself. Seeing her father murder most of the pixies made her extremely mad, yet determinate. Moments like this made her remember what she was fighting for, it gave her strength. "I vow to fight for my cause and die for it if I must." Victoria replied, bringing her arm forward to shake her father's hand.
Eyes still narrowed but with a smile on his face, Robert slowly took her hand and held it firmly and scanned the room for anyone who could be the Bonder. After calling his wife, he looked at Victoria straight in the eye and grinned. "Will you, Victoria, always be loyal to me and fight for our cause?"
With a rather disinterested front, she looked at him and raised an eyebrow at his casual motions and gestures. He began to quote something, and she narrowed her eyes. He was obviously telling her to go somewhere.

"...Since when did you get all philosophical?" She said plainly to him as he walked away, watching him duck out of the Great Hall. She stayed where she was for a moment, letting everyone believe their conversation was over before she yawned, scratched an itch on her lower back and stretched her arms in the air. She moved through the crowd, shoving her wand into her stocking again, making her way out of the Great Hall with another yawn. She immediately looked around for Arnie before her eyes fell on him, and she looked around. Joey then approached Arnie and leaned on one hip and crossed her arms as she looked at him. "Sooo... Where did you get that quote from anyway?"

Once he left the room and knowing Joey had followed him out of the room. Arnaldus turned towards her with a grin at her question and from earlier statement, as he looked around a bit with a scan of the halls. "It's a Arnie original........ Well I believe so anyways. If not I probably read it somewhere in some old book lying around. But you know philosophy..... Is kinda interesting to me. Not as much as Quidditch and dueling, but still kinda awesome. It's been a new side interest of mine though, and lately it just seemed perfect considering the times." He responded to Joey with a smile feeling a little relaxed now that they were out of earshot and view of the hierarchy and others who hadn't yet shown trust worthy or not. "But as I was saying without really saying...... There has been a recent forming of like minded individuals who tire of things of today." Arnaldus spoke starting to explain though still mindful of his words and there phrasing. "We have looked to our past and history for a answer to our questions...... Where we have found our path, one we must follow and 'reform' in 'order' to stand for what's right." He continued in emphasis of a few words spoken, while he scouted the area casually being rather careful if not overly so. "We want to bring back the old days and rid us of today. But we need more then just a small number, that's why I have come to you and soon others. If you want to stand with us and help bring change..... We would welcome you into our little study group, we often will meet in a required location to work towards our goal and plan out our moves." Arnaldus added hoping he was making sense and not confusing Joey with his indirect way of speaking.

Theodore had long since left the party now in his office resting. He knew how the night would end more or less. Some students would come up with the brilliant idea of causing havoc, and everyone would work together in am attempt to stop whatever this havoc was. They would most likely invock the dark lords wrath, and Theodore would be responsible for finding and punishing these students in the most painful way possible. But Theodore decided to avoid all of that trouble, and rest in his office instead. He laid back thinking about his past. His wife and child, their happy little life together. Living in their lovely home in a peaceful little neighborhood. Then thanks to a series unfortunate events they were killed, and Theodore ended up where he was now. The headmaster working with the dark lord. Not that he was completely opposed to it. After all it had its perks. He was closer to the dark lord than most. Besides those in his inner circle and his family of course. He had a position of power, and he was respected and feared. Although the feared part wasn't his favorite it was necessary to keep suspicions away from him.

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