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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

"Only 86% of my secret plans end in trouble, that's a whopping 86% success rate" he replies with a bright smile, before turning to face behind them as Vic opens the room of requirements, scanning the corridors for anyone outside of their group. "since first year? That's a long time to be wearing those kind of gowns! See it is magic that she hasn't killed you" he pauses before adding "if it's any consolation, my mother will probably murder me when she finds out I got paint on this and wore it to such an 'important' event. She told me even blood traitors need to keep an appearance" he glances to James as he speaks and frowns to himself, he knows that what they're planning is going to big, and take more time than they probably had, and the idea of them fighting for what was right was as daunting as joining Voldemort, perhaps even more so, especially as this defied their families.
Andre followed Vic and Dorian to the room of requirement smirkign at teir bandter between them. He remained quite not wanting to ruin the banter with any of his own lest ruin it, he watched the corridor though ensuring they didnt get into trouble. "You want see my mother when it comes to fashion... No outfit is good enough dor her even if she picks it for you... "He suddered. "Glad i am away from that."
The doors to the Room of Requirement opened and they were greeted with a plain room with nothing on sight. Victoria had never been in the room before but she knew things would eventually come if they needed them. For now, they just needed a place to hide and start planning. She began taking off her heels while taking a few steps into the room. Throwing the uncomfortable shoes aside, she turned to her friends and laughed when her friends complained about their parents and fashion. "Aren't we just lucky to have survived? You should've seen the punishment my sister got for getting mud on her dress. Let's just say she's going to hate the lessons with unforgivable curses." She replied. The way her family used unforgivable curses as punishment was truly horrible, it was no surprise that her younger siblings were so strong even though they were just eleven years old. Just the thought of her parents and their cruel behavior made her blood oil. "Alright! Time to get serious . " She said loudly, the door behind them already closing. "First order of business is recruiting more people. The house they're in and their age doesn't matter. We just have to make sure they're determinated and loyal. Then, we'll start training the ones with no skills, dark arts included. As for our first attack, well, revealing our identities is a bad idea so we'll have to wear masks. Since most of us are close to powerful members of the ministry I say we enter their ranks before attacking. I know my father has an inner circle, getting in it might be easy for all of us. We'll find out their plans and ruin them. Meanwhile, we'll have to start helping muggleborns and muggles evacuate their homes. We have to take them somewhere safe before they die. Any questions?"
Kota Addams

Interesting speech though it hasn't seemed to go over well. Kota noticed with a smirk at the displeased reactions Arias speech caused. Snorting he turned to eye their prey and found his group leaving. What are you lot up to? Flicking his wand toward a nameless hufflepuff girl right next to him he whispered," Imperio. " It had the desired affect and the girl stilled staring unblinking in front of her as her weak mind bent to his will. Not even a fight how disappointing. Making sure no one had noticed the spell even though there hadn't been a light Kota soon had the girl sneakily following the group. Hopefully this shall prove to be entertaining. Taking a sip of a drink he picked up from one of the elfs he wandered over to where James had stood and dunked into the nearby shadows. His wand at ready. Now I know this will be entertaining.
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Andre stepped inside of the room and looked around. "Sigh, no chairs or confrence table that what have made a better club start up scene? Who wasnt requiring enough?" He said jokingly before listening to what Victoria had to say. " So basic easy stuff, should be finished by lunch. We need to see about books study... If the room wont provide we need to have some sneaked from the library... "He said seriously." Also i think it might be wise to vet each applicant, no one brings someone in on their own, it is all agreed between our group here."
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"My parents will rejoice if I decide to take them up on their offer to join them" Dorian nods along as Victoria speaks, agreeing with what she was saying. He knows that the lessons to come are going to be difficult, but they're needed, if they're going to stand a chance they need to be prepared for anything. He frowns at the idea of young first years fighting in this. They have every right of course, but the use of unforgivable curses on first years, even if it is to prepare just doesn't sit right, his family being strong believers in using the unforgivable as a way of discipline had made him slightly over protective of those younger than him. His trail of thought is stopped abruptly as Andre speaks "Andre is right, we need to be unanimous in our decisions. We are at risk of infiltration, and we can't afford to risk it" He speaks with a solemn air and his face scrunched into a serious frown
Theodore couldn't help but notice Mister Addams actions. He excused himself from the Minister of Magics presence and slowly made his way towards Kota. He took his wand out and cast the Lumos spell. A bright white light glowed from the tip of his wand. He put his hand on Kota's shoulder, and spoke in a detestable tone."Do you know the meaning of unforgivable Mister Addams?" @EmilyPower @Crimson smile
Kota Addams

"Unforgivable; an act, thing, or behavior so bad as to be unable to be excused or pardoned." Kota answered automatically to the question blinking against the sharp light. Once his eyes adjusted he found himself staring into the face of his headmaster. Expression falling into its casual coldness that belayed none of his emotions Kota made sure not to meet his headmasters eyes, averting his own just below the headmasters. He wasn't sure if the headmaster knew the mind arts but wasn't going to risk it when Kota himself just began learning the basics of shielding his mind. "May I ask the reason behind your question headmaster?"
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Theodore glared daggers at Kota. "Well I'd assume you'd also know that spell you just performed on that poor Hufflepuff girl tends to be called unforgivable." Theodore answered coldly."Now tell me exactly what your intentions where Mister Addams? I'd very much like to know the reasoning behind all of your actions." Theodore asked speaking quietly so that no one would overhear them. @Crimson smile
Kota Addams

"Suspicion." Kota deadpanned unimpressed by the man's glare. His younger cousin's was scarier. He didn't bother denying casting the spell because he had been taught to never deny actions you aren't ashamed of only deflect and decieve. "The way that Victoria and her group were acting was suspicious. The Hufflepuff followed them to ensure they weren't up to no good. She should be back soon with the results to share with us. "

@Solemn Jester
"Hmm very well you are to report to me at once when she return. Oh and mister Addams can you ever so kindly not use those spells on other students, its bad for the school reputation. Theodore said before walking away to go do god know what. @Crimson smile (gtg)
Kota Addams

"Of course," Kota answered in response to the man's first request, or demand. Though the man likely thought he was answering for the second request as well. I have no desire to sustain from such spells. After all that would make for a boring year. He sighed in relief when the man left taking the bright light with him. Basking in the chilling shadows Kota turned to cast the jelly legged jinx on James once he had a clear view but instead noticed him acting suspiciously with the Malfoy girl. Two troublemakers plus boredom equals entertainment. smirking he cast a disillusionment charm on himself before leaning back against the wall in anticipation.
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Arnaldus had followed his friends and kept his eyes aware of his surroundings, their passings and forward steps. All the while listening to everyone speak and Victoria reveal her plan and the details involved. He had considered it all and it sounded good to him though they would need to brush up on their polyjuice potion studies and making of the potion if they were to have the greatest chance of success keeping their identities hidden. The mention of masks were good but could easily be removed for reveal if forced and, or left in a bad situation. The polyjuice however could work just as well and make it difficult for others to catch on. Upon Andre's and Dorians mentions and thoughts on the matter, Arnaldus was going to speak up but waited a moment, deciding to look around the room of requirements some more as a thoughtful expression crossed his face with a curious smile following. "The plan sounds good and well Victoria, recruit, infiltrate and plot out our attacks accordingly. I am all for it of course, but I would like to offer a substitute tactic in place of masks......" Arnaldus spoke with a grin, covert operations were nearly his specialty after his experiences since secretly learning how to become a animagus without becoming licensed and known to others. In fact perhaps they were in a way, each of them had talents in their specialty fields and so perhaps covert operations and related tactics were his? He didn't know for sure nor was it important but his experience had brought him some useful tips and lessons for advice to others. Arnaldus then walked in a circle for a moment seemingly studying the room before turning back to look at everyone with a playful wink and corner grin. "Well it's perfect..... This room and all its magical glory. I heard stories you know? I did and this room will be our saving grace." He continued and reached into his tuxedo and pulled out a small notebook of his and held it in his grasp. "But down to business my friends," Arnaldus said with a slight change of tone and becoming more serious but retaining some charm in his look, his eyes and expression combining both charm and serious natures. "I've been busy...... As you will see here. I have been getting into some....... Interesting ventures." He continued giving a slight motion of his hand with the notebook, gesturing to his notebook. "It has various forms of my notes on several topics of worth in relation to our goal. I've been keeping it safe with charms to hide its true contents.... Just in case I was ever caught or teachers or adults desired to see it." He added before pausing for a moment. "Anyways it has some names I have discovered who may prove decent recruits who would also join us. They don't know I have learned of this, though it was risky if they had known I was overhearing their conversation. Furthermore other forms of Intel are within my old notebook as well. Finally we should avoid the masks as our main source of identity secrecy and look to using the old polyjuice potion, the masks worked for the death eaters but it could easily be our own undoing and they had less to lose then us." Arnaldus spoke sounding rather certain of his words and points. " I'll admit the notebook has nothing major inside that would help us in some grand way. But a little piece here and there adds up and saves us time finding said info, plus it brings us a starting point for recruits." He finished pondering of whether or not to tell just how he had accomplished this without being discovered.

"I don't think it has anything telling of their plans, but it may provide other helpful hints and tidbits. Most likely in relation to the layouts and stuff like that."

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Victoria listened to what everyone had to say and grinned, happy to know they supported her ideas and had some very good ideas themselves. "Great, perfect , wonderful. This plan is really starting to take shape. I agree with you guys, we should recruit the people in the notebook first and we'll vote to see if the person can join us or not. I say we divide the work. Arnaldus can work on the recruitment. Check every student, find our their strengths and weaknesses and find out where they stand. James, you love books more than anyone else here so your job should be taking care of the books. Get what we'll need to become stronger and bring it here." She paused for a second, coming with the realization they would probably have to sneak into the restricted section of the library. Which was now more dangerous than what it used to be due to the books containing extremely powerful spells and rebllions being hidden there to avoid children sneaking in and getting wrong ideas. "We'll help you enter the restricted section. Going alone is practically suicide. As for the rest of us, well, we come from very important families so we'll work on entering my father's ranks and gathering information. There is a catch though." She spoke, pausing to take a small breath before continuing. The next part was going to be hard to explain. "To keep traitors away from his ranks, my father forces newcomers to make an unbreakable vow as soon as they enter his inner circle. I heard it during the summer while he was recruiting a man in our manor. I've thought about it and I think there might be a way to get through it . " She explained. "Do you, Victoria Knight, vow to always be loyal and dedicated to this noble cause?" She asked in a low voice, mimicking her father . "I vow to always be loyal and dedicated to the noble cause of the people I love." She answered. "See? That's the trick. That way we can betray them and get away with it. Is everyone alright with what I just said?"
"Well, I can't just tell you all of my plans can I? Only members of my inner circle know what I'm up to. I admire your curiosity though, that's a useful skill to have." Robert replied. Curiosity killed the cat, dear Headmaster. He thought as he took a sip of his fire whisky. When Alexander spoke, he smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's very good to hear, my friend. You see, it would be such a shame to put a mind like yours to waste wouldn't it? I want capable people by my side and I know you're trustworthy. Say, would you be interested in joining my ranks?" He asked, looking back at the Headmaster and being able to hear a small part of his conversation with a student who'd apparently used an unforgivable curse. When the student, he now recognized him as a member of the Addams family, said Victoria and her friends were acting suspiciously he stroked his chin and sighed. He would have to find the girl and question her, which never ended well.
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James nodded to Victoria as she explained what she had in mind. Getting books out of the library wouldn't be a difficult task and, honestly, the restricted section probably wouldn't be that hard either. Not with proper planning. "Just give me the list of books you need and I'll get them. The restricted section is going to be a bit of a hassle so I'd need some help with that one. When are you wanting all this done by? I know we need the books before we can really get started," he said, pulling a piece of parchment and a self-inking quill from his robes, ready to write down information. He knew it was probably weird that he carried these things on him, but he did like to do writing at strange times.


Alexander gave the minister a nod, listening to him intently. When the minister asked him to join his ranks, he had to force himself to keep his composure. This was exactly what he wanted and he thought he'd have to work a bit harder to get there. He gave the minister a polite bow. "I'd be honored to do so." Alexander couldn't help but give a smile at the situation. He wasn't sure what the minister had in mind, but what ever it was, he'd gladly throw his support in with the man himself.


Apus grinned, the plan sounding like music to her ears. Literally anything other than standing there would have made her happy. With a quick nod, she agreed to James' plan, scouting the room for his suggested exit route while looking at all the tables. Out of the corner of her eye, she vaguely noticed a group of students leaving the party, their intentions unclear. Maybe finding out about that could be interesting, but she for now, focused her attention back to James. "Oh man, I'm down. You come up with some great ideas." Looking towards the tapestry of Rowena Ravenclaw, Apus made her way over there, certain that James would follow. The wand in her boot suddenly felt heavier as she got ready to pull it out, the grin on her face spreading as what was about to happen really sunk in. She slipped the wand out and got ready, turning to James. "Ready? On your count, right?"
"I was thinking about doing this tomorrow morning. We can skip some classes and go to the library when no one is inside. Maybe cause a distraction outside to keep anyone away from the library. We should focus of recruiting and being recruited tonight." Victoria replied, looking down at the parchment and quill, briefly wondering why he was carrying it. She closed her eyes for a while, trying to remember the names of the books they were going to need. "There's Sonnet's of a Sorcerer, Secrets of the Darkest Art, Magick Moste Evile and the Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts. Books about unforgivables and combats can be found in the library without any problem. These books will be hard to find." She explained, putting on her high heels again and fixing her hairstyle as she finished her explanation. "Well, I better go back and find my father. Anyone coming?"

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Theodore had taken a seat at the staffs table and was preparing to head to sleep. He watched as everyone chatted and talked. It seemed a few people had left, and he noticed a few students missing as well. He didn't bother with where they were, figuring that he would find out one way or another.


James had never really had any doubts that Apus would be most certainly down for whatever crazy scheme he had come up with but he found himself always making sure she knew what she could possibly be up against and, with that, all the consequences she could face should they be caught. After all, she was possibly the only person who could stomach James' antics and took him as he was, never wishing he was different, and that was something James cherished above all else, though he'd never tell her that. Or anyone else for that matter. So, when Apus agreed and began towards the tapestry of the ever intelligent Rowena Ravenclaw, James followed close behind, patting his back pants pocket where he had stuffed the Marauder's Map before he head down to the ball (a wonderfully useful object he'd found while rummaging through his father's things the summer before his second year). This map, of sorts, was how James knew there was a hidden door behind the tapestry and how he'd manage to navigate their get away.

As they settled into their positions, James pulled his wand for his robes, giving it one quick twirl in his fingers for luck. He glanced over towards Apus with an grin fueled by the adrenaline that always accompanied dangerously exciting moments. "I should really be asking you that, seeing as it is indeed on my count. Of three. Remember?" James whispered inconspicuously to Apus, his green eyes darting away from her to watch the floating decorations that were his targets, "Now, Miss Malfoy, are you ready?"

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Joey had had enough. She didn't even bother to excuse herself, she simply began to make her way through the crowds of people towards the door out. She couldn't stand any of them. As she pushed her way through the crowd, she noticed some students leaving as well, but she didn't bother thinking about where they were going. Honestly, she just wanted to go to sleep. She struggled towards the door, shoving her way through the crowd of people she despised and suddenly, she noticed James Potter, the infamous son of Harry Potter, playing around with his wand and smiling. The Malfoy girl was there too. Oh dear God, those two were huge troublemakers, what. Luke they possibly be planning?

Oh no, I am NOT sticking around to get in trouble for this, because they will immediately blame a Muggleborn and I am not going to be around for that! She began to push through the crowd hurriedly.
"Good. Very good" the Minister replied contentedly. He knew the man would do anything for him, who wouldn't? Yet, he still wanted to prove he was loyal like everyone else in his inner circle. After all , the test new recruits were usually very easy if the person was devolted enough. "There's something I need you to do before the vow . Don't worry, it shouldn't be too hard for a man like you. All you need to do is help me get rid of traitors, if you know what I mean. I don't want anyone with some sort of connection to the ministry alive if they don't have what it takes to live happily in this society . You know someone like that, don't you? James, that is his name isn't it?" He said. Rolling his eyes when he saw a mudblood pushing her way through the crowds.
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thefan1 said:
"I was thinking about doing this tomorrow morning. We can skip some classes and go to the library when no one is inside. Maybe cause a distraction outside to keep anyone away from the library. We should focus of recruiting and being recruited tonight." Victoria replied, looking down at the parchment and quill, briefly wondering why he was carrying it. She closed her eyes for a while, trying to remember the names of the books they were going to need. "There's Sonnet's of a Sorcerer, Secrets of the Darkest Art, Magick Moste Evile and the Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts. Books about unforgivables and combats can be found in the library without any problem. These books will be hard to find." She explained, putting on her high heels again and fixing her hairstyle as she finished her explanation. "Well, I better go back and find my father. Anyone coming?"
"Your sure skipping class on the first day?" Andre asked feeling uncomfortable with the idea. Not that he never skipped class before just though it might be risky in the current situation. " I dont think it would be wise to attract attention to us as trouble makers so early in the year. We dont know what teachers are involved with our dark siders."
"I'll come" Dorian nods, straightening up and smoothing out whatever creases he could find, and quickly rubbing at the paint stain on his blazer, removing it as best he could, looking over to Andre as he speaks "The first day is usually just going over what we're doing. It's not like we'll miss anything important, and if they make an issue just say you got lost or got stuck in the stairs?" He suggests with a small smile, the getting lost probably wasn't a great excuse considering they're now 6th years, and the excuse rarely even worked on first years, but it was worth a shot if they get interrogated. "Or if you're really stuck I'll forge you a note or something" He laughs shooting his fingers at his friend and winking
"I'll tell the teachers we're looking for something that my father needs, I'm sure that'll get him off our backs. Besides, it's not like I do much in Herbology." Victoria replied, the door slowly opening. She smiled when Dorian said he was coming with her and waved at her other friends. "Remember, tonight we check who could be a good member. Let's not focus on big things until we train and get enough knowledge to actually know what we're doing. I'll see if I can get my siblings to join and I might be able to contact my brother to see if he knows anyone in Rome who might be able to help us . He has always been a very rebellious person, it wouldn't surprise me if he has his own order." She joked, now stepping outside of the Room of Requirement. Of course, she had no idea of what had really happened to her brother, who was now a pile of ashes. Yet, she was convinced that she could still save her siblings from becoming like their father . Her mother was another story, Victoria knew there was no way to get her to betray Robert. It was simply too risky. Turning to Dorian, she took a deep breath and clenched her yaw. "There's no going back after this, are you sure you want to do it?" She asked, completely ignoring the Hufflepuff girl who'd seen them come out of the Room of Requirement.

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