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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

James gave a slight nod to Victoria and made his way over to her and the others she was talking to. As he neared them, he gave her a small smile. "Hey Victoria. I would have come over sooner but I didn't want to interrupt you while you were talking. That and my father is here is here somewhere." James scanned the room as he said this, then looked back to Victoria. "He's probably here to gain some sort of favor with your dad. I don't know for sure." James couldn't help but give her an apologetic look at giving her this information.

((Sorry if this post was a little short. Battling a headache.))
Kota Addams

"Dear Lady if you have a heart it is dark as night and dripping with poison." Kota said pleasantly unsheathing his own wand. He had found it to be a loyal wand with an affinity for dark magic. It was fitting for the white haired boy. Eyeing their victim several ideas came to mind. The Addams family was well known for their sadism and tendency to play strange games. Just this summer he found himself playing tag in the mine field on the property with his sister and younger cousins. His ears still had a slight pleasant ring from all the explosions. A malicious smile curled his lips as an idea came to mind. "Instead of just outright torturing him why not lead up to it. Mind games and humiliation are just as darkly delightful."

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As James unlinked his arm to grab a drink, Apus took a glance around the room, trying to find anymore familiar faces or the whereabouts of her brother. Other faces she recognized were Victoria, because she was the daughter of some important people, and Kuta, one of her brother's friends. She turned her attention back to James as he recomposed himself and listened as he spoke. "An idea? What do you have in mind?" She tried not to seem too excited, only coming off as slightly interested. But, on the inside, she was much more interested than 'slightly'. The mention of an idea lightened up Apus' mood a bit, which was something she hadn't felt all night. You know what, scratch that. Excited wasn't close even enough to how she was feeling. She hadn't been causing any trouble lately, due to her running out of ideas, but maybe being back in Hogwarts could help that. "Actually, it doesn't matter what it is. Anything that cures my boredom will be happily accepted." Apus was desperate for some action, and he inspiration was running dry.


As Apus spent her time conversing with James, Lupus took over an empty space on the wall, using it as a support as he searched around. If Apus thought her night was boring, that was nothing compared to what Lupus was feeling now. Oh well, it was better than gossiping with other Slytherins and looking down on others. He scanned the room, a blank expression on his face as his eyes roamed passed most of the people there. None of them he really knew, and if he did, they didn't seem worthy of his time. Until he spotted Kuta. He was engaged in conversation with another Slytherin, who Lupus knew but didn't really interact with. Aria he knew her name was. They were both pretty cold-hearted, but they conducted themselves in different ways, him being more elegant compared her being more rebellious. However, they were not friends, so it probably wouldn't be such a good idea for Lupus to just walk up to them. Except, he did, following it with, "Well you guys seem to be up to no good, how surprising."
Victoria clapped her hands together and raised her eyebrows. "Oh I know this!" She joked, raising her arm to mimic the way she behaved in most classes. "They wanted a reason to make a ball and the castle is a pretty good location. Besides, they wanted to watch over their kids and make sure they weren't shaming the family in some way." She explained. When Andre complimented her, she lowered her gaze and placed a hand on her chest. "Wow, thank you Andre! You look great too." She replied. Just as she was about to tell them about her plan, James arrived and she greeted him. Rolling her eyes when their parents were mentioned. "Oh boy, I wonder what he wants." She groaned. Still, she didn't want the playful mood to go away because of her father so she rubbed her hands and gave them a mischievous smile. "Well, aren't you in for a treat. Listen up my children, this might change your lives forever."

"Now, we all know about the Order of the Phoenix and how they disbanded a few years ago. Well, we were just talking about how unfortunate we are because we can't fight against these dark lords and ladies. I mean, we're nothing more than mere children." Victoria replied dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear with her hand. "Then I realized, we aren't just mere children. Well, we are, but that doesn't stop us from fighting back, does it. Now, we could make our own order very easily. We all know people who might be interested in joining and we know how to fight. Not to mention the ties we have to influential families. We could fight them while hiding our identities and slowly change the world. What do you say?"

(Sorry for taking so long, something came up)
"I see... "Andre said considering her idea and smirking at how she made her idea known. "Maybe you are on to something, cherie, however considering where we are I doubt it would be a good idea to talk about this further here. "He said casually though he was dead serious. "We ndeed to be talking about the weather, the new school year, what we did last summer. We can continue this later in a... "Required" Room."
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Theodore stood up and took his wand out, he then held it to his neck and began speaking."Attention! " he said his voice boomed loudly throughout the entire room as if thunder and lightning had just struck. "Hello and welcome to Hogwarts. I am the headmaster Theodore Grunnion, and is a honor to welcome all the new face to Hogwarts. Of course I am glad to welcome back all the familiar faces as well." Theodore cleared his throat as he continued his speech." I hope we can all get along im sure you all know our school rules, and I trust your all aware of the punishments for breaking these rules?" He said looking towards the usual trouble makers and rule breakers." Now I shall leave you to your devices If you need anything feel free to ask a teacher or one of the prefects." Theodore put his wand away and sat back down he wasn't one for bigspeeches, but he felt a need to say something after all he was headmaster.

@Pyromaniac @thefan1 @SomatoToup123 @Crimson smile @KalenNighteyes @Saru @indiedarling @explosiveKitten @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @redwood @EmilyPower


? Location: The Ball ? Interacting with: @Crimson smile @SomatoToup123 ?


Now that was a pleasant thought. The girl was about to continue, when she was rudely interrupted by a certain blond. Making a face, she turned, placing the wand on her chin and smiling, "you're one to judge Malfoy, bet you're too scared to even find out what exactly we're doing." Turning to Kota once more, she muttered loudly enough so only the three of them could hear, "something your father must've taught you." Mind games, how interesting. Mind games were certainly more fun that straight up torturing. Why torture a poor creature with crucio, when you could cast an imperio spell first? And the humiliation that would it would cause, how incredibly delightful! The girl giggled with joy as she smiled once more, showing a row of white teeth. "And how my dear Kota ado you plan to play such mind games?" There was always the possibility of love, a heart broken was the worst kind of pain, or so her mother often lamented over in her drunken hours. Or perhaps the excruciating pain of believing to be successful, only to find oneself in the darkest depths of failures, something the young Lestrange was oh so familiar with. Unless... "when's the Quidditch game?"

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Robert didn't pay much attention to the Headmaster's speech, he was too busy socializing with other members of the ministry to take care of any more speeches. He could see his children now sitting down with their arms closed after being scolded for running around the castle and his daughter speaking with some of her friends. She didn't seem be making a fool of herself and her friends belonged to influential families so he wasn't displeased. He spotted Alexander not too far away from him and made him way towards the man. "Hello Alexander." He greeted him politely. "Are you having a pleasant night?"
James listened to Victoria's plan, but before he had time to really process it, the headmaster began speaking. He listened to the speech, then as it ended, his eyes landed on his father. James didn't know much about what his father did when he was at school and he honestly didn't care that much. His father had grown exceedingly distant since James's mother was found dead. That's when he noticed the minister approach his father, and felt his stomach sink. He looked back to Victoria. "I'm in, Victoria. One hundred percent."


Alexander gave Robert a wide smile.
"Minister! How lovely to see you!" He knew that if he wanted to rise to a more...prominent position, he'd have to play it smart. "Yes, I am having a pleasant night. I consider myself lucky to be here. How are things going at the ministry? Well, I trust?" He felt that talking about the state of things might give him a foothold to get himself inside the ministry. He had more talent than that of just an author, but he feared his son being a Hufflepuff instead of a Slytherin may hinder things.
Kota Addams

"Trouble's fun." Kota said simply in response to Lupus words nodding to him in greeting. Turning to Aria he arched a brow in amusement at her assumption. "My mother taught me that actually. She isn't much of a fighter but has a wicked silver tongue. As for my plan I thought we could slowly torture him throughout the night until we grow bored. Starting out small then getting bigger. A jelly legged curse while he is walking past an elf carrying drinks, a revulsion jinx here, maybe a few well placed imperius there. Slowly embarrassing and humiliating him. Of course those aren't my only ideas but they are a start especially since we won't want to get caught so soon. As for the Quidditch game I'm not entirely sure as I don't tend to follow the games. I'm sure we can come up with a terribly horrid plan for the event. "

@Pyromaniac @SomatoToup123
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Dorian grins as he catches the Headteachers speech, he was slightly out of breath from practically sprinting to the hall, and he was still late. He glanced quickly, searching for his friends before walking briskly over to them, pushing a hand through his messy hair in an attempt to smooth out his obvious lateness, despite the fact his blazer had a small paint stain on the sleeves, and his shirt wasn't even fully buttoned. Dorian claps a hand on his friends shoulders and grins to them "Miss anything good?" He asks them, nudging Vic and Andre "I heard something about staying out of trouble, and it's immediately made me want to rebel against something" He adds, looking back to the various faces around the room, and frowning. Many of the older faces being instantly recognizable from his fathers social gatherings, he pulls his eyes back to his friends and beams at them "Don't we all look dashing tonight? We should have a soirée more often, of course that would probably hinder all the dark arts we are all eager to commit" He frowns, realising his nerves were getting the better of him "Sorry, I get a little antsy when my parents are around" He apologizes sheepishly, his hands now fiddling with his sleeves.


Damage was the natural scenery of James' insides and perhaps that was why he loved to damage other things and, occasionally other people. And, thus, as James looked around the ball and the little cogs in his head spun like a well oiled machine, he saw the potential each object and person and concept had for destruction. He didn't even really hear the Headmaster's speech, except a few words that managed to slip into his borderline intoxicated subconscious. The question he needed to ask himself is what would cause the most chaos and that answer to that lay within the fact that the majority of the ball's guest were blood supremacist Dark Lords who obsessed over keeping their events prim, proper, and orderly. So, his mind began to scheme and make connections between people and things and a master plan was created in it's entirety. He turned back to look at Apus with the wickedest of smirks and his green eyes glinting with a cruel sort of mischief, "How fast can you run?"

He then began to dive into his plans and explain them to her step by step, his voice hushed and secretive, gazing over his shoulders every few seconds to make sure no one was eavesdropping. "Alright so here's the deal, the deal, on what scale do you think you could take two legs off of all these tables? Because if you could do it to all of them at once, that would be ideal. Set up near to the tapestry of Rowena Ravenclaw, there's a secret passage way behind it and that's how we're going to make our escape. I will be turning all those little stars they have floating around," he pointed a finger to enchanted ceiling and then looked back at Apus, "into Cornish Pixies. Y'know, the devilish little buggers that will pull on their preciously done hair and rip their expensive clothes and ruin their sacred social gathering. And we will do both of these things at exactly the same time, on my count of three. Sound good? Are you in? We'll make a run for it as soon as we're done, so there should be no way for them to prove that it was us."
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"Ah, always the clever little Ravenclaw aren't you?" Victoria replied while the Headmaster finished his speech. She clapped her hands together and sighed in relief, glad to know her friends agreed with her ideas. "Well that's a relief. Thank you for backing me up guys. Andre's right though, we should probably go somewhere secluded to continue chatting about the weather." She spoke, giving her father a worried look as he began speaking to Alexander but she let it slip. It wasn't like she wasn't expecting that from her father, it just worried her to see how easy it was for him to get new allies while they were so weak in comparison. Still, Victoria wasn't one for giving up and she certainly wasn't going down without a fight. Besides, she still had hundreds of ideas to mess with the pureblood society. Once Dorian finally arrived, she rolled her eyes at his appearance. "Well, good to know we have similar ideas." Victoria replied before she began to explain their plan while she began pushing them towards the entrance.
Andre smirked at the arrival of Dorian, though he didn't appreciate the slap on his shoulder. "Here I though you would miss all the fun, non ami. "He said before helping Dorian with his clothing making sure he looked proper."Come now, how can we cause mischief when you look so scruffy."he said half jokingly."it's fine you didn't miss much. We can't dicuss the plan much now anyways.. Let's just say we are building a new club for us."
Theodore stood up and walked around the room. He shook hands and exchanged introductions with others. He slowly made his way through the room his expression solemn and cold. As he made his way through the room he made sure to listen to the conversations being had as he passed. After all as headmaster it was his responsibility to know everything going on in his school.
Dorian laughs lightly as Andre helps him adjust his appearance, but thanks him graciously. "Scruffy? Ouch, I always thought I pulled off the dishevelled look" He was never really one for making an effort at these kind of events, but tonight had purely been a mistake of him losing the time to himself "What would I do without you" he chuckles to Andre before allowing Victoria to usher them out of the crowded room. "Can we have a clubhouse? I've always wanted to have a clubhouse Or matching jackets. You know we could do both, I mean who can stop us" he jokes as they edge closer towards the exit
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The Minister smiled and slightly shook his head a few times. "Nonsense Alexander! I'm sure everyone is lucky to have you here. Most of my friends here are fans of your work, including my wife and daughter. I'm sure you've met them." He explained, gaining a few nods form the gentlemen close to them. He glanced at his daughter for a second and frowned when he noticed she was with a messy teenager who'd come running into the ball. He certainly didn't want his children messing with the wrong people, that had been exactly what had gotten his oldest son killed after all. Victoria had a good potential as a leader and he didn't want to waste her. "In fact, your work has been inspiration for some of my followers. I'm glad to know the author supports me as much as they do."
Theodore spotted the Minister of magic and made his way to him."Hello Mister Roberts its a pleasure to have you here." Theodore said holding his hand out to shake. "How have things been sir? I do hope everythings been going well for you." @EmilyPower
Victoria chuckled as they walked out of the Great Hall and began wandering the halls, Dorian's humor always lifted her spirits. "You look like you had a fight with a pack of rabid dogs and lost. What were you doing anyways?" She asked, looking down at the paint in his clothes. "We'll get matching dresses and hairpins if you want." Victoria joked, giggling at the thought of her male friends having to wear the dresses women wore to fancy events. Something told her they wouldn't survive running with high heels and having to worry about tripping over the skirts. "Oh I'd pay every single galleon in my vault to see that."
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"you wound me! I most definitely could win a fight against a pack of rabid dogs, provided that they were 7 miles away" he laughs, he'd found the quickest way to cure his nerves, was to simply be with his friends, they always seemed to cheer him up instantly

"I was doing something secret" he grins, tapping his nose and dramatically winking "well kind of, but you guys can't know until it's finished" he adds with a shrug, his face lighting up as vic humours him "I think I could pull a dress off. I mean I would look pretty as hell" he chuckles "I mean not going to lie, I would probably trip or something, some of those dresses are incredibly long, it's like magic that you girls can walk without ripping something"


? Location: The Ball ? Interacting with: @Crimson smile @SomatoToup123 @everyone ?


"Then we'd best be quick with our actions, no?" Quickly walking towards the front of the hall, the girl grabbed a glass of something bubbly and tapped her wand against the stage desk, as she cleared her throat. As she received most of the guests attentions, she cleared her throat once more and raised her glass, "I'm sure most of you know me, or at least know my name. But for those who don't, my name is Aria, Aria Lestrange, daughter of the notorious Rabastan Lestrange. I'd just thought I'd make a toast to our dear friends and patrons, including my favorites," her nose seemed to twitch at the slightest with the last word, "the Malfoy, Potter, and Knight family. Because without them, who knows what situation the wizarding world would be. Thank you!" Her voice oozed with sarcasm once more, with just a hint of jealousy, although it was not as prominent of sarcasm. Her green eyes seemed to dart to Kota, and just for a split second, she gave a small growl, as if she were provoking someone.

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"Oh don't worry! I'm sure you'd be able to win other fights! You know there are some very scary butterflies flying around the forbidden forest, you might want to see if you can win a fight against them." Victoria replied sarcastically. "Every time you say you're working on something secret we end up in trouble, why do I have a bad feeling about another one of your secret plans?" Victoria replied, covering her mouth to stifle her laughter. "I'm just kidding, I'm sure it'll be great." She calmly reassured him. "Honey, I've been wearing these dresses since our first year, trust me, it's magic. The magic of knowing your mother will kill you if you fall is considered magic, right?" She asked sarcastically before stopping in front of a wall, making sure no one was following them and making the entrance of the room of requirement appear.
Robert smiled when he saw the Headmaster and gave him a firm handshake. "Ah, Headmaster. Things have been wonderful, thank you. How have things been here at Hogwarts? Do my children behave properly?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew his children often misbehaved and they had always been severely punished for it, still, he wanted to know if there was anything else they were to be punished for. When the Lestrange girl grabbed the attention of the party, Robert gave the girl a small nod when she praised his family but sneered when she mentioned the Potter family. Nothing more than blood traitors and muggle lovers came out of that family. He wondered why the girl had done that, if she had wanted to enter her ranks then she was going to try something else, it didn't show enough courage and brains to make a toast. Maybe she had a plan that wouldn't help him, he supposed the girl surely knew about things that happened to people who tried to harm him and why he was so feared. Then again, he always thought children were stupid and the Lestrange family had been wiped from it's glory a long time ago so he decided to let the incident with the girl pass.
EmilyPower said:
Robert smiled when he saw the Headmaster and gave him a firm handshake. "Ah, Headmaster. Things have been wonderful, thank you. How have things been here at Hogwarts? Do my children behave properly?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He knew his children often misbehaved and they had always been severely punished for it, still, he wanted to know if there was anything else they were to be punished for. When the Lestrange girl grabbed the attention of the party, Robert gave the girl a small nod when she praised his family but sneered when she mentioned the Potter family. Nothing more than blood traitors and muggle lovers came out of that family. He wondered why the girl had done that, if she had wanted to enter her ranks then she was going to try something else, it didn't show enough courage and brains to make a toast. Maybe she had a plan that wouldn't help him, he supposed the girl surely knew about things that happened to people who tried to harm him and why he was so feared. Then again, he always thought children were stupid and the Lestrange family had been wiped from it's glory a long time ago so he decided to let the incident with the girl pass.
Theodore sighed at the toast given by the Lestrange girl."I suppose everyone is trouble at one point or another." Theodore said he had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. To answer your question though Hogwarts has been very good. Its been quiet not much trouble, although that could change at any time knowing Hogwarts." Theodore looked around at all the people gathered in Hogwarts. "Seems like we have quite herd of new students this year." Theodore observed before looking back to Robert."So what plans do you have for the future Mister Roberts?" Theodore asked curious as to what the dark lord had planned for the future. @EmilyPower
James followed Victoria and the others to the Room of Requirement, listening to the conversation. He knew that anything she had in mind would require heavy planning on their part, but what ever it was, he would be there along side her. He spoke to her, but in a slightly hushed tone. "What exactly are you planning on doing, Victoria? I'm in this to help and I'm more than willing to help you plan strategy."


Alexander smiled as the minister spoke of his works. To know that someone appreciated the writing he did was welcome.
"Minister, my support is fully yours. If there is ever anything you need from me, please do let me know." Upon hearing the Lestrange girl's speech, he gave a quiet groan of disapproval at the mention of both the Malfoy name and Potter name. One was responsible for the Dark Lord's demise, the other reeked of cowardice and disgrace. The Malfoys survived on pure luck and a timely exit from the grounds of the school. The only reason Alexander was not in prison was because he claimed that he was subjected to the Imperius curse. Granted it was a tired excuse, but the ministry had neither the time nor the resources to devote to divulging the truth so he was never tried for the murders he committed.

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