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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Apus sighed and brought a hand to her temple. The decision she'll make now can really be life changing, and she just has to make sure she chooses the best thing possible. Not only for herself, but also for her family. Her twin never really talked about it, but she new Lupus despised all non-purebloods. Not that he could really help it, their whole family was like that, so it wasn't a surprise that their views rubbed off on him. Despite that, the twins were pretty close, and she didn't know how she could ever look Lupus' in eye again when she's fighting against everything he stands for. But Apus let out a breathy sigh before giving a slight nod. "I guess if we want to achieve this, we'll have to work together." She was on their side, but that didn't mean she was just going to be all cheery and friendly about it. It may have been for a good reason, but a few minutes ago, the inside of her leg was on display for the whole world to see, and she'd never forget the pain. Speaking of pain, that reminds her. "I'll just take this, now that we're on the same side and all." Apus stood up and walked towards Andre, a seemingly nice smile on her face. However, she snatched her wand out of his hands, her smile instantly dropping. "Finally." She murmured, before going back to her original place. She didn't really know how James would react to this, seeing as he was just tied up and then knocked unconscious, before coming back to. Hopefully, he'd join too, it looked like they'd need as many people possible.
Johanna finally stepped back over to the group of the Order. She stood beside Arnie and nodded along as he and Dorian and Victoria began to explain themselves. "Honestly, Potter, we've been the same house for a long time, you should know that if these guys got me on their side then they are obviously good." She looked at James with her arms crossed and looked between Apus, James and the other person she didn't recognize. "I'll be honest, I really wanted to turn them into chickens. It would have been absolutely hilarious." She looked at Arnoe, then rubbed her head and cleared her throat, falling silent.
Camilla stares at the one who had her wand through most of it, making sure nothing happened to it. She twitched towards moving to help Apus, but didn't need to since someone else did first. As the group they faced said it was all a test, Camilla shook her head. "I knew it. It was too much to be normal" her voice quiet as she caught her wand, nodding to Arnaldus before stepping towards him and the others to be heard. "this order sounds interesting, and I'm game, but you really need to research the student body before you pull anymore tests. As a muggleborn, I didn't appreciate this at all. Maybe you should hand out names from that list you have and make everyone watch their targets for a couple of weeks. Get to know them, and report back before deciding who to risk reaching out to." She spoke softly to those that were near. A small smirk appeared her face as she looked at Victoria. "I'm glad you didn't continue to test me anyhow. It was bothersome."
Morgana Riddle stood in the second floor girls bathroom, staring at the sinks. She had done this at least once a week since she first started Hogwarts, wondering if she should open the chamber. It wasn't her main goal, but she knew it may come in handy sooner or later. She sighed and pushed away from the wall before leaving the restroom, immediately heading towards the higher levels of the school. She stopped in the seventh floor and took a seat in an alcove before pulling a sketchbook and muggle pencil out of her bag. Her hand began to fly across the paper, almost of its own will to sketch something still undecided.

(I put her close to the Room incase they come out or anyone wants to talk to her)
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James stood silently listening, looking a little worse for wear. His dark auburn hair was in it's natural messy state and his robe was laying on the ground beside him along with his tie, both looking a little singed from the fire that had just been raging around him and his friends moments ago. He was thinking, deeply, about all the information he was gaining from this confrontation. Apus seemed to believe the things they were saying and had decided to join them already. And it seemed they had Johanna and Reagan as well. And it was rather tempting to succumb to believing this idea of a new order being created to fight against this regime of darkness that had spurred from the dust of the fallen from the Second Wizarding War. James wasn't oblivious to his family's past with the order and what it meant to his legacy. His grandparents had all been a part of the original order and his parents and all of his aunts and uncles had been a part of the second order. Not only did James agree with the stance of a new order: bringing back a political and social system of justice and equality and freedom. A world free of torture, fear, and despair for muggleborns, halfbloods, and purebloods alike. Not to mention, becoming a part of a new order that would be a force of resistance against the Dark Lords would not only be the right thing to stand for, but it would also lend him a way to prove to his parents that he wasn't a complete waste. Still, he was skeptical. To him, it made no sense for someone like, say, Victoria Knight, the daughter of the Minister of Magic, who no doubt had a life if luxury and riches and safety, would want to fight against a regime built by her own blood.

He took a few steps forward slowly, bending down to pick up his wand, holding back from letting out another groan from how sore his body was from the past ten minutes or so. He straightened up again, doing his best to look proud and strong, despite his rather disheveled appearance. He let his emerald eyes, first his grandmother's and then his father's and now his, fall over every single person who stood in the room and then he spoke, keeping his voice steady. "Look, I'm all for the creation of a new order that will unleash hell on the sick, twisted monsters who are ruling over us right now in this horrible, inhumane dictatorship. But you're going to have to do a lot more than tell me about it to convince me that I should believe that someone like you, Knight," he turned his stone gaze on her, "would stand against their families, their fathers, as if it meant nothing. You're going to have to try a little harder to win me over."
"A very wise man once told me you only really get to know someone when they think their life is in danger." Victoria said softly, looking at the Ravenclaw girl with a raised eyebrow. She didn't think mentioning who the wise man had been was a good idea. It wasn't like she expected them to take any advice from her father the right way. "Everyone acts in public. Like what I just did, only it's more subtle and not so... well, deranged. If we had followed each one of you, taking notes of your behavior we wouldn't have the information we have now. Sure, you might show some sign of loyalty and bravery outside of this room but we can't take any chances. I'm sure you understand that." She explained. It wasn't like she liked when others questioned her technique. Turning her attention to Potter, she closed her eyes and softly rubbed her forehead. "Look, Potter. I know this is very hard to understand and what I did to you wasn't exactly nice but you really need to open your mind. What do you want me to do? What do I have to do to gain your trust?"
Camilla shook her head and walked back towards the door to pick up her book on healing. "Sometimes, you just have to know what to look for." She opened book to a few pages past the center of the book and dug a pepper up potion out of her bag. "here, Potter. It'll help." She handed the potion to him with a small smile. She then sat down against a wall with her wand in her lap, reading the book where safe had opened it.
Again, James listened intently to Victoria's question and rolled over possible answers in his mind. He could ask her to do something extreme, like overthrow the headmaster and take over the castle. But that was a little too bold this early in their escapade. So, he settled on figuring out something simple but that would making him one hundred percent sure he could trust this girl who shared the blood with one of the cruelest men in society. He watched her as he thought, taking in her features. For a Slytherin pureblood princess, she wasn't half bad in the looks department and, with that thought, a glorious idea came to mind. You see, James always came to trust people by spending time with them and getting to know them: their silly quirks and their darkest secrets. How else would he and Apus have become friends? Anyone in their right mind wouldn't assume that a Malfoy and a Potter instantly jumped into a friendship as strong as theirs. It took a lot of late nights staying up alone together in the Gryffindor common room, telling each other stories about their childhoods and ranting about their family lives. Thus, this idea would not only be a source of entertainment and a way to draw attention to himself, but also an idea that would quite possibly work. He took the potion from Camilla and gave her a grateful nod before downing it in one go, instantly feeling more himself. "I have a brilliant idea, darling Knight. First Hogsmeade trip, you and me, lunch at the Three Broomsticks. Or the Hogshead. Whichever you'd prefer. But, you spend the day with me and sit down for a nice meal and we can talk through things and then I'll decide if I can trust you." his voice was full of slight amusement, a bit overconfident, and he offered a signature James Sirius Potter smirk.
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Victoria chuckled, thinking Potter was just making a joke and waiting for her to accept only to mock her and give her the real task. That simply couldn't be it. It was too... well, simple. Trusting the person who just put your friends in danger was one hard thing to do, inviting that person to a meal in Hogsmeade was just unbelievable. Realizing he wasn't going to add anything to his odd remark, Victoria's laughter toned down and she stared at him, open-mouthed. "You seriously don't want me to throw myself off the astronomy tower or something?" She asked, still not believing he was serious. "Alright, if that's what I must to to get your trust then I'll do it. But don't get too cocky, Potter. If you even try to do anything against me in Hogsmeade I'll make sure you regret it. Understand?"
A grin sprawled itself across James' roughed up features and he walked up to Victoria, tucking his wand in his back pocket as he did, and gave her hand an eager shake. "I'm so glad we've gotten all of this settled. So, I guess I'll see you all later and I'll see you then." he spoke cheerfully, giving Victoria a cheeky wink and waving goodbye to everyone else as he turned back towards the door to the Room of Requirement, bending down to snatch up his robes and his tie and putting them on before trying to fix his mop of messy hair, "If you can excuse me, I have a very important, um, Potions class to get to so it was fantastic to get that little duel in, we should start every day like that. But now I must bid you all ado." He gave a little bow and shot a slight smirk at Apus, motioning with his eyes for her to accompany him. "Until next time dear friends!" And he started towards the door to exit.
Arnaldus kept quiet trying not to laugh at Joey's comment. The idea of just turning them into chickens would have been and was amusing, not exactly helpful for informative purposes but amusing. Though Arnaldus had different methods of recruiting and testing people's loyalty and worth of their word, he didn't object completely to Victoria's methods, everyone had their own and results of great worth were uncovered through these extreme choices of testing them. Risky, but effective as well. Arnaldus then looked over toward Camilla and though agreed to her points seeing as he had done the same with his recruiting of Johanna and Reagan. Plus his own notebook that was filled with useful notes on several things including a list of names for possible recruitment and value. But he also complied this Intel through more covert means, nobody realized he Arnaldus smith was present, just a innocent badger who was labeled as a pest and troublesome by certain parties of dark lord supporters status. Finally after awhile Arnaldus felt like speaking again.... "Most exciting thing in this school, right James?" He chuckled in recalling what James had said to him earlier. " Quite entertaining indeed.... Asking a girl out on a date all to have her earn your trust. Simply brilliant my man, I should use that sometime myself." He continued rather impressed by the idea and way of getting himself a form of date from Victoria. "Your right Camilla..... A solid way of recruiting the right sort. I sorta used a similar method myself when compiling my own list and recruiting Joey and Reagan here. But it does come with a higher rate of betrayal, I have a relative who abandoned the last order who opposed the dark lords and death eaters. Just when he was needed most, one of the few black eyes on the family name." He admitted to her and shrugged it seemed now everyone present was aboard. So what exactly would their next move be? After James and Victoria got to know one another that is.
Apus chuckled, it was just like James to do something so, well, simple. If it was up to her, Victoria'd be jumping off that Astronomy Tower she mentioned.... Never mind that though, this was an easy task, having lunch with James. Like seriously easy...like really really easy. Almost too easy for someone who'd almost killed them both. Maybe James was being a little soft on her. Then again, Apus didn't even ask for an act of trust, she'd just hopped right on their bandwagon. It wasn't long before the Potter boy was bidding a farewell to them all, giving an excuse about Potions or something. Now that wasn't right, didn't he say they were going to skip today? It wasn't until she met his eyes that she realized. Ohhh, that's what he was doing. She chuckled to herself, finding this rather funny. She didn't even know why anymore, it just was. James was already out the door, so Apus turned to the group too. "Ahh yes, well, I have to go also. Potions of course. You know how we Gryffindors love our Potions classes." With an awkward laugh and wave, Apus left the room, before following the way James was heading. She had to run a bit to catch up, but she copied his pace once she was next to him. "So that was, well, interesting."
"Hi." Joey said when her name was mentioned. She waved casually and leaned on one of the walls, struggling to hold back laughter when James practically asked Victoria on a date. She looked at Arnie as he commented on needing to use that later and raised an eyebrow. "If you try that on anyone in my presence, I am going to smack you to next week." She laughed, then suddenly fell silent, contemplating something. "You know... I could probably talk to some of the guys from the Quidditch team. I know at least a few with similar views."

Morgana looked up at the sound of a couple of voices and noticed the two Gryffindors walking down the hall. "Hello James. Apus." She nodded to them both and stood up from her spot. While she didn't really know the two of them, she was civil to them when they did happen to meet. She raised an eyebrow at James' roughed up look and shook her head. "Merlin, what happened to you?"
James was still beaming from ear to ear. In fact, it was surprise his face wasn't cramping up. "Quite interesting, indeed." he chimed in response to Apus' statement. Though, he wasn't complaining. First of all, it wasn't like either of them had planned on going to class anyway and running into a rather nasty duel with some rather talented students was much more exciting than anything he had planned. And, of course, the idea of a possible new order had adrenaline already pumping through his veins. He'd like to see Albus try to beat him becoming a real hero, actually following in their parents' footsteps. He was taken out of his thoughts by a greeting from a familiar voice, "Ah, good day, Miss Riddle. Just got into a bit of a scrap with a pesky group of gnomes in Herbology. No big deal." Lies came off his tongue so naturally, what a terribly great habit to have.
"Good point. But theres always the chance of betrayal. Most people have a price." Camilla replied to Arnaldus without looking up from the book. She finished her sentence in the text before looking up at him. She held a hand out and smiled. "I'm pretty sure we've never actually met. But it is a pleasure to meet some interesting who didn't sneer at the mere sight of me. Or at my choice of reading materials" She shrugged and raised an eyebrow.
Arnaldus smiled and held back a chuckle as Joey threatened him with bodily harm if ever attempted that in her presence. He looked towards Johanna keeping his smile "Ah come on Joey...... It's golden and you gotta admit it's brilliant." He replied his chuckle escaping him as he paused and gave a nod. "Alright, alright I'll avoid using that with you around. No need to catch your hand across my face or cross you further. Quidditch is enough opportunity to get knocked around and receiving your wrath." Arnaldus added in good fun and heeded her warning.

He then looked toward Camilla and gave a pleasant smile and greeting esque nod of his head.
" True, risks lie with every plan and method. The reason I believe Victoria used her own methods to try and minimize such actions occurring though risky in its own way. It forces ones hand and shows the true color of their being, we'll face great risk, danger and more in the coming future. Not all are capable of handling that when truly faced with it. But also true, everyone has a price and that we cannot avoid. All we can do is hope and remain careful." Arnaldus replied and reached out his hand to meet Camilla's in formal introduction of one another. " I don't think we have met before.... Not properly atleast. The names Arnaldus Smith by the way and well met......" He spoke adding to his response and properl introducing himself to Camilla.

"Well you won't likely receive that here, Muggles, muggleborns and reading material is fine with me." He continued
Camilla smirked as she listened to him before snickering a little. "Nice to meet you too. I hope you don't mind me, otherwise everything you guys just preached to us would be a lie, right?" She pulled herself up using the handshake, and picked her book up as well. "Although, really, you wouldn't believe how many people think that this book is going to make me go against the ministry and all that. It's just one book!" She shakes her head before shrugging and looking around the room. "So, any other tests I should know about? Oaths? Rituals?" She smiled at him as she spoke, but she was really being serious.
Arnaldus looked curiously at the book as Camilla rose from the ground. He was rather shocked a simple book would draw people's opinion in such a way, especially when it's a dark ministry these days and usually such books that would cause such reactions were dark arts and related books. But for the reverse to occur? It was rather shocking. " Right, a rather poor start for us to begin something.... special with such as our little rebellion here. Especially when we already got off on a interesting start with all the superb acting and dedication we put on, if I may say so myself." He smiled confidently seeming rather serious that was until his straight face began to break and let loose a laugh. Arnaldus paused returning a curious look and a bit puzzled by her question about there being anymore tests, oaths or rituals. Not due to any difficulty or understanding of the question, but he in fact had no certain answer. Arnaldus shook his head after a moment of thought and seeing things from a different view point, Victoria's to be exact. Attempting to find a answer for Camilla that may be more satisfying then the one he had to give. Though despite how well he knew Victoria and the similar points of view they shared, he still couldn't find a certain answer. "No actually...... I couldn't say for certain. We only started all this last night and we didn't get that far on the details, in relation to recruits their testing, swearing oaths and performing rituals." He spoke with a scratching of his head and smile. It sounded like a poor answer as Arnaldus rather preferred giving the best answers and more solid ones at that, yet here was one occasion where he could not say. "We did assign roles for early tasks though. But otherwise nothing beyond that and a meeting scheduled for today. I would say however that I am nearly sure you, Apus, James, Joey and Reagan have nothing more to prove or worry about from us. I believe that display was enough to convince us." Arnaldus continued trying to improve upon his answer to her question.

He then turned his gaze to Joey and recalled her mention.
"Sorry Joey, I nearly overlooked your offer of some good recruits to look into and speak with. The gryffindor Quidditch team would be a excellent start, you know them better any of us here and gryffindor has pretty good odds of brave, loyal folk who would remain true to our cause. I say go for it just be careful is all. You never know who is listening and who may turn us or you in." Arnaldus added in reply to her earlier comment and offering his approval of the idea.

@Camilla Riddle @explosiveKitten
Kota and Carsa Addams

"Don't jump. I'll be disappointed in you if you take away the fun of killing you myself." A deadpanned voice stated making Kota chuckle as he turned to the source. Bright red hair and piercing acid green eyes met his vision as his sister settled onto the edge of the Astronomy tower beside him. Feet dangling over the thousand foot drop to a sweet death. "Don't worry dear sister I despise you a bit to much to take such a pleasure from you."

"Good. Now why are you up her instead of getting up to your usual mischief and causing chaos? You know mother and father will be awfully displeased should you go home this summer without killing at least one person. Addams family tradition. A kill a year will bring you luck to the next. " Carsa spoke peering over the drop and probably envisioning the wonderful splatter one would become at the bottom. A smile curled Kota's lip's as he remembered the idea's he had been contemplating that drove him to the silence of the Astronomy tower and not the secret room's in his bottomless trunk. "Well, you see dear sister. I have thought of a rather nice little idea."

"Hmm, as delightfully wicked as can be?" Carsa asked interest peaked. Kota chuckled a hint maniacally standing up. "Oh, yes. Now let's go. This isn't a conversation to have in the open."
thefan1 said:
Victoria chuckled, thinking Potter was just making a joke and waiting for her to accept only to mock her and give her the real task. That simply couldn't be it. It was too... well, simple. Trusting the person who just put your friends in danger was one hard thing to do, inviting that person to a meal in Hogsmeade was just unbelievable. Realizing he wasn't going to add anything to his odd remark, Victoria's laughter toned down and she stared at him, open-mouthed. "You seriously don't want me to throw myself off the astronomy tower or something?" She asked, still not believing he was serious. "Alright, if that's what I must to to get your trust then I'll do it. But don't get too cocky, Potter. If you even try to do anything against me in Hogsmeade I'll make sure you regret it. Understand?"
Andre smirked as he watched their new recruits leave and breathing a sigh of relief that that little test didnt alienated them to much. He slowly approuched Victoria." Sacre chat, you do play rough... For a moment there i almost wondered whether you were playing or not. Well done though a group grew and that is what matter. You ok though?"
"Just a few bruises and scratches, don't worry your pretty little head about it." Victoria replied, placing a hand on Andre's shoulder and taking a deep breath. She still couldn't believe everything she'd done in the past twenty minutes. It was like a monster had taken over her mind and body, she don't want to think about it. It had just been some really good acting skills for recruiting purposes only . Well, those skills would probably come in handy someday. "To be honest, I didn't know what I was doing. I mean, I knew why I was doing it but I really didn't know when to stop." She replied softly, grabbing her wand from the floor and putting in back in her robes. "Now I really want that strong drink. To bad we don't know any secret passages to Hogsmeade." She frowned, winking at Andre and batting her eyelashes.
Andre didnt believe her answer but wastnt going to argue. "Ok..." He went to say before she continued to speak about her lack of control. He looked at her with worry but also tried to remain confident for her." You manage to keep it in check... You can again." HE said watching her as she took her wand." If not i will keep an eye on you make sure you dont go too far, though i doubt it would be a problem. You are strong more so than your posturing. Why l.. Like you." He said genuinely before mirking." Yeah too bad we dont know any..."
"Thank you, Andre. That really helps" Victoria replied, not in her usual sarcastic tone when she thanked someone. She actually meant it this time, even if it didnt seem like it. It was certainly reasurring to know someone would watch over her if she ever lost control. "Such a tragedy. Not being able to sneak out in the middle of the day. If only there was an entrance beside a statue! Oh, wouldn't that be grand? Oh well, I suppose we should just give up and go back to class, waiting until we die of boredom. Does anyone else want to join us in our suffering?" She exclaimed, loud enough so the others could hear her.

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If anyone had actually believed James' statement about having to attend Potions class, they were just bloody stupid. Oh no, no, no. James had other plans for him and Apus today. And, he figured, since Morgana was already sitting here clearly either skipping class or in the middle of a free period, he might as well invite her along. "Morgana," he piped up again, whirling around on his heels on the spot where he had walked a few feet past her, "Malfoy here and I are going on a little, uh... Adventure, of sorts. And it seems only polite to invite you since you are sitting here all by your lonesome. Of course, someone of your superior blood status might not want to hang out with us traitorous, muggle-loving scum. However, the offer is on the table, if you'd like to accept it and break societal social norms." His voice dripped with sickeningly sweet sarcasm and his face had an irritatingly proud smirk on it, but, really, could one expect less from the James Potter? His plan was this: seeing as he owned the Marauder's Map and had for the past five years, he knew nearly every tunnel in and out of the school, so naturally he knew the tunnels that would lead him into Hogsmeade Village. Not only that, but he also possessed the Invisibility Cloak, another object he'd managed to nab from his father's office. So, clearly, they'd be able to get up to some mischief.

@SomatoToup123 @Camilla Riddle

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