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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Victoria gulped at the mention of a big family game. She knew how talented the Potters were when it came to Quidditch, she'd seen James play since he'd gotten on the team. Not only would she lose against them, they'd probably crush her and she wasn't very eager to break her bones. She was about to deny the invitation when she remembered something James had said just a second ago and playfully slapped his shoulder. "I know how to fly you idiot! What do you think would've happened to me if I had gotten a troll in flying class?" She scolded him. It was funny, how she could lead a revolution against the ministry of magic and practically torture new recruits but she couldn't play a simple game of Quidditch. The thought had plagued her mind for a while now, she felt like she should be able to fly if she was brave enough to join her father's ranks just for information. Both situations could lead to her death, after all. "I'm just afraid of the fall. And the speed, and the balls, and the other players trying to kill me." She muttered, almost to herself. Her smile returned when James said she was practically family now. Having a family apart from hers was the best gift she could hope for.

When the kid gave her a nickname and told her she'd have to get used to it, she simply ruffled the girl's hair and smiled. "Well you'd probably be a better teacher than these clowns, wouldn't you?" She said playfully, then turning to her friends. "No offense dears but I'd rather come out of the field alive and not in a million pieces." She explained, her tone being playful so they'd know she was just kidding. She'd have to admit she flinched when someone shouted her friend's name and almost dropped the animal when it jumped on top of her. Luckily, she'd been able to grab it before it'd fallen down. She already knew Lily, she'd seen her in school and James often mentioned her. It still didn't prepare her from the little girl's entrance. "Hello to you too Lily." She said, quickly giving the adults a glance to see who would yell at her first. That's what happened in her house after all, if one of her little siblings shouted they were in for a long punishment. Turning her attention back to the stoat, she carefully ran a finger down it's spine and began petting it after making sure it wasn't dangerous.
Camilla stood near the door of the Potter house and smiled while watching the group, having already introduced herself. It had taken alot of convincing to get her parents to agree to let her come, they were worried about her being bullied or something else she guessed. She sighed and began to think about her resolution for the new year to come. She'd decided to actually tell the order about her family's past. She was broken out of her thoughts by the door being knocked upon. Turning towards it, Camilla opened the door and smiled at Theodore. "Oh hello" she stepped out of the way to let him in.

@Solemn Jester
Theodore walked in and took off his hood he turned and smiled coldly at Camilla."Hello Miss Bryant, I trust your having a pleasant time? Where are the host I'd like to say hello."Theodore asked politely his eyes moved across the room. They seemed to be searching for someone although who was a mystery. One could only assume they were searching for the Potters. @Camilla Riddle
Camilla gave the man a small curtsey, knowing that some respect was due to him. She also gave him a small smile and gestured towards their hosts. "I believe they are becoming acquainted with Morgana Riddle at the moment, sir. And I am having a pleasant time considering the size of the group. How was your trip here?" She spoke to him in a soft voice as she tried to be polite.

@Solemn Jester
"It was....abnormally normal." Theodore replied. He was telling the truth the trip over was normal well as normal as things get for a wizard. Although he found this strange at the same time. It was probably just his paranoia getting the best of him, so he shrugged it off."Well miss Bryant I'm going to say hello to the Potters. If you wish you may accompany me." Theodore said As he Made his way through the room and towards the Potters."Hello Potters its very nice to see you." He said then looked over to Morgana with a cold stare."Ahh Miss Riddle its also nice to see you. Now what are we talking about?" He asked inquiring about their conversation although attempting to go about its politely. @Camilla Riddle @indiedarling
Serenity grinned at Vicky's comment. "I might be." She said playfully, looking over at Lilly. When the headmaster entered the room, her cheerful demeanor disappeared and she ran over to James, half hiding behind him, trying to keep out of sight. James was practically her brother, after all, so she felt safer with him. She frowned- the headmaster gave her a bad feeling, and she didn't trust him. Maybe it was the cold stares. Maybe it was that he never argued with the dark wizards. He made her nervous, and she didn't like him.
Arnaldus kept a cheerful expression and observed the room, swaying a bit from the playful nudge from James. " At home feel, family warmth and quidditch. I say it shall be a glorious holiday." Arnaldus spoke with a smile as his ears picked up a familiar sound coming from the door, a knock signaling the arrival of another guest to the potter home. Before saying another word he turned to look at the new guest, curious of who it may. A little surprised that it was indeed the headmaster Theodore but gave a small nod and wave to him as he entered and spoke with Camilla. He then turned toward Victoria and James as they and quidditch was spoken of and Lily entered the room seeming quite glad to see her brother again, to which brought a smile to Arnie's face, while he looked up and thought about teasing Victoria a bit. "Oh no Victoria...... You see that's what makes it fun all the danger, flying balls with a killer and destructive manner. Fellow players looking to knock you around and off your broom..... Thrilling." He chuckled in jest truly he understood her fear, he knew the dangers well but still he found himself going back year after year to play and help his team win. Not to mention he was a beater so he also had a hand in knocking people around and not just protecting his teammates from opposing tactics.

When the small creature named Hadrian jumped up on him, Arnaldus smiled and helped him land atop his shoulder.
"And how are you little guy?" He smiled back toward him and lightly petted his head and back. While looking toward Lily and the girl who had given Victoria a nickname. "I think we should have a fly around, nothing more beautiful then a night among the stars and the clouds while a light snow falls upon your shoulders and chills the ears..... Well aside from warmer parts of the year." He added in his own opinion and chuckled at Victorias comment. " The humanity Victoria, how could you? Here I thought we were friends." He spoke with a hand toward his chest and pretending he was hurt by words. While smiling at Serenity as she responded, he liked her response playing along and had the confidence to say so. While following her eyes toward the headmaster as her manner changed with his presence.

(Sorry at work and on my phone, so the reply is a little poor and late.)

"Ehhehehe.... I'm just gonna go before I make a bigger fool of myself." Joey swiftly, walking to join the rest of the students around her. She found Arnie and leaned against the wall near him."Why can't I ever just speak?" She had her face covered to hide the embarrassed blush, "I mean I can talk to myself just fine but around other people, it's just-" She proceeded to make random noises, all equally frustrated. "I just- I don't understand it." She watched as Arnie was tackled by what appeared to be a small child and she blinked, hearing multiple kids asking to be taken out on brooms. She immediately looked at this and started shaking, trying to contain her enthusiasm at the thought of flying. Admittedly trying to fly with the kids would be pretty dangerous, considering how she liked to fly...

"And here I thought you so brave and fearless," James teased, shaking his head at Victoria, "And you're afraid of something is silly as falling." He continued to bare a sort of laughing grin on his face as he listened to the conversation between Victoria, Arnie, and Joey but his expression dimmed a bit when he saw a new guest, the Headmaster, in the house and Serenity dashed behind him out of fear of the man. James protectively put an arm in front of her as the Headmaster talked to Camilla and kept an eye on him for a moment before he turned back to Victoria, Arnie, and Joey, his happy expression back on his face. "Arnie's right, the thrill of the game is the all the near death experiences. But, don't worry. It's not like any of are going to let you fall to your death and, I mean, Uncle George is usually beater for the other team and you'll most likely be on my team, so do you really think I'd let any bloke hurt you? Never." His words were playful but everyone knew James had an over protective streak and he probably meant what he was saying.

Suddenly, the conversation was interrupted by a shriek of excitement and a streak of red hair came flying down the hallway and attached itself to James. "
LILY!" he exclaimed as he burst into laughter and hugged her tightly, spinning her around once before pulling back from the hug to look at her while she talked about someone having to take her flying. His eyes had softened and he was beaming at Lily like she was the greatest thing in the world. He nodded in agreement to Arnie's comment and stuck his tongue out at Victoria's bash on their teaching skills. "I think Arnie is right, we most definitely should have a fly around. And, of course, Lils, you can come with. And, Knight, you're expected to come as well. It would be no fun for you if the rest of us went out and you were stuck here along, plus, there would be no telling what kind of mischief you'd get into." Again he teased Victoria as he gave Lily a kiss on the forehead and then set her down, ruffling up her hair a bit afterwards. He opened his mouth to usher everyone outside for their night flight, but stopped by a rather loud clatter sounding from the living room and an audible gasp from his mother.

Turning to look at where the sounds had erupted from, James found Morgana standing before his mother who had just hugged her seconds before but now had her hand over her mouth and had backed away from the girl until she was up against the wall behind her. His father had dropped the fan he was using to liven the fire and he would've burnt the whole house down if Albus hadn't been there to stamp them out with his foot. The whole room seemed to freeze, that was until the Headmaster walked into the scene and greeted his parents which seemed to bring both of them back to reality and into defensive mode. Harry jumped to his feet and made it back into the entry in only a few strides, pulling his wand from his pocket and holding it ready in his hand. "
What are you doing here? In our home? James, what do you mean of this? Why do you insist on bringing our greatest enemies kin in our home?" Harry growled, he turned to look at James but kept his wand leaning towards Morgana. James immediately jumped into action, moving away from the wall and the group he was standing with to come between Morgana and his father's wand. "Put your wand away, please, and give us time to explain. You'll understand if you listen to us." James held his hands up in front of him in a show of innocence, pleading with his parents to hear them out, he looked from his father to his mother, his green eyes begging, "Please."

Ginny looked between her son and the girl who's last name brought back so many terrible memories and all of James' other friends, really taking them in for the first time. There was no denying the fact that they were quite the makeshift group: pureblood elitist children, muggleborns, Malfoys, Potters, Knights, and Riddles. Some of them bore fading scars and bruises, which brought back memories from Ginny's sixth year at Hogwarts during the reign of the Carrows. Whatever these kids had to say, it was worth hearing. She looked back at James and kept her eyes locked on his as she gently moved her hand onto Harry's wrist and lowered it, bringing her eyes to him as she spoke softly, "
Give them a chance, Harry. They deserve a chance." Harry looked at his wife for a moment, studying her eyes with a look of slight disbelief but finally he nodded and turned to look at the kids again, "Fine. But we're having this discussion outside. Until I know I can trust you lot." And then they were herding everyone out into the backyard and under the starry night sky. Ginny murmured a quiet greeting to Theodore as everyone filed out of the house, giving a small smile and inviting him to come with.

@thefan1 @Saru @Camilla Riddle @SomatoToup123 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Solemn Jester @explosiveKitten @BroscaHasScars
If that wasn't surprising, Apus didn't know what was. The fact that Harry actually pulled his wand out on Morgana, was already scary enough, they didn't need anymore problems for the night. If they all could just hurry up and explain things to James' parents, maybe this could have all been avoided. The group of teens, plus the Headmaster, were all ushered outside into the night, and James' parents seemed to seriously be on edge, like they believed the kids were just pulling a trick on them or something, or their intentions really were bad. Apus didn't know about the rest, but she did not plan to go against Harry Potter, the famous 'the-boy-who-lived', the one who always seemed to best her father, Draco Malfoy, and defeated Voldemort. Nope, crossing him would be like digging her own grave. So instead of being her usual daring self, she hung towards the back of the group, keen on letting the others explain the best they could. Besides, if she said something, it'd probably come out all gibberish and such. Not that she was scared, just, well, nervous. Back when the Golden Trio was still in school, they had an order of their own, which eventually led to them all defeating the Dark Lord himself. Apus only wondered if they could do the same, or if they could ever compare to the original group. So while everyone else was busy trying to sort things out, she may have took a seat somewhere and just listened. Was this really the best idea, getting herself involved in all this? She didn't even know anymore. She wouldn't admit it to them all, but Apus was having second thoughts about this. It may not have been good to doubt them, but they were only kids, and what they were going against was much more powerful than all of them ever could be. She didn't really know what to think, but one thing Apus hoped was that she wasn't going to pull a Draco Malfoy and escape battle before it even started. No, the Malfoys were not going down in history for that, again.
"Oh make fun of me all you want. You know I'll have my revenge when you come to the room with broken bones and I give you the most horrible training exercises you could ever think of." Victoria cheerfully replied, taking our her wand and pressing the tip against Arnie's forehead. She still couldn't understand her irrational fear of heights and flying. She knew they liked the thrill of having the wind in their faces and liked the possibility of falling, she would've classified this joy for the thrill as stupid if she didn't feel the same thing towards other things. Dueling was a prime example of her own interest in the thrill of knowing they were close to death. She knew she wasn't the best duelist in the world, even though she always bragged about her skills and was extremely proud of them. The thrill of knowing she could be hit with a killing curse was one of the best feelings in the world. "I suppose I understand your love for flying so I might give it a try. I know you probably won't shut your mouths about it if I don't." She finally replied, slightly lowering her head and taking a deep breath . Now she just hoped they would give her a nice funeral after the game. When James said admitted he wouldn't let anyone hurt her, she dramatically placed a hand on her chest and placed the til of her wand to his chest . "Who would've thought Potter could be such a gentleman? Helping a damsel in distress in such a frightening situation, you clearly deserve a reward." She replied, her tone playful but her remark truthful. She was clearly grateful for his support.

The happy demeanor in the room faded when Mr.Potter began yelling and pointed her wand at Morgana. Somewhere in her mind, a little voice told Victoria he wasn't going to harm her. He was probably just trying to scare her to make her leave his home, it was a completely understandable reaction. He was just trying to protect his family from the possible enemy that had just entered his home and could be manipulating his son. Unfortunately, Victoria didn't hear the reasonable advice and wasted no time in pointing her wand at Harry. Oh, pointing her wand at the boy-who-lived was definitely a frightening thing to do. It could very well grow into a duel and she wasn't keen to fight against the man who killed the Dark Lord when he was just a boy. Yet, she narrowed her eyes at the man to prove that she wasn't threatened by him. It was one of the most important rules her father had thaught her when she was just a kid. Never show fear in front of your enemies, never cry and always remember you are superior . Her father's words seemed incredibly wise it these kind of situations. She didn't care if she was thrown out of the house, she wasn't going to let him harm Morgana.

"Don't even think about it." She growled between gritted teeth as James tried to reason with him. Victoria had been convinced words wouldn't be enough to calm him down and a fight was going to begin sooner or later. However, when Ginny kindly brought down her husband's wrist she found herself doing the same. She figured it was because of how odd it was to see those things work so effectively, she wouldn't have done it in a million years if it weren't for Ginny. In fact, she was sure she would've engaged in a fight with Potter if it hadn't been for the woman's strange tenderness. When they were told to go outside, Victoria obediently walked out with the rest but firmly held her wand. Just in case Potter decided to point it at someone else and she would be forced to interfere.
Andre watched the scene unfold and shook his head, filled with worry and minor annoyance that the party resorted to threats like this. He expected better from everyone here depite the history between riddle and potter. He breathed a sigh of relief when everyone was asked outside and the situation diffused, and did what he was told. He moved through the crowd of people and looked for victoria. "Sacre chat... Can we go two minutes without a fight going on?" He asked venting his frustration at the whole thing.
Cassandra Longbottom was running late.

This wasn't an unusual occurrence outside of classes, but still, she would have preferred to be on time today, when she'd finally get to meet this new 'order' that she heard about. She rushed to the Potters' home, only to stop short when she saw everyone was outside. Feeling the tension in the air, she knew that she had just missed something important. She adjusted the wand sheath on her wrist, bought for her by her over-worrying father. It was working fine, so all she had to do was flick her wrist and her wand would be in her hand. "Hey, guys. Is everything okay?" She asked, looking over the group with slight suspicion. Some big names here. She thought. There were plenty of people whose families she had gotten into duels with before...
All the fuse gave Theodore a headache. As Mister Potter aimed his wand at Morgana Theodore showed no concern for either of them. Knowing it was a pointless act. If he killed her then all of this would of gone up in flames, it would of all been pointless. Theodor's nodded to Ginny as she gave him a quiet greeting, then he followed the rest outside."I do hope I didn't come here just to stand outside and watch a son and father bicker." Theodore said loud enough for everyone within the group to hear. @indiedarling @thefan1 @Camilla Riddle @SomatoToup123 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @BroscaHasScars @explosiveKitten
Arnaldus paused and gave a nod of his headroom James agreeing with his mention of them taking a fly around outside. "See it appears a lot of us are all for flying. " he spoke turning to notice Joey and her shaking, he could tell she was very much up for flying. As she shook and tried to contain herself as they spoke of going flying. " It sounds like plan to me." Arnaldus added and turned to Victoria and her wand at his forehead, a grin coming across his face and listened to her speak. "Oh nice...... Take advantage of our condition, quite evil Victoria...... But lovely bedside manner. " he joked and eased himself back into a full stand after leaning against the wall for a time. Continuing to listen to everyone talk and taking note of the all the people in the room.

"But as much as kidding around and teasing you is fun Victoria, I think we all have that same opinion. We would keep you safe, it's not fun if serious harm comes of it. Though that danger is quite the thrill." Arnaldus added and noted the headmaster, Morgana, Harry Potter and Ginny. A frown crossing his face and unable to help himself as he sighed..... The situation quickly took a turn and not a turn for the better. Once the name riddle was spoken and Morgana revealed herself in introduction to them everything changed and the headmaster seemed to not help the situation any. What was his story? It was understandable why young Serenity was scared of him and why there were questions. He shook his head and found himself disappointed at the turn that had been taken, turning everything upside down in terms of mood. "Bloody hell....." He shrugged and followed everyone outside at Mr. Potters request.

It wasn't his place to speak perhaps, he wasn't James and knew them best like he would have. He saw Victoria's wand out and ready while he turned to notice Apus and her position, the position of Joey, Morgana, Camilla, Andre and everyone. The arrival of another girl of who appeared in their age range. Listening to her speak and all the while gathering his thoughts while wondering who would explain everything, if it would be James or Victoria perhaps....... Maybe both or all of them.
" Sir Harry or Mr potter....... Really we have gone to great lengths to keep our order safe, protected and out of reach of spies, turncoats and threats. Really incredible lengths, just ask James how he ended up finding out about us and what happened there." Arnaldus began to speak offering his words to help the situation or atleast be a starting point...... He wasn't certain how effective his words would be, especially since he was not a potter nor a riddle so his view wouldn't be the same and as personal. He had his uncle who lived during those times and knew them, but he also was a man who left the final battle in abandonment of the D.A against Voldemort and his death eaters. So how effective would his words really be? He knew only tales and common information about the true history between the potters and riddles and not just how much suffering there was back then, not truly atleast. Since he wasn't one who directly suffered. "Morgana has earned her place and has stood with us throughout, despite the opporunities to betray us. It's hard to imagine she would start now by stirring up trouble and turning us in or against us. Admittedly there some big names here with ties to blood elitists families but doesn't mean they share that same view. I ask on behalf of us all..... Give us a shot to prove you wrong and you'll see were just the same as you and Mrs. Potter and your era of friends and the order..... The only difference is your all heroes and the inspiration for us to fight and continue on..... Because it has been done by you all. While we are just getting started and haven't yet become such heroes but we do need the help of some heroes, Sir." Arnaldus spoke offering his words in attempt to help smooth things over and clear up matters surrounding them.
Camilla stayed back as the headmaster walked towards the Potter's and her cousin. She didn't want to get anywhere near that when it exploded. 'like it just did....' Camilla sighed but then she froze when the boy-who-lived pulled his wand on Morgana. Camilla almost jumped into the middle of it, just out of worry for Morgana, but stopped herself as she saw James step in the way. However, she did grab her wand from the pocket of her coat and hold it at her side, ready if things went completely south. She walked over towards Arnaldus and went outside next to him, hoping that things turned out better than they started.
Lily was grinning as her brother suggested they all go flying and nodded. She didn't do much as the older students talked, but noticed when Serenity hid behind James. Lily looked around and noticed the headmaster entering the room and talking to Camilla. She reached behind her brother and grabbed Serenity's hand, pulling the girl towards her as the commotion started. It was as her father pulled his wand on Morgana and James stepped in the middle that Lily became worried. "James!" She bit her lip to stop from crying out more as her brother got their parents to calm down. As everyone went outside, she turned back to Serenity. "What should we do?"

A flinch went through the black haired girl as Ginny Potter backed away from her with a gasp. She wanted desperately to run away as Mr. Potter turned his wand on her but stayed put, fearing that if she moved, he would fire at her. Her magic itself however, wasn't cooperating and began to go out of control, swirling around her and picking up a book from her bag, almost throwing it at Mr. Potter, until James stepped in the way. She gasped and the book fell to the floor as she stared on wide eyed at the Potters in front of her, and also at Arnie and Victoria who came to her defense as well. Morgana stepped closer to James as he talked to his parents, amazed that someone would actually get in front of a wand for her. The situation slowly calmed slightly, but not without the Headmaster putting his two cents in. She almost growled but kept quiet until everyone made their way outside. She stuck close to James, grabbing his arm as they went outside and almost slipping into parsel as she hissed at him. "What was that!? That was so stupid, what if you had been hurt because of me!?" She glared at him as her body shook slightly at the thought. she ran a hand through her hair and looked down. "I'm sorry about this... This is why I was nervous about coming here...."

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Serenity looked over at Lilly when sure grabbed her hand, and gave her a tiny smile. She didn't trust the man, but wanted to try to avoid letting it show. However, when Harry brandished his wand at another girl, Morgana, Serenity tightened her grip on the other girl's hand. She pulled Lilly back, worried that she might get caught in a fight, until the situation was diffused- mostly. When Lilly asked what she thought that they should do, she tilted her head to the side, but out of habit. "We should go." She decided, trusting her instincts.

James stood in front of a wand for her. That meant that, not only did he trust her, but he genuinely cared for her. That was more than enough evidence. "We need to make sure that your dad doesn't hurt her."
All smiles and laughs were gone and a eerily seriousness had fallen over the group of people as they filed outside. James made sure to stay near the front, in case his father lost his temper. He didn't want any of his friends to take any blows his father had to deal out. If anyone would be getting hit by a spell tonight, it'd be him. James shook his head slightly at Morgana's words as they walked behind his parents toward the little fire pit they had and looked down at her as his mother pointed her wand at the fire pit and lit it. "It wasn't stupid. It was the right thing to do. Well... I suppose it could be both, but still. I'm not about to let my father hurt anyone here." he whispered to her softly, keeping his voice low, "I'm not about to let him hurt you." He stopped when they reached the fire and he stayed standing despite the seats that were placed around, facing his parents who stood closer to the other side of the father. His face was stoic, not giving off any signs of emotion, as he waited for the rest of the group to come up behind him. Before he could start to explain, Arnie spoke up, giving a nice opening to what they had to say and giving James more time to decide what he wanted to say. He nodded at Arnie and gave a pat on the back before turning to his face parents on his own.

Harry looked over the group of students, his eyes landing on Morgana's arm intertwined with his son's, and his rage boiled inside of him again. The only thing keeping him from exploding again was his wife's gentle hand on the small of his back, reminding him that he was a father now and these were, in fact, kids. He listened to Arnie with hard, thoughtful eyes, eyes just like James' and then spoke up, before James could, "
Thank you, but we aren't heroes and we never have been. We're just good people. And I suppose good people don't judge a person by their cover or, in this case, by their last name. You have my attention, so go on. Prove yourselves." Ginny gave him a small encouraging smile when he looked to her for a sign that he was doing the right thing. James looked back to his small band of makeshift heroes and disagreed with his father's comment completely. Anyone who was willing to put their life on the line at 16 years old for the greater good was a hero. He took a deep breath and then began.

I wasn't there when the order was first formed. In fact, I just happened to stumble across it the day after it was created and I, too, was very skeptical at first. So skeptical even that I fully engaged myself in duel in which I was highly out numbered and that I got beat pretty badly in. But, that, in the end, turned out to be how they were testing me. And the others that were with me, like Apus and Camilla. They were so avid in keeping their plan to undermine the government and restore order that they were willing to go to extreme lengths to make sure prospective members were worthy of being in the order. And I personally know that Victoria is incredibly brave and loyal to this cause. She and Dorian even took an unbreakable vow to her father to make sure he would have no reason for suspicion. They are risking everything for this. And as for Morgana, Apus and I recruited her ourselves and she went through a test just as gruesome if not more so than the one we were put through. She's just as trustworthy and reliable and as you and I. Blood doesn't mean anything. What matters is your heart and her heart is good and pure and courageous. As is the heart of every single person here. You know about the attacks on the ministry, though they haven't been anything big. That's us. We planned those and carried them out. Each of us has put our lives on the line to fight for what we believe is right, to fight for a better life. We train nearly everyday, rain or shine, bruised or sore, we meet and we prepare ourselves for the next step. And we use your order and the order before yours as inspiration for our cause. We're no different than you and your friends, than grandmother and grandfather. We just happen to have a Riddle and a Knight and a Malfoy and I think we're better for it." he stopped there and left the stage up for anyone else that wanted to make a statement.

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Victoria felt it was time for her to step up after James gave his speech. It was not like she could just stay quiet, she had been the one who'd founded the order in the first place and her friends were defending her. It would've been outrageous to stay quiet and let the others speak for her. Clearing her throat to gain the other's attention, Victoria grabbed her wand with both hands as she mentally prepared her script. "To be honest, I got the inspiration for the order after learning about Dumbledore's Army in the second war. To learn about teenagers standing up to the Dark Lord in such a brave way and risking their lives in the process opened my eyes. I'm sure we've all dreamed about life returning to the way it used to be before my father rose to power. It's hard not to, we were watching the world crumble right before our eyes and doing nothing about it. So, the order was born in order to change the way the world is controlled. Yes, what we're going is incredibly dangerous and some of us might die. Still, we've all taken an oath to risk our lives for the greater good because we know we can make a change. We know our goals are hard to reach but not impossible and most importantly, we want to live in a world with equality. This war has gone on for far too long. Now, I understand that we might've started off with the wrong foot with my unusual way to train you guys but now we're really making some progress! Do you think my father doesn't know about us? Oh trust me, he knows and I think he's terrified. We're the first group to stand up to him and the simple idea of a group such as ours terrifies him to the point that he's practically going insane thinking he's being betrayed! We are a strong group! We know what we want, we're loyal and I know we wouldn't let anyone harm each other. The fact that some of us come from dark families isn't a weakness or something to be worried about, in fact, it only makes us stronger. We've all seen different sides of this war, some of us being degraded and some of us seeing... some pretty twisted things happen to others. What we've all suffered just makes us stronger and I think- I know we have a chance to bring down the ministry. And honestly, we could really use the help of heroes like you, Mr. Potter." Victoria spoke, her voice being firm and loud as she delivered her speech.

What she said wasn't just for Harry to accept them, it was for the others to know how important they were. Victoria couldn't recall having meetings like this, just talking about their new role in society and talking about their sacrifices. They had been too focused in their attacks against the ministry to care about knowing what everyone had to say about what they were doing. She supposed it was a good way to get the group together and to remember their motivations without having to use any violence. With this in mind, Victoria smiled and waited to see if someone else wanted to say something.
Despite the fact that no one had said anything to her, Cassandra understood enough. They were the new order, and were trying to convince Harry to help them out. "Good enough for me." The young woman decided, walking up to the group. "If you're wanting to be another order of the phoenix or whatever, I want in. Things have changed for the worse lately. We have to make things change ourselves, right?" She looked over at Harry. "Their intentions are good. If I join, I'll keep an eye on them, and if they do anything suspicious, I'll let you know, or I'll take care of it myself either way."
As Harry and Ginny listened to their son and Victoria speak, the felt a sudden feeling that they had never felt towards James before: pride. They were proud of their son for finding something worth standing up for and for finding friends who were worth standing up to his family for. This new order was bringing our traits in him that they never even knew he had. But, maybe they should've known, considering where his blood comes from. Or more like who. They were impressed by how passionate these kids were about their cause and how dedicated they were to the fight. Truly, if Harry and Ginny knew anything it was this: these kids were not only striving to be like the Order of the Phoenix, they were the Order. Reestablished in the hands of children and under a new name, but still the Order. Though he did not completely trust of all of it's members, Harry knew he could not deny them, at least, his house and his support.

He stayed silent as he listened to Cassandra speak of her approval for the Order and her desire to join and he felt a little relief when she offered to keep and eye on them and keep them in check. Moving his hand to find Ginny's and clasping onto it, Harry finally spoke again, the malice and skepticism gone from his voice, "
I can't say I completely trust each of you yet, but I can say this: you have impressed me with your dedication and passion and you have gained my approval. We'll support you and provide you with food and shelter as you need it or when you might come to need it. As for tonight, I think it might be best that we all settle down. Ginny will you give you your sleeping arrangements and you can wait for flying," he sent James a meaningful look, "until tomorrow." He paused for a moment to let his words sink in before leaving the spotlight up for wife and she piped up, with motherly charge, and started dealing out room assignments. "I know some of you boys are probably just dying to sleep in the same room with your beautiful lady friends here, but I'm, unfortunately, not going to allow that. We have a number of guest rooms with queen sized beds so you can be two to a room in those. Lily's room is also open for two people. Albus can room another and James can too. Though, be careful with him, he moves a lot in his sleep and his snoring is obnoxiously loud. Seriously." she winked at James when his face turned a slight shade of red at her words, "If we need more room, just come find me and I'll figure something out. I hope you all sleep well and if you need anything, don't hesitate to come wake me, though I might be a bit grumpy. And we'll be getting you all up bright and early tomorrow for breakfast. Goodnight!" And with that, they were all sent of to find their room mates for the holidays and to try to get a good nights sleep.
Theodore listened to all of them going on and couldn't help but smile."We'll I suppose I'd be a terrible person if I didn't assist in some way." He said his voice filled with pride." As long as I'm headmaster at Hogwarts I'll be sure that all my students are safe. Anything that you may need me just ask and I shall do all that's in my power to help. I suppose I should be on my way then." He said cooly walking away from the Potters house he then stopped and turned his head."I hope you know I'm taking a great deal of risk even being associated with you lot, but what's life without a little risk." He said smiling warmly. After all that had happened to him with his family dying HD had almost forgotten that his students, and everyone at Hogwarts was family as well. For the longest time he thought he might have to sumbit to the dark Lord foreved, but now he actually had hope. Not that he couldn't hold his own against the dark Lord, but with no help he would surely die, of worse. So with those last words he began to leave raising his hood once more. @indiedarling @thefan1 @Camilla Riddle @explosiveKitten @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @BroscaHasScars
Her previous quiet mentality had been pushed to the side as the Malfoy girl stood to stand with the rest of the group. Doubtful or not, she was in this, and she was determined to see their plan work out in the end. All of these little speeches suddenly made her feel motivated, as if they just brought hope back in her world. And it was visible as well, she was a little less pale than she was before. Ginny talked of their rooming arrangements, and Apus made sure to push herself to the front, to get a room before they were all taken. Hopefully the Potter home provided enough space for all of them, because it would be awkward if someone had to sleep on a couch or something. Actually, that didn't seem so bad. It would mean she'd be by herself, and maybe that was the way to go. No, sleeping in a bed was better than a couch or floor for sure. Apus turned to see James' reaction to his mother's teasing words , but instead noticed his arms linked with Morgana's. She felt the slightest pang of jealousy at the sight, he was her friend, but it was stupid, and she dismissed it quickly. The Headmaster gave them his final words before heading off, assuring the Potters that the group would be taken care of. "Well, with the help of the Headmaster, I think we're pretty good." Apus joked to no one in particular before heading into the house. She may not get much sleep tonight, but oh well.

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