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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Victoria laughed audibly after James called her a snow princess and began twirling, a complicated task because of the snow so her movements seemed rather clumsy. She didn't care if she was making a fool of herself by pretending to be a princess like the one's she'd read about in books during her childhood. She wouldn't even care if Lord Voldemort himself came back from the dead and began riding a unicorn while wearing a pink dress, she was too occupied being genuinely happy. Sure, she was constantly laughing and smiling around her friends but were those smiles real? Having to worry about the Ministry and the Order all of the time made being happy almost impossible and it had stolen her childhood. She hadn't realized how much she missed being a normal teenager until now, a thought that should've depressed her but it only make her happier. She knew the moment was not going to last forever and that made it more precious than it already was. "Maybe I am a snow princess! You never know!" She cheerfully replied.

After twirling like a complete fool for a few seconds, Victoria started to get dizzy and fell on the snow. She laughed like there was no tomorrow and looked up at James with a bright smile. The way she saw it, James was missing out on a perfect night and Victoria would be a terrible friend if she didn't help him out. After her laughter faded and she was able to concentrate, she grabbed a fistful of snow and formed it into a ball. It didn't take long for the snowball to hit the bubble that was protecting James from the snow. Victoria began to throw snowball after snowball at his direction, not caring if her hands were freezing. "Oh Potter!" She practically sang, hoping he would eventually come down and join her. "Time to come out and play! Or are you scared of a little snow?"

For a moment, James almost thought she had transformed into an actual princess. Sure, she wasn't dressed the part and her hair was slightly messy from all the travelling of the day and the events of the evening, but the way the moonlight was hitting her and the way the snow was falling around her, it almost had him believing it. His smile grew and he ran a hand through his messy hair, leaning toward his side and leaning against one of his hands as he watched her. When she stopped spinning and fell over out of dizziness and burst into a fit of laughter, James couldn't help but laugh with her, scooting closer to the edge of the roof to look down over her more. He was admiring the way she seemed to be letting go and breaking out of her tough, I'm-Victoria-Knight shell when suddenly she was raining down up snow-fire on him. Snow ball after snow ball pelt his little bubble, causing a blue dim sparking of light every time one hit. He shook his head at her and stuck his tongue out before replying to her question, "I'm most definitely not scared of a bit of snow. If I can stand up to the dark lords, I can stand up to some falling ice flakes." He shook his head and then called to her again, "Well, you see, dear, why would I go out there and freeze with you, when we could both be warm up here? Why don't you join me?"

The snowball attack finally came to an end when James refused to join her in the snow. She pouted, throwing the snowball to hit a nearby tree and crossed her arms. As much as she wanted to spend time with her friend, she didn't want to stop playing in the snow and thought going inside was clearly a waste of time. After all, the first day of snow was always the best day to go outside and let go. Not too much snow, but enough snow for any fun activities. She was about to decline and continue having fun until she realized doing what he wanted could eventually lead to her getting what she wanted. Maybe, if she spent some time with him he would finally accept to go downstairs for a few more hours. The fact that she had only taken a sweater to shield her from the cold also influenced her decision. She was freezing, her lips were blue and her voice trembled when she spoke. That was it, grabbing one more snowball, Victoria ran inside the house and sprinted to his room. Not bothering to knock, she quietly opened the door and threw the snowball his way. After she finished laughing at his expression, she walked towards the window and began getting out. "Oh I'm sorry but I had to do that at least once!" She said, now sitting outside with him. "Dear James doesn't want to go out and play. Vicky is gonna have to stay with him until he does!" She sang, playfully messing with his hair.

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James had blinked for a split second and in that time Victoria had disappeared. His brow furrowed in confusion and slight worry as he pushed himself up onto his elbows and peered out in the yard, trying to catch a glimpse of where she'd gone. He was about to start calling her name when a hard, freezing cold substance hit the back of his left shoulder. He let out a loud shriek of surprise and spun so fast that, if the bubble hadn't been there, he would've fallen off the roof, but he merely bounced off the bubble and came face to face with a slightly wet Victoria from the snow flakes that were on her melting. He sent a her a playful glare and tried to wipe the now melting snow off his jumper, whining slightly. "Great! Now, I'm cold. Good going." his words were angry but his expression was joking and he patted the spot beside him before saying, noticing that her lips were blue and she was shivering quite badly, "Now come and sit with me and warm up before you catch pneumonia or something worse. I'm quite the space heater, if you're looking for a heat source." He, of course, had to add in the last flirty bit, seeing as it was his signature thing to do.

"Oh don't be so dramatic about it! At least you didn't fall down on it!" Victoria replied, taking one last look at the inside of his bedroom. The walls looked like a room meant for James Potter, however, she still couldn't find what she wanted. She would've rolled her eyes when James offered to be her personal heater but she simply couldn't give up a opportunity like that. There were no extra jackets inside of his bedroom, nothing that could save her from freezing to death. A foolish way to die after everything she'd done after forming the Order. "Very funny, Potter. Are you trying to get us to snog?" Victoria replied, if he could play the flirting game then so could she. Sitting down next to him, she rubbed her face against his chest to get warmth from his hoodie. "I wish you had told me you get to go out at night. I would've left the house years ago." She commented, a smile forming in her face. "I can't believe I got to play in the snow like that. I'd forgotten how it felt like."


Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Traveling in the dead of winter...

The night had a very cold bite to it. The air was somewhat still, but it was easy to tell there was a frost in the atmosphere. Tiny puffs of white lazily descended from sleepy grey clouds. While the clouds of grey slowly drifted across the winter night, the moon would poke through, making the blanketed ground shimmer with freshly fallen silver. The moon was very bright for a cold, snow-fall night, but it made the scenery all the more beautiful.

However, the two siblings were unprepared for the sudden change in weather. Sure, its been cold, but snow had a tendency to melt on skin, and soak the poor victims bringing a chill to the bone. Paige, who was shorter than her older brother, trailed behind him closely,"A-Are we there y-yet?" her warm, honey sweet voice quietly asked through chattering teeth. Her breath would escape in the form of wisps of steam infront of her face. The poor girl could barely feel the tip of her nose, and she could swear that a layer of frost had grown over her cheeks. "Almost," her older brother reassured with his deep voice,"Hang in there," he stopped walking to wrap an arm over his freezing sister, and rub his hand up and down her arm, letting friction give her some warmth. Paige didnt respond, she was to cold to waste her breath or energy to do so.

The poor siblings were late arrivals to the Potter house. They had recieved word a little too late but clearly the meet-up was too important to wait. Both Paige and Grey trudged through the fresh snow, their pace slowed by the dragging of their trunks. The wheels made lined tracks behind them, but the pair didnt worry too much, knowing that while the sky still wept its powdery icicles, the tracks would be covered in a few minutes. After some time, the Potter house was with in visibility,"Come one Paige, its just up ahead," Grey's breath vaporated infront of him.

"Im coming," she had fallen a few feet behind him, panting as the weight of her trunk seemed to grow heavier and heavier with each step. At last, the siblings stopped in the yard of the house,"Are...are you sure this is it?" Paige stuttered in the cold. Their luminous blue eyes stared up at the home. "Yea," Greyson shrugged and nodded then turned his head to look down at his sister,"Im pretty sure." Paige raised her eyebrows at his response, fluttering her snowflake-covered lashes in disbelief,"Pretty sure?" her soft voice could barely travel through the frigid air,"Thats not very convincing...." a hint of doubt tinted her voice.

"Only one way to know..." Grey looked back at the house.
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Rey Andromedas Alas Lupin, the younger sister to Teddy Lupin and daughter of Tonks and Remus, had only just finished packing her things into her second bag, one of two she was taking. Her brother, Teddy, moved over to her and helped her to place the last few items in her backpack. "You stay safe Alas, if at all you come to danger you apparate right back, and you look after the others aswell. I won't be there till Christmas day so I trust you can hold out for just two more days on your own." He spoke while the pair moved at a swift pace until they were done and Rey clipped the leather bag closed, her eyes moving up to Teddy's. He was by now only about 7 centimetres taller than her, and she doubted she would grow anymore to match him. "Teddy, you and I both know, full well, that I am completely capable," she stated, giving a small smile. "Besides, Andy is already there and just waiting to attack me with kisses." She turned back to her things, bag moving to her shoulders. Teddy rolled his eyes. "Stop calling her that will you?" His sister chuckled lightly. "What? She likes it. And you know it"

Rey proceeded to adjust the black and crimson headwrap on her cranium and tucked in her Gryffindor scarf a little tighter. She spread her short and dark auburn hair across her neck incase too, the locks reaching just below her shoulders. Other than these she wore a pair of black fitted winter boots with some warm socks, a pair of skinny jeans she easily moved around in, a longlseeved top along with her Quidditch sweater and a long, warm, and fleece gray coat over everything. All buttoned up, she was satisfied. Teddy gave her a thumbs up to further assure her.

The two travelled over to the stairs and went down into the main living area, where Rey's only other bag was waiting. She hoisted it up onto her shoulder, the bag only medium in size but magically deep enough to fill her personal items and presents for her friends. Teddy pulled her into a tight hug and his wispy magenta and auburn hair tickled her forehead. The two parted and Rey gave a small wave with her free hand. "
See you in two days. And let Victiore know I'll see her nice and soon too." Teddy gave a short smile. "I will. Now go, you are already very late."

Rey took a look out the window at the snow, some of the first few layers of snow gathering on the porch and she nodded. "
Cya Teddy." And with that, she focused her mind and dissapeared with a whirl, her body once again getting the feeling of going through a tight tube, before she apparated again in front of none other than the Potter house. She remembered the last time she was here, and the memory made her smile. The 17 year old, completely unaware of the brother and sister who were approaching the house some way behind her, shook herself out from the rush of apparating and walked forward towards the front door. She took note of James and Victoria on the roof, closer to the side of the house but still visible, only deciding to send them a small whislte to gain their attention. When she managed to she gave a small wave to them and continued on to the front door. She knew everyone else must have been trying to sleep, and she felt bad for arriving so late, but what could she do when...well...that was disclosed for now.

Her eyes moved away from the obvious couple on the roof, well, whatever they said they were, and to the rest of the house before her while she walked slowly through the snow. Each window's curtain's were securely shut, all except one, and she saw a faint light too. She knew this must be Cassandra, it had to be, and if it wasn't, the girl would have to wake her up anyways. With only good intentions of course. Rey decided to hope for the best and she finsished walking up to the door, ready to knock, but she held her hand back. Sleeping, everyone was sleeping. She bit her lip and stepped back off the porch, the steps not being a problem as she hit the snow again and she sighed to herself before looking for the couple on the roof. "
James! Victoria!," she called out, her voice like a shouted whisper up and over to them. "Can you guys get someone to open the door? ".... "But not my grandmother!", she added quickly.

She hoped they'd herad and could respond. Even with her body heat and warm clothing the night got colder by the second, with more snow falling too. She looked around the front yard and her head turned almost completely. Only then, did she notice the two late comers like herself. Greyson and Paige Kingsley, one a Gryffindor, the other a Hufflepuff like her brother was, She definitely knew Grey better than Paige. Her eyes lit up a little and she gave them smiles. "
Grey! Paige ," she called to them, still trying not to be too loud. "Hurry up will you?," she gave a light smirk and turned back to the house again. "The lovebirds on the roof over there are a bit slow aren't they?", she teased them, still making her voice loud enough for the siblings to hear.


@thefan1 @indiedarling


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Paige & Greyson Kingsley

It was difficult to see the details of the house through the dense snow fall, but there was a general shape and outline of the home; a black silhouette against the white of the moon and frozen water. However it was easy to see that the lights in the home were off. Everyone had fallen asleep, or so the siblings assumed. Well, it was the middle of the night, but how were they going to get inside with out waking anyone. Greyson figured he had to knock regardless, they have to go in, even if it means waking someone. Paige however, hesitant on a direct approach.

To their luck, they werent the only tardy ones,"Grey! Paige," a familiar voice called to them. Greyson squinted his eyes, trying to look past the crystalized water that obstructed his view. "Alas?" the boy asked himself, he couldnt see her, but her voice was recognizable. Grey put a hand over his head, pulling down the hood of his sweater further over his forehead,"Rey, is that...is that you?" he called back, loud enough for her to hear this time.

The older brother looked at his sister and pressed his hand against the small of her back, caringly nudging her forward,"Go on then." Paige obeyed with out a second thought. The small girl wrapped her stiff fingers around the handle of her trunk, preparing to haul once again. The opposite forearm was pressed firmly along the lower part of her belly. There was a lump in her jacket, and her arm kept what-ever-it-was-that-was-in-there from falling through the bottom. One step at a time she walked past her brother and closer to the home. Greyson looked behind them, scanning the area suspiciously before continuing onward. "Hurry up, will you?" Rey called to them again. Greyson could only assuming they were being rushed because Alas was cold aswell, and wanted to get inside just as desperately as the siblings. The older boy smiled, panting slightly while his breath warmed the air around him only for a second before dissipating,"Oh shut it, its been a long day," he chuckled. Paige shook her head,"Im coming, Im coming.." she mumbled quietly.

When the pair reached the porch, Rey looked back at the house,"The lovebirds on the roof are a bit slow, arent they?" she teased. Grey caught his breath and jerked his head back to bring his hood down with out using his hands. She shook out his tousled hair, damp from melted snow, and looked at Rey then followed her gaze up at the house. Again, he squinted, crinkling his nose as he did, grimacing at the sight of the two above him,"Thats quite disturbing," he joked. Paige hugged herself, shivering and rubbing her arms while she looked up too. "Potter, I know youre handsome and all, but you were made for a lot more than just girls," he smiled at the boy on the roof, continuing with his jokes even further. Paige turned her attention to the door past Rey, she blinked her big, doe eyes at it for a moment. The girl was never one for breaking rules, but she thought about using Alohomora, the unlocking charm, outside of Hogwarts. But she quickly casted the devious thought aside it wasnt in her nature to against the rules like that, besides, the Potter house was most likely protected by magic, in which case the charm would render useless.

@BeamMeUpScotty @thefan1 @indiedarling

Rey Andromedas Alas Lupin

Rey smiled lightly. She was glad Grey had managed to recognise her before he'd made it to the porch with his sister. "Yeah, it's me!."she chuckled lightly, having heard Grey call her name, asking for a confirmation, her free arm coming up to cup at her mouth, in attempt to warm her hands. Of all the things, Rey now realised she had never put on any gloves and she cursed mentally. She only hoped Teddy was wise enough to bring along her usual gloves when he found them sitting alone on her small bed.

"Oh shut it, its been a long day," Rey heard from the boy, and turned as Grey and Paige approached, mouth turned up into a silly grin. "Yeah, I bet it was Kingsley," she mused, her eyes wandering over his face as he removed his hood. She cringed lightly, amused still as light mounds of snow ricocheted off her coat from Grey. "Thats quite disturbing." She let her hands drop as everyones eyes went up to the lovebirds again and she matched a crinkled nose. "Tell me about it...."

The three below kept their gazes on the two above and Rey bit her lip, attempting to hold back a laugh at Grey's words, her shoulders moving up and down rhythmically. Grey had joked further. "
Potter, I know youre handsome and all, but you were made for a lot more than just girls." With a small sigh Rey only added on. "Dear Mr. Potter, throw down your hair," she called to James. She gave a playful wink to Victoria, she would never do a thing purposefully to hurt her. "Though the girl will suffice. Mr. Kingsley here isn't picky." She had gone ahead and joked on Greyson now, sonewhat proud of herself for putting the joke on him instead. Rey looked between them, a mischeivous smirk on her lips as her eyes landed on Grey again. She had only half noticed Paige's look to the door, but there was nothing they could do but wait for the door to be opened, the house was protected, so she declined to pursue that, instead paying atte tion to the fun.

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Paige & Greyson Kingsley

"Dear Mr. Potter, throw down your hair," Rey had joined in on playfully irritating the two above them. Greyson laughed with Alas, their mouths becoming steam pipes with every "ha" that came out of them. "Though the girl will suffice. Mr. Kingsley here isnt picky," Rey noticably switched targets. However, her try at getting to Grey didnt work. The boy loved jokes, even jokes about himself. He was a cheery, positive lad, and laughing is something he loved doing the most. The boy smirked, turning his sapphire blue eyes to look at Alas beside him with raised eyebrows. He was surprised to be betrayed so suddenly but he looked back up to James and Victoria when he realized there was truth to what Rey had said,"Actually...yea, its true," he shrugged, pouting his lower lip while he nodded. For once he confessed to his flirtatious habits,"Potter isnt the only one made for women," he shook his finger at the young man on the roof matter-of-factly. He placed his hands on his hips, a tinge of pride filling his chest, he turned to Rey once again,"Actually, I like to think women were made for me," now trying to get under Rey's skin with cockiness, his devious smirk extended further and parted into his charming boyish grin.

Still shivering, with chattering teeth, Paige rolled her eyes and shook her head. She knew her brother well enough to see when he was flirting. Often times she's scold him for toying with unsuspecting women's hearts but he could never really understand the complexity of a girl's emotions so he always brushed her lectures off. The petite girl, who never spoke much called out to James and Victoria,"Please come to the door, its absolutely freezing!" she pleaded with that soft-spoken voice of hers. Greyson turned around, a little surprised to hear his sister speak to people she didnt know too well. Paige wasnt the social type, she's easily intimidated by others and often times too enveloped in her studies to take the time to make friends. Greyson took a few steps to his sister and wrapped an arm around her,"If you wont do it for me, then do it for my darling sister," he bent down that his face was leveled with hers, taking her by the chin and facing her toward the couple above them,"How can you say no to this face," he pouted innocently. Paige's fair cheeks became lightly dusted with pink due to her brothers actions. Her blue eyes diverted away from James and Victoria,"Enough," she squeaked shyly, waving her hand to push her brother away and keep him from embarrassing her any further. She pulled away and took a couple steps back away from Greyson, her eyebrows furrowed with annoyance. Though her angry face was adorable too, she was about as frightening as a week old kitten. Grey laughed,"Im only teasing, Paige." The girl said nothing, instead her head sank into her shoulders, making the scarf around her neck rise to her face, covering her nose and mouth. As she hid behind the cloth, her face reddened even more, and her eyes remained looking toward the snow falling infront of the house and away from anyone else. Truth was she had a bit of a school-girl crush on James Potter, nothing serious, just enough to make blood flow and redden her cheeks when she saw him...and Greyson knew it too, making his little joke all the more embarassing for the girl. Then again, what under-classmen girl didnt have a crush on the famous Potter.

To be entirely truthful, coming to the Potter house was enough to make Paige's heart skip a beat. When her brother informed her of the gathering, she didnt know what to think. A small part of her was a little over joyed. Not only because of Mr. James Potter himself, but because of meeting the Potters as a family. Everyone wanted to meet them. The larger part of Paige wanted to turn tail and run away. She knew her brother would try to tease or embarass her, or her clumsyness would do it for her first. Either way, coming to the Potter house made her a nervous wreck.

Greyson reached for the camera that was slung around his neck and raised it to his eye. He maneuvered the camera to look at James and Victoria,"Here we go," he whispered. Ine hand held the camera, while the other turned the lense to focus the image in the recticle. An audible 'click' came from the device as he snapped the two. "Aw, thats lovely that is," he lowered the camera and looked down at the taken photo,"How romantic with the snow falling and all that," he looked at Alas again,"A little something to share with their children," he spoke in a volume for only her and Paige to hear and gave a wink. Paige moved to Greyson and swiftly, yet gently, took the camera from his hands, still hanging from his neck,"Leave them alone. Do you want them to hate you or open the door?" she asked him, her voice a little stern than normal.

@BeamMeUpScotty @thefan1 @indiedarling
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Arnaldus looked up from Camilla and over towards the voices nearing the potter house, immediately moving his hand toward wand until he recognized the voices and appearance of the three new arrivals. "Well their late and it seems many of us are awake at this hour." Arnaldus spoke softly easing his hand away from his wand and relaxing a bit. He hadn't known for sure just how many others were awake at the potter house besides him, Apus and Camilla, but now he was certain James and Victoria were atleast if not others as well. Arnaldus chuckled a bit listening from his position near the tree and pondering if he should mention the door is likely still unlocked seeing as he and Camilla were still outside and Apus just went in, doubting she would have locked it behind her with others still outside. "Should we head back inside and warm up a bit?" Arnaldus asked turning his gaze toward Camilla and with a smile.
Cassandra sat on the bed in the guest room, reading. It was a tale of magical adventure, although it didn't feature real magic, it was a good piece of literature with a decent story. It was probably written by a muggle, now that she thought about it.

However, when she heard voices outside that weren't James or Victoria, she got up and set aside her book, forgetting to use a bookmark. When she opened the window and leaned out for a better view, Cassandra smiled. "Rey. About bloody time you got here. I thought I'd have to wait forever." She commented, then retreated, closing the window behind her, going quickly-and hopefully quietly- to the front door, and opened it. "Hey, guys... It was unlocked."
@BeamMeUpScotty[/URL] @thefan1 @indiedarling
BroscaHasScars said:
Cassandra sat on the bed in the guest room, reading. It was a tale of magical adventure, although it didn't feature real magic, it was a good piece of literature with a decent story. It was probably written by a muggle, now that she thought about it.
However, when she heard voices outside that weren't James or Victoria, she got up and set aside her book, forgetting to use a bookmark. When she opened the window and leaned out for a better view, Cassandra smiled. "Rey. About bloody time you got here. I thought I'd have to wait forever." She commented, then retreated, closing the window behind her, going quickly-and hopefully quietly- to the front door, and opened it. "Hey, guys... It was unlocked."
Rey gave Grey a sideways glance, eyebrow raising in suspicion as he processed what she said and as he returned fire that eyebrow rose to it's highest. "Actually, I like to think women were made for me." With this Rose's mouth went slightly agape. That cocky charmer was once again, just a cut above. She huffed, her lip jutting out for a split second before she pursed her lips instead and she held eye contact with him. "Oh no you don't, Kingsley..."

Please come to the door, its absolutely freezing!" The shrill voice of his sister called up to James and Victoria, and Rey turned her head to Paige, features soft in slight worry for the poor girl. She really was about to die from frostbite.

Rey hardly had to move while Grey continued his seemingly arranged facade, her feet taking a single step back so not to be in Greyson's line of fire. In fact sometimes it really did feel like Grey wrote these down before he said them, just to make sure. He might as well have been, for in the time Rey has known him, he's been bloody well good at it.

If you wont do it for me, then do it for my darling sister," Grey swooned. She chuckled the lightest, while Grey tortured his sister. She didn't know her well at all, but the poor thing was already chilling to the bone and obviously blushing to perhaps her fullest. It made her grow somewhat annoyed now, seeing him revel in her blush and uncomfortableness. Rey shifted her weight onto one leg, her teeth grazing her own lips again. "How can you say no to this face?". It too her only a second to add something while Grey held Paige's face, her eyes flickering between the two on the roof and the siblings. "No-one can Grey. But at least try to be subtle," she muttered. Her words were hardly audible but clear enough, and they went to no use as Paige declared enough and removed herself from Grey altogether, the poor thing still blushing. Though Rey didn't mind at all, not one bit. She was sure Paige and her might get along if she wanted, were she to ask Paige a question or two they might just lead into the loveliest of conversations one day. And they might not.

With light steps Rey moved closer to Grey and Paige, though mostly Grey if you thought about i, and she watched Grey remove the camera from around his neck and line up a shot. Photography. One thing she always loved to look at, yet she never had the time and place to create. The Lupin was always moving so fast that she just didn't have the complete patience for it, and in fact, it saddened her. She wished even for herself to slow down a bit. But that just wasn't how she worked, and if ever she did have time, a camera was but far from her grasp. Rey always ended up with a shrug for herself. She kept her eye on the camera as Grey took his shot, and she chuckled to herself at the photo. James and Victoria were hardly in the moment. It depicted both of them perfectly though, just perfectly. "
Aw, thats lovely that is," Grey commented. "How romantic with the snow falling and all that." Rey looked to him as he did with a mischievous smirk. "A little something to share with their children." Rey also held a dreamy and reminiscent look in her eyes, and she brought her cold hand up to wipe away a non existent tear. "They are growing up so fast.." Her voice was only slightly louder, her aim to keep that piece of humour to herself Paige and Grey.

She turned however, to Paige, with a slight annoyance when she snatched the camera out of Grey's hands and face crinkled up a bit. She was enjoying that picture. But twas was the time to go inside. "
Rey. About bloody time you got here. I thought I'd have to wait forever." ((What colour do you want?)) With a small bit of confusion Rey whipped her head up to the top floors and her eyes immediately lit up. Thank God, Cassandra was awake. Alive and kicking. She gave a wide smile at her best friend and chuckled. "Well then hurry up and get down here!," she whisper shouted, deciding to drag Grey along with her to the door, he was still pestering the lovebirds with his stare. "Come on Mr photographer." She allowed him free, now in a much better mood and when the door open she beamed even wider.

Hey, guys... It was unlocked." Rey was hoping she would enjoy the next few words that came out of Cassandra's mouth, but instead they brought a pan in the face. Couldn't he had said something like, 'I have 20 chocolate frogs and a pack of bertie's upstairs, let's have a ball', or 'Did you hear? The Woollongong Warriors have invited you to do the shimmy!'. But no. How long had they been standing out there? How long? Her face straightened and she deadpanned somewhat. "You have got to be bloody kidding me." She hoisted the bag on her shoulder tighter and walked to the door to give her best friends a tight hug. "Man am I just glad you are awake."
Victoria was just about to fall asleep when she heard someone calling their names, which gave her a small panic attack. She'd been sure the voices belonged to one of the adults, probably ready to kill them for sneaking out and waking everyone up. She stood up with a loud sigh, mad because the calm moment had ended so quickly and she was about to meet her fate in the hands of an angry parent. She continued listening to their conversation and quickly realized they were no adults. Well, no adult would tease their current position in such a childish way anyways. Taking a look at the owners of the voices, she was able to recognize Paige, Greyson and Rey. People she'd seen a few times around school and held relatively friendly relationships with. Well, if they wanted to tease them then she'd just have to fight back wouldn't she? The teenage girl hadn't bothered locking the door after playing outside, which meant the door was unlocked. Armed with this knowledge, Victoria happily returned to her spot next to James and pretended to be asleep. Listening to how they complained about the freezing weather. "Time to see if they turn into snow princesses." She commented, watching them fuss over an object she couldn't make out. It looked like a camera but she wasn't sure. Why would they need a camera anyways?

Cassandra finally saved the stranded teenagers and Victoria cheered as they found out the door had been unlocked the whole time. She could picture their reactions in her mind perfectly, their shaking lips forming into frowns after being in the cold for so long. Maybe she'd invite them to a snowball fight sometime, just to mess with them. It was not like she disliked the others, she just couldn't miss the opportunity to be slightly evil every once in a while. Now standing up next to James, Victoria cheerfully waved at them and pointed at the freezing teenagers . "Look James! They really are snow princesses! Do you think they'll take us to their castle sometime? Well, I reckon they'd have to figure out how to open the gates first. " She exclaimed, loud enough for them to hear. "Good to see you! I thought you weren't coming for Christmas! Did you have a nice time coming here?"
James let out an audible groan when the voices down below woke him up. He tried to stay where he was, half asleep, and ignore the voices, especially since he had a nice warm girl in his arms, but found that wasn't an option when Victoria moved out of his grasp and stood. Like her, James thought for sure that it was his parents, ready to lecture him for 1) being awake, 2) being outside and on the roof no less, and 3) getting close and personal with Victoria Knight. Not that he really cared about their opinions on the girls he chose to get to know. He never had before. But, it was sort of important that his parents learned to at least like Victoria, if not love her, for their cause and all. But, when he heard the chanting and silly teasing of their previous positioning, he knew they were surely not his parents. Though he wouldn't put it past his dad when he was in a good mood.

He sat up now, peering past Victoria and down to the group to see Rey, Paige, and Greyson. Rey he knew decently well considering how close he was to her older brother Teddy and Greyson he was decently good friends with. He only really knew of Paige because she was Greyson's sister and quite the adorable little thing, which, of course, James would take notice of. A slight smirk fell onto his pale pink lips as he watched them tremble and shake and listened to them complain of the cold and being locked outside. He had no clue that Victoria left the door unlocked, he just felt like enjoying their frosty appearance a little while longer. He chuckled at Victoria's comment about seeing if they turn into snow princesses and shook his head, replying, "
There's only one princess down there and it's Greyson." But, just as the words left his mouth, Cassandra came to the three teenagers rescue and he let out a sigh of disappointment. He came to stand beside Victoria finally, smiling more kindly down at the group of late comers. "Oh, give them a break, Knight. They just couldn't figure out how to read a map! Oi, Greyson, there's a vacancy in my room if you don't sleeping with a gorgeous bloke like me! Rey and Paige, I think there is an open guest room still!" He turned to Victoria after he shouted down to them and lowered his voice to speak to her only, "I should probably go down there and help them get settled so mum doesn't have to get up and do it. They'll need some warm butterbeers probably to get themselves warmed up and some dry clothes. You're welcome to come help if you'd like."

Paige & Greyson Kingsley

"Come on Mr. Photographer," Rey latched onto his sleeve and dragged him closer to the door before letting go. "Whoah, hey, be gentle....Im delicate," he jokingly whispered to her like it was a secret. "Hey guys," Cassandra sounded cheerful to see the trio finally arrive. Then her tone changed with a certain realization,"....it was unlocked," the girls words echoed repeatedly in Greyson's head. His grin disappeared in an instant,"What." Disbelief rang in his voice, his electric blue eyes darted between the young girl before them and the handle of the door. He mentally cursed himself for ignoring the possibility it was already unlocked. "You have got to be bloody kidding me," Rey took the words right of of Greyson's mouth. Could she read minds? Even Paige felt stupid for not checking the the door. 'You cant rule any possibility out until its ruled out,' she thought to herself.

"Look James! They really are snow princesses!" Victoria's vocie chimed from the window. Greyson snapped his head to look at her and curtsied,"Damn right. Im much prettier than you too," his smirk returned, fighting fire with fire. "Do you think theyll take us to their castle sometime?" Victoria continued,"Well, I reckon theyd have to figure out how to open the gates first," pride could be heard in the amused girl above them. Proud of her joke perhaps? Greyson's smile was replaced with a look of boredom,"No. No no," he shook his head,"You ruined a good joke. How long did that take you to come up with, love?" he blinked then spoke again before she could answer,"Ah nevermind, don't hurt yourself trying to think of an answer, come on down here!" he grinned and beckoned her with his hand. "Good to see you! I thought you werent coming for Christmas,"

"Oh, youd love that, wouldnt you?" He gave a cheeky smirk.

"Did you have a nice time coming here?" Victoria asked them. Greyson rubbed his ear lobe while thinking,"Well," he turned and looked at the snow-covered yard, and the windy snow fall still trickling down,"I wouldnt say it was exactly,"he shrugged, "Pleasant." Paige let her brother do the talking while she picked up her things and shimmied past Cassandra and the door, desperate to reach warmth. She set her trunk in a vertical position near the door, so that it wouldnt be in the way of the others trying to come in. She shivered more, unraveling the scarf around her neck, and pulling off her beanie, only to reveal dishoveled hair as damp as her brother's. She hung the items on a coat rack that stood by the door and hurried to the couch, unzipping her jacket to reveal what she carried in there. It was precious cargo, her ferret Piccolo and Greyson's companion, Rue, a tiny flying squirrel. She stored them in her jumper to share her body warmth and keep them cozy through the cold trek through the snow. The white ferret shook his body, loosening up any fur that might have clumped together in the tight space. The petite squirrel, however, was happy to be free and jumped out of her hands with extended skin to soar onto the couch, scurrying to the top after it had landed.

"Oi, Greyson. Theres a vacancy in my room if you dont mind sleepig with a gorgeous bloke like me!" Greyson always liked the fact the James played along with his humor,"I wouldnt have it any other way, lad!" Grey looked down and picked up his trunk, putting his free hand on Rey's shoulder,"If youll excuse me, Ive got a date with Rapunzel up there," he jerked his chin upward to point at James above them with out using hands. It was Grey's turn to side-step his way into the house, being careful not to bang the heavy luggage into the door frame. As he passed Cassandra, he affectionately ruffled her hair,"Thank you for letting us in. Appearently we're too stupid to operate a door," he whispered the last part for her ears only. Greyson was always so gentle with younger students, he treated them as if they were his own younger siblings; he valued the younger generations. When he got inside, he carefully set his things beside his sister's and rubbed his hands together, soaking up the warmer temperature difference of the house. His observant eyes roamed all over the home, "Finally we made it," then he looked at his sister who struggled to keep the animals contained. "Dont worry, I've got her," Rue was always squimish in hands that werent Greyson's. He calmly scooped her off the couch and set her behind his neck, between his skin and his hood. He could feel her settling herself in, snuggling against the temperature of his body.

@thefan1 @indiedarling @BeamMeUpScotty @BroscaHasScars
Camilla smiled at looked at the sky for a few moments before humming in agreement. "It is a very beautiful night out here. It's almost like time has stood still right here..." She sighed, relaxed for probably the first time since she had come to the Potters' manor. Just as she was about to suggest a walk, they both heard voices and a small commotion coming from the front door. While Arnaldus reached for his wand, Camilla ducked behind him. It had been established quite a while ago that Camilla was good at distractions and healing, but didn't work well with dueling. It of course wasn't relevant at the moment as they realized that the people were friends and not enemies.

Camilla raised an eyebrow at the three making so much noise, winding why they didn't just try the door. It took a few moments but finally someone opened the door for then. She stepped out from behind Arnaldus as he spoke to her again. "Yeah, I guess we should... If you aren't too tired I found a den earlier with a fire place we could hang out in." She smiled up at him shyly, with a small shrug.

Arnaldus looked at Camilla and her smile as she agreed in humming with his sentiment. Listening to her speak of the night and it's beauty, how time seemed to stand still. Taking notice as she ducked behind him when he had gone for his wand until they realized who was there at the potter house. As the others spoke and teased one another, continuing on inside and gettin settled and warm. Arnaldus looked back to Camilla with a smile and listened to her speak as she stepped back out from behind him, " No I am not tired any longer." He started to reply and gave a charming smile. "A warm fire and cozy den for us to hang out in? Coming from a pretty girl I couldn't say no to that even if I was tired." He spoke with light chuckle to his smile and looking toward Camilla. A little charm and compliment in reply to her offer, the idea of sitting before a fire place in a cozy den was comfortable and appealing especially after a beautiful night out beneath the stars and clouds, snow lightly falling to the ground and atop his head and shoulders, upon the ground and complimenting the white blanket on the floor. "After you my dear," Arnaldus offered his arm and began to walk forward. He couldn't help but notice a smile upon her face and shy manner as she gave a small shrug.

@Camilla Riddle
Cassandra laughed at Rey's reaction. It was just too... Rey. When she walked up and gave her the hug, Cassandra smiled and returned it. Rey was one of her true friends, one that wasn't afraid to be near her. For that reason, and others, she valued the other girl's friendship. "Don't worry, we'll have lots of fun." She told her with a grin.

When Grayson walked past, ruffling her hair like she was a child, even though they were in the same year. She scowled at him, annoyed, but then decided not to let it ruin her mood. "Are you guys cold? There are warm drinks if you want one."
A blush settled itself high on Camilla's cheeks as she was complimented as being pretty. Mentally she was completely swooning, happy that he'd actually said something like that, but she knew not to let it show on the outside as much as she could help it. "Well I for one could think of worse ways to spend my time than with a handsome guy." She honestly didn't even think before she spoke, linking her arm with Arnaldus's as they walked to the house. She stopped him before they walked inside, standing on her tippy toes to brush the snow from his hair and shoulders. "We shouldn't track the snow inside, come on."

She grabbed him by the hand and led him through the house on near silent feet. After closing the door to the previously mentioned den, she took notice that the fire was still going, if only a little lower than when she left. Camilla let go of Arnaldus's hand and moved to the couch, setting her book on the nearby table before smiling at him. "So this is my find for the day." She tucked her hair behind an ear.

Humming filled the small forest near the Potters' home, starting quietly and slowing gaining volume as it turned into singing. Morgana, as the source of the music, let her eyes fall shut as the words flowed from her. The song was one from the many she had heard from the muggle world that she fell in love with. She stopped for a moment as she stared at the Manor through the trees, her hands itching with the need to paint the scene in front of her. She decided to heed the urge and pulled her wand from the holster she kept it in on her belt. Using it, she first summoned her bag from the house that held all of her art supplies. As it was making its way towards her, she created a heated bubble around her area. She carefully took off her jacket and placed the snake down on part of it before covering the now slumbering serpent with the rest.

Finally her bag found an open window to go through and soared through the sky to land at her feet. She smiled and opened the bottomless bag to pull out her supplies, which included an easel, her paint brushes that were worn from her grip, paints, palette, and finally her art pad. She set the giant pad up on the easel and flipped through it, passing pictures on Hogwarts, the grounds, the Chamber, and even one of Slytherin's Castle. Finally a blank page was found and Morgana began to sing again as she dipped her first brush into the paint on her palette. Every so often she would pause to look up at the house, clean her brush, or change it out for a different type. This was her hidden passion, and one of the few things she hadn't shown James yet. As the time ticked away, Potter Manor came alive on her canvas.
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Lily frowned for a moment upon hearing Serenity's reply. Before she answered she went to the cabinet and grabbed a glass, then filled it with milk. She warmed it with a bit of magic and added a little sugar and vanilla before she gave it to Serenity. "Here, lets go back to the couch..." She led the younger girl there and sat on the couch next to her. "What happened in your dream Seren?"

Arnaldus smiled and looked toward Camilla gently with his gaze, always happy to receive such a compliment of his looks from a beautiful woman. "Ah handsome am I? Then I dare say we would make a fine pair tonight." He replied as she linked arms with his and they walked toward the house. Only stopping when she stepped before him and began to brush off the snow from his shoulders and from atop his head. A warm smile crossing his lips as she stood on her tippy toes and brushed the snow from him. "No I suppose your right, tracking snow inside would be quite rude of me." Arnaldus responded in agreement and looked down at the ground for a moment, before looking back up toward Camilla. Feeling his hand being grabbed by Camilla's and led inside toward the house nearly silent of step as the door closed behind them once walkin into the den.

Arnaldus looked around the room noticing the fire was still going, Camilla letting go of his hand and heading over toward the couch. He looked toward the book she moved to the table and back to her smile while looking into her eyes from where he stood, a smile returning to his face and feet beginning to move. Arnaldus walked over toward the couch and sat down next to Camilla.
"A lovely little place you found here. Nice and warm, cozy and perfect for reading I see." Arnaldus spoke gesturing to the book she recently moved with his eyes. A smile on his face and a warm feeling filling his features and expression. "How have you been Camilla? Feeling alright and comfortable since we arrived here or does the order and the adventures we have trouble you?" Arnaldus asked with soft voice and politely as he could without prodding, he always had a soft spot for his friends and there well being, caring for there safety a great deal. The new order an order that had risen from the ashes and born anew with their era of students and members during the war of renewed hope as Arnaldus liked to call it. Were always at risk and at any time their lives could be placed into danger and at the risk of death, each of them dealt with the hardships and troubles differently, the risks they face nearly everyday, Arnaldus had grown use to it and handled it with a near comfortable ease it was dangerous yes...... Many things troubled him especially the thought of losing those he cares about. But for him personally he didn't mind the risk and only thought of the cause and why they were doing it. It's what began his adventures in the first place and why he continued so faithfully and strongly as he could throughout everything. Passionate and determined about the cause and why they were all apart of the order and doing what they had been doing.

@Camilla Riddle
Victoria wasted less than a minute in running down the stairs and greeting the newcomers. Where was this energy coming from? She had no idea. She had always preferred the night over the day but that didn't mean she didn't have to sleep like the others did. It was probably the excitement from the snow or the thrill of knowing they'd get new recruits for the Order. Not just the three newcomers, Andrew was bound to come sooner or later and Victoria knew he'd make a wonderful addition to their family. "Ah yes, you'd make a beautiful girl. Too bad you're as hideous as a troll when you're a male though, it's a real pity." Victoria chirped, shaking the newcomer's hands as she spoke. Taking the comment about her joke as an insult, she decided to remain silent about the subject. "Took me less to think of a joke than it took you to open a bloody door." She muttered under her breath.

(I know this post sucks but I'm on my phone and I'm really busy so good posts are going to be hard to come across. I'm sorry, they'll get better with time, I promise!"
Serenity watched Lilly in silence, knowing what she was doing. The girl dumped her water in the sink, quietly setting down the glass, and took the warm sweetened milk from her friend. When they went back to the couch, Serenity curled her legs under herself and took a sip of milk.

When Lilly asked about her dream, she frowned. "I... I'm not sure." She admitted, keeping her voice low so that the nearby teens hopefully couldn't hear her. "I think it was a duel, but it was over so fast... It was mostly a green light, and someone screaming..." She looked at her friend, worried. "I think it was the killing curse."

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