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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Andrew Williams had been enjoying such a wonderful holiday, why did his parents have to ruin it by sending him to Potter's house? It didn't make sense in the first place. Sure, Victoria had invited him and his parents loved Victoria more than they loved him but the Potters were known for being blood traitors. There were probably going to be countless of mud bloods and squibs in the house, he wouldn't be surprised to see a muggle sitting in the living room when he arrived. Of course, he could be mean to any of the blood traitors in the house. He'd been pretending to like them for most of his life and he wasn't about to blow his cover for the Ministry because of some foolish Christmas party. Oh, he was sure the great Harry Potter wouldn't mind having him there. After all, finding a pureblood who didn't dislike mugs was extremely rare these days. Not to mention, Victoria had reassured him that they knew he was going to arrive after everyone because he had some business to take care of. The business might have been involved with a meeting with Victoria's father but it wasn't like anyone would care. It was hard not to love the charismatic, funny Andrew Williams. James, however, would probably have a hard time seeing him in his house. They had never gotten along in class, which was odd since Andrew was incredibly popular. Oh well, he'd just have to live with it because Andrew wasn't going back after freezing in the snow for ten minutes while trying to find the blasted house.

The house was everything he'd expected from the Potters. It wasn't small, but it wasn't as extravagant as his own home. He wished he could've gone to the Knight's annual Christmas celebration for the holidays instead of... this. Well, maybe going to the Knight manor was not a very good idea anyways. The Minister had been more stressed than usual due to the first Order formed against him. He was certain it was because of a traitor and everyone had been in hot water these last few months. Especially James, who was only working undercover for him had been interrogated and tortured for answers. It had been an odd interrogation, a few cruciatus curses that lead to wedding preparations with Mrs. Knight. It wasn't like he was questioning the Minister, he wouldn't dare. Seeing some teenagers enter the house, Andrew began walking faster to get in at the same time the others got in. The door was already closed though, he knocked a few times and waited for someone to open the door for him.
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James certainly hadn't expected Victoria to take off running downstairs to meet the new guests. He couldn't imagine where she'd managed to find the energy. He was most definitely exhausted, he just couldn't sleep. He slowly made his way down after her, taking down his bubble charm before he did so. The voices reached him halfway down the stairs and he entered the living area with a bright smile despite being decently tired. "Don't mind her," he chirped to Greyson, "She can be a bit prickish at times." He sent her a teasing look at then waved a greeting to Rey and then leaned over the back of the couch to rub Paige's head as if she were his little sister. "Nice to see you all made it without becoming giant icicles. Would anyone like a warm butterbeer? I'm going to get you all dry clothes." he said the last part over his shoulder as he made his way to walk into the kitchen but he stopped in his tracks when there was a knock on the door. He didn't think they were expecting anyone else tonight but maybe it was Ron and Hermione or someone else from the family coming early. He opened the door with a warm smile on his face but it was quickly diminished to an unhappy scowl as he growled, loud enough for everyone in the living room to hear, "What are you doing here?" The person at the door happened to be one of his least favorite Slytherins, Andrew. He was half tempted to slam the door in his face. In fact, he was debating it.
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

"Are you guys cold? Theres warm drinks if you want one." Cassandra offered to the teens coming into the home. "That sounds nice," Paige's small voice spoke to her brother next to her,"Doesn't it?" she gave a soft smile. Greyson nodded,"Yes, yes it does," he looked to the stairs as Victoria came down, full of energy for being up so late, and James following soon behind. Greyson returned Victoria's gesture and shook her hand back, laughing when she called him a troll. When she muttered under her breath, Greyson smiled,"Come again, love?" He bent down slightly, to match her height. He actually heard what she had said but wanted to make her to say it louder, just to make her repeat herself.

But when James came down, Greyson immediately turn his attention from Victoria to the Potter,"Jaaaaames!" he exclaimed excitedly and rushed over to him, brushing past the fiesty girl before him. "Don't mind her, she can be a bit prickish at times," James warned him but flashed a cheeky smile toward her from across the room. Greyson looked from James to Victoria,"Ohhhh," he nodded,"I see whats going on."

James moved around the room, making his rounds and greeting those that arrived late. Paige was too busy fussing over her little furry friend to realize that the Potter boy had approached her to express his form of greeting. From the corner of her eye, she saw a body come close. She gave a glance then made a double take when she noticed who it was. She took a sharp inhale, gasping from the surprise greeting of James. Her body immediately tensed, and her eyes darted in all corners of the room. She opened her mouth to try to say something but she froze, snapping her mouth shut once again. In any case, James didnt stick around long enough to hear her (if she did say anything) he simply ruffled her hair and moved on. With hair messier than it was already, she pouted, and blew some dangling strands out of her face. "Its nice to see you all made it before becoming giant icicles. Would anyone like a warm butterbeer?" James offered. Paige looked to her brother, who was already making a dash for the kitchen,"That is just what I was going to get. Paige would you fancy a drink?" his voice amplified from with in the kitchen. "Yes please!" she called back.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Paige looked at the door, her braid swing with the motion onto her shoulder. The eldest Potter boy opened the door and was clearly displeased,"What are you doing here?" His voice turned dark, and his tone was irritated. Paige's eye brows furrowed with worry, Jame's wasnt too happy, and the tension in the room ascended in a matter of seconds. She really hoped nothing too serious would happen, and if it did she would make sure to steer clear of the feud. Paige stood on her tippy toes, trying to catch a glimpse over James' shoulder of who it was that was behind the door. Too bad she was too small, even when on the tips of her toes. "Paige?" Greyson peeked from the kitchen,"Who's at the doo--" he blinked at the familiar face infront of James. Andrew. He didnt know him very well but he knew of his name atleast. He also knew that James didnt like the goy very much,"Ah. I see."

@thefan1 @indiedarling
Once Greyson asked her to repeat herself, Victoria's smile grew and she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I said I can't wait for tomorrow." She replied, loud enough for the others to hear. She didn't know the newcomers, in fact, she couldn't remember the last time she'd spoken to them in the school. If James had invited them, it was probably because they were trustworthy and could join the Order, something they desperately needed if they were going to take down the Ministry. The first tests were extremely harsh and downright dangerous, which made it fun to watch. She couldn't wait to see Greyson go through the different challenges without breaking any limbs. As for the others, well, they hadn't caused much trouble so she didn't have anything against them. It wasn't like she disliked Greyson, she just didn't enjoy being mocked by others. "I'll get some warm blankets before you turn into ice sculptures." The girl said, going back upstairs to find the blankets.

An uncomfortable silence was ruling the room by the time she came back with the blankets she'd found in the guest bedroom. There was something wrong. If there was one thing she knew about her friends it was that they never ran out of things to talk about. She spotted James and Greyson by the door and made her way towards them, throwing the blankets away. Was it someone dangerous? Were they going to fight for their lives? Well, that certainly wouldn't be a problem. They were anything but weak and she knew they'd survive a duel against the threat outside. She decided to take a look at the person outside and her worries immediately disappeared. Andrew, one of her few friends from Slytherin and her candidate for the Order. She understood why James was looking at him with so much hate. They had never gotten along and when she mentioned she invited someone who could help them with the Order she had failed to mention that person was Andrew Williams. "Be nice, he's here to help us." She whispered in James' ear before slipping past the two men and giving Andrew big hug. "I thought you weren't coming!" She exclaimed, kissing Andrew's cheek.
Andrew scowled when Potter opened the door, just the person he didn't want to see that evening. He knew he was going to have to spend the holidays with him, he just wasn't expecting him to open the door. He was glad to see he was just as excited as he was to have him spend the holidays there. "I'm here for Victoria, Potter. Not too happy so see you either." He spat, taking a look as his messy appearance and grinnig. Nothing he didn't expect from James Potter, the one person he couldn't fool with his innocent Slytherin act. He noticed everyone had gone silent due to his arrival and sighed. Had Potter brainwahsed them and convinced them that he was not a good person? He'd kill the brat if that was the case. He didn't spend years getting such a good reputation with everyone for nothing .

When Victoria made her appearance, his warm smile returned as he hugged her back and practically lifted her up. "Well you begged me for weeks to come, how could I deny your generous invitarion? Besides, I need to start looking out for you don't I? Not like you need any protection." Andrew calmly replied, then got a brilliant idea. He knew Victoria and Potter were close, everyone knew they'd formed a strong bond during the past few months. He was sure Potter would hate if he showed any kind of affection towards Victoria. When she kissed her cheek, he kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her. Oh, they certainly didn't love each other but he sure loved making Potter mad. Besides, he liked Victoria and she wasn't ugly so it wasnt hard for him to show affection towards the girl.
indiedarling said:
James let out an audible groan when the voices down below woke him up. He tried to stay where he was, half asleep, and ignore the voices, especially since he had a nice warm girl in his arms, but found that wasn't an option when Victoria moved out of his grasp and stood. Like her, James thought for sure that it was his parents, ready to lecture him for 1) being awake, 2) being outside and on the roof no less, and 3) getting close and personal with Victoria Knight. Not that he really cared about their opinions on the girls he chose to get to know. He never had before. But, it was sort of important that his parents learned to at least like Victoria, if not love her, for their cause and all. But, when he heard the chanting and silly teasing of their previous positioning, he knew they were surely not his parents. Though he wouldn't put it past his dad when he was in a good mood.
He sat up now, peering past Victoria and down to the group to see Rey, Paige, and Greyson. Rey he knew decently well considering how close he was to her older brother Teddy and Greyson he was decently good friends with. He only really knew of Paige because she was Greyson's sister and quite the adorable little thing, which, of course, James would take notice of. A slight smirk fell onto his pale pink lips as he watched them tremble and shake and listened to them complain of the cold and being locked outside. He had no clue that Victoria left the door unlocked, he just felt like enjoying their frosty appearance a little while longer. He chuckled at Victoria's comment about seeing if they turn into snow princesses and shook his head, replying, "
There's only one princess down there and it's Greyson." But, just as the words left his mouth, Cassandra came to the three teenagers rescue and he let out a sigh of disappointment. He came to stand beside Victoria finally, smiling more kindly down at the group of late comers. "Oh, give them a break, Knight. They just couldn't figure out how to read a map! Oi, Greyson, there's a vacancy in my room if you don't sleeping with a gorgeous bloke like me! Rey and Paige, I think there is an open guest room still!" He turned to Victoria after he shouted down to them and lowered his voice to speak to her only, "I should probably go down there and help them get settled so mum doesn't have to get up and do it. They'll need some warm butterbeers probably to get themselves warmed up and some dry clothes. You're welcome to come help if you'd like."

BroscaHasScars said:
Cassandra laughed at Rey's reaction. It was just too... Rey. When she walked up and gave her the hug, Cassandra smiled and returned it. Rey was one of her true friends, one that wasn't afraid to be near her. For that reason, and others, she valued the other girl's friendship. "Don't worry, we'll have lots of fun." She told her with a grin.
When Grayson walked past, ruffling her hair like she was a child, even though they were in the same year. She scowled at him, annoyed, but then decided not to let it ruin her mood. "Are you guys cold? There are warm drinks if you want one."
EmilyPower said:
Andrew Williams had been enjoying such a wonderful holiday, why did his parents have to ruin it by sending him to Potter's house? It didn't make sense in the first place. Sure, Victoria had invited him and his parents loved Victoria more than they loved him but the Potters were known for being blood traitors. There were probably going to be countless of mud bloods and squibs in the house, he wouldn't be surprised to see a muggle sitting in the living room when he arrived. Of course, he could be mean to any of the blood traitors in the house. He'd been pretending to like them for most of his life and he wasn't about to blow his cover for the Ministry because of some foolish Christmas party. Oh, he was sure the great Harry Potter wouldn't mind having him there. After all, finding a pureblood who didn't dislike mugs was extremely rare these days. Not to mention, Victoria had reassured him that they knew he was going to arrive after everyone because he had some business to take care of. The business might have been involved with a meeting with Victoria's father but it wasn't like anyone would care. It was hard not to love the charismatic, funny Andrew Williams. James, however, would probably have a hard time seeing him in his house. They had never gotten along in class, which was odd since Andrew was incredibly popular. Oh well, he'd just have to live with it because Andrew wasn't going back after freezing in the snow for ten minutes while trying to find the blasted house.
The house was everything he'd expected from the Potters. It wasn't small, but it wasn't as extravagant as his own home. He wished he could've gone to the Knight's annual Christmas celebration for the holidays instead of... this. Well, maybe going to the Knight manor was not a very good idea anyways. The Minister had been more stressed than usual due to the first Order formed against him. He was certain it was because of a traitor and everyone had been in hot water these last few months. Especially James, who was only working undercover for him had been interrogated and tortured for answers. It had been an odd interrogation, a few cruciatus curses that lead to wedding preparations with Mrs. Knight. It wasn't like he was questioning the Minister, he wouldn't dare. Seeing some teenagers enter the house, Andrew began walking faster to get in at the same time the others got in. The door was already closed though, he knocked a few times and waited for someone to open the door for him.
indiedarling said:
James certainly hadn't expected Victoria to take off running downstairs to meet the new guests. He couldn't imagine where she'd managed to find the energy. He was most definitely exhausted, he just couldn't sleep. He slowly made his way down after her, taking down his bubble charm before he did so. The voices reached him halfway down the stairs and he entered the living area with a bright smile despite being decently tired. "Don't mind her," he chirped to Greyson, "She can be a bit prickish at times." He sent her a teasing look at then waved a greeting to Rey and then leaned over the back of the couch to rub Paige's head as if she were his little sister. "Nice to see you all made it without becoming giant icicles. Would anyone like a warm butterbeer? I'm going to get you all dry clothes." he said the last part over his shoulder as he made his way to walk into the kitchen but he stopped in his tracks when there was a knock on the door. He didn't think they were expecting anyone else tonight but maybe it was Ron and Hermione or someone else from the family coming early. He opened the door with a warm smile on his face but it was quickly diminished to an unhappy scowl as he growled, loud enough for everyone in the living room to hear, "What are you doing here?" The person at the door happened to be one of his least favorite Slytherins, Andrew. He was half tempted to slam the door in his face. In fact, he was debating it.
thefan1 said:
Once Greyson asked her to repeat herself, Victoria's smile grew and she placed a hand on his shoulder. "I said I can't wait for tomorrow." She replied, loud enough for the others to hear. She didn't know the newcomers, in fact, she couldn't remember the last time she'd spoken to them in the school. If James had invited them, it was probably because they were trustworthy and could join the Order, something they desperately needed if they were going to take down the Ministry. The first tests were extremely harsh and downright dangerous, which made it fun to watch. She couldn't wait to see Greyson go through the different challenges without breaking any limbs. As for the others, well, they hadn't caused much trouble so she didn't have anything against them. It wasn't like she disliked Greyson, she just didn't enjoy being mocked by others. "I'll get some warm blankets before you turn into ice sculptures." The girl said, going back upstairs to find the blankets.
An uncomfortable silence was ruling the room by the time she came back with the blankets she'd found in the guest bedroom. There was something wrong. If there was one thing she knew about her friends it was that they never ran out of things to talk about. She spotted James and Greyson by the door and made her way towards them, throwing the blankets away. Was it someone dangerous? Were they going to fight for their lives? Well, that certainly wouldn't be a problem. They were anything but weak and she knew they'd survive a duel against the threat outside. She decided to take a look at the person outside and her worries immediately disappeared. Andrew, one of her few friends from Slytherin and her candidate for the Order. She understood why James was looking at him with so much hate. They had never gotten along and when she mentioned she invited someone who could help them with the Order she had failed to mention that person was Andrew Williams. "Be nice, he's here to help us." She whispered in James' ear before slipping past the two men and giving Andrew big hug. "I thought you weren't coming!" She exclaimed, kissing Andrew's cheek.
EmilyPower said:
Andrew scowled when Potter opened the door, just the person he didn't want to see that evening. He knew he was going to have to spend the holidays with him, he just wasn't expecting him to open the door. He was glad to see he was just as excited as he was to have him spend the holidays there. "I'm here for Victoria, Potter. Not too happy so see you either." He spat, taking a look as his messy appearance and grinnig. Nothing he didn't expect from James Potter, the one person he couldn't fool with his innocent Slytherin act. He noticed everyone had gone silent due to his arrival and sighed. Had Potter brainwahsed them and convinced them that he was not a good person? He'd kill the brat if that was the case. He didn't spend years getting such a good reputation with everyone for nothing .
When Victoria made her appearance, his warm smile returned as he hugged her back and practically lifted her up. "Well you begged me for weeks to come, how could I deny your generous invitarion? Besides, I need to start looking out for you don't I? Not like you need any protection." Andrew calmly replied, then got a brilliant idea. He knew Victoria and Potter were close, everyone knew they'd formed a strong bond during the past few months. He was sure Potter would hate if he showed any kind of affection towards Victoria. When she kissed her cheek, he kissed her forehead and wrapped an arm around her. Oh, they certainly didn't love each other but he sure loved making Potter mad. Besides, he liked Victoria and she wasn't ugly so it wasnt hard for him to show affection towards the girl.
After Rey had shared her whispers with Grayson, the comments from him only making her laugh more ito the night, and after the establishment that herself, Paige and Greyson knew not how to open doors, Rey was finally inside and attempting to fix up the mess of her hair on her head while the others settled in and spoke quietly as they could. She watched Paige remove her special packages from her jacket and marveled at the adorable sizes of Rue and Piccolo, the siblings animals. She also had agreed profusely to a warm drink beforehand, offered by Cassandra, and as Greyson departed, giving Rey something to call James from now on (Rapunzel), she made sure to ask for a good cup of butterbeer, full to the brim. She could only hope.

Rey had pulled off her burgandy and black headwrap with so much carelessness that her wavy hair spiked, of all things, and she quickly moved to the perfectly placed mirror on the wall beside her to fix it up. As she studied her face in the mirror, her last shoulder length hairs coming into place, she could tell how the cold had affected her even with the small amount of time they were out there. Her dainty lips had gone a little purple, but no less soft, so she licked them over to sooth them. Her chocolate brown eyes also caught sight of a peice of snow over her scarf abd she brushed it off quickly before turning round to the others again. She was just about ready to find conversation with Cassandra, her coat being undone when there was a knock at the door.

Who on earth else was there but her brother? She hoped she wouldn't have to whip out her wand. Though she really wondered was Teddy already here? Impossible, he wouldn't break a promise to Victoire in all his life. Rey watched James cautiously as he approached the door, her arms folding across her chest with her knitted band hanging from one hand.

She was not expecting to see Andrew Williams before James, and this was a huge understatement. Becoming somewhat on edge she moved herself from the spot she was in, her head turning back as Greyson stuck his head in from the kitchen. "
Who's at the doo--." He had ceased talking and Rey was glad he did, only addiing a couple more syllables as she gave him a wary look, shoulders shrugging. Now in a spit where she could see Andrew clearly, not beside James but not behind him either, she looked him up and down with only her eyes and her head turned to James as he spoke. "What are you doing here?" Rey shifted at his hard tone, and her eyes flickered between Andrew and James. Her face pulled into one of questioning, not exactly amusement, but, amusement. And her right eyebrow raised even slightly. She knew Andrew Williams like she knew any of the other Slitherins, and while she had witnessed he could be like the houses worst, never had she had to deal with him in such a manner that she had a distate for him. Just like with Victoria, his presence never completely bothered her.

Rey gave James another sideway glance, and she moved slightly to allow Victoria to whisper in his ear without hitting her shoulder, the smallest smile tugging at her lips at the scene. She had heard a couple words of what she had said. Basicly she heard it all, and for everyones sake she hoped James would recognize that.

With a small yet inaudible sigh of sorts Rey shifted her weight again. The situation was putting her on edge and she wanted to tell James' attitude to deal with it. "
I'm here for Victoria, Potter. Not too happy so see you either." James didn't have to say much to put Rey on edge, his demeanor alone was off putting, even though it seemed like Andrew held the same.

Soon enough Rey spoke, her eyes staying on james the longest as she looked between the two. "
Cut him some slack James...," her voice wasn't shaky, oh no, this was James she was talking to, but not completely serious either, and neither was her expression. "If Victoria trust's him that should be enough for you, regardless of house." She unhinged her arms. "Relax. Rapunzel is going to develop frown lines early." She stepped back maybe once, mainly giving Victoria the smallest of nods and a shrug of kinds, her mind not letting her see past Andrews kiss of her head in an effort to get to James. James only. Before turning completely and making her way towards the kitchen past the others with her hips swinging mercilessly, though not before grabbing her bag off the floor effortlessly with her, a playful smirk saved for Cassandra, Greyson and Paige. On the way she also offered Greyson a cheeky wink, as in, 'Yes, I just attempted to tame the beast', and a passing pat on the shoulder as she started to enter the kitchen, looking for that drink she ordered and wondering if James knew he was Rapunzel.
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Paige felt quite uncomfortable. Seeing this Andrew guy kiss the girl on the roof from earlier was discomforting. She remembered seeing the girl, Victoria, with James earlier, and the two seemed rather...close, for lack if a better term. Now this Andrew lad appeared, and planted a mark of affection onto the girl's forehead. Right. In front. Of James. Paige released a breath of hair she didnt realize she was holding until now. The younger girl shook her head, and turned away from the three at the door, looking to the kitchen, seeking security, comfort, and distance from the negative energy that was concentrated around the door.

Greyson retreated back into the kitchen when he saw who it was. It could get nasty, and he wanted to stay out of it. His hands rummaged through the home, searching for two, good-sized mugs. He found quite a few in one of the cupboards and had begun pouring the pitcher of butterbeer into the two seperate cups after moving the objects to the table. "Cut him some slack James..." Rey's voice caught the attention of Greyson's ears. He looked up from the pitcher, looking back at the door. "If Victoria trusts him that should be enough for you, regardless of house." Her tone was convincing, though James wasnt one to be so easily persuaded. However, Rey had a point, if Victoria trusts him he should too. But that didnt always work so easily. Andrew was on an unleveled playing field, this was Potter's home, his kingdom, his place of safety that deserved the level of protection James was giving off. An outsider had stumbled into a pack's den and came face to face with the alpha; to put it in more primal terms. Greyson completely understood why Victoria's trust wouldnt be enough to win James over (if that was the case). It was much easier to accept someone you disliked when they aren't entering your home. There was a lot of vulnerability that came with being at home. Grey felt a warm trickle run along his fingers, and when he looked back down at the drinks, he had poured over the mug's capacity,"Damn," he whispered and set the pitcher down immediately. He shook the liquid off his hand then proceeded to bend down and sip the liquid that sat at the rim of the mug, to decrease the amount and avoid more spillage. He went back into the kitchen, headed straight for the tap to wash his butterbeered hands,"Relax. Rapunzel is going to develop frown lines early," Rey's voice carried itself over the water rushing from the tap. Greyson choked on air when he heard Rey's attempt at lightening the mood, then went on laughing to himself, feeling proud of her being so bold at a serious time. It was something he wouldve done. He finished with his hands went to the table with a towel, his objective being to clean up the wasted liquid.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Alas saunter over, pride stretching her soft lips into a smile, and a wink boasting her bold try at calming James. Greyson said nothing, he turned around to face her, backed against the table, with his hands up in front of his chest in defense, shaking them as if to say,'Whoah, look out, badass coming through,' before breaking out into a deep voiced chuckle. Soon after Rey, Paige walked into kitchen, with a distraught look on her face. Her big brother hung the towel over his shoulder, the way a bar tender or barista would,"Whoah, hold on there. Why the face, dear sister?" he picked up the pitcher, ready to return it to the kitchen but waited for a reply.

Paige pulled a chair for herself and hopped onto a seat, setting her chin in her hand, resting on her elbow,"Nothing," she said quietly. But Grey know what it was,"Is it those weird feelings again?" he questioned, knowing the answer already but waited for his sister to nod,"They'll go away, love, you'll see," he turned walking for the kitchen. He met up with Rey and pulled a third mug out for her,"Paige is very sensitive to people's emotions, so she hates the tense atmosphere over there," Greyson jerked his head toward the door,"If someone is sad, she feels sad. If someone is cross, she feels uncomfortable. Just the way it goes. Shes a delicate one, that one," he explained. "But dont be fooled, shes a lot tougher than she appears to be," he laughed softly and glanced at his sister who was busy petting Piccolo in her lap. It was true, Paige was extremely shy and timid but she could handle herself just fine. Especially with magic. She was excellent in Defense Against the Dark Arts and Charms, Greyson felt like a first year when it came to those subjects around her. She was a quick thinker as well, and a quick reactor, her wand (made for quick decisions) helped her even further. Greyson had a nostalgic smile, he remembered the time when Paige had her first (school controlled) duel, and how quick she was to laying the first and last attack. It was one, two, three, draw between the two and she prevailed as the victor. However her soft heart kept her from participating in any duels after that. Greyson thought it would be unfair for the poor chap that had to go against her. The young man filled Rey's mug with the beer and presented it too her with a pleasing smile,"There you are."


Mentioned: @indiedarling @thefan1 @EmilyPower
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It was almost impressive how quickly the atmosphere in the room went from calm and friendly to severe and tense with just the opening of a door. Cassandra frowned slightly, seeing who it was. No one I know. She decided, although James seemed familiar with him. Familiar as in possibly enemies. However, he certainly seemed... Friendly with Victoria.

Knowing James, this might set him off, so she decided to intervene, although she was ready to scare him of if she had to. "Chill, James. He hasn't done anything." Yet. She looked at the guy, curious. "So, who are you?"
ny logical reason for him to be there, which made him even more skeptical and tense. "She never mentioned you being here, so how do I know you're not lying?" he spat back in response to Andrew's words. Could Victoria really have invited him and not mentioned it to JJames stood his ground at the door, clearly not planning on moving out of the way to allow Andrew into his home. He couldn't think of aames? Really, he couldn't be mad if she had. It was no different than what he'd done by inviting her and Morgana and not telling his parents. Just as these thoughts were entering his mind, they were answered by Victoria returning from upstairs. Through the angry thumping of his heart in his ears, he hadn't heard Victoria's return until she was right behind him whispering in his ear. He remained silent despite her request for him to be kind. In fact, he was a tad bit hurt that she'd invited someone James clearly didn't like nor trust and hadn't even mentioned it once. But that was before he saw how excited she was to see Andrew and how she kissed his cheeks.

At the sight of such thing, James felt a sudden pang in his chest. He was used to such things, of course. Half the girls he got close to were either already dating someone or had someone who they were clearly considering dating and James had always been okay with that because he was in it merely for the snogging. He had never really been one for emotions, mostly because he truly believed emotional connections just led to emotional damage and he had enough of that as it was. But something about seeing Victoria kiss Andrew on the cheek, just a few minutes after she'd just been lying in his arms on the roof, had sent James' head spinning. And Andrew's reply about how she'd begged him to come didn't help. And then he had the
audacity to kiss her on the forehead, clearly in an attempt to piss James off even more. And it most definitely worked, if Victoria hadn't been standing so close, James would've blasted him halfway into the yard with a hex. But he refrained and just stared at the two with a mixed look of hatred and rage.

Rey's voice reached him through his anger-fogged mind and her dismissal of the scene in front of him made him clench his jaw. Yes, perhaps she may have been right. Victoria trusted his judgement without question, so why shouldn't he trust hers? But it was Williams of all people. Someone he'd never trusted from day one, no matter how many people thought he was an alright guy. He was popular at school and even a few of James' family members didn't mind him, but James had never been fooled by his acts. He always held onto the belief that Andrew was just as bad as the rest of the pureblood supremacist members of his house. But, then again, he'd felt the same way towards Victoria and Morgana and half of the members of the new order before he got to know them. Could he ever really judge someone without giving them a chance. The last little bit of Rey's words about calling him Rapunzel and how he'd get frown lines early if he didn't stop looking so mad almost made him crack a smile. Almost. He was still going to stand his ground, until Cassandra said something very similar to what Rey had said. It seemed the majority opinion was in favor of giving Andrew a chance and this was no dictatorship, James didn't get to make decisions for the group on his own. Plus, it was still freezing cold and snowing outside and he had a feeling if he didn't let Andrew in, Victoria would sit out there with him and he didn't need her catching a cold. So, reluctantly and with a cold stare still locked on Williams, he backed away from the door and gave them room to enter the house before shutting the door behind them and silently brushing past them into the kitchen, not giving either of them a second glance. He may have let Andrew in but that didn't mean that he wasn't still pissed off about the whole situation.

@thefan1 @EmilyPower
Victoria could tell something was wrong with James as soon as she received the kiss from Andrew. A simple kiss shouldn't be a problem, right? Well, this definitely wasn't the case. Victoria wasn't naive, far from it, she knew about their rivalry and knew how much they wished they could dance on the other's graves. It didn't take long for her to figure out Andrew had kissed her to make James mad. It wasn't like it was the first time he'd shown some kind of affection towards her, she'd been sure they all knew about their relationship even if she never talked about it. Still, something about Andrew's kiss and the fact she'd invited him in the first place clearly hurt James, judging from his facial expression and the way he stormed out of the living room. Was it because they'd gotten closer in the roof just a few minutes ago? Was it because she was his friend and Andrew was his enemy? Both options were entirely possible. She understood why he was so mad at both of them, if any of them had invited one of her enemies into her house she would've cursed them in a matter of seconds. James' self-control was impressive.

Once they were inside the house, Victoria decided to deal with James before spending time with Andrew. Not like they would miss each other for a few minutes, perhaps hours, it depended on how powerful James' anger was. Besides, it seemed like not everyone in the room was familiar with Andrew so that'll give him some time to introduce himself and get some new friends. "I better go check if James is alright. You stay here and introduce yourself, please be nice." Victoria whispered, loud enough for the ones nearby to hear her. The others had probably gotten a bad first impression from Andrew and being friendly with anyone certainly wouldn't hurt his reputation. It wasn't like it was hard for Andrew to make friends anyways, everyone would probably wear dresses with Andrew's face on them by the time she came back from the kitchen.

She silently entered the kitchen right behind her friend, not wanting him to know she had followed him just yet. She needed to prepare what she was going to say after all. Did he know about her relationship with Andrew? Well, he probably thought they were dating just like most of their classmates. Oh, it was much more complicated than that. Which was the main reason why Victoria had never mentioned Andrew to her friends and usually changed the subject every time someone mentioned him. She decided not to tell him the truth about their relationship at the moment though, that'll probably lead to him murdering Andrew in a fit of uncontrolled rage. Taking a deep breath to inform James she was there, she delicately placed a hand on her shoulder and gave the siblings sitting in the kitchen a pleading look. As if to tell them to help her if anything went wrong. "James, I'm sorry for not telling you I invited Andrew. It's just- they really want us to spend time together and so do we... not like I don't enjoy spending time with the Order, of course. It's just... different with Andrew." She said calmly, placing a hand on the counter for support. She didn't expect him to forgive her but it was worth a try, maybe she could convince him to get to know Andrew and see what a nice guy he could be. "Andrew is a very good person, you just don't know him like I do. Please try to understand, this was beyond my control. Inviting him was the only way I could convince my parents to let me come and, like I said before, I really need to spend time with him. Can you please try to get along?"
"(Part of my last post was missing for some reason, but it works. And I'm on my phone so I apologize for typos and if this sucks.)

James stormed straight through the kitchen to the sink, where he leaned up against it and stared out the window to the dark backyard and the forest beyond it, though really he could only see his own reflection. He looked tired, definitely, with slight bags under his eyes. But those had been coming on for months with all the training sessions and attacks on top of quidditch and school and keeping his family happy. They just look more prominent all of a sudden, more noticeable. His expression was stoney, almost emotionless even. How often he had seen himself this way. How often he had shoved all of his emotions back down his throat and kept them hidden and tamed in the pit of his stomach. Maybe, one day, he'd explode with all of the feelings he kept silent. He was completely unaware of the other people in the room: Rey, Paige, and Greyson. Completely indulged in his thoughts and in keeping his anger at bay. It was taking everything in him not to walk back into the other room and sucker punch Andrew right in the nose. Physical action always got the feeling across better than magical action in James' mind.

The room stayed silent until Victoria came to stand beside him and tried to reason with him. He listened with white knuckles gripping the edge of the counter top. It almost made him sick to his stomach listening to her talk about him and the way she said 'we' sent his head spinning again. He was sure it was just because he disliked Andrew and Victoria was supposed to be his ally. He was sure that was why he felt so ill about this. As soon as her last question fell from her lips, he spun on her, stepping close to her and looming over her, a slight glint of menace in his eyes. The words that came from his mouth next were spoken in a low growl and dripped with venom, "
Next time you decide to bring my enemies into my house without a warning, consider yourself my enemy as well. He can stay here but he's sleeping on the floor and I'm not going near him. Understood? I don't care if you couldn't help it or not. Maybe you should've just spent time with him at your own home." He turned away from her and went back to looking out the window, instantly regretting his words but not daring to apologize for them.

Paige & Greyson Kingsley

The siblings were too engulfed with themselves and Rey in the kitchen to see what was going on over by the door. After handing Rey her drink, he picked up the mugs on the table, sliding one across the table to his sister and keeping one for himself. Paige smiled when she recieved the beverage. She held her hands open along the edge of the table, stopping the moving mug from spilling. Piccolo, in her lap, stood up on his hind legs, tiny pink nose twitching as he sniffed the beer, stretching and reaching to catch a glimpse, and maybe even a taste of the intriguing drink. Paige frowned as the ferret tried to steal something shes been waiting for. She pouted, and slid the mug away from him, making the creature only stretch farther, and try to climb onto the table so he could get closer.

Greyson chugged it in a matter of second. When he finished, he sighed a relieving, satisfied sigh and wiped his mouth with his sleeve,"Ive been waiting for that all night," he grinned to both Rey and his sister. Once again Grey turned to the sink, standing on one side of it and swiveling the tap to his side. He started to wash out the mug.

James' thunderous steps grew louder as he grew closer. When he reached the sink, he stopped beside Greyson and just stared out the window. Grey, with out turning his head, glanced at his friend. The tightened knuckles, the clenched jaw, the look in his eye. Greyson could tell that although James was in the kitchen with him, doesnt mean he was presently, mentally there. His blazing stare was directed to backyard, but Grey knew he could possibly be thinking about what flowers he was going to plant out there,"Somethings troubling you," Greyson pointed out the obvious. "And i know its not just because of..." he took a deep breath, gathering courage to even utter his name in James' presence,"Andrew. Its something..." he turned the tap off and turned around, leaning on the sink and crossing his arms, watching Victoria approach now,"More.." he ended, eying Victoria, the person he was referring to... Grey wasnt sure if James' even payed attention to what he said, but whether or not he did, it didnt bother him. "Um..." he looked at James,"Im going to...leave you two alone." The young man formed a tight line with his lips and he gave a curt nod. He pulled his weight off the counter and joined his sister that the table, making room for Victoria.

The siblings looked at eachother with discomfort. When they looked away, Paige looked at James, concern written on her face. Naturally, having an innocent crush on him, made her sympathize with him easily. Victoria spoke first, caringly putting a shoulder on James' shoulder. She gave her side of the story but James still wasnt buying it. It seemed like the more she talked and explained, the more of a reason he had to be upset. "Next time you decide to bring my enemies into my house without a warning, consider yourself my enemy as well. He can stay here but he's sleeping on the floor and I'm not going near him. Understood? I don't care if you couldn't help it or not. Maybe you should've just spent time with him at your own home."

His words were a shock as he practically hissed at her. His reply even stung Greyson, and they werent even directed toward him. He turned his head to look at the two, he couldnt ignore them any longer after that. Grey stood up, deciding he had to intervene after all,"O-Okay," he said nervously,"We tend to say things when we're angry, lets just...sleep on this, and talk about it tomorrow," he tried to mediate to avoid hurt feelings or to keep anger from growing any worse. Paige, sitting across from her brother nodded to his terms, it seemed like the logical thing to do.

@thefan1 @indiedarling @BeamMeUpScotty
There was one more guest approaching the potter house that day. Unexpected and likely uninvited someone was already approaching the Potter house. Alexander had by luck heard about this gathering, which made sense how much he got around and while the organizers might find things much easier to hide from an adult was much harder to hide from other kids. He wore a bulky black jacket above his Slytherin uniform not so much for him but from the serpent wrapped around him underneath it, still and quiet with only its head visible, leaning against his shoulders. "How much you want to bet they'll actually let me in?" He seemed to ask the snake itself as he glanced at the house he was supposed to go to before suddenly snorting. "Your right, probably a suckers bet." He said even though the snake had not moved or even hissed doing its best impression of a sleeping animal. After this somewhat odd conversation he walked up to the door deciding the best way inside was to simply ask first. By this time all those involved with this order would have arrived which is why he had intentionally slanted himself to be late for the actual time he heard this gathering might start. Even if he was kicked out he would likely get a good chance to see who was a part of this organization.

He himself was pretty well known in the school, as one of the few Parselmouths in the school made even more extreme by the fact he was a mud blood sorted into the Slytherin. For the first few years he was ridiculed in the mostly pure blood dominated house but both his absolute ruthlessness in dealing with those who insulted him to his abilities as a Parselmouth as well as his massive pet snake had made him quite the curiosity in the school. Some for one reason or not were afraid of him and whispered he practiced dark arts and wanted to become a dark lord though he often showed disdain for the ones who called themselves dark lords though he made no attempt to counter the rumors he practiced dark arts. He walked up to the door and rapped the door twice with his hand causing the snake head on his shoulders to open its eyes and stir under his coat. Alexanders dark brown eyes glanced at the door wondering who was going to open it.
The slight sound of brush gliding across canvas paused and then resumed for a moment as Morgana signed the painting. She treated it with a quick drying charm and dispelled the heated bubble before picking up both her coat and and the snake. She wrapped Merlin around her neck to rest on her shoulders and pointed her wand at the rest of her stuff, excluding the canvas book she had painted in. "Wingardium Leviosa" she chanted the spell and made her way to the front door. She had just enough time to see James storm off before she almost closed the door in someone else's face. "Sorry." She just threw the apology over her shoulder and continued on inside. "Hey guys, what's going... Andrew, I didn't expect to see you here." Her entire face shut down into her Slytherin mask the moment she realized who was at the door. She knew James didn't like him, and that was enough for her at the moment. "Where is James?" She almost hissed the question to the group, more than a little tense.
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Victoria couldn't help but to wince at James' response. The amount of anger directed towards her was unbelievable. He hadn't been this mad when she'd 'tested' him for the Order, why was he so angry because she invited Andrew over? Was it because he felt like he was being betrayed or was there something more? Well, the reason didn't matter at this point. Making a fist and digging her nails into her palm, Victoria did everything she could to stop herself from slapping James. She'd known he was going to be mad at her but those words meant a lot more than anyone realized. Was he really asking her to let that slide? He practically just called her to consider herself his enemy and ignored everything she'd said to defend Andrew. Somewhere in her mind, a voice told her to let it go and respond calmly to avoid James getting madder and actually cursing her. Victoria usually never followed her the advice of the little voice in her head that always tried to help her. If her wand wasn't upstairs, the til would be pressed against his neck.

"I'm not doing this." She hissed, keeping her voice low to prevent the other teenagers in the kitchen from listening to their conversation. She could choose sides between James and Andrew, it was impossible to choose who to support . James was one of her best friends and she really cared for him, even if they bickered like siblings from time to time. Andrew was practically family, she'd known him for years and she didn't want to make him mad just a few months away from 'the big day'. Still, she wasn't trying to be reasonable. She wanted to hurt James for hurting her in the first place and nothing was going to stop her. "If Andrew is sleeping on the floor then so am I. I don't care if you don't speak to us anymore, I won't let you treat my fiancée like an animal just because you dislike him. And for the record, I would've spent time with him if I didn't care for you and this Order as much as I do!" She yelled, looking at his reflection in the mirror to see his reaction. Telling him about her current relationship with Andrew would definitely have a negative impact on him and she didn't want to miss it.

(Sorry if this post isn't that good, I'm on my phone)
"Tch." She didn't even wait fir the others to respond before her feet were moving in the direction she had glimpsed James and Victoria go off in. She searches for a few moments before finally finding the kitchen. Morgana worried the entire time she looked, knowing that Andrew was there for Victoria, and that the girl probably failed to mention his presence with their friend. She gave a small sigh of releif as she realized that they hadn't killed killed each other yet. "James...." She spoke his name, barely above a whisper as she caught his reflection in the window. She'd never seen him so angry before.

Camilla stared into the fire for a few moments, listening to Arnaldus talk and then shrugged at his question. She thought about it as she looked over at him and frowned. "I am fine with our goals and what we're doing...." She bit her lip, thinking about some of the things she's healed on her friends. The wounds were mostly superficial, but there was also spell damage and the such that gave her the chills as she healed it. "The only issue I have is when you get hurt....and that I'm not much use in a fight." She sighed and looked up at him. "what happens if I can't heal the next one?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.682e1888fd643b82e2e7d148ebd2e0fc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="115449" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.682e1888fd643b82e2e7d148ebd2e0fc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Arnaldus Smith

Arnaldus followed Camillas eyes as she looked toward the fire, pondering of what she was thinking as she shrugged, noticing her frown appear on her face as she looked toward him. He never liked to see his friends with a frown or appear sad, but knew each of them always had times where it wasn't something that could be helped, where sometimes they just needed to express their emotions in whatever form that might be, whether it was a smile to show their happiness and gladdened feelings or a frown to express the opposite. Arnaldus looked to her and listened coming to understand why she was feeling the way she had been. "But..." He started to say gently feeling something was troubling her and paused to allow her to finish. A cheerful smile crossed his lips as she spoke while he looked to her and his cheeks warmed to a brightened color. "Me? The things were doing....... What we have done, I couldn't imagine not being apart of it. Years of this reign casting a shadow over us and binding us to one common fate, one common daily fear and struggle. I always wanted to help change that and felt my time to accomplish that, was fading. Until you all of us came together and we started making a difference, a real difference and not just some small thing but all of it. Whether your the greatest duelist or not doesn't change the part you have played in making it all happen, we wouldn't be as healthy as we are without a true healer like you.... Camilla." He spoke softly and sincerely speaking from his heart instead of his mind. While looking into her eyes and gently placing a hand beneath her chin and smiling to her as he did. "We're a team and wouldn't be where we are without everyone playing there part and being with us. Not being the best fighter or feeling as if your much use in one, can never change your major effect in healing our wounds, our injuries both big and small, healing mine when I get knocked around and injured. I can never repay you for that but I can help you with your dueling or simply be there whenever you need me, no matter the reason." Arnaldus continued placing more meaning and importance into his words as he went on. The mention of her last words caught his attention and were felt as she spoke, thinking of her words and considering what could happen if she wasn't able to heal the next one. What could happen to him or any of them if she couldn't. But then suddenly he just looked toward her and smiled with gentle smile and look in his eyes, he moved his hand down from her chin and lightly took hold of her hand. "What will happen if you can't heal the next one? What will happen is that you will not blame yourself or feel guilty. It means that perhaps one of us have died or perhaps I have. But if I do..... " he paused and made sure he could look into her eyes. "If I do...... It means I died for a good cause and without regret, except for maybe one. Or maybe I live but with some drawbacks and inability to fight on or be of help. But either way it was for the right reasons and you did everything you could, no one could ask for any more then that. The important thing is we're all here until the end and whether we die or live, all of us or some we fought and fought for what's right." Arnaldus added seeming in ending while he looked to the fire for a moment and gazed into the fire. Before looking back to Camilla with a small grin, "No matter what happens Camilla, I would rather be the one dying then one of you falling in battle. I would rather be your shield then lose you..." Arnaldus spoke directing his last words toward Camilla, no charm or style, no flirting or attempt at anything. Just a meaningful truth in his words and care for his friends and Camilla as he spoke.

@Camilla Riddle



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[QUOTE="Camilla Riddle]The slight sound of brush gliding across canvas paused and then resumed for a moment as Morgana signed the painting. She treated it with a quick drying charm and dispelled the heated bubble before picking up both her coat and and the snake. She wrapped Merlin around her neck to rest on her shoulders and pointed her wand at the rest of her stuff, excluding the canvas book she had painted in. "Wingardium Leviosa" she chanted the spell and made her way to the front door. She had just enough time to see James storm off before she almost closed the door in someone else's face. "Sorry." She just threw the apology over her shoulder and continued on inside. "Hey guys, what's going... Andrew, I didn't expect to see you here." Her entire face shut down into her Slytherin mask the moment she realized who was at the door. She knew James didn't like him, and that was enough for her at the moment. "Where is James?" She almost hissed the question to the group, more than a little tense.

Of all the welcomes he could have gotten probably the last he expected was for someone to rush past him, causing a loud hiss of annoyance to come from his jacket and his companion woke up, sliding up his jacket causing Alexander to wince as it hissed at the girl who ran inside. He whispered quietly to his snake in parseltongue which to most others just sounded like an aggressive snake even when he was comforting the animal which he always found both curious and convenient. His snake calmed down, wrapping its body a little more loosely around his chest while resting its head on his shoulder again and since the door was so conveniently opened he took it as invitation and just walked inside. His dark eyes scanned the room taking accounts of who came to this meeting, wondering how long it would take for him to be challenged if at all and he kept his wand close, if this room full of student's decided to hex him he would have a hard time defending himself.
Andrew got a good ,satisfactory feeling when he saw James' hurt expression. He briefly wondered if he felt anything for Victoria, he wouldn't be too upset if he didn't feel anything for her anyways. Oh well, Victoria was his and he wasn't going to late James win her over. Especially when they were just a few months away from their wedding. The fact that Victoria followed him didn't even bother him. James was bound to find out about their engagement soon and Andrew was going to win. The only thing that would make the night better would be the house burning down and going back to the Knight manor to celebrate Christmas the way they usually did. Taking Victoria's advice, Andrew decided introducing himself would be a good idea. "I apologize if my entrance was a bit... Dramatic. James and I have never gotten along in the past, I never understood why though." He commented innocently, not paying attention to Alexander when he arrived with his snake. The fact that he was a parselmouth wasn't a secret anymore and he had other things to deal with. "Well, as I'm sure you already know, my name is Andrew Williams. I'm Victoria's fiancé, in case you didn't know."
He felt the air rush from his lungs at the sound of pure anger in Victoria's voice and when the word 'fiancee' fell from her mouth, he swore his heart jumped to his throat. He clenched the edge of the counter even tighter and looked down at his white knuckles, diverting his eyes from his reflection so he wouldn't have to see the emotions he was surely displaying now. How silly of him to think that Victoria wouldn't stay loyal to her pureblood family ties. How silly of him to think that he could make her see sense and that Andrew was not someone they should trust. He slammed his fist down onto the counter top once and then twice, even harder. And the repeatedly, over and over again, his face red with anger. His hand moved to grab his wand from where it usually was but found it gone, laying somewhere in his room. He turned to Victoria again, ready to shout back at her when he heard the soft whisper of Morgana's voice. His head swiveled around to look at her and he instantly stepped away from Victoria, turning his back on everyone in the room who was, no doubt, watching him and judging his reaction to all of this. He could feel the hot, angry tears building up in his eyes as he tried to regain some portion of self control. He bent over first and put his hands on his knees, taking in deep breaths and then stood up straight and put his hands on his head, gripping his hair and squeezing his eyes shut. If he could be ruthless and hold the best intentions for the order in mind, he would kick both Victoria and Andrew out of his home. For the safety of the whole operation. He knew in his gut that Andrew wasn't someone they could trust, but Victoria was clearly not about to give up her faith in him. Clearly not when they were engaged to be married. He ran a hand over his face, feeling betrayed and lost all at once. He was locked up and had very few options as to what to do: kick Victoria and Andrew out and risk Victoria being angry enough to turn against him and the order or let them both stay and risk putting the order at risk because of Andrew.
Joey was only just crawling out of bed. Without the rigorous class schedule and training for the next Quidditch match, Joey was always a late riser. At home during the summer she normally got out of bed at noon and wasn't fullawake till 2 o clock in the afternoon. As she stumbled downstairs she could hear shouting and accusations being thrown. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs and found her way to the commotion, she took in the scene before her with only mild interest. "... Am I interuptin' somethin'?" She asked the people in the general viscinity. She didn't actually care if she was interrupting anything, she just way people were shouting in the general area where she was trying to sLEEP.
Paige & Greyson Kingsley

Aside from the events occuring in the kitchen, Paige heard a knock on the door. Her head turned to side, her sapphire blue eyes blinking, waiting to see who was coming in...but no one did. Perhaps, like her before, the person outside thought the door was locked? She stood up, pushing the chair from the table, having it screech against the floor. Her ferret's ears flattened from the soon, but he shook his head, getting it out of his head once the screeches stopped. Paige set her companion onto the table, and the furry beast immediately scurried for her mug of butter beer. She took two or three more steps from the table, with opening the door in mind, till someone ran in. It was a woman, Morgana, who rushed her way in. Though, the knocking wasnt from her. When the door opened, she caught a glimpse of who was really standing there, a boy.

In the living room, Andrew had begun introducing himself, and the mystery boy had entered the home. But both siblings had their attention grabbed by several slams from the kitchen. Paige had missed why, but Greyson heard it all. Turns out Victoria was already betrothed to Andrew...and James was never told so. Greyson had a hand over his mouth, seemed to be deep in thought, he fought himself back from trying to help with the calming of his friend, but with this level of anger he thought it best for James to just ride it out. Paige, on the other hand, was horrified to see such a display of rage. She flinched and blinked with every slam of his fist. Each time, tensing up more and more. Her eyes started to swell and gloss over. As fearsome as his rage was, as frightened as she felt, she couldnt help but feel the broken heartedness he was feeling. Seeing someone resort to anger and rage over a broken heart was saddening. Paige had backed herself into a wall, the look om her face matched that of a scared child. Quivering lower lip, tears at the rim of her eye lids. The girl was sensitive to the emotions of those around her. In certain cases, that was a good thing, it helped her express the level of care and the want to help others. But it came at a price, she soft hearted and tender, and the thing she hated the most was crying. It made her feel childish, when she has been working hard to prove that she is more than a child.

Greyson worried for his sister, knowing how much the emotiona of others effect her, and hes witnessed it first-hand countless times. He turned too look at her, extending a low placed hand, telling her its okay. Paige gave him a nod then turned away. She knew things would turn out alright in the end but it still didnt wipe her feelings away, nor did it settle the fire that was aflame in the kitchen. She turned away from those in the standing kitchen and then left the area. She walked to her things where she left them by the door and hauled it up the stairs, alone with the company of her thoughts, making her way to the empty guest room James had mentioned earlier. Her brother watched as his upset sister walked away, shutting his eyes and heaving a sigh, only to open them again with the sight of Piccolo enjoying himself a drink. Greyson faced forward once again, looking at James pace the kitchen, frustratingly running his hands through his hair and then pulling at it.

"I would have thought that a group trying to contest with the Ministry wouldnt be so concerned with silly romantics. I guess not." Greyson's head immediately turned to the voice, deeming it somewhat familiar and...disliking the fact. The boy's face matched a memory, Alexander the "soon-to-be Dark Lord", or, "the Dark Lord in training". Greyson waisted no time jumping to his feet, his wand already out and extended, aiming for the boy and his snake,"Its a sure sign we have a heart...Slytherin," he hissed the name of the house as harsh as the serpent around his body would. Greyson pressed on,"Why are you here," his electric blue eyes narrowed, piercing through the eyes of Alexander before him," and what do you want," he demanded more than asked. He jept his voice calm and collected, knowing that panic and emotion kept you from a clear head. Paige's ferret, who remained on the table behind Grey, hissed, the fur along his spin and tail standing on their ends at the sight of the snake. Now was definitely not the time for anymore unwanted appearances...

@thefan1 @Akio @indiedarling @Camilla Riddle @anyoneelseiforgot?

(Sorry if its a little crappy, im a little distracted with The Hobbit xD )
A few steps were taken forward and Morgana brushed past Victoria giving her just a short glare before turning her full attention to James. The Slytherin stopped a few feet from James as he began to freak out for a moment, making her worry for him even more. She bit her lip before looking at the rest in the room. "What are all of you looking at?" She made a shooing motion with her hands before stepping closer to James. "James? Talk to me, please. Do you want to go for a walk?" She spoke to him quietly, hoping he'd agree just so she could get him away from Victoria. Victoria... She still couldn't believe the girl had done this to James. Really she should have mentioned it to him rather than just letting Andrew, James's enemy, show up on his doorstep unannounced. Morgana hadn't even heard of it.


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