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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Arnaldus stood observant and near motionless as everyone spoke. While his eyes wandered for a moment as he noticed Camilla walk over towards him and stood next to him, Arnaldus smiled for a moment and gave a nod. Before turning his attention to everyone as they spoke and James gave him a nod and pat on his back, then going on to speak with his parents and Arnaldus listening to him speak and Victoria after him, followed by Harry and Ginny, approving of what was said. In truth he was relieved that Mr potter had come around and would help them, though he didn't quite trust everyone he did support them and their cause, which was a great improvement from before where wands were drawn and tempers were heated. But despite the improved state of it all he was taken back to what Victoria had said about the ministry and her father, it wasn't surprising that the ministry was aware or becoming, that Victoria's father was aware and becoming more knowledgable about the orders existence and what they had done to him and his followers. They were small yet effective victories against the regime and ones Arnaldus was proud of they were far more effective then any small battle he undertook before the order and were making a greater difference then he ever could have so it was clearly a proud accomplishment for them all and Arnaldus was truly proud of them all and glad they were all apart of this order.

While Ginny spoke Arnaldus snapped out of his distracted state of mind, shaking his head briefly and waking himself up. He was a little disappointed by the postponed flying but accepted it and listened to Ginny. A smile and chuckle came as mentioned the sleeping arrangements and how they wouldn't be getting to share a room with the ladies and teasing James. He scratched his head and yawned feeling a little tired while listening, taking note of the headmaster and giving a smile he was glad the headmaster was on their side and all the questions he had about him faded a bit as he seemed to join there side against the dark lord and his followers. "i'm glad we're all set for the night. I also appreciate the support Mrs. Potter and the support from Mr potter, it means a lot truly." He gave her a smile and nod while turning toward the Cassandra and had a small grin on his face, "You my dear will have quite the task, were a hand full....... But a lot of fun too." He spoke and turned to face everyone. "Well with that I must say fair well and all a good night, I'm turning in and laying claim to a bed. Good night everyone...... Camilla." Arnaldus spoke beginning to turn for the door and head in, pausing after he spoke to give a smile and nod to Camilla as he headed in for the night.
Cassandra smirked when her offer to join the order wasn't argued against, and, in fact, some seemed to approve, including Harry himself. When a guy-she hadn't gotten any names for anyone yet- told her that they were a handful, Cassandra laughed. Obviously, he didn't know of her... Problematic reputation, or he wouldn't have bothered. "Sounds like a party." She joked, then gestured to the girls. "Come on, I'll show you where the guest rooms are, and we'll figure it out from there."
Andre remained quite when he listened to everything smirkign as well at the mention of sleeping arrangement. It seemed they had the Potters support if it is not exactly fully supportive but he could understand that, their order was a new group with no proven track record. Once they gained some notorietyit might garner more support. He sight though soon after as it wasnt the chrismass party he planned to have with everyone and he still carried the gifts and wine.
Victoria smiled proudly when Harry stated his approval for the group and payed attention to his words. While she was grateful for his aid, she still wanted to find a way to get him to trust all of them. Which would be a hard task, considering some of them came from dark families and could betray the order whenever they wanted to. Still, she felt like it was necessary for him to trust all of them in case they ever found themselves in a dangerous situation and needed Harry's help. "We're more than grateful for your support Mr. Potter, we wont let you down." She replied gratefully. She would've liked to continue with the subject of trust and maybe sharing their plans for the ministry but the adults were probably very tired so she decided to leave the subject behind for the night. Flying being moved to the next day gave her mixed emotions. She sure was glad to know that she wouldn't have to face her fears that night, yet, she didn't want the night to end. It wasn't just because she wasn't tired yet, it was because she wanted to share more time with her friends, cherishing special moments was very special after all. There was no way to know if they would ever be able to share moments like these.

She giggled along with the others when Mrs. Potter expressed her opinions about the sleeping arrangements and placed her wand back in her pocket, knowing there probably wouldn't be any more conflicts for a while. "Well, that went rather well didn't it?" Victoria exclaimed once they were far from the adults to find their rooms. "Too bad we have to sleep now. I never thought I'd say this but I was waiting for that Quidditch game." She spoke, noticing some of her friends were clearly tired and sighed. "Oh well, goodnight everyone!" She said cheerfully, waving at them one last time before walking off with Cassandra to check the guest rooms.
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Mrs. and Mr. Potter made their way to their own room, clearly both pretty tired from their day of cleaning house and the high tensions from tonight. As Mrs. Potter entered the house, she made up the pull out bed from the couch and told Lily and Serenity they would be sleeping there for the night. Then, they both said goodnight to everyone again and disappeared behind their own closed doors. James started up the stairs, all smiles again now that everything was resolved for the most part. He called out to everyone as he slowly went up step after step, "
Despite what my mother said, I'm really not that bad. So, if anyone wants to bunk with me, feel free. A bed is a bed." And then he sped up a bit, skipping the last step with a long stride and made his way to his bedroom, which was the third door down on the left. The walls were a forest shade of green and were covered in quidditch posters and music posters, both muggle and wizard, and a few obscure muggle model posters. He kicked off his shoes and set them inside his closet before he shut his bedroom door. Hoping no one would come in before he got down changing into his night clothes. He hastily took off his shirt and jeans and slipped on a white wife beater and a pair of flannel pants before leaving the room to go the bathroom and wash his face and do all the other hygiene related things one does before they go to sleep.

After finishing up in the loo, he stumbled back to his room in the dark, stubbing his toes once or twice before he finally made it in. Grabbing a jumper and pulling it on because it had begun to snow outside and it was making the house a tad bit chilly. He climbed into bed and settled down under the blankets, pulling them up to his chin and then he stared at the ceiling. He just stared. Sleep seemed impossible because his mind was filled with echoing thoughts and pondering ideas. He tossed and turned for a bit before letting out a loud sigh and throwing the blankets off himself, climbing out of bed. He sat down on the seat of his bay window and watched the snow fall outside, covering the surrounding land in a blanket of white. He drew his knees to his chest and saw quietly, letting his mind go through it's energetic thoughts.
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Victoria had already changed into her nightclothes by the time it started to snow. She approached the window to be able to see the snow and wrapped her arms around herself when the cold found it's way inside of the guest bedroom. As much as she wanted to go to enjoy the snow, she didn't want to disobey the Potters after they had been so kind to her. She'd always loved snow after all and she didn't want to miss the first night of the season with snow. Excuses to go out suddenly began filling her mind and she smiled mischievously. She couldn't sleep, and waking up her roommate would just be rude. With this thought in mind, she grabbed a sweater from her trunk and headed outside. Being extremely careful to stay quiet in case someone else was awake and heard her trying to sneak out.


The snow flakes were steadily getting bigger and bigger and falling faster and faster. And James began to smile fondly at the thought that this years' Christmas might be a white one. Though, it was still two days away. But, one could hope. As he watched the world swirl with white, almost as if they were living in one big snow globe, a sudden movement near the house caught his eye and nearly made his heart jump to his throat. He could just be seeing things and he didn't want to startle anyone so he stayed quiet for the time being, standing up and leaning against the window as if to get a better view. He wiped his sleeve against the frosted glass to clear it and peered out into the frostbitten night. His hand had found his way onto his wand and he prepared himself to go charging down the stairs and out into the night to confront who ever or what ever the dark object he saw was. But, just as he took a step back to do just that, he caught a glimpse of mousy brown hair and then he noticed that the way the person was walking was distinctively female, and not just any female. He'd know that pompous, clearly-of-pureblood-decent gait anywhere at this point. He'd seen it so many times in the corridors at school and in the class room and during training in the Room of Requirement and on their missions to the Ministry.

What was Victoria doing out of the house in the middle of a blizzard? He forgot all about his previous plans and his wand and instead became quite curious, his eyebrows furrowed in thought. He opened his window, shivering slightly when the cold wind hit him and leaned out onto the roof before hissing, hoping she'd hear him over the sound of the snow, "
Victoria, Vic- Knight!" But, to no avail, so he took a quick look behind him and then shook his head at the whole situation and muttered under his breath, "Bloody hell, Knight. Leave it to you to be the one out in a bloody snow storm in the middle of the night..." He fished his wand from his pocket and whispered a spell that would melt the snow on the rood under his window and then put a bubble charm around the space to keep the snow away, then he climbed out onto the roof, closing the window behind him. Now, sure that he wouldn't wake anyone, he called out to her, "Blimey, Knight! Did you feel the need to turn into a pureblood icicle?"
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Sleeping in a bed that wasn't her own was weird, and it was causing Apus to twist and turn in her bed. Not that she would be getting any sleep anyways, too much was going on to get any good rest. It seemed as if the room was getting colder, and Apus turned to the window to see if it was open, only to find it snowing. With all the things happening that day, the snow was probably the most normal of it all. Chuckling to herself, she slipped out of bed and grabbed her shoes, sneaking downstairs. She, surprisingly, made it downstairs without alerting James, without even realizing it. To Apus, she was the only one downstairs or even awake. The house was silent minus the sound of the wind and snow. She took a little peak out of the window, noticing a few mysterious things out. It was like someone else was out there too. Oh well, she went to the kitchen, searching through the fridge to find something the snack on. What the Potters didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
Victoria happily stood in the snow storm with her arms raised, enjoying the cold and the feeling of the snow flakes on her skin. Winter had always been her favorite season and the snow never failed to put her in a cheerful mood. She forgot all of her worries regarding the Ministry and the dangers they were facing and simply enjoyed the moment. She grabbed a fistful of snow in her hand and began playing with it like a small child. Because of her complete disregard for anything not related to the weather, she failed to notice someone calling her name and someone else sneaking downstairs. Well, it wasn't like anyone would stop her from staying out in the snow.

She was wrong. After a few minutes of playing with the snowball, she finally heard James calling her name and turned to see where he was. She instantly tried to get her wand from her pocket, only to remember her wand was in her room and she was defenseless. It didn't take too long for her to find James climbing out of his window and all of her fears disappeared. She knew James wouldn't dare to hurt her, even if he was annoyed to find her outside at this time. Happily waving at him, she smiled and shrugged as a response to his question. "Maybe!" She called out. "Don't you like the snow? I just wanted to have some fun outside, no harm done!" She explained, wrapping her arms around herself to keep some warmth.
Serenity, like others, was having a hard time starting asleep. She fell asleep quickly enough with Lilly sharing the pull out couch, but after about an hour, had strange dreams that she didn't understand. Everything was a blur, with some kind of green light, followed by a scream. She didn't know who was screaming- in fact, she couldn't even tell if it was a boy or a girl. There were others, sure was sure, but that was the dream she remembered most. The Hufflepuff woke with a start, looking around the room until she calmed down somewhat, then turned to Lilly. "Lil-" She stopped abruptly, realizing that she was still asleep. I'll let her enjoy the vacation. She thought, then climbed out of bed as quickly and quietly as she could, then made sure that her friend was covered with the blankets.

Not quite sure what she was going to do now, Serenity decided to get some water first. She walked into the kitchen and opened a cabinet, taking a glass, before she even noticed that she wasn't alone. "Oh... Hello." Much of her earlier energy was gone, so she spoke quietly. She filled her glass from the sink and looked at Apus curiously.

Arnaldus Smith

It seemed like a short rest for Arnaldus as he lied atop the bed covers half draped across him, an arm curved up and beneath his head as he awoke and stared up towards the ceiling. A mind filled with thoughts actively patrolling and keeping him awake to much was going on for him to return to sleep, not even his thoughts were soley focused on one subject of topic. The war of renewed hope continued to cross his minds pathways bridging into another topic, one such as their stay here at the potter household and meeting Ginny and Harry Potter, the intense exchange and wands drawn pointing toward one another and about to be. Driving forward onto matters such as his own part in life, what laid in store for them all. A number of matters that reached nearly every genre of thought and life, the pace of which his mind raced into motion and across his mental pathways only seemed to cast aside his tired and exhausted state and brought renewed energy to him. So Arnaldus made the decision since he was now awake anyway he may as well get up and wander a bit, perhaps aimlessly or perhaps not. But either way he was going to get up and quietly wander, Arnaldus got up and out of his bed stretching a bit as he came to a full stand, reaching for his scarf and wrapping it around his neck then putting on his black overcoat to help keep himself warm should he decide to wander outside. It wouldn't help him any if he caught a cold by going out in his white t-shirt and comfort pants during a snowstorm.

After putting on his boots Arnaldus walked out the bedroom he was in and quietly entered the hall, heading down the stairs and looking around each corner as he walked about the house. He then moved for the front door and walked outside, shutting the door quietly behind him as he continued out and toward the trees.
"Hmm...... It might be nice to wander out here on all fours?" He pondered curiously of his animagus form and looked out into the trees and sky. Yet to notice others awake and some outside besides him as Arnaldus wandered around the place and outdoors unknowing of the awake and only of the sleeping of who he kept mindful to avoid waking up by being to loud.
Serenity startled her, to say the least. Apus jumped at the sound of the girl's voice, turning around quickly to see who it was. A breathe of relief wafted through the air as she realized she was in no real danger. Apus gave the younger girl a cheeky smile as she closed the fridge. "Uhh, hey. What are you doing up so late?" She checked the time on the wall, it wasn't too late, but didn't kids get tired easily? Her voice was barley above a whisper as she tried not to wake anyone up. "Isn't it past, like, your bedtime?" Apus wasn't trying to sound rude, it just came off as a general question. Before she could go back to snacking, Apus heard the front door opening and closing. Was someone trying to break in? Or sneak out? Oh no, she couldn't let anything go wrong, not when it was snowing! And so close to Christmas too! She exited the kitchen and rounded the corner to the front door, only to see a badger outside the window. Wait, what? Apus didn't even know badgers were common around these parts. It was a kind of cute animal though, she wished she could get an up close look at it. She quickly slipped out of the house, not minding the weather or the kids on the roof, and slowly walked up to the animal, trying to get a better look. Apus was determined, and she also probably seemed a bit childish too.

Camilla listened to it all, impressed by the defense that the others gave for their order. It made her smile to see the group come together for this, even if it was only a few that had spoken. She was surprised that so many had stood up for a Riddle, or that the Potters had actually accepted both Morgana and the whole order. She gave a small sigh of relief and began to walk back towards the house next to Arnaldus until he said goodnight, even singling her out. She blushed, but nodded with a smile of her own and a quiet, "Goodnight." She then went back to living room, being quiet so as to not wake the girls asleep on the couch. She grabber her bag from where she had put it and wondered the house until she found a den area with a fireplace and couches. She grinned and sat down to read her book. She'd always been more of a night person, since she loved to read things that her teachers at Hogwarts didn't like. Such as the Defense book she now had.

After about half an hour of reading her book, Camilla sat it down and sighed. She had only begun to realize it recently, but Camilla had changed after joining the Order. Where she once thought that other people were annoying and in the way of her learning, now she actually sought out company and friends from those she worked closely with. Where she use to spend hours reading just to do something, she now spent training and having fun with the Order. It was a new concept for her, and something she had yet to come to terms with. Now her reading time was spent during the hours that insomnia kept her awake, like now. Camilla shook her head and left her book on the couch to walk through the house and again and out through a door in the back. She began to walk around the property, forgetting her coat. She began to think about all of the people in the Order, and the risks that they were taking. She didn't want anyone to get hurt while they did this, but she couldn't control everything. She looked up at the sky and kept walking, almost bumping into Apus as she wasn't watching where she was going.
"Oh, Sorry... I wasn't watching where I was going." She smiled at the girl and kept walking, going around her, but not before seeing the badger and raising an eyebrow at it. There was something off about it.... and familiar. She shook her head and kept walking, hoping she wasn't completely losing it due to lack of sleep.



Arnaldus Smith

Arnaldus while in his animagus form sat in the snow and looked up toward everything ranging from the trees to the sky, then towards the snow on the ground and different sights to be hold outside. Finding his badger form rather comforting and common feeling to Arnaldus, he used the form so frequently that it was like a second nature to him, feeling no different then his own skin and clothes. As the sounds of others coming outside caught his ear Arnaldus perked up and rose to standing on his hind legs tilting his head while looking over toward Apus as she approached him and then towards Camilla as she came outside and forward to them both as well, even running into one another as they got closer to him. He looked up with his small gaze from his eyes, head tilted to one side and seemingly curious in his look toward Apus and Camilla, thoughts running across his mind about the present situation, on one hand he was worried he may have woken people up with his wandering around the house and out the front door, he didn't know there were others already awake and moving about themselves or reading and others atop the roof talking in the snow. While on another he was caught in his badger form by his friends and though he hasn't yet told others yet about his little secret, the secret being he was a animagus and a unregistered one at that. He wanted to tell them but could never seem to find the right time or words, it was nothing major but it did have some big factors for Arnaldus due to his form being the very troublesome badger running around hogwarts, causing trouble for certain types of people and liked by others who found it entertaining or interesting to see. But then again they were all his friends and came to trust them a great deal not to mention it came with some advantages for the order, ones he could make use of for them when they needed something from him or had a task that would suit his talents in his animagus form. After a short while Arnaldus shook his head decided tonight was a good time and it was perhaps overdue, past adventures or not. The black badger with white stripes running along the right and left side of the back of his head and neck, looked up toward them noticing their curiosity in the badger and raised eyebrow, seeing that for a moment or so they were looking toward him. Arnaldus gave a smile while in his badger form as Camilla looked toward him with raised eyebrow and Apus looked toward him, following with a wink from his badger eyes. "Now that should get their attention, how often does one see a badger wink?" Arnaldus thought with a chuckle and observed the two girls as each did their own thing, one walking and the other seeming to try for a better look at the badger. A playful wink and seeming smile from a badger was certainly one of Arnaldus's trademarks while in his form.

@SomatoToup123 @Camilla Riddle
While the others all went in, Morgana let go of James as he went in and stood in the night, looking at the spot where the Potters had stood in shock. Had that all really just happened? And worked? She'd never met people like these Potters, no wonder her grandfather hadn't stood a chance against the elder one and his friends. Morgana stood there for a moment before she started to giggle uncontrollably at her thought. 'Oh, Merlin. I can't believe they all stood up to him.' She shook her head, still chuckling and walked further away from the house, not wanting to disturb anyone inside. It wasn't until she was near a tree and had sat down behind it that she heard James and Victoria talking. She almost smiled at his voice but stopped herself and sighed as she curled up so her head was resting on her knees where she sat. She'd realized it a while ago that after she'd let James in her walls that he'd begun to mean more to her, too much. She groaned and thought about all the events of the day. First, she'd tried to hide from the Potter Matriarch, then the boy-who-lived had threatened her!

Her breathing slowly got faster as she thought about what had happened after that.
'Stupid James!' She was still angry that he had stepped in front of her. He could have been hurt or worse and she didn't know what she would have done. Another problem was her magic. It hadn't gone out of control like that in a long time... And the look Mr. Potter had when he saw her touching James arm... She hoped it didn't become a problem. She ran a hand through her hair and let out a hissing sigh.

~Why are you shedding water from your eyesss two-legsss?~ Morgana flinched slightly and looked up to see a snake in the tree above her. ~Because I am upsset little one. It isss what humanss do when they are upsset. Why are you out in the cold? You could die...~ She looked at the snake curiously and smiled when he drew back at her hissing. ~A ssspeaker! I did not expect to sssee one!~ The snake got almost up in Morgana's face as he spoke and Morgana ended up laughing at the obvious surprise he was showing. She reached up and petted the snake's head before pulling him down into her lap. ~Come here, little one, don't you know the cold isss not good for ssnakess?~ She looked around for a hole or something under the tree that would serve as the snake's den but found nothing and frowned. ~Where issss your home? You den?~ She spoke to it, using the second description as the snake didn't seem to understand the word home. He then moved his head up and down in an almost human like nod before tilting it upwards towards the tree. ~I have been ssstaying up there. I wasss abandoned by a wizard near here and wasssn't able to make it to find a sssafe placce to sssleep before the cold stuff began to fall from the sssky. I wasss in thisss tree, I had found some birdsss to hunt, and wasss staying in the nesst.~ Her frown became worse and she held the snake close and a thought crossed her mind as she decided on a course of action. 'Well, I hope the Potters don't mind snakes...' She looked down at the snake and nodded decisively before hissing again. ~You can come with me when I go back to the building I'm ssstaying in. Hmmm... You'll need a name.. Isss Merlin okay?~ She asked the snake his opinion and smiled at he nodded in agreement. ~Thank you, human. I am grateful for thisss.~ She hugged him closer and sat under the tree, waiting to see if anyone was going to happen upon her and Merlin or if they would go inside.

It took almost a full minute of walking before Camilla froze as she realized something very important that she had almost missed. She turned around and walked back to Apus and the badger and stared at the creature for a good few seconds before looking at Apus with a confused look on her face. "Did that badger just smile? And wink??" Her voice was kind of strained, but then again most people didn't see an animal wink at them ever. She shook her head and knelt down, holding her hand out to the badger, wondering what was just going on here. 'please don't let this end up with me getting bit....' It was honestly the only thought in her mind as she stared at him. "Please tell me I'm not losing my mind tonight..." She muttered the sentence and began to think of all the things that could be said about this if she was going crazy. They would probably laugh because she got bit by a normal badger. Or they would stay far away from her and her weirdness. Either way was something she didn't want to deal with.
Lily immediately fell asleep once her mother had set up the couch for her and Serenity. She was worn out and knew that she needed the rest if she was going to fly tomorrow with James. Her dreams were peaceful as she drifted through her sleeping mind. Pranks played on Albus at school, and soaring through the sky with her father, mother, and James, filled her subconscious until she rolled over and realized that her sleeping buddy was gone. Her eyes opened and she looked around before noticing a light in the kitchen. Lily got up with a yawn and went into the room to see Apus quickly leaving and Serenity standing in the middle of the kitchen. "Hmmmm? Whats going on Seren?" She covered her mouth as another yawn came and looked at her friend.

Yes, she'd seen the badger wink, and yea, that was pretty out of the ordinary. But there was no way that meant anything. Like really, it was one thing to see a badger in the snow, but to see it smile? People would think they're crazy, and Apus didn't need more talk, being a Malfoy and being friends with a Potter. So she only laughed and shook her head, despite the fact that she was staring at the animal harder. "There is no way," Apus laughed again, "you must be seeing things." But she wasn't even looking at Camilla. Her attention was complete focused on the strange animal, who seemed more and more human by the second. Maybe it wasn't so crazy? "Well, maybe it winked, but I doubt an animal can smile." She added, growing more and more doubtful. Oh lord, this animal was making her second guess things, like nature and animal characteristics. But hey, magic existed, maybe human-animals did too? Wait, human-animals! Like an animagus! That actually seemed to make more sense. But she knew of no animaguses in the area, and none of her friends were, right? Right. Hopefully they would have said something if so.

@Camilla Riddle @Saru
Carsa and Kota

The moon light cast an eerie glow on the Addam family manor and it's surrounding grounds making the shadow's look as though they were dancing to the haunting tune of a violin that originated from the marble gazebo in the middle of the gardens. A white bat could be seen flying high overhead to the tune as a form on a broom raced after it followed by many more. Laughing Carsa swung her bat at the little bat but missed as the white bat folded it's wing and let itself fall. "Kota you cheater!"

Screeching with what seemed like laughter the bat turned in mid air so it was diving headfirst toward the fast approaching ground. Huffing Carsa headed after her brother holding her broom handle tight with her legs and one hand as she raised the bat above her in preparation to swing when the bat came near. The bat let his wings open and skimmed the snow covered ground as he barely missed the ground. Letting a yelp as she misjudged her landing Carsa tried to pull up but ended up getting knocked off her broom as her feet harshly hit the ground. She rolled on the ground and into a snow ditch nearby. Screeching the bat transformed into a tall blonde boy mid air and fell to the ground laughing loudly. His laughter ended with a scream as Carsa suddenly attacked him. Soaked from the snow. "I'm going to kill you. You damn flying rat!"

"Promises! Promises!"

"Careful dears. No getting blood on the roses. They're on a diet." Their mother called from the gazebo over loud applause as she finished her song. A choked affirmative was yelled back as Kota struggled to get his sisters spidery arm from around his neck while fighting to keep her dagger from his throat. The other forms on the brooms lingered in the air above them cheering their favorite cousins on. Sighing fondly their mother turned to sit on the bench beside her husband and reached for a cup of grandma's screaming tea as she turned her attention to the small crowd gathered around the gazebo. "So cousin Itam how have you been?"

Arnaldus Smith

Everything was turning out better then Arnaldus thought or could have expected if he planned anything like this late night wander. First Camilla had turned back and approached while speaking to Apus, questioning if the badger just smiled and winked. Noticing her kneel down and reach out her hand toward the badger, Arnaldus looked up toward her and Apus both curiously then back toward camillas hand playing curious in his badger form, while Apus responded to Camilla. It was through the pairs response that made Arnaldus want to laugh, he was wrong for not sharing sooner about his animagus status but this was still a little entertaining for him and funny. He deciding to hold for just one more moment reached with his little hand out toward Camilla's placing it gently on her fingers while he looked up toward her eyes and then toward Apus as she focused in on the badger. Playing off the scene for a moment longer and seeing their reaction, it might get him slapped, it might make them mad or upset or something that he was a animagus and never told and made them wonder about this badger and what was normal and just happened. But no matter what may happen or won't happen, he was going to wait a moment and play along.

After a few minutes Arnaldus smiled while in his badger form and stepped back from them both, removing his hand from Camillas fingers and looking up at Apus and Camilla.
"I guess I should face them with the truth now...... Can't keep stalling with this by looking for the best time. Alright here we go," Arnaldus thought and began to transform back into his normal form before their eyes, taking a step forward closer to Apus and Camilla as he returned to form. A shrug from his shoulders and smile with a soft look in his eyes, "I suppose I have some explaining to do, right? Sorry I didn't say something sooner." He began to speak uncertain what to expect from them in reaction. "But on the bright side of things, I had you two going for a moment right? A playful wink and smile from a badger is a unique sight." He attempted to joke with them while following with a exhale of his breath. Arnaldus then looked to them both with a soft gaze and smile thinking of how he would explain this little detail he kept hidden.

@Camilla Riddle @SomatoToup123
James watched Victoria prance around in the snow like a child. From up here and in this state, she looked so innocent and pure and young. And it really hit James, they were all young. So, so young. Most kids their ages were worried about parties and relationships and petty drama likes who snogged who's boyfriend while they were worrying about their families and the state of society and the possibility of death. His thoughts dimmed the mystical mood of the snow fall, but just slightly. In his little bubble he had created by his bubble charm, he could benefit from his own body heat heating the small space, so he settled down and leaned back on his elbows, watching Victoria with a small smile. He laughed audibly at her words and called back, "You're looking more like a snow princess than a pureblood princess. And I like the snow, love it actually. I just prefer the warmth of my bedroom to the bloody cold." Little did James know that half of his friends were out in the cold as well. Seemed like he was one of the few with sense to stay where it's warm. His mind began to wonder towards Apus, knowing from times that she'd stayed at his home before that she often had trouble getting to sleep. And then his thoughts strayed to Morgana. After everything that had occurred with his parents tonight, he hadn't had the chance to talk to her about how she was feeling and he sure she probably wasn't finding sleep easily.
Eyes widening as the small animal placed it's paw in her hand, Camilla was trying really hard not to pull back, or move at all for fear of scaring it. She watched as the animal looked curious. She herself looked up at Apus for a moment, still wondering if she was imagining things. That was until the badger stepped back and removed its paw from Camilla's hand, causing her to look back at it. It was because of this that Camilla saw the process of the badger turning back into Arnaldus. She blinked for a moment, her mind uncharacteristicly banking on what just happened. She snapped out of it as he spoke.

She stood up and smacked him lightly on the shoulder as she glared at him. "You arse! It was you that stole my pen in the garden wasn't it!" It was the first thing she had thought of, but a few weeks ago, an animal had stolen her only muggle pen while she was sitting in one of the gardens at school to do homework. She pouted for a moment before looking up at him. "You could have told me you were an animagus..." She stuck her tongue out at him and grinned. "Now I wanna be one... I'll have to find a book on it..."



(sorry, I could just see it being a prank that an animagus would play xD )
Woah! Okay, Arnie was cool, but he just took this to a whole new level. Apus flashed him a grin once he was back in his human form. "Dude, why did you never tell us this? I mean, I understand, but...I just don't understand." She was excited and confused and flabbergasted all at the same time. She walked up to the boy and gave him a huge hug (which is surprising, because Apus wasn't one for hugs, unless it was someone she was really close with) before friendly patting him on the head. "So, you've been keeping this from us the whole time? I'm with Camilla, I want to learn too." She gave a playful chuckle at her statement. You know, it was a little surprising they all didn't turn around and look at the roof to notice two other kids up there, while they were talking about Arnaldus being an animagus and stuff. But then again, Arnie was too distracting for Apus to notice anything else. But uhh, it was kind of cold outside and Apus was looking for some warmth. "Actually, save that thought. I think I'm going to go back inside and rest for the night. All this action has cured my restlessness." It was fun, and finding out all this new information was really great, but a girl can only take so much in one night. "But let me know if you tell anyone else about all this." Her last statement was directed towards Arnaldus, she wanted to know who else knew before she went and blabbed his secret to the whole world. Then gave them both a little smile before heading off.

@Camilla Riddle @Saru
Arnaldus stood for a moment not saying anything until he heard from Camilla and Apus. At first he was shocked by Camilla's first response feeling her light slap and hearing her call him a arse, and taken completely by surprise the initial reaction, he stood and thought back it actually sounded familiar and the more he recalled about a few weeks back and that garden he remembered it was him, he almost forgot about his prank and the pen. Wait...... Did he return the pen?........ The more he thought about it the more his face looked more in thought about her question, coming to the realization he forgot to bring that pen back to Camilla. "Yeah that was me, it's not everyday opportunities for pranks in badger form or any animal comes along. But sorry I forgot to return that pen to you, I can retrieve it for you though, it's not lost." He offered with a chuckle at first and scratching the back of his head. Arnaldus smiled and looked back toward Apus and Camilla, " Well..... About that it wasn't because I didn't want to tell you guys and girls. But a was looking for the best time for it, the right words and all. I've been a little busy with my animagus abilities," he paused and listened to Camilla speak of wanting to become a Animagus herself now. "Well that actually is something I can help with if you like any of you who wish to become one. I can help you there." He replied to Camilla and speaking to Apus as well with his mention of helping them learn if they wanted.

He then turned to Apus and smiled as she spoke and flashed him a grin.
"I wanted to but I have been a troublesome badger for some folk, I am also unregistered so the ministry is likely going to be glad when they find out that a badger running around hogwarts wasn't only a badger of troublesome nature. So I kinda put it off until the right time, plus with the order starting up I guess I kinda just stalled for a bit." He responded a little bit of sarcasm when he mentioned the ministry. When Apus gave him a hug he was both surprised and relieved but gave her a hug back and smiled. the reveal of his secret was going better then he expected and was glad to have his friends being fine with it so far and finally getting it off his chest. "I would love to teach you. It's a lot of fun and quite useful for what we're doing, I've been using my animagus status to my advantage for some time now. It provides a great advantage in some ways if your not registered." He replied and listened to Apus as she spoke and headed back in. He gave her a smile back and a nod from his head, agreeing to do just that.

Arnaldus looked on as Apus went back inside then turned to face Camilla.
" I haven't told anyone yet, you and Apus are the first so far. My little adventures from before the order were apart of the reason why I kept it hidden for now. But I know I can trust you guys and should have said something earlier, it could have helped us in some ways. But anyways..... I uh...... Well I'll let you all know now and if you would like answer any questions or wanting to learn that you have or may." Arnaldus spoke looking around and back toward Camilla. "It's cold for certain but beautiful too..... When you look around at night beneath stars, clouds and moon atop some snow." He added beginning to wander a bit in thought as looked around and back toward Camilla. " So I wasn't the only one awake and wandering the outdoors, huh? I hope I didn't wake anybody."

@SomatoToup123 @Camilla Riddle
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Serenity frowned slightly when Apus asked her why she wasn't in bed. She took a sip of water, considering what to say. Should I tell her about the dreams? She might laugh at me. Or call me loony. "Well, I... Ah..." She hesitated, maybe too much, because when she looked up, the teen was running out of the room, distracted by... Something. The girl sighed, not surprised, but disappointed.

When Serenity heard Lilly's voice, she turned to the girl, shaking her head slightly. At least she could trust Lilly not to judge her. "I... Couldn't sleep." She admitted. Ever since she started attending Hogwarts, she has had strange dreams and feelings, and never knew enough to figure out what they meant, if anything. Talking to the Gryffindor helped her relax, if nothing else. "I had some weird dreams." She admitted quietly. She didn't think she wanted everyone else to know. Not yet, at least.

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