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Fandom 19 Years Later (Looking For More People!)

Apus almost laughed, of course it was like James to lie so easily. She probably wouldn't believe them it they told the truth anyways. "You know how gnomes are, fiesty little things." In the midst of her talking, Apus gave James a little nudge to the side, slightly pushing him forward. She didn't want to talk all day, that's not what she skipped classes for. However, he beat her to the punch, because before she realized it, he was inviting Morgana to join in on their fun. Now, Apus is all for friendliness and team spirit and such, but their mischief seemed to be oh so much better with just the two of them. She almost pouted, but decided to lighten up a bit. Besides, any amount of mischievous activities were fun, the number of people there didn't affect it. James' face held an all too familiar expression on it, while Apus just rocked a small smirk. Oh well, the more the merrier. "Yeah, like James said." She didn't know what really to add at the end, Mr. Potter seemed to have it all covered, but at least some input from her felt necessary.

@indiedarling @Camilla Riddle
Morgana hoisted her bag up into her shoulder and raised an eyebrow at the two. She thought over the offer of an adventure for a few seconds before shrugging. "Ah yes, because someone ofmy blood would rather die then be near you, but since you're already tainting my air by talking to me," Morgana flicked some of her hair out of her face, "Why not?" She grinned and stepped up to be in James' face for a few moments. "Which way, dear leader?" She used the same sweet tone James had used a moment ago. It was a good start to being different that her blood at least.


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While having Apus around as true friend and confidant was awesome in itself, having her around as moral support and to back his outlandish moments of poking fun at people and his sometimes insane plans was even better. His proud smirk faltered a little when she made her own little input and let shine a real genuine grin for a moment as he glanced sideways at her. If there was one thing everyone knew about James it was that he loved to have an audience. He felt the need to always been surrounded by people and most people just assumed it was because he was an arrogant sod who loved attention, but maybe it was because having a crowd of people giving you all of their attention made up for the lack of attention he got from his own family. And thus, he lit up like a Christmas tree. "Right, that's fantastic! Right, right, so first," and he immediately went into James-the-genius-mastermind mood, completely unphased by Morgana's close proximity, "First of all, we need to get somewhere a little less out in the open so follow me, dears." And with that James had somehow rushed over to a particularly worn out brick in the wall of the corridor and mumbled a few words under his breath and had disappeared into a new hole in the corridor wall. After a few seconds, he popped his head back out and hissed at his two companions, "Come on, I can't just leave this open for any bloke to walk into."

@SomatoToup123 @Camilla Riddle
Apus returned his smile, not knowing the reason it was there, but happy for it anyways. Besides, James needed to smile more anyways. Getting over the shock of the hole in the wall, that she didn't even know existed, Apus followed after him, stepping in the corridor before beckoning Morgana to hurry up. "Come on, let's get to it now." She playfully poked Potter in the back of the head before continuing down the path, not waiting for her friends to catch up. She didn't even know what James had planned for them, she just knew that it was going to be good, like all of his other ideas. She also knew that she didn't know where they were going, so Apus decided to stop and wait for her partners. Only for guidance though, once she figured out their destination she'd probably be there in no time.

@indiedarling @Camilla Riddle
Morgana stared at the hole in the wall for a few seconds and the shook her head with a small laugh. She followed the other two, sliding into the passage and leaning against the wall to wait for James to close it up. She noticed Apus wasn't waiting for them really and shrugged. Maybe the girl had already been here? Ah, nope. She saw the other girl stop further on and seemingly wait on them. "And where are we going, fearless leader?" She turned back to Potter to ask him the question, deciding to keep up the more playful banter, enjoying it for the time being.


December 23rd, The Potter Home

When their son, James, had written home about a new order made up of unlikely students and explained to them that the situation had escalated and that they needed a safe place to go, they had been skeptical, to say the least, and had almost denied James' request to use their home as a sanctuary. But as they started to talk it over and ask Ginny's parents for advice, they started to realize that James was capable of doing a lot of things, but he wasn't capable of lying about others' lives being at stake. And who were they if they didn't take a chance on a group of kids who wanted to change the world? After all, once upon a time they had been apart of a group of kids just like this new order and if a certain bearded headmaster hadn't taken a chance on them, they might not even be alive. So they had written James back and told him that they would love to shelter their new order and help in anyway they could.

So, now, here they were: Harry eagerly awaiting the arrival of not only James and his friends but their other family friends who would be at their home for the holidays, Ginny rushing around trying to finish tidying their home and putting up Christmas decorations, and Lily and Albus who had already made it home from King's Cross station and were helping their mother. The Potter home was always crowded and full of laughter and love around this time of year, with nearly their entire family and a number of family friends coming and going during the break. This year was no different and the list of people they were expecting was no shorter than previous years: Teddy and Andromeda, the Scamanders, the Longbottoms, Ron and Hermione, George and Angelina, Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Percy and Audrey, Arthur and Molly, and how ever many people were in the new order. Ginny was already beginning to stress about the amount of food she would have to make and the sleeping arrangements.

As James walked through the door first, calling out to let his family know he was home, Harry jumped up from where he had been sitting in the living room and hurried to the entry way to greet the kids, followed by Ginny, Albus, and Lily. "
Welcome home, everyone!" Ginny said as she opened the door even wider and motioned for all of the members of the new order to come into the house, "Make yourselves at home, it's so nice to have you all here. We're dying to here about what you have been up to. Come, come." She ushered them all in and then apologized when a string of Christmas lights went flying from the hallway closet, past them, and into the living room. "We're finishing up a few decorating details," Harry explained, "but, please, come in. You can set your trunks and such on the stairs and we'll figure out sleeping arrangements later." "Oh, oh, but shoes off please." Ginny twittered, "I just swept the floors."

James had a look of awkward discomfort on his features as he stepped back against the wall and let his family greet his friends. Most holidays at home for him consisted of lectures and groundings and he was a little nervous as to what might happen this year. Plus, he had mentioned a few of the people who were in the new order, like Apus and Arnie, but he hadn't mentioned Morgana or Victoria, out of fear that his parents might deny the whole group from coming because of who their families were. But, of course, he'd have to tell them. He just hoped they'd stay calm enough to listen through the whole story and understand that Victoria and Morgana and any of the other kids from dark families were nothing like the people they came from. He let out a soft sigh and watched from the background, suddenly not the usually confident and cocky James he was at Hogwarts. Albus was sent off to deal with carrying the guests' belongs up the stairs and into the hall so they weren't blocking the stairway and Ginny asked Lily to go check on the food she had in the oven for dinner.
Apus beamed, walking into the Potter home. She'd already met James' parents before, but she introduced herself anyways, as it was the formal thing to do. She dropped her bag and let Albus carry it upstairs as she watched everyone introduce themselves also. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see James lean against the wall, probably waiting for everyone to finish so he can direct them elsewhere. Apus wondered how his parents would treat him now that everyone was here, compared to if they were alone. Hopefully they had enough sense to leave him alone until after all their guests left, because if not, Apus would definitely say something. She slipped off her shoes and placed them with the rest, complying with Mrs. Potter's wishes. After that, she perched herself on the wall next to him, giving him a little shove. "How ya holding up, Potter?" She asked, low enough for only him to hear. He had to be nervous, especially with Victoria here, her being the daughter of some very dark people and all. And she didn't forget about Morgana, who was just as bad. Honestly, Apus was surprised his parents agreed to let them both stay here. They should have been more cautious, it's like they didn't even know they were here. She almost put two and two together, but her mind drifted back to the new order. This was an extremely dangerous thing to do, forming this little group, but anything to help those who needed it.

Getting her parent's permission to spend the holidays with a friend was almost impossible. Victoria had known this since she was an innocent little girl who thought her father would let her leave the house while she wasn't in Hogwarts. Getting her parent's permission to spend Christmas with the Potters was a death wish. Not only was she asking for permission to leave the house when they were supposed to 'spend time as a family', she was asking for permission to spend the time with the-boy-who-lived and his family. The person her father spent years trying to capture and the person who'd killed Lord Voldemort and sent most Death Eaters to Azkaban. The only reason he wasn't dead was because he'd given Robert the opportunity to become the minister in the first place. It was no surprise that the minister had almost burned down the manor when his daughter asked him to go to some filthy blood traitor's house. Victoria, being the clever little liar she was, convinced her father she was going to get some information from Potter and his family. Robert had been skeptical at first, knowing his daughter was up to something. However, when the opportunity to schedule a meeting with the new recruits the same day came up he finally decided to let her go.

Now Victoria stood outside the Potter house with the other members of the order, regretting her decision to leave her house. She had never been ashamed of who she was, there had been moments where she'd been proud of being the daughter of the current minister. Being a part of such an important family meant power after all, and she certainly didn't mind having power. However, all of her confidence disappeared once they arrived to the house. After all, she was going to show up at a party filled with people who had been harmed by her family in more than one occasion, probably before she was even born. She hoped all of the presents she'd gotten for the families would be enough. "Hello, I'm sorry that my relatives have ruined your life in various ways. Hell, my parent's probably killed a few of your friends back in the war! Here's a gift, you're welcome." Victoria muttered as she hid behind her taller friends when James' parents opened the door. "Oh, I'm sure that'll work." She though, a small smirk appearing in her face as she amused herself with her own thoughts. This was surely going to be a long night.

She was glad not all of the gifts had gone in her magically extended bag, for when her turn came to greet Harry and Ginny she'd been able to hide her face from them. Not the most polite thing to do but she simply couldn't care less. She just didn't want to see their faces after she introduced herself. "Hello Mrs. and Mr. Potter. My name is Victoria... Knight. You have a lovely home." She said quickly, waiting to escape from the awkward meeting as soon as possible. After Albus retrieved her bags and the presents she'd been carrying, she quickly made her way to where James and Lupus were talking and stood waved at them. "Well, that wasn't so bad was it?" She asked, turning around just in time to see the adult's shocked reaction. "Potter, you did tell them I was coming, right? Because you can say good-bye to your new broom if you didn't." She spoke, narrowing her eyes as she put two and two together. She expected an angry reaction, maybe even some tears but she hadn't expected to see them so shocked to see her. She just couldn't wait to meet the rest of his family.


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Serenity didn't know what she expected from her first year of Hogwarts. It certainly wasn't what she had seen so far, dark wizards and witches out in the open, teaching dark arts, handing out unusually harsh punishments to anyone that wasn't a pureblooded wizard. Even eleven-year-olds knew that this needed to change. Over the months, she had heard rumors that there might be a group that was defying the dark wizards, she wanted to join, or at the very least, meet the group, but no such luck. Maybe they thought she was too young, or not strong enough. However, when she was told by her mother that James was apart of this group, she jumped at the chance to meet them. Not that she ever missed Christmas at the Potters', but this got her attention.

Then small blond girl tucked her wand behind her right ear, getting in a bad habit of doing so, but at least it was easily accessible. She walked into the house and observed the greetings, smiling slightly at Victoria when she introduced herself. She approached her, then held out a hand for her to shake. "James trusts you, or you wouldn't be here." She stated simply. "I'm Serenity Scamander."


Arnaldus Smith

Months had gone by since the start of the school year and the forming of another order. A secret that was well kept and well guarded by the growing band of rebellious teens who were both tired of the new ministry and ready to end what their parents fought and destroyed so long ago. The idea of a new order of the Phoenix was simply grand and ideal for Arnaldus, when Victoria spoke with him that night during the new year of school ball and mentioned the idea he was glad and more then ready to jump in with both feet leaping at once. The days of his little adventures while in his animagus form was over with the lonely and risk filled dangers and intense moments, knowing at any moment he could be discovered by the professors or students of like minded beliefs and superiority. Now he could make a bigger difference alongside his friends, not just fight the small battles, but help bring an end to the dictatorship and narrow minded views the new ministry possessed and held over them all during their reign. But just as expected it was going and did get quite real and quickly, dangerous with each passing day, injuries, duels, risk of being caught and order discovered before they were ready. Simply recruiting and scheduling meetings was difficult, Arnaldus didn't mind using his animagus form and often did but even then the existing level of risk was great, as much fun and joking he had done about his superiors and their intelligence atleast the ones who were all for blood supremacy, they were still smart and cunning folk who would eventually discover the identity of what everyone saw as just some troublesome pest of a badger or cute depending on which side they were on. Arnaldus and his secret would eventually be discovered and his future all but decided for him, he and his adventures would be discovered and told.

Yet as time went on and days turned into weeks, weeks turning into months Arnaldus grew more confident and stronger then before, they all did. The new era of rebels and protectors of what's right, the new order was growing and only got stronger as time went on and the dangers rose with them. Despite it all there was still plenty of joy and fun, excitement and Quidditch...... Of course Quidditch, Arnie always found time to fit in his responsibilities as hufflepuffs Quidditch captain, scheduling practices, finding new members of the team to replace those who had graduated, forming new tactics and plays. Playing in the matches they were scheduled to play in and against the other houses. Sure Arnaldus still got knocked around a bit picking up some cuts, bruises and broken bones along the way, not always Quidditch related either. But times were good despite the troubles of the era in which they now lived, so when Arnaldus was invited to spend the holidays with his friends at the potters household he was thrilled, Arnaldus wasn't exactly looking forward to going with his family to Germany to see his families old friends and their family for the holiday. He never got along with the kids their that were his age or near, especially the eldest son. He and Arnaldus clashed time and time again, often breaking out into duels and flying matches, Quidditch games just about any form of competition and reason to rough each other up a bit without getting into trouble they did it and did it often. So Arnie spoke with his parents and got permission to spend the holiday break with his friends, James, Apus, Victoria, Andre, Dorian, Camillia, Joey, Reagan and the rest of the order. He would meet in person or perhaps see again the famous families of potter and weasely and all the others who would be there. When they all arrived at the door being greeted by Ginny and Harry Potter, being welcomed in and told to come, come in. Just be certain to remove your shoes since the floor was just swept and cleaned.

Arnaldus gave a smile and nodded when his turn came to introduce himself and speak to the potters. He set his bags down and watched them taken upstairs by Albus, then removed his shoes and placed them along with the others. He walked forward and respectfully shook hands,
"A pleasure Mr and Mrs Potter, I am Arnaldus..... Arnaldus Smith. But you could call me Arnie if you wish." Arnaldus spoke as charming and respectfully as he could witho over doing it. He took a brief look around the home and smiled once more looking toward the elder potters, " A lovely home..... Quite lovely indeed." He added and stepped away to allow another step forward, while he headed over toward James, Apus and Victoria near the wall. He wasn't exactly nervous but still meeting heroes from the last war, the last order was something that was both awesome and new to him. Arnaldus had a grin as he walked toward his friends and stood next to them, he kept quiet for now and let everyone speak. Time off from school and new experiences were always fun. But something told Arnaldus that it was only going to get better from here, more exciting perhaps, old tales from their days and adventures, talk of the new order.
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Ginny and Harry greeted Apus kindly, having warmed up to her over the years. "Welcome back, Apus!" Ginny chimed as Apus walked past and then she moved to greet the next girl with an equally warm smile but stopped when she heard the girl's last name. Her mouth fell open into an 'o' shape and as she exchanged a glance with Harry she saw his expression was the same. But, the Potters didn't want to be rude so they quickly tried to cover up their shock and slight fear. Oh, you can bet that Harry was itching to turn livid and kick the girl out of his house, but he knew from his experience with Apus that blood is not everything. And he also knew, on a very personal level, that having a part of someone else in you did not mean that you had to end up like them. So, placing a calming hand on the small of his wife's back, Harry greeted Victoria with a small smile, "No, James failed to mention a Knight would joining us for the holidays, but it's a delight to have you anyway. The more the merrier." He reached out a hand for her to shake, but was out done by Ginny, who had been striving to show her mother's kindness in her own life, and stepped forward to envelop Victoria in a hug, murmuring softly to her, "Serenity is right. James trusts you and he must trust you for a reason, so we trust you too." And then she added, "You'll always be welcome here. But, James, and the whole lot of you for that matter, do have a lot of explaining to do." Her words were kind but her eyes were serious and still slightly skeptical.

From where he stood near the wall beside Apus and Victoria, James had watched the whole exchange, his ears turning redder and redder by the second. He wasn't sure what was more embarrassing: having not told his parents about Victoria in the first place or the way they were handling it now. He was certainly surprised that it had gone so smoothly. He would've thought for sure that his father would've blown up as soon as he heard Victoria's last name, but he was glad he hadn't. It minimized the amount of arguments that might occur over this break. He nodded his head obediently at his mother's words, keeping his cast down until his parents turned to greet Arnie, then he turned back to Victoria to apologize for not telling his parents. Especially since she mentioned a new broom. "
Look, I'm so sorry I didn't mention you in my letter by name," James whispered to her, "I just wanted to make sure we got here. We needed to be able to be here before I could worry about my parents reacting to your name."

As James tried to make amends for putting Victoria in an awkward situation, Ginny and Harry were busy being charmed by Arnie. Harry shook his hand firmly, giving him a friendly grin in response to his introduction. "
It's a pleasure to have you here, Arnie. Nice to see that James isn't just friends with women." Harry said, dropping his voice slightly at the last part and giving a soft chuckle, clearly finding his own joke funny. Arnie's compliment of their home had Ginny beaming from ear to ear and she turned to look her shoulder at James to say, "I like this one. You should've brought him around sooner." And then she turned back to pull Arnie into a warm hug as well before saying, "I hope you enjoy your stay. It's as much your home as it is ours."

@thefan1 @Saru @SomatoToup123
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"It's good to be home. I wonder if any more ghost have appeared since we left." Carsa mused as they walked through the giant gates surrounding their family's manor and up the path to the house. The gate's shut sharply behind them with magic and the sound brought up pleasant childhood memories in them both. The two had often pranked the mailman by catching him in the gate and letting the alligator 'Pox' from the nearby swamp charge at him. The man's shrieks of fright where delightfully loud.

They often had new mailmen.

"It's likely. After all wasn't father dealing with a few bankers when we left?" Kota asked as they banged the gargoyle shaped door knocker. Carsa nodded as the door opened with a loud creak. "I believe so. Foolish men trying to trick father."

"Hey, lurch." Kota greeted the towering form that had opened the door. A low groan answered him as their suitcases were taken and the tall man headed up to their rooms to put them away. He grabbed a net and welder mask on the way. Chuckling Kota lead his sister into the entrance house that opened up to the rest of the house.

"If it isn't my little devil's." Their mother greeted them as she climbed down the right staircase from the second floor. He long black dress trailed on the floor after her. Kota politely took her hand to help her off the last step and kissed her cheek in greeting. "Mother. Still as beautiful as black widow I see."

It was good to be home.
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Turning around to face the small girl, Victoria shook her hand and smiled. She was glad the adults were busy whispering to focus on her, it was easier to be her usual self when she didn't have them staring at her in schock. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Victoria Knight." She replied, then holding back a laugh when she said that James trusted her. The things she'd done to gain his trust certainly hadn't been what she'd been expecting and she was surprised to have very good memories out of that day. "Oh trust me, I know I've got his trust. Isn't that right James?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

When his parents joined the conversation, Victoria bit the inside of her cheek to control herself. If they weren't his parents, her tip of her wand would've been touching Mr.Potter's forehead by now. She was in front of two people who hated her family and probably wanted to decapitate her father themselves, it was natural for Victoria to think the best thing would've been to defend herself. Needless to say, she was lost of words when they thanked her for coming and even more surprised when Mrs.Potter actually hugged her. She wasn't used to being hugged so she stood motionless while Mrs. Potter hugged her. To her credit she did try to Pat her back but the woman walked away to greet the others.

"Wow, thank you." Victoria said softly, still surprised about the affection she'd received from the couple of strangers. Turning back to James, she put a hand on his lips to shut him up and closed her eyes. "It's alright, no harm done. I was just kidding about your broom, if I didn't give it to you then what use would I have for it? You know I hate flying." She replied, knowing he needed to be reasurred that everything was alright because of his panicked reply and red ears. "Your mother mentioned something about us having to explain something to her. Did you tell her about what we've done? You know, the attacks?" She whispered. Their attacks against the ministry had been subtle and all the damages had been repaired within an hour. However, her father knew there was an organization against him and Victoria hadn't wasted the opportunity to make him think the group was much bigger and threatening than it really was.
James rarely felt the emotion of guilt, but over the past couple of months and the many hours of training and plotting and fighting side by side with the members of the new order, he had grown to consider all of them family. And he had also grown quite fond of Victoria. He didn't want her to hold a grudge against him for a couple of reasons: one, he could still feel the heat of the flames if he thought of the first day he came face to face with her and two, he quite liked having her around. He began to babble a bit as he tried to reply but immediately shut up when her finger pressed against his lips and listened to her with wide eyes. With a sigh of relief, he let a small, genuine grin come to the surface of his lips as he laughed softly and shook his head. "Right, right, I should've realized." he looked up at her, a bit of the usual mischief glint back in his emerald eyes, "You're too afraid of heights to get on a broom. Well, glad I know what you got me for the holidays, love. I can't wait to open it." He gave her a joking wink and watched his parents greet Arnie, rolling his eyes lightheartedly at his father's joke and his mother's comment. "Because I knew you'd want to adopt him as my replacement." James piped up in reply to his mother, clearly joking.

Christmas was here, something Andre never really looked forward to it growing up in the family he did. He was always taught by his parents it was a muggle holiday not one for proper pure blood wizard and so never really celebrated. Even when he shed his elitist side since coming to Hogwarts and seeing the spirit of the holiday he never had the Christmases like most. Most were spend at the school not doing anything really different just with less people about. This visit to the potters seemed like it might be a turn to his annual tradition, he had to admit he was a little excited and worried at the same time. Not everyday someone meets a living hero like Harry Potter and hadvice on their little group from their predecessor group would be beyond useful not to mention cool. On the other hand he was still not fimiliar with the customs of a Christmas party.

He arrived at the house with wine for the adults and other little gifta for everyone, hoping it was appropriate for the party. Part of him knew he might worrying to much about the Christmas side of things as people were more worried about order matters but still he was never one not to do things right. Not to mention order mrmbers were working hard and he wanted then to cut them a break especially Victoria.do this has to be right. He took a deep breath and knock on the door.
"... WOW."

Joey walked into the Potter house, her eyes round as she took it all in.

It's been months since the day the new order formed. It was a huge jump between then and now.

Classes have been going surprisingly well. Quidditch even better. This was the best team she had ever seen assembled. New members and old members of the team, it was the best lineup she had seen in a long, long time. She WAS in fact allowed to continue as the Quidditch captain, which was unbelievable to her, but not an unwelcome blessing. It also gave her access to the broomshed, so that was good.

Other then the obvious Quidditch situation, she found she had grown to know everybody in the order to varying degrees. She found herself trusting them more and more. Even the Potter and Malfoy duo.

"... I've never seen the inside of a legitimate wizarding household." She looked around for a brief moment, then shrugged and said, "Not much different from my house. Not that that's bad." She looked at Harry Potter himself, the LEGEND, and found herself getting more and more starstruck. This man had been the youngest seeker on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, getting the place his first year! God, she envied him. She didn't get on the Quidditch team till her third year, much less as the Seeker. Sure she was the seeker now, but that took a whole year of failing at basically everything else and they suddenly excelling at Snitch catching. It had been a rough year.

She realized she had been staring at Mr. Potter with that starstruck look on her face for probably two whole minutes. When she realized this, she suddenly shook her head and stuck out her hand for a shake and said confidently, "Meet you nice to!"

It takes her a moment to realize how badly she screwed up that sentence, and slapped her forehead with her palm.

This was a brilliant introduction.

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Victoria rolled her eyes when she saw the now familiar mischief in his eyes. She knew that look meant trouble most of the time, a lesson she'd learned the hard way. "Impressive, I still regret bringing that boggart into the room after two weeks. You have no idea how many times I've been forced to play Quidditch after you all found out I don't fly." Victoria replied, remembering the meeting when she thought dealing with fears was a good exercise. Sure, it had helped but she wouldn't forget everyone's reaction when she admitted she didn't like Quidditch. Which, apparently, was considered a crime in the order. When James told his mother she would probably adopt Arnaldus, she expected Mrs.Potter to lash out and at least slap her son. Her eyes opened comically when Mrs.Potter took it as a joke and smiled. "Any chance she'll adopt me instead of him?"
Apus watched the scene play out, surprised that James' parents handled Victoria so well. So that's why they seemed to accept them all so easily, they didn't even know she was here. She was a little surprised James would pull one over on his parents like that, especially with how they treat him, but relieved nonetheless. The Potters went on expressing their like for Arnie, while Apus just watched them all interact. It was all so normal and family-friendly, it kind of made her miss her twin. Lupus would probably be studying right now, waiting for the disaster that was their family dinner. Every year, the Malfoy relatives would come over, and simply cause tension. Her father would want one thing, but her grandparents would want another and it'd start an all out argument. Every. Single. Year. Not that she would complain, it was just the way her family was, and it maybe sucked, but it's not like anyone would change. So that's why she was so eager to visit the Potters for the holiday, just to see how a normal family dinner functioned (ironically) and ya know, hang out with James too. Speaking of James, he was too busy getting close with Victoria, so Apus turned her attention to the little girl, Serenity. She was kind of blunt, it was interesting. Nodding to herself, she walked up to the girl. "You know, you're pretty smart for a kid."

Arnaldus chuckled and allowed a soft grin form as James's father spoke of how he was glad his son didn't just have women for friends. "Thanks Sir potter, I am feeling quite welcome." He replied with a smile, truly he wasn't expecting to be welcomed so warmly by the potters. He thought it would go a little less..... Friendly just because they were guests and in a way strangers for those friends of James they hadn't yet met. " Well can't blame him, can you? Surrounded by beautiful women all the time. I could think of worse sorts for friends. I'm just glad to be along for the ride, it's always fun with James." Arnaldus spoke with a small laugh and turned his eyes toward Ginny potter as she spoke and pulled him in for a hug. Nearly blushing at the feel of him being pulled in and hugged by Mrs. Potter. A smile across his face and expression a little more colorful as she spoke about him and joked with her son, James. "Aw shucks Mrs potter, your too kind. I'm sure you'll be tired of me soon enough, I can be hand full you know. Charming one moment and daring the next...." He joked with her but was quite receptive and feeling at home with her kindness and words. It was far more then he could have ever expected, they were heroes in their time and legends of history. Yet they were as kind and warm as ones own flesh and blood, just like family and perhaps that was what they were? What they all were......... family. "I shall truly enjoy my stay..... Thank you." Arnaldus spoke genuine of word.

He stood alongside the others and nearly forgot about his presents for everyone. He had no idea what to get everyone even his friends, though it became easier as time went on and he learned more and more about them. But what in all that's real would he get for people he only heard of and told about? A moment passed as that memory returned to him and his recalling the gifts he had bought for everyone and secured, he pulled out his wand and without a word cast the "Accio" spell to retrieve his magically altered bag that held all the gifts inside. Causing the bag to appear in the room along with their gifts.
"I nearly forgot about those..... Glad that's settled now though." He thought and returned his wand to inside his overcoat. Arnaldus then turned toward James and smiled at his joke but didn't say a word, only chuckled a bit before returning his attention to everyone in the room.

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Morgana kept herself near the front door, ready to bolt at any moment. She watched Victoria meet the oldest Potters and was almost relieved at how accepting the were of her. If course she would still rather not meet the two of them right this moment, but that was probably not possible. She looked over at James and glared for a moment before opening her mouth for the first time since walking in the door. "Remind me again how you talked me into coming here?" She hissed her words at him, pretty sure he was becoming use to it. She also knew how she'd been talked here. The thought of not spending a holiday in a lonely manor was too tempting, plus the idea of getting to amend things with the Potters as well. She sighed and stared at James' parents, wondering where her masks had gone to.

The Potters continued to greet the kids, each one being embraced in a hug from Ginny and given a warm smile from Harry. When Andre knocked on the door, Ginny just called out for him to "come on in!". And they both chuckled when Joey made her little bit messy introduction, already adoring her and both Potters found her reminding them of Ron. Already the house was all a bustle and as the string of students began to diminish Harry left the entry to nurture the fire in the fireplace to heat everyone up who had been travelling in the snow. Ginny however didn't miss the fact that she hadn't hugged one of her new guest yet and instantly swiveled around to face Morgana where she was standing next to James with a determined look on her face. James looked up from Morgana, having been just about to answer her rhetorical question, and at his mom before looking back at Morgana and giving a slight shrug and murmuring in her ear, "They were accepting of Victoria... Hope for the best." And then he nudged her forward a bit before turning back to Arnie and Victoria.

Now, honestly, dear, did you think you could get away without a proper greeting? Get over here." Ginny joked lightheartedly, ushering Morgana towards her but not waiting for her to come before she brought her in for a hug. She pulled back and gave her a friendly smile before asking, "I don't believe I caught your name. What is it again?" Back by the wall, James kept his ears strained slightly to hear the conversation between his mother and Morgana. He felt a little less nervous than he had about Victoria, probably because he's parents had managed to accept her, why couldn't they accept Morgana? But, then again, Victoria wasn't related to the Dark Lord himself. The man the led the whole dark side of the Wizarding War. The reason that his paternal grandparents were dead and the reason his uncle George's twin was dead and the reason Teddy's mother and father were dead and so many more. He just hoped his parents would not be quick to judge the girl by her last name.

But beside the fact that he a bit nervous about Morgana, James was laughing and joking and genuinely having a good time with Victoria and Arnie, letting out a soft chuckle at Victoria's comment about being forced to play Quidditch, "
You need someone to teach you how to properly fly, that's all. We have a big family game during the holidays and as a guest you are expected to participate. So, maybe I can take you out sometime before then and give you a good lesson." His tone was joking but the offer was genuine. And then he added when he heard her next softer comment, his voice low, "You basically have been adopted. Any friend is family." He turned his attention to Arnie and gave him a playful nudge as he came to stand beside them.

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @explosiveKitten @Saru @thefan1 @Camilla Riddle
Theodore walked towards the Potters house. He wore a hood so as to hide his identity until he felt it was safe. He knew most wouldn't pay him any attention, but he was always cautious of the unknown. He slowly walked up to the Potters door and knocked three times. He didn't knock hard, but to anyone inside it would seem as if a giant were banging on the door. It was strange it seemed everything Theodore did came off as big, loud, or intimidating. It wasn't as if he intended for it to come off like this, but all the same it came in handy at times. @indiedarling @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @explosiveKitten @Saru @thefan1 @Camilla Riddle (and Anyone else at the party)
Serenity smiled at the teenagers, observing how they interacted with each other. When another teenager walked up to her and told her that she was smart, at least for a kid, she shook her head a little. "Lilly has been my friend for years, so I know him. If he didn't trust you, James wouldn't let you within fifty feet of her." Just about everyone in the extended family knew of James's protective streak, and Serenity was no exception. At the mention of the Quidditch game, she grinned. So far, she was enjoying flying on her own broom, and was considering trying out for the team next year. "You just have to get used to it, Vicky!" She told Victoria, giving her a nickname. Another habit of hers.
Morgana froze when she was hugged and looked at James pleadingly. She just wasn't all that use to physical contact of any sort. She pulled away slightly when allowed and looked to the floor as she spoke for the first time to the woman in front of her. "Hello, Mrs. Potter, Mr. Potter, I'm Morgana Riddle." She looked up and gave them both a strained smile before continuing in a small voice. "And yes, its THAT Riddle... I completely understand if you would rather I leave your house, after everything that was done to you both and your families, I wish I could do something to fix it..." She went back to looking at the floor, honestly not knowing what to expect from the woman in front of her or her husband. As far as Morgana was concerned, they had every right to kick her out of the house and never let her near James again. Morgana bit her lip as she waited, wishing she could find her courage to face these two like she should.

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"JAMES!" It was a shout heard probably all around the house as a small blur of red, cream, and dark green came flying at the teen. Lily ran from the kitchen to her oldest brother and jumped on him, paying no mind to the others around him as she hugged him like they hadn't seen each other just a while before. She grinned at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek before jumping down and giggling at the sight of her stoats running to catch up and jumping on the other two with James, Draco going to Victoria and Hadrian going to Arnaldus. She turned her attention back to her brother and tugged on his hand. "James, I want to go flying.... Albus wouldn't go with me and mom said one of you had to!" She gave him her best puppy eyes and pouted at the same time.

@indiedarling (is she a younger sister or what?)



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