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  1. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    Shado would remain sound asleep, clearly a heavy sleeper. Or his roommate was silent enough to not disturb him.
  2. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    Shado would already be in his room, and at this point, he would be bundled up under the sheets. There weren't any signs of his robes on the ground, which meant he probably slept with them, though he likely had his hood down, as his face and hair were visible. His only other possession was in the...
  3. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    He just kinda stands there, not really doing anything. (Sorry, this kinda got convoluted for me the moment the flames started to destroy the world. I'll just wait till this segment ends.)
  4. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    He would simply stand there like an idiot, watching the events unfold. He seemed to be struck by.. fear..?
  5. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

    He had already made his way inside, more or less, but simply looked down, silent.
  6. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

    He hesitates but nods, sheepishly entering the classroom
  7. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

    He would nod, and nervously enters the classroom.
  8. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

    @Comet He nods slowly and sighs a bit. "Y-yea.. I guess.. Hum.. not.. exactly sure what to do here.."
  9. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    Shado would start to back away at the strange events, looking a bit scared, and worried.
  10. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

    @Comet The boy jumps and looks towards the voice nervously. "I-I hum.. hi.. Can I.. help you..?"
  11. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

    Shado would, hesitantly, approach the classroom, having managed to find his dorm and get everything settled, though he wouldn't exactly enter, attempting to peek inside for how many people were there.
  12. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    He sighs, shaking his head, and simply observe the scene for now. If they needed his help, they could just call him, right?
  13. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    At this point and time, Shado would simply chose to not get involved in the whole thing at all, and simply stands near Kira. Or maybe he would just move back indoors, as it seems his new roommate had a bit of a.. deranged attitude when it came to his powers.
  14. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    Hesitantly, he would follow outside, nervously looking at the damages. He did seem worried about something though.
  15. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    @JayKuro "Oh hum.. yea, my roommate was trying to put it out but.. I think he needs help, not really sure how to deal with fire myself.. or use this thing.." He shifts a bit uneasily as he steps away, going silent quickly afterwards.
  16. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    @Moolock "Hum well.. I think I can break it." He would attempt to take her place, and uses his gauntlet arm to tap on the glass harder than she did, his hand forming a fist. She could see that there were metallic plated on his knuckles as well, possibly for hurting people a lot when he punches...
  17. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    He would look over to the fairy girl and quickly moves over to inspect what she was looking at. "I'm not.. really sure..?"
  18. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    "He's outside, dealing with the fire." With that, he continues to look for a fire extinguisher.
  19. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    "Hum right.. big red thing, I'll start looking you two can hum.. do what you want, but my roommate could use some help, said he could hold on for thirty minutes..?" With that, he would move away unless stopped, searching for the big red cylinder.
  20. Shado Urufu

    Fantasy Moonlight Academy

    "If I hum.. knew what I fire extinguisher was, I'd be looking but.. I don't.. It's hum.. green fire, if that helps any..?"