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Fantasy Moonlight Academy


"Oh hum.. yea, my roommate was trying to put it out but.. I think he needs help, not really sure how to deal with fire myself.. or use this thing.." He shifts a bit uneasily as he steps away, going silent quickly afterwards.
"Oh I can help! I think I've used one of these before!" He said excitedly running outside to where he smelt something burning. "Hey Inno this is what you need right!" Avery yelled running up to him. "Although I don't think it will work on green fire..." He mumbled assessing the situation at hand.

@Aughto von realname @Shado Urufu
Inno carefully examined his surroundings whilst a tendril landed beside him intent on squishing his rather nice suit and himself. After nearly getting squished Inno realized that help was not coming or well in a timely manner anyways as half an hour was nearly over. "Now let's see how long has it been? huh it's been what 23 minutes...Ah well I'd rather not take chances with my current situation thus it is time to escalate things further" Inno Pulled himself out of the ground and onto his feet whilst the ground began to shake and groan as it was being torn asunder whilst the hardened turning each blades of grass nearby to literally turn to blades. He laughed as he the the laws of physics began to bend around him and gravity began to loosen it's hold over the objects within garden which had began to slowly drift upwards to the sky "Heh R Kelly eat your heart out." Inno chuckled as he drifted off the ground and towards the dorms whilst the garden devolved into utter chaos.
Kira half skips- half glides after Shado. She could smell the smoke from here and saw the leaping shadows cast by the green flames.
A stray flicker of flame licks at Kira's wings, causing her to jump away from the leaping green fire. Already unnerved by the abundance of the fire, as everything begins shifting around her, her blood runs cold and her eyes widen. What's happening? Hugging her wings close, the girl turned the grinning idiot. "Make it stop doing that! You must have caused this, make it stop!"

@Aughto von realname
At this point and time, Shado would simply chose to not get involved in the whole thing at all, and simply stands near Kira. Or maybe he would just move back indoors, as it seems his new roommate had a bit of a.. deranged attitude when it came to his powers.
Kiara had spent a few minutes trying to decide how much she really cared, before ultimately coming to the decision that she should go and try to help. It would be rather bad for her image if she didn't.

That being said, she opened her mind to the school grounds, trying to sense distress. When she did, she ran towards it.

She made it to where the green fire was, and there happened to be a disturbingly happy boy shifting things around and holding swords. That annoyed her.

'If he didn't need any help then what was all the fuss about?'

On the outside, she smiled. "I'm glad your room mate is ok." She said kindly to the strangely emotionless boy.
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"First of all You are the greatest of friends for helping in my greatest time of need no sarcasm at all and the girl with wings has the most exquisite voice, Second is I need your help de-escalating this erm situation as my current hold over my powers is limited at best, Lastly I am not derange I am just happy I managed to get my pants and by proxy my nether regions out of the weird hellfire my powers created... also Is it just me or is the world..going..black" By the time Inno had finished his sentenced he had lost his consciousness whilst the area around the green fire was becoming more and more warped as time ceased to exist around at the epicenter of the calamity, The green tendrils.

@Lunaria Silver @Shado Urufu @Moolock
Kira blushes a tinge when he mentioned her voice, however it disappears into a frown as Inno teetered forward as his own voice seemed to fade. She steps forward to catch him, flapping her wings a few times to compensate for not being very strong. As the chaos in the area increases, the winged girl squints, her head beginning to pound. We have to get him away from the academy. She grasps him tightly around his chest and after a few powerful flaps, is in the air. "I'll get him way from here, that way the flames won't be fed by magic any longer!" Holding the epicenter of chaos, now she had no doubt it was him, her vision begins to swim as the edge of the academy grounds nears. At the very back of the gardens, she spirals downward, attempting to glide to a half-graceful stop. The landing hits her full force as her back and wings collide with the flower beds, and Inno would land on top of her.

@Aughto von realname
He sighs, shaking his head, and simply observe the scene for now. If they needed his help, they could just call him, right?
Inno feeling the impact of the landing awoken from his semi peaceful slumber and found himself on top of Kira which prompted a grin out of Inno as he tried to make the situation look much less awkward. " Was it good for you, heh. alljokes aside What did I miss?" He got up onto his feet and dusted himself off before turning to Kira

Kira groans in response, giving each wing an experimental twitch before slowly getting to her feet. "The fire's out of control but you passed out and," she winces holding her head, "Whatever your aura is, it's very strong and it made everything back there strange and chaotic... almost like your magic was feeding the flames." Shaking her head, Kira looked back toward the academy where the height of the fire made the green glow visible from their secluded spot at the edge of the grounds.

@Aughto von realname
Kiara glared, getting angrier and angrier. Everything that was happening was ridiculous! Was it too much to ask for her to have a peaceful day? Just one? All of these insane things were happening and it was just so...annoying! Kiara couldn't even do anything to help the situation. While Kiara was not that big on helping people, although she would do it just to be called the one friend that is indispensable to a person, it was so frustrating to not be able to do anything.

Kiara kept thinking about how she couldn't really do anything, until she couldn't hold her frustrations back anymore. She let out a short, frustrated, supersonic scream at the still remaining flames, which blew them wildly around, and broke several windows around her.
"Hmm Are you okay?" Inno walked over to Kira and carefully looked for any signs of injuries or bruising upon her person. "and yes It is my aura that causes though I don't know whether or not it is magic but what I do know is that by removing me from the eldritch being prevents me from fixing said chaos. Also" He looked over to the academy as the gentle green glow that emanated from the green fire illuminated the grounds around the academy. Meanwhile in the academy the green fire swayed to their left as Kiara Screamed into them causing them to dim significantly and the green tendrils to wriggle about in the ground which had began imploding upon itself causing the tendrils to inch closer and closer to it's demise.
"I'm not hurt," she replies, shaking her head. Kira folds her wings, looking back to the academy. "It sounds like someone's making a dent in it... Should we wait until its out before flying back? What's the Eldritch?" She had so many questions for the chaotic man and his strange ways, though she wasn't entirely sure if she'd like the answers.

@Aughto von realname
"Nothing to be afraid of really just beings which could theoretically destroy all life in this planet and no we should be there by now as there's a good chance that a pocket of reality will start imploding upon itself which we should be worrying about as the fabric of this universe is rather delicate" Inno stroked his chin as he paced around Kira contemplating whether or not to use his powers over the concept of chaos. He walked over to kira and gently touched her wings infusing it with a miniscule amount of chaos making it significantly stronger "Well then my winged friend shall we get going? Oh and before I forget my name is Inno, Inno Minate pleased to meet you"

Avery got up and walked back inside. He decided that he would go to sleep, he probably wouldn't wake up until he has recovered all he energy again. It would probably take one or two days but he was sure he could afford to miss at least some of his classes. He opened his dorm door and walked over to his bed lying down and almost immediatly falling asleep.
Kira's eyes widened at the mention of reality imploding. "If the fabric of the universe is so delicate, is it going to tear right by our dorms?" The aching of her wings disappeared with his touch and questions forgotten, she introduced herself. "K-Kira Bell. Or Sparrow, wh-whichever... Get going where? Back to the academy or further away?"

@Aughto von realname
"Closer as it's much more safer there than it is here as if reality were to really implode upon itself we'll have a minute or two to hop into a parallel universe now let's go" Inno held her hands and smiled reassuringly at kira as he awaited their 2


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Kiara was a bit surprised that her scream had any effect on it. However, at least now she could pretend that was her intention. Screaming had calmed her down signifigantly, as it always did.

Kiara decided to scream at the flames again, in the hopes that it would help the situation.
Kira nods, not seeing any logic in it, but then what logic was there in reality falling to shreds? She takes his hands tightly and spreads her wings. In a few powerful flaps that sent the nearby flowers bending backward, they would be lifting into the sky and over the short clipped trees of the garden. "Where should we land?"

@Aughto von realname
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"Well drop me off behind your friend who's screaming at the tendrils" He looked down as the fabric of reality had begun tearing itself apart and the supersonic screams that came from Kiara was accelerating the process of this universe's annihilation. "Also tell her to stop her screams as they are making the rips in reality bigger!! Oh and afterwards can you ask where she gets her dresses, don't question why I want to know just ask where she gets it."

@Moolock @Lunaria Silver
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