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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"Outside in the case of it does backfire, Now tell me what are your powers." He turned around while he opened the door for shado. "Also no need to worry, like I said I shall do all that I can to prevent any harm from coming to you."
"Well I had a home, but it was burnt down to the ground along with my childhood not a big deal really in the scheme of things." He stepped into the front gardens and turned towards his newfound friend.
Kira made her way back to Dorm 114 and quietly made her way to what would become her bed. Murc slid out from under the dresser and made himself busy licking his fur down in the mirror. She sighed, too tired to keep her wings hidden. The brownish grey feathers brushed the floor as she held them closed and went to unclasp her bag and rest it on the bed. She had a few sweaters and robes, a book or two, and some notebooks to unpack. Falling onto the bed, she frowned, used to her thatch cot from the barn still. Combat... I'm not sure I'll be up for that. She rolled over and grabbed the book she'd gotten from the library. Avian Myths. Though it was late, she rested the book back on the bed and slipped back out of the dorm to make her way to the library.
"Well Let's get started" Inno sat down and gently tapped the ground which began to tear split open whilst the fireball on Shado's hand began to turn into a bright neon purple colour and slowly began to envelop his arms.

"Well what are you waiting for? throw it!"
After a moment, Kiara sighed, closing the book. Her usual, convincing kind smile slipped back onto her face. She supposed she should head to her dorm room now, room 118.

Kiara left the library and began walking towards the girl's dorm.
The fireball spiralled into the air then promptly imploded creating a vacuum sucking the trees creating a black void. The void continued to suck the trees around it then it exploded throwing green fire everywhere all the while Inno laughed though it slowly died down as the green flames landed near the dormitories.

"Oh... I do believe we need to fix that h-" Inno quickly sprang to his feet as tentacles with an innumerable amount of eyes attached to it's ends burst fort from the green flames that promptly spawned a grotesque piles of flesh and limbs into the world. "Correction...We are going to kill things now, and we are going to have fun killing said things, shall we?." Inno started walking to the eldritch beings hands in his pockets and a number of tricks up his sleeves.

@Shado Urufu
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"That...That is pretty cool, Edgy but cool" He said as he looked over to shado who had just conjured up swords from his hands. Meanwhile Inno reached into his pockets and pulled out a cigarette and lit it as he passed over a tiny green flame before stepping on it extinguishing said flame causing the tentacles to wriggle and writhe.

@Shado Urufu
Micheal walked around, trying to find his dorm. Around 10 minutes later, He unlocked his dorm and opened the door, just to find no one was in there. Maybe they are out and about, or i don't have one yet... Micheal thought as he unpacked his stuff.
The heaps of flesh began lobbing themselves towards Shado whilst Inno continued to walk towards the tendrils waving the cigarette about as if it were a wand. The tendrils were taking damage however they only grew larger with each slashes. "you know slicing those things won't work therefore we must" He stomps on one of the fleshy blobs which promptly turned to green flames that grew brightly before burning out. "huh...Shado I don't suppose you have a fire extinguisher on you by any chance?"
"get-OI BLIN!!" Inno was picked up by one of the tendrils and flung about like a toy then thrown whilst gravity had begun to loosen it's hold over the two students. "GET A FIRE EXTINGUISHIIITTT!!!!" He was dragged down into the flames by the tendrils whilst the heaps of flesh began to inch closer to Shado.

@Shado Urufu
Akire ignored the alarm and walked into the room setting Zenix on his bed before leaving, closing the door behind him and headed to his own dorm


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