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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Assuming no one is present in the piano room, or the music stopped playing, he would exit the area. It didn't seem like anyone was there, and if there were, they probably didn't notice each other. He would walk about silently for now, mostly exploring the layout of the school grounds. There really wasn't anything to do it seemed, maybe he'd go sit somewhere and read a book..?
"Yeah I think his dorm number is 112." Avery said yawning as he started walking towards the dorms. "Zenix is a tough sleeper!" He said looking back at the three of them and giggling at how Zenix didn't wake up when he was flicked.

Kira left Murc to find himself dinner, perhaps an unlucky bird or two, and Ree flew to one of the higher towers to find a suitable perch. Wings gone from her back, her red scarf hood down, Kira continued to wander the academy, eventually finding her way to what appeared to be a library. The hallways felt cold and her footsteps echoed among the stacks. I should probably find someone to figure out where the dorms are... She frowned as she scanned the shelves, not understanding all the letters. One title she could make out, a collection of fairy tales, caught her interest and sliding it from the shelf. She unfurled a wing and plucked a feather as she went over to the checkout desk. An inkwell rested on the desk and she screwed it open, also taking a slip of paper from beside it. She wrote, Kira Sparrow, room 114 checked out Avian Mythology. Taking the book with her and resting the feather beside the slip, the teen walked the dorm hallways, hoping to find someone who could point her in the right direction.
Zenix was wayy to tired to think things out so he just kept on sleeping not knowing wat was going on. Zenix stayed curled up on the floor snuggling with the pillow
Wandering about, he would probably stumble upon the library, or find his way to the dorms, having listen and memorized the instructions given to him.If he made it to the dorms first, all that was left was finding his room number.
Plague Plague walked up to the campus entrance and looked up at the gates. He missed most of the classes, but he really didn't care much. He walked and phases through the gates and began walking to the dorms. He had discerned which he was staying in and pushed open the door. He walked to the very end and sat down on the bed to the right.
"Hmmm Where is room 116. " He muttered whilst he wandered about the halls of the dormitory with a book labeled The Nationalist Manifesto by George W. Hitler.

(Okay i delete it)

Toshinori saw someone in the dorms,he decide to present himself.

"Hey little one,i hope you find yourself pleasant here!"

Toshinori was in his Hero form,smiling brightly to him

"Anyways,i'm here to quickly inspect the students!"

@Aughto von realname
Akire nodded and picked up the sleeping male "dorm 112, right?" he asked Avery not wanting to put him in the wrong dorm

Lost and thoroughly tired, Kira strolled down the hallway of rooms 100 and up. She heard voices further down the hallway and the lights in this section of the academy were on. She walked up to one of the rooms labeled "112" and knocked gently.
"Yeah it's room 112." Avery said yawning and looking at Akire. "I think we can just go to the eye doctor tomorrow when we're less sleepy." He said looking at everyone and giving a tired smile.

@Aragon @Amelia White
Toshinori handshake Inno and answer back

"Certainly!But my job is more about fighting,you know" He laugh

"Anyways,i hope that you are fine.You can always call me when need !" He then give his phone number to Inno

"We should have a class soon!Do you know where i could find other students?I know a meeting with a teacher like that seems stupid but you know,for me each minutes count!" As he keep laughing

@Aughto von realname
Plague Plague heard knocking on the door. He reluctantly got up and walked toward the closed door and opened it. He looked at the person at the door (@Moolock). He didn't say anything, just stood.
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"...Can't tell whether you're hitting on me or just friendly, but banter aside do you know where room 116 is? I need to get rid of a few things and also apologize to my roommate in advance for the mess" He handed The book which happened to have turned into a copy of the necronomicon

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Amelia nodded and started to make her way back to the dorms, stretching her arms out at she walked. "It's about time to call it a night" she said, mostly to herself. She took out her key and entered room 114, falling on the bed. "It's been an interesting day" she tells herself.
Kira looked up at the looming masked figure and she opened her mouth, but for a few seconds of looking like a total idiot, her voice failed her. "U-um... s-sorry to bother you, I was just wondering where room one-hundred-fourteen is?"

"How!this is actually amazing.Well,follow me."

Toshinori then walk into the center of the room and say out loud "ALRIGHT !IT'S NOT TIME TO SLEEP!PLEASE COME OVER HERE!"

His voice was so loud that he could be heard over all the room


@Everyone in the dorms
Plague He looked at her and then pointed down the hall. He turned, almost smacking her across the face with the long mask, and closed the door quietly.

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