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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Zenix soon woke up to someone dragging him Zenix thought " are you fucking serious?! im up ya know just cant walk" Zenix thought and just allowed them to think he was dead but naw. " dragging me is that really nessasary? im awake just weak and whare the hell are we i cant see a damn thing. " zenix said a tad bit agervated

"We were on our way to the garden!" Avery said excitedly pretending like he didn't hear the cursing. "We thought you were dead." He said bluntly looking at Zenix being dragged. He wiped the cut on his thigh as it started bleeding again wiping the blood on his shorts going back to smiling a few seconds afterwards.

"Only a little." He said smiling "I cut myself on one of the branches in the garden!" He said laughing at how clumsy he had been.

Akire walked out of his dorm frowning a bit as he walked out if the building 'You said it wasn't bad'
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I never said it wasn't what? He asked thinking for a moment it stopped bleeding then but it's bleeding now. He sent back to Akire while continuing to walk with the others.

@Aragon @Aughto von realname
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Well right now we're heading towards the garden, unless we have other plans... He sent looking around noticing a particular student who looked more lizard than human, he chuckled to himself. 'Interesting he must be new' he thought looking at another student who didn't look human at all.

@Kild Kannuk
"Yeah turns out he was just sleeping!!" Avery said looking at Amelia laughing a little glad that he wasn't the only one who thought Zenix was dead. He looked back ahead towards Zenix nothing he was still missing his glasses. "Oh! We forget to get Zenix his prescription!" Avery yelled stopping for a minute before continuing to walk again trying to keep up with the others.

"Yeah, Avery you're right, we should go get him some glasses." She says, "You're welcome to join us Inno, was it?" Amelia smiles at the boy she had just met moments before.


"Yeah or else he'll be blind forever!" Avery said jumping up and down ready to take off running down the hallway. He stopped jumping for a minute looking at Inno and Zenix in a strange way. "Hey Inno do you want me to carry Zenix for you? I don't think you should gave yo carry him the whole time, I feel it would be easier if I just carried him instead!!" Avery said jumping up and down again now just trying to waste some of his extra energy.

@Aragon @Aughto von realname @Amelia White

Avery saw Akire and waved at him smiling. "Zenix can you walk?" Avery asked laughing at bit at what Amelia said.

Akire waved back a bit, stopping next to Avery nodding a bit at the other two, reaching into his pocket handing the gaze to Avery 'I brought some gaze to stop it from bleeding again.' he sent

"Thank you" Avery said as he smiled at Akire taking he gauze gladly. He wasn't expecting it but he could really use it. He started unraveling it wrapping it around the cut, he soon finished and looked at it laughing. "Now I am a ninja!!" He said karate chopping the air a few times to emphasize his point.

" not when im drained. i cant walk for a few days. or cast any magic because of that light orb i made it takes up so much of my power sadly.

@JayKuro @Amelia White

Zenix saw avery doing ninja moves and laughed.
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"So Avery gets to carry you then" Amelia says, wishing she had a phone so she could take a picture. The image of Avery carrying Zenix and Zenix's arms dragging on the ground pops into her mind and she laughs again.

@Aragon @JayKuro
"See he can't walk!" Avery said dramatically "he's crippled!" He said dramatically falling to the floor, but quickly getting back up again as it was really cold. "So then I can carry you?!" He asked excitedly "I promise I won't drop you!!" He added eagerly jumping up and down.

"Oh don't worry that's the least of your problems!" Avery said laughing "and you are crippled, at least until you can walk again!" Avery said in a playful tone right back to Zenix, although his tone always sounded playful.

"In the garden, I thought we could wake you with the smell of flowers, I guess it worked?" She says, kind of unsure if it actually worked or not. "Anyway, Lead the way Avery, we need to get this boy some new glasses" Amelia says, playfully.

"Sir yes sir! Now Zenix YOU SHALL FLY!!" He yelled growing his arms in the air as he started walking back in the opposite direction of the hallway. "I think it'll be better if we can actually see where we're going this time." He explained, he looked back at Amelia and laughed for no particular reason as he telekinectly lifted Zenix up into the air above all the other students. It really did look like he was flying.


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