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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

zenix makes a small flame orb for avery. "you can use this to guide your way it isnt much but its some light. " zenix said as he smiled happily
Seeing the flame, Amelia starts to shake and trips over something, knocking Avery over in the process. "Oh gosh.. I'm so sorry, I'm such a mess" She says, disappointed in herself. @Aragon
"Anybody here?" Inno called out into the empty hallways as he entered the school. As he stepped into the school he had noticed that nothing had gone wrong, no queer happenings are going on save for the lights at the other end of the hallway that occasionally flickered. "Interesting..." He walked into the school until he heard faintly heard Amelia's voice came across a hallway completely devoid of light

"Ollo, anyone there?" He called out into the darkness as he dug around his pocket for a lighter.

"Oh yeah.. I'm fine, thanks." She stutters, taking his hand and getting up. She then heard someone calling from the opposite side of the hall. She calls back, "Yes, Who are you?" She tries to look and see who it is but it's to dark, all she sees is a small silhouette of a someone. @Aragon @JayKuro
"That's a question I've been asking myself for a while, but anywho My name is Inno, Inno Minate. Also this is Moonlight Academy yes?" He Moved closer to the voice where he sees three figures close to each other. "Also, what's up with the lights?"

@Aragon @JayKuro
" we are in a darker area of the school, my name is Zenix" zenix says in happy tone. " i cant see right now because my glasses broke so were off to the eye doctor. " zenix allows the orb to glow bright but at a certin brightness
"Allo person I can't see there is no need to come get me I'll come to you who probably have a nice shirt today." Inno walked closer to the trio and the strange glowing orb one of them was holding. "Oh and also, Do you know where the dorms are?" He attempted to use the lighter as a source of light however there was suddenly no lighter in his hands.

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" heh my aplogizes my orb gets brighter from...my power or any heat source...." Zenix sunddenly collpases due to the orb and the loss of his magical energy. the orb bursts and the room suddenly lights up again and things can be seen,
Amelia sees Zenix collapse and immediately tries keep him conscious. "Hey, Zenix stay with us, it's gonna be ok..." She says, taking really fast. She props his head up on her lap, lightly tapping on his cheek. @Aragon @Aughto von realname @JayKuro
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"Well...I smell The Plot development of a romance arc." He muttered as he ran over to Zenix with a syringe on hand. "Anyways I think we should move him before he gets worse"
"Oi vey" She mutters, staring at the unconscious boy laying on her lap. She looks up to the new person who'd just walked up to them. "Hello, And yes, we actually just came from the dorms, They are down the hall and to the left. I'm Amelia, by the way, nice to meet you" She smiles. @Aragon @JayKuro
"Well, I stand corrected no Romance arc development for you" He chuckled as he gave Zenix a shot of adrenaline to wake him up as he doesn't wish to figure out whether or not the ability wipe things out of existence with a touch counts towards human beings, that and he doesn't want people to know that he was covered in fermented milk earlier today.

@Aragon @JayKuro

// lol sorry I was t replying I got busy

Avery wasn't sure exactly of what was going on. He stayed on the ground as another person walked over to them asking them where the dorm were. Just then Zenix collapsed probably from overworking himself and Amelia was kneeling beside him trying to wake him up. He was utterly confused as to what he was suppose to do and sat there quietly waiting for the others to do something.

Amelia stared at Zenix, thinking of ways to at least wake him up. "I have an idea," She says, "help me get him to the garden, maybe the scent of the flowers will do the trick?" She looks over to Avery. "Sorry again for knocking you over.. I'm a bit clumsy and it was really dark.." She says to him.


"It's okay, I can understand!" He said standing up brushing off some of the dirt and rubble that stuck to his skin. He looked towards the person who had just arrived. "Hi I'm Avery!" He said extending his hand towards Inno even though he wasn't sure if he could see it or not in this darkness.

@Cherrywitch @Aughto von realname
"Then let's get to the back garden. The front garden is dying leaves are falling upwards and it was raining fermented milk over there, Overall it's a mess which I am sorry about." Inno tapped the ground a couple of times fearful of what happens next which was unfounded as the lights suddenly opened and gravity seems to have grown weaker. "Well then...This is new"
Avery felt himself become a little lighter. He jumped in the air going higher than he usually did "wow! This is so cool!" He said as he started falling back down. "How'd you do that?" He asked Inno a big smile and an excited look is in his eyes. He had never seen anything like that happen before. He turned his attention back to Zenix and bent down looking him in the face a few times. "Amelia, did Zenix die?" He asked looking up at her.

@Aragon @Amelia White
"I honestly was expecting worse... SO shall we be off" Inno dragged Zenix's presumed carcass off the floor and through the air. "I was actually expecting the ground to split open, which has happened on occasion" he launched himself off of the floor and towards the end of the hallway, hoping that the man on his hand doesn't disappear while he is carrying him.

@Aragon @Amelia White @JayKuro

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