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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Zenix looks up to see a blury figure thinking to him self " dammit " Zenix couldnt see well without his glasses. " help would be great untill i get new glasses." zenix says kindly
"Of course, I'm not the best navigator but I can try, here take my arm" she says, offering her arm to the boy outside her door. "My name is Amelia, by the way. So where are you trying to go?" She asks him. @Aragon
" eye doctor so i can get new glasses. my glasses broke as i fell asleep at the piano. " My name is Zenix." thanks for your help, my eye sight is extreamly poor and i cant see well with out my glasses, i had a spare pair but my syblings broke them." zenix says with a kind tone and smiles.
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"Nice to meet you, Zenix, do you have a phone with a GPS system on it?" She says, helping him up. "Otherwise, we could find Avery and ask him because he seems pretty good with this kind of stuff." She tells him, still fascinated by the fact that Avery could nevigate through this maze building so quick and easy. @Aragon
" my parents never bought me a phone, i always relyed on my self. hopefully if i get lucky i can see fine again soon once im off this medication for my eyes thats what causes my eye sight to be so poor, zenix had his eyes open theynwere a bright vibrant blue ( btw Zenix's hair is black not blonde xD )
(For those who may be confused, this is still Soul Reaper)

Having gone a different way than the girl, Shado would continue to wander down the hallway, more than a little confused at this point, and most definitely lost, as he tries to get a sense of direction. If the telepath was still watching, he could most likely tell that the new figure didn't seem to understand how things worked in this building, or what all the rooms even were.
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Avery watched as he saw that one of the newcomers were still very lost and decided he would go and help them like he did the others. He was pretty tired and his mind was now much more sensitive to other's so he needed to be careful lest someone else be a telepath and try to communicate with him too much. He walked down the different hallways looking for the student when he finally found him going down another hallway. He ran trying to catch up to him and laughed when he finally did. "Do you need help?" He asked breathing a little a heavily from running.

@Shado Urufu
"The person in charge? Oh you must mean the headmaster! I can take you to him, follow me his office is this way!" He said as he started walking down the hall towards the headmaster's office.

@Shado Urufu

Avery walked up to the office door knocking before he entered. As soon as he heard an okay he entered motioning for the newcomer to follow him. He quickly read the plaque that was on his desk saying his name 'Thomas davinski' he thought looking up at the older man who seemed yo be in his late forties. "Hi what can I do for the two of you today?" He asked smiling.

@Shado Urufu

He would enter carefully, looking about the office for a moment, before bowing his head down somewhat, out of respect or nervousness was unsure, but he wouldn't really lift it back up. "I-I'm hum.. I'm new s-sir, and I-I was wondering.. How things worked here and hum.. w-where I was assigned to sleep.."

Mr. Davinski looked at the newcomer for a moment before fully processing what he just heard. "Oh well I'm sure we can figure that out. Just tell me what your name is and we'll be all set. Also by the way when you say how things work could you be more specific?" He said getting a little quieter at the end.

@Shado Urufu

"I-I'm Shado, and I meant hum.. classes and such..? Rules, things I.. need to know..?" He was fidgeting nervously, seeming to be trying to chose the proper words.
"Ah so that's what you meant! Well it's nice to meet you shadow my name's mr. Davinski. As for classes and rules..." He beans down opening a drawer under his desk, after a few moments of silence he came back up holding a few sheets of paper. "These are the rules and the classes for moonlight academy I hope you enjoy your stay." He said folding his hands on top of his desk.

@Shado Urufu
"If your name is shado, then your in room 118." He said looking at shado glad he remembered. He was getting older and older by the day although he felt much older than he actually was.

@Shado Urufu
@JayKuro (Lol, Shouldn't it be 116? Unless there's another Soul Reaper who joined the RP.)

He nods, bowing again gently, taking the stack of papers to read them later. If not stopped, he'd next set off to find his room.
(Yeah sorry my mistake I meant 116)

Avery follows after Shado quietly closing the door behind him. "Well if you need me I'll be in dorm 102 or in the garden.... Maybe the music room?" He questioned himself asking where he wanted to go now that he was fully awake.

@Shado Urufu
"Hm.. Well let's see, from where we are right now they are down this hallway...." He said pointing down a hallway "take two left turns a right, then another left turn and then bam your there. They're really beautiful you should check them out." He said looking down the hallway he was just pointing to.

@Shado Urufu
"Right down..... That hallway" he said pointing towards the hallway that lead towards the dorms. He had the feeling that Shado was trying to figure out where a few things were and would gladly help.

@Shado Urufu //I'm going to sleep soon, it's 5:10 am where I am

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