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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Avery stopped playing and smiled glad he remembered all of it. "Phew, I thought I forgot it." He said scratching the back of his neck. He got up and left the music room and he saw Zenix sleeping outside the door. He bent down and placed his hand on Zenix's shoulder. "Wake up, it's not really good to sleep here, you might get stepped on." He said shaking him gently.

Zenix woke up and looked at the littoe boy, Zenix's glasses fell off and Zenix's vision was terribly blurry and Zenix started feeling the ground for his glasses. @JayKuro
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Avery reached down and handed Zenix his glasses hoping it would help his vision a little. He giggled at how easily Zenix had fallen alsleep in a place likes this, although he wasn't any better. "Here your glasses," he said.

Akire looked around trying to find a quiet place 'Do you know your way around here?' he sent to the telepath he spoke to earlier

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" thanks, sorry if i looked....whats the words humans use....stupid... i have horrible vision when i am not wearing my glasses." Zenix said as he stood up
Ah yes, I know my way decently around here. He sent back as he said to Zenix aloud, "Don't worry you didn't look stupid." He said smiling, "I just thought it was strange for you to fall asleep right here." He said standing up as well.

"Ah so you like the piano to?" He said fascinated at someone else who like piano. "I always find that it calms me down or makes me happy again." He said smiling brightly.

" same, after the accedent i had when i younger i went to my neibhors and played a few songs" Zenix said happily. Zenix takes out some of the peices he is great at. " so what kind of music do you like playing on the piano, like classical, happy or just southing. @JayKuro
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After some time of wandering around aimlessly, Amelia turns a corner and sees a younger looking boy. "Hey, by any chance do you know where the dorms are? I have been walking around all day and my arm is getting tired of holding my suitcase.." She calls out. There was another person with the younger boy, but they both looked to be friendly so she took her chances. @Aragon

"Classical, soothing, or happy?" He said tilting his head in confusion. "I usually just play what comes to my head first." He said smiling at the girl who had just walked up to them. "I can show you to your dorm if you want! And I'll carry your bag for you!!" He said reaching out to grab it, although not to quickly just in case she said no.

@Aragon @Amelia White
Out of habit she took a step back when he reached out to her. "Oh, that's okay, I've been carrying it the whole day, I'm sure I can last another couple of minutes." She tried to laugh it off. She knows how unnatural it is for someone step away from open arms but she couldn't help it. "But, I'd love it if you could show me where room 114 is." She said with a slight smile. @Aragon

"Okay!! Follow me!!" He said smiling acting as if he didn't notice her step back. He turned around and started walking in the directions of the dorms. He stopped for a moment looking back at Zenix, "You can come with us if you want... You wouldn't mind would you Amelia?" He said looking at the both of them.

@Aragon @Amelia White
"Oh not at all," She says, "Wait, I never mentioned my name so how did you..?" She begins to wonder about the boy standing in front of her. If he attends this school, then he must have something. Maybe he just knows everything... She thinks. @Aragon

"Oh no, no, no I don't know everything in the world!!" He said looking at Amelia in surprise. He wasn't fully aware that he was hearing her thoughts at the moment and thought she was talking aloud. "Well come on guys we don't have all day!!" He said walking towards the dorms again not really looking back to see if he was being followed.

@Amelia White
For a moment, she just stared in awe. Once she came to her senses, she shrugged if off and followed the boy. "You know, I never got you're name" Amelia said. @JayKuro
Yes it's down the hall two rights then a left, and bam you're the There! He sent telepathically while he said to Amelia out loud "my name's Avery!" He said turning around and holding his hand out to her. "It's been my pleasure to meet you!" He said still smiling.

@Amelia White @Kild Kannuk
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It was my pleasure he thought still holding his out for Amelia. He laughed a bubbly laugh although it was for no particular reason. He was just happy to have met all the people he's met so far, and how nice they've been.

@Amelia White @Kild Kannuk
"Okay hopefully I'll see you later and maybe you can teach me a few things?" He yelled after Zenix. He looked back towards Amelia "well I guess it's just you and me now!!" He said smiling again.

@Aragon @Amelia White
(Sorry, my friend called me xD )

"Yeah, Avery is a nice name" Amelia says. "Please, lead the way" She says, ready to finally unpack her bag and really get to explore this school. "Also, Do you know where I can get a schedule? I didn't see anyone that looked like they worked here when I came in so I haven't gotten mine yet..." @JayKuro
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