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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Avery woke up bumping his head against the tree. He jumped down and landed in the soft grass, deciding he wanted to burn some of his energy so that he could go back to sleep if need be. He walked over to the flowers and bent down inspecting them closely, looking at the different colors and shapes. "Ah wow!! I've see this one before!!" He said excitedly pointing at a rose, then a daffodil. He giggled as he recognized them from a book he read once, though he only recognized them from the pictures not the name.

He looked around, subconsciously stretching his wings out, then closing them so no one would walk into them. He event gave up and just decided to fly around the school and wait for day to do anything else
Enryu finally woke up but was still pretty tired, lazily getting out of bed, he took his time taking a shower and washing up. Finally putting his clothes on, he walked outside his dorm room and preceded down the hallway. Turning a corner and going down the flight of stairs that led outside, Enryu was surprised of how bright it was. Looking around he saw a boy in a tree. Enryu also noticed that the tree was right outside his window too. Somewhat intrigued Enryu started walking up the side of the tree. He copied the ability to control the energy flow from his feet to walk on side of buildings and such from a student he met a while back. Knowing that he must look weird standing on the side of tree, he got the boy's attention. "Were you outside my room the whole night? Don't you have a dorm?"

Amelia hopped out of her fathers pick-up truck with her suitcase in hand. With a kiss goodbye from her father, she was off to find her dorm. "Today is gonna be fine" she whispered to herself while waving away her father. A little nervous she was walking in, she felt small and delicate in this setting. It was so different from the farm life she knew. This place had so many people and it was so big, she wasn't sure where she'd fit in. But none the less, she continued on her way inside, looking for someone who might know their way around.
Zenix looked up " no....i just simply...oh whats the word you humans use....wonder around?" Zenix said in a loud enough voice for enryu to hear, " whats your name..." Zenix said as he made stairs made out of fire as he walked down and sat down on the grass. @Twyllvarlais
Void finally woke up after sleeping for almost a whole day he went to take a shower and slowly put on his clothes. Today was going to be a slow one.

He took a turn outside his dorm and went outside and saw the fairy Avery his friend from yesterday. He approached and said "wanna get breakfast I didn't get to eat lunch or dinner yesterday so I'm pretty hungry."


Avery felt two more presences enter his head. One a girl, and one a boy. An image of what they looked like and where they were was sent to him and he giggled as he looked over another flower that interested him. His attention was snapped by Void who was asking about taking him to breakfast. "Sure I'd love to come!" He said standing up a smile on his face. He dusted himself off some getting most of the first and mud off him and looked back at Void. "To the cafeteria we go!" He yelled as he started running inside.

@Zy That Guy
Void moved after Avery and they reached the cafeteria where he filled plates with waffles, pancakes, bacon, muffins, eggs, sausage and filled a cup with Orange Juice. This was going to definitely be an amazing breakfast. Void sat at a table and started chowing down on his food, this was one of the best breakfasts he's had in years and he was going to enjoy it.

As Amelia walked along the halls, the smell of bacon filled the air around her. She instinctively followed the smell, it reminded her of mornings on the farm. Waking up to the roosters calling, the dog barking, and the smell of bacon cooking. As she entered what she believes to be the cafeteria, her jaw drops. It was beautiful and bigger than she'd ever imagined. She dropped her bags by a table and walked as quickly as possible to the breakfast foods.

" I'll have one sunny-side up egg, three pieces of bacon, and two slices of toast that are just a tad burnt, please" She says with a big smile, her southern accent showing through slightly. She had already eaten this morning but would never turn down a second breakfast. She grabbed her plate, said her thank you's, and quickly sat down next to her suitcase.
Avery went in line and got muffins, waffles, cookies, cupcakes, and some apple juice before sitting down. He had been paying attention to his surroundings and saw that the boy out of the two new people was looking for the cafeteria. 'The cafeteria is inside and don't worry about your hair it'll just look like you have bed head.' He telepathically sent as he sat down next to Void. 'Just follow the sent of food, you can't miss it.' He sent again as he started eating humming the same tune from yesterday and smiling.

@Zy That Guy @Kild Kannuk
Enryu was pleasantly surprised when the boy made a staircase of fire and walked on it onto the grass without burning the grass. He then sat down in the grass and asked Enryu's name. Enryu back flipped from the tree and landed softly on the ground and sat down next to the weird boy. "My name is Enryu Grace; but just call me Enryu. What's your name?"

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'Yeah I'm a telepath' he sent continuing his breakfast with Void as if nothing had happened. He looked around the cafeteria and noticed more people were coming in for breakfast, although a lot of people were still missing. 'There must be a lot of late sleepers at this school.' He thought 'well that's no good they're going to miss out on all the fun!!' He thought giggling and taking a sip of apple juice.

@Zy That Guy @Kild Kannuk

Avery continued eating his food humming not really paying attention to his surroundings as much as he was before. He stole one of Void's muffins and took a bite of it returning to eat his food as if nothing had happened.

@Zy That Guy
Amelia looks around the cafeteria. She sees a boy take a bite out of who she assumes is his friend's muffin, and she laughs to herself. It also reminded her of home and her parents, She thought she was so far but has easily been able to find reminders in this place. She wonders if the two boys have been attending for a while or if they were as lost as her. The thought of asking them for directions crossed her mind but she didn't get up and walk over. Instead, she put away her tray, picked up her suitcase and walked out of the cafeteria. She was determined to find her way around on her own.
He got on line, getting some pancakes, a cupcake, and a couple slices of cake then sat at a table by himself 'Where are you?'
As Amelia walks through the hallways, she notices how empty they are. Could everyone be sleeping? Or did classes start and she's just more late than she thought? She walks along the hall, feeling as if she is getting no where, and glances outside. She could see the most beautiful garden she has ever seen in her life. She chuckles thinking of how mad her mother would be if she saw this garden, it outshines even hers.

She's quick to find her way outside and the flowers smell so sweet. She leaves her suitcase by the school entrance and runs into the fields, making sure to stay on the path and not step on any flowers. She feels as if she could stay out in this garden for the rest of her days. She sits on the ground, reaching her hand out to one of the daisies. She soon realizes that the petal closest to her finger was being burnt more and more as her hand got closer. Soon enough, there was a small flame on the flower.

Amelia pulls her hand away and hugs her knees. "Calm down and concentrate.." She repeats to herself as the flame slowly dies down. Once the flame is gone, Amelia looks at the ash.

She rests her head on her knees. "I really need to figure out this stupid fire." She mutters to herself, sort of ashamed of what she did.
August took a pause from eating when he felt a pair of eyes on him. He knew he was being watched earlier as he took a bite of Void's muffin but the watcher had left a few minutes ago. He turned towards the set of eyes a waved a piece of bacon still in his mouth so he couldn't speak.

@Zy That Guy @Kild Kannuk
" My name is Zenix." Zenix soon takes out a sucker from his bag and hands one to Enryu " here have a sucker." Zenix says kindly and smiles.
Hesitant, a new figure would step in the school's ground, looking about carefully. It was wearing thick and heavy robes, hood over their face, which covered every physical aspects. The figure didn't seem to be carrying anything either, as it made its way towards the main door slowly. It would also look around for some parks, or places to be alone, though would undoubtedly attempt to make its way to the school director's office, likely to get situated. That is however, unless someone stopped it along the way.

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