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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

After Hunter got tired of thinking about screaming birds, he looked at the other people in the group. He wasn't really one to talk and was content with just being around people. Even if he did have to think about screaming birds. Though he was now shuddering at the thought of birds, remembering swooping season back at home. But there was nothing that a slingshot and a tennis racket couldn't fix.

As Hunter walked along, he started to familiarize himself with the halls and rooms. At least now he had a general idea on how to get back to his dorm.

"Ooh I wanna eat something sweet!!" He said excitedly thinking of all the different sweets the cafeteria. He said turning around the corner and towards the dorms. "106...106...106...." He muttered looking for the number. "I found it!" He said stopping in front of room 106. He turned and looked at the three behind him. "Ladies and gentlemen we have arrived at our awaited destination!!" He practically yelled in an announcer voice. He said laughing at the end and wiggling his toes once again on the cold floor.

Mariah eyed Hunter for sometime

"So Hunter, are you naturally this quiet or does my prettiness have you in awe" Mariah said teasingly

She tried to ease his tension

"You know sometimes us mind readers don't always read peoples mind because that would be such a headache. I have other ways of getting information" She winked at him

"Well boys this is your destination. Avery will you be my date to the desert area. I'm crraaaavingg a honey cake and some strawberry tea"
Hunter blinked blankly at Mariah, raising a brow. What is this girl playing at? He thought before realizing, Oh, wait. Seduction, obviously. You should know everything about seduction, Hunter, you idiot. He laughed internally, not wanting to outwardly show that he knew these kinds of tactics. Just think of the screaming bird. "I'm not much of a talker." He grumbled, completely disregarding her second sentence and that wink.

Avery starting laughing at Hunter's thoughts, the screaming bird again? Why not think about a flying bunny, that would certainly be interesting! He thought turning his attention back to Mariah. "Well sure!" Avery said he said giggling at Mariah's flirting. "To the desserts!!" He yelled raising one hand in the air. He turned around and faced Mariah a questioning look on his face dropping his hands to his side and tilting his head slightly. "Well are you coming or not. The desserts are just waiting to be eaten!" He said raising a fist in the air again.

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Mariah gave him an approving nod

"Hmp, okay hun. Whatever you say. Well if you guys ever need me I'm inn room 104. I'm off to stuff my face with sweets. Catch you beautiful people later" She blew a kiss which resulted in pink and yellow fairy dust to come off my lips

She jogged off towards the cafe holding Avery's hand. She knew They would be very close friends
"Food that sounds amazing but my stop's right here see you guys later I have a bed to talk to." He opened his dorm room with his key and immediately ignoring everything else fell asleep dreaming about his seal and removing it, he also dreamed about food like pancakes, waffles, chicken, cake, bacon. But he was already asleep so he just snored innocently and dreamt about what his roommate was like and if he minded him sleeping on this bed.
Hunter followed the other two to the cafeteria, wondering what kind of food he would be getting. He never really had much of a sweet tooth and often found himself getting nauseated at the thoughts of overly sweet food. But this school probably didn't only cater to those who could eat a literal bag of sugar and live.
We finally reached the cafteria seeing an amzinf assortments of foods for Dinner/Desserts

Mariah licks her lips

"I don't even know where to begin" She looked at Avery and Hunter

"Maybe a salad and some fruit"

She didn't want the guys to make the assumption that I was this greedy Fairy I was really wasn't food was just the best part of my day
Hunter took in a deep breath, knowing he had to show some restraint here. It had been a while since he was able to properly eat and he didn't just want to lose it now that he was faced with what was a banquet to him. He got a plate and began getting his food, mostly different types of meat. By the time he was done gathering his food, his plate was piled a bit higher than most. Well, if I get a stomachache later... No regrets.

Avery immediately ran to the desserts. He hadn't eaten ins few days and was literary hungry. He grabbed and vanilla cupcake, chocolate chip cookies, a cup of fruit punch, and some brownies to top it all off. He didn't really eat normal food much, and he didn't much like meats. He walked over to an empty table saving seats for Mariah and Hunter.

@Schadenfreudmeh @MariahChanell
Mariah looked at all the delicious food items

Mariah grabs a bowl of fruit salad

a couple of honey cakes

some Strawberry flavored tea

a couple of sugar cookies and sat next to Avery

"I think after I leave from here I'm gonna weigh a good 300 extra pounds" Mariah laughed but honestly not caring, her sweet tooth was the boss during meal time. But at least she got a salad and some tea. Not too bad
Hunter sat across from the other two, calmly cutting his own food and eating slowly. He honestly wanted to cry, this seemed like absolute heaven to him. But he just kept his cool, ate like a normal person. Just think about the screaming bird, it helps.

Avery started munching on a cookie humming a tune he like to hum while eating. The food was so good! He took a sip of his fruit punch and eyed Hunter's food curiously. "Are you really going to eat all that meat?" He asked looking at the pile of it. Hunter was thinking about screaming birds again and it still kind of amused Avery, 'can he not think of anything else.' He asked chuckling to himself while humming his tune again.

"Probably." Hunter bluntly replied after swallowing a mouthful of food. He wanted to make some sarcastic comments about Avery's choice of food and diabetes, but decided to hold himself back. He needed to make friends and know people, not bash their food choices.
Mariah was so into her food she didn't notice the pile of food on Hunter's plate she smiled at him.

"A man who can eat, that's hot" She winked at him, she loved teasing him flirtatiously.

She proceeded to eating her sweets and salad. Stealing a bite of Avery's cupcake

Inheritance said:
(Where can I jump in?)
Anywhere I guess!
Hunter couldn't help but cringe at that outright flirting, looking incredibly disconcerted. He couldn't play off his discomfort now as he literally stopped mid-chew to just look over to Mariah and give a sort of look that said, Stop.

Well, he also sternly said "stop" in his head, but he just needed to drive the point home. He couldn't be thinking about his past around these mind readers.
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"Don't worry fairies don't really get diabetes." Mariah took his cupcake and ate a bite of it. Avery's jaw dropped, he pretended to pout and put on a sad face. "You're so mean!" He said not able to put up the act anymore he started smiling laughing afterwards. 'I don't think Hunter much likes your flirting.' Avery telepathically sent to Mariah.

@Schadenfreudmeh @MariahChanell

Inheritance said:
(where are y'all)
In the cafeteria! xD
Dammit not again Riah! Her flirtatious attitude once again makes her look bad

"Ugh I know I think I'm trying a bit too hard" She thought back to Avery

"We'll I'm kinda tired I'm gonna head back" She dismissed herself after hugging Avery trying to hide the shame and embarrassment written all over her face with a fake smile. She slowly walked away waving goodbye at Avery and just gave Hunter a glare before walking away back to her dorm
Hunter didn't know why he was getting glared at, but didn't think too much of it. He just went back to his food and tried to shake off the entire situation. He had nothing against flirts or just flirtation in general, it's just it all reminded him of less than favorable times...

(Gonna go to bed now. G'night guys.)

'I'm sure you didn't ruin the friendship, and it doesn't make you look bad.' Avery sent back to get after she left the cafeteria. "Bye Riah, see you later!" He said waving after her. Avery kept eating his food occasionally stopping to look around the cafeteria. There were so many people in the cafeteria and so many different voices in his head, some of the conversations were kind of amusing.

(G'night! xD )

JayKuro said:

"Don't worry fairies don't really get diabetes." Mariah took his cupcake and ate a bite of it. Avery's jaw dropped, he pretended to pout and put on a sad face. "You're so mean!" He said not able to put up the act anymore he started smiling laughing afterwards. 'I don't think Hunter much likes your flirting.' Avery telepathically sent to Mariah.

@Schadenfreudmeh @MariahChanell

In the cafeteria! xD
(I could go for a Grilled Cheese)

Oromis walked into the cafeteria, fairly hungry but really more to socialize. Not that he cared about making a bunch of friends, but he did care about his image. He also wanted to see where everyone else really stood as far as...well gifts go. He got a small lunch, grilled cheese (if you don't like that you should really think about drinking bleach. I'm sure that's a good sub) and water, and sat down at a table alone. He kept an eye out on everyone to not be caught by surprised. At least for now, he was here to see and be seen.

Avery saw someone else enter the cafeteria and watched them out the corner of his eye. He kept looking around and checking different people out, 'he's probably trying to guess people's abilities.' Avery thought still humming his tune, he noticed that Hunter was actually eating all the food on his plate. 'He's either got a big stomach or he's definitely going to have a stomach ache later.' He thought drinking more of his punch. He found the position he was sitting in quite uncomfortable as his legs couldn't even touch the floor. He brought his knees up to his chest and out his bare feet on the edge of the chair finding this position much more comfortable.


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