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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

She blushed so hard, she realised also that her first class was about to start in less than ten minutes.

She hurried to her room to grab her bag and stuffed a jacket in her bag just in case the rooms were cold and headed back out to find her first class.

She looked at her schedule.

"English first period, hm nice way to start the day" She smiles as she's walking down the halls trying to find her classroom
Avery jumped down the tree and flew back into his dorm room shutting the window behind him. 'She seems really nice' he thought putting his bags under his bed and leaving the room making sure he closed the door behind him.

After about five minutes of searching around she finally found her first class, She looked inside it wasn't full but it wasn't empty either, she was kind of nervous so she sat in the back there's was one girl on her right but an empty desk on her left, she couldn't help but think of Avery and his hypnotizing smile. The teacher wasn't even in the room yet so she sat and played a game on her phone. Until class started.
Dimension 32393, planet Agora.

The Iron Keep,year AE 1245...

Darigaas The Iron king looked at his children with adoration. "My most precious of metals cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands, I thank you both for being so adult about this decision." He puts a hand on each shoulder and smiles.

"But of course father...you can't fight very well if you are worried about us." Adriana says with a smile. "If you end the war before I finish my training father I'm going to be quite upset..." Says Adrian with a scowl.

King Darigaas looks at his own father with a nod. The old man stands from his seat motions for the twins to follow him.
They obey, and their father walks behind them. Eventually they come to stop at the basement level standing in front of the sacred shadowsteel.

A massive black metal door that was built into the wall.

Both the king and his father shifted into their sentinel forms both standing over 10ft tall and having a rusted look to them that belied their age. They placed their massive metal hands onto the two door handles and began simultaneously pulling with all their might and charging the door with electricity. when it finally opened a purple cloud like substance was in the door frame and the twins walked into this cloud thinking silently to one another to give them the courage that they both needed...

Dimension 316, planet earth. Moonlight academy gates...

The air crackled with lighting that seemed to come from nowhere. Then a thick purple smoke materialized and upon clearing up Two white haired twins with swords on their hips appear hugging each other for a second before the male of the two shoves the girl away

"Get off of me you coward." He says with annoyance.

"But you hugged me first..." She responds quietly needing no effort to maintain her balance after the shove.

"They'd better have accommodations for nobles, I'd rather not share a room with you or a commoner..." He says changing the subject rather than continue.

"I think it'd be nice to share a room with someone...as long as they aren't to loud." She says stating daggers at her brother as they walked through the gate and onto the property.


Avery froze where he was having felt two more people enter his head and start talking. "More newcomers!" He said excitedly even though he just arrived at the school himself. "I can show them to their dorms too!" He said running towards where he felt there presence. He saw two people who looked exactly alike except for the hair and walked up to them. "Hi I'm guessing you two are new?" He asked looking up at them.

Joe woke up, sensing a massive power surge. "Hmm, so the king has finally made his move eh?" He sighed, lighting his cigarette. He took a drag and exhaled, watching as black smoke exited instead of the normal grey. He teleported out of his dorm to his realm, the realm of the dead. He grabbed a few of his possessions and teleported back, his aura now reeking of death. "Whoops, should have thought that one through." He quickly concealed the minuscule amount of power that leaked from him. He checked his mental barrier before walking out of his dorm room.
Mariah glanced out the the classroom door seeing two new people talking to Avery. They looked to be twins. It was already late in the morning and the teacher must've been running late. This was her chance to go make more friends. She was nervous but her excitement was more strong. She grabbed her stuff and crept out the class casually walking over to them not to make herself too obvious
"Gee what gave it away? Or course were new you st- OW" his insult is interupted by a smack from his sister he turn and raises his fist like he was gonna hit her and she just gave him A bored look.

Rolling his eyes he lowered his hand.

"Don't mind him he has no social skills, yes we are new. I am Adriana and this jerk is my brother Adrian." She smiles holding her hand out the the kid.

Meanwhile Adrian began focusing on the other person approaching.

@JayKuro @MariahChanell
Avery shook Adrianna's hand glad there was a nice one out of the bunch. "I can show you to your dorm rooms if you'd like?" Avery asked fully aware of Mariah walking up to the three of them.
Mariah stopped and approached Avery first

"Hey sorry for running off like that earlier, that usually keeps people away from talking to me" She bit her lip as she apologized.

She looked over at the two others.

"Sorry Hi, I'm Mariah, you can call me Riah though" She said with a huge smile
"It's okay, I do it all the time!" Avery said looking at Mariah. He really didn't mind his mind being read, he didn't have anything to hide from people. There was no need, he knew they would find out about eventually if they really wanted to know.
Wow he really is so amazing - She thought to herself

"Well good I'm glad we've reached an understanding, Who are your friends?
"If you would be so kind...we don't have to share a room do we?"she asks with a brief horrified glance at her brother who looks between the two as if trying to determine if they were worth him time.

Stop talking to them...they will get in the habit of approaching us.

That's the idea you lead head.

Shut up I think that kid is listening in

Wha- the conversation is replaced by a loud static as Adrian stares down the kid.

Adriana Looks at Mariah
"it's nice to meet you as well Riah, is that a surname or something? it sounds very similar to the first name you said" she asks with a confused look.
Avery had been listening in, but it wasn't on purpose. "Um, I think you guys probably will have to. But um I can ask the administrator to change your rooms so that your with some one else if you'd like me to." He said looking at Adrianna, she seemed nice enough, but her twin seemed really intimidating.

Mariah Giggles.

"No It's just a nickname and I don't have a roommate. We could definitely be roommates if you want. I'd be more than happy to show you to the room"

Mariah looked at Adrian seeing that he was maybe the sour one because Adrianna was definitely the sweet one.
Hunter had only then realized he fell asleep. He woke up with a jolt, his phone still next to him and quietly playing music. With a yawn, he muted it and decided to get up now that he felt more energized. He basically rolled out of bed, not really concerned with fine motor skills at the moment. Joints cracked as he stood to his full height and walked out of the room, figuring he'd go to that lovely garden-looking area he saw earlier.

After a bit of aimless wandering, Hunter found the place he was looking for, as well as a few people already there. With a shrug, he decided to go greet them, reckoning that they all looked friendly enough. He didn't really get a bad vibe from any of them. He made his way towards the group, making it clear that he was going to join them. "G'day." He called out once close enough before figuring he needed a bit more of an introduction. "Name's Hunter, and ah... I'm kind of new here."
"Good now that we have that sorted out...take me to my at once I am quite tired and I have a bit of unpacking to do." He try's to muster up a smile but I comes out as a sneer.

Adrianna just facepalms and mutters under her breath
"For a prince to lack manners...it really just defies logic." Adrian stares expectantly at the young boy.

"But I must agree the means of travel to get here are quite exhaustion,though I can still be of some company if you wish." She smiles not wanting to leave these new people, these dimensions settlers were all very kind.

Maybe they'll soften his hard head. She tried to think to herself.

Fat chance, you should try having a spine. Adrian thought back, as he looked at the additional newcomer with disgust.

And still more people,is this dimension populated by mobs of friendly adolescents, if so I'm going to smack father across the face when I get home.

Are you done yet...don't pollute my head with your negativity.

Shut up...
Avery stifled a laugh at their conversation. He thought since they were twins they would get along better. "Hi I'm Avery." He said turning around to greet Hunter. "Come on Adrian I'll show you where you room is." He said meeting Adrian's stare with bright eyes.
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Mariah turns around smiling

"Hey, I'm Mariah, nice to meet you Hunter" She said very warmly

"Adrianna I can show you to the room so you can comfortable"
(I gotta go guys you can either wait for me to be back in a few hours or just leave ther twins in their rooms ^.^)
Avery and Mariah. Got it. Hunter took a mental note of their names, just to not appear rude down the line. But he'd probably forget anyway. "So..." He began, his curiosity piquing about these two. He hadn't been around any other gifted or magical folk before, so this was a new, welcome experience. "What powers do you two have?" He asked with the slightest of smiles, just to seem disarming. Truth was, while he was genuinely interested in these two's powers, it wasn't just some friendly introductory gesture. He was sizing them up, figuring out if they were a threat or not.

Remember Hunter... Just have a plan. Always have a plan.
Mariah raises her eyebrow feeling kinda weird

"Sorry to seem so rude but I have to get to my first class, maybe another time.."

Mariah walks back to the class waving back at Avery as the teacher is just beginning her lesson
Void walked around the campus confused on what it was he knew that the classes are inside and that his dorm was close but he had no clue on where to go. Frustrating he walked around and felt the surge of power and he traced it and saw a pair of people and a group standing next to them he decided he should say hi because that's the nice thing to do. " Hello everyone I'm Void and does anyone know where the dorm room 106 is."
Class has just ended for Mariah so she flies to the cafe to get an Apple Juice, Blueberry pop-tart and bagel forgetting that she didn't have breakfast this morning.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_20-10-23.jpeg.ded177e29d598289b0862ee0d8891199.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137201" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_20-10-23.jpeg.ded177e29d598289b0862ee0d8891199.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_20-10-38.jpeg.c7aa32957c279f1d29a0d503cc3aa036.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137202" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-22_20-10-38.jpeg.c7aa32957c279f1d29a0d503cc3aa036.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

After eating Mariah walks around looking for other people to interact with she had about an hour before her other class started so she figured she'd build up her popularity status



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// sorry I was busy

"I have telekinetics and telepathy!" Avery said a bright smile on his face, "oh yeah, and I'm a fairy so I can fly!" He said jumping into the air. "What kind of powers do you have?" He asked slightly tilting his head and looking at Hunter. Just then another person came in and introduced himself. "Nice to met you void, I'm Avery! And I can show you to room 106 if you'd like!!" He said nodding excitedly, Looking between both Hunter and Void.



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