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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Riah finally reached her room closing her door but not all the way wanting to let some air get in

She grabbed her towel, washcloth, and body-wash and went into the bathroom. She gets undressed stepping into the shower washing todays events off her body, letting the hot water massage her body.

After a good half hour:

She got out dried off, lotioning her body, and then got dressed in her favorite PJ's

and got in the bed but she didn't go to sleep she laid in bed on her phone playing some games.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-23_0-2-8.jpeg.143c56caff3661b0005b5f972015adab.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="137252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/upload_2016-6-23_0-2-8.jpeg.143c56caff3661b0005b5f972015adab.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Pitiful I can't believe they don't serve food to you in your room...Adrain thinks to his sister as he storms down the hall irritated

Take a left on this corner... Adrianna replies from her room. She was multi tasking as well, however instead of complaining and walking, she was reading the campus map to her brother, and fixing her hair into a pigtails on either side.

I mean honestly it's like they are forcing us to interact with the common rabble.

He mentally whines as he shows up at her door.

It isn't LIKE they are, that's exactly what they are doing it builds social development skills for people who want to amount to more than a grumpy hermit.

She opens her door showing off her new hairstyle

"Well what do you think?" She asks eagerly.

"Nice...now either hurry up and get us to the cafeteria or I'll strangle you with them." He retorts sarcastically.

"Fine but this..." She snatches the sword off of his hip and tosses it in her room with her own "stays here, I'm not gonna have you hurting someone because you can't control yourself." As she does this she locks the door behind her.

"Fine but if we have to defend ourselves I get to initiate Fusion." He says with a huff.

And they begin heading to the cafeteria casually arguing and shoving each other playfully.
Mariah peeks out seeing Adrianna leaving the room

Mariah puts her headphones in drowning her head with music so she couldn't here anyone else's thoughts

She throws the cover over her head and after about five minutes ends up dosing off to sleep lightly snoring

Avery giggled as he heard the twins aruguing again and Mariah sleeping soundly. 'They're probably coming to get some food, I wouldn't blame them the food here is delicious.' He thought smiling finishing he plate of sweets. He got up again this time to get some actual food and not just something sweet. He looked around for something that he wanted to eat spotting some Mac and cheese he quickly ran over to it and got a bowl full of it, along with a few more chocolate chip cookies and another cup of fruit punch. It always seemed that no matter how much he ate he never gained a single pound, it was odd to him but he usually just bridged it off. After all most Fairies weren't fat, no matter how much they ate.

@MariahChanell @Alphaius
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Mariah is awakened by an alarm on her phone

she groans as she turns it off forgetting to unset it from a few nights ago

she gets up and peeks out her door hearing a bunch of voices down at the cafeteria she realized she had been asleep only for about 10 minutes.

She plugged in her phone to her speaker playing her favorite song. First starting off just nodding her head to the song to completely dancing as if she was on the stage hoping no one would pop in the room
Adrianna spots her friend from earlier in the cafeteria and waves happily.

"Heeeey how's it going!!!" She shouts excitedly running over to Avery.

Adrian rolls his eyes and goes to the cafeteria line.
"Whatever...I'm hungry." He stacks up his plate high and goes to sit by his sister and her friend.


"Hi Adrianna!!" Avery says waving back pausing from eating his food. "You should really try the food here it's great! Especially the desserts!" He said a bright smile lighting up his face.

"Don't worry I am." She says as she sits and a few minutes later Adrian sits beside her sliding a tray to her.

He doesn't say a word he simply bow his head and prays, then begins heartily devouring his food. Surprisingly despite his obvious hunger he seems to have the table manners befitting his role.

"I'm sorry we didn't have much time to catch up earlier, why don't we start now? Where are you from?" She asks to Avery.

Adrian is staring blankly at the wall I front of him absentmindedly continuing his elegant eating.
"I was born in a huge forest!" Avery said smiling "sadly we had to move almost after I was born though so I don't remember much, except that it was really beautiful, almost unworldly. Where are you guys from?" He asked looking at them both.

"Wow a forest huh, believe it or not I've never actually seen one of those." She seems to zone out for a moment trying to imagine a forest but gives up partway. "Our world is called Agora, we live in the north in a place called the Iron keep, our father is the king.

Unfortunately there is a war between the four nations...that's why our father sent us here so we can apparently come back and make peace, though I'm not sure how."
She somehow says all of it in one breath.

"Isn't the first war either...a little over a thousand years ago there was a fifth nation, called themselves the demon clan. They tried to conquer the other nations claiming that it was their blood rite to the planet Agora, it was actually a pair of twins like us born 1200 years ago to the water clan that put an end to the war then, so they believe we can be the ones who put an end to it now." Adrian says happy to divulge the noble history of Agora, and for the first time not sounding snarky and rude.
Oromis saw what he needed. He finished, and headed off towards his dorm. He really hadn't met his roommate yet, but as long as this person didn't bug him, it was fine by him.

(Nice to see ya @Alphius what happened to ya lol. I assume you dropped dragons)
"You're seriously from another world!?" Avery said his jaw dropping "that's so cool! I've met some pretty cool people at this school so far, but I don't think any of the, have been from another world!" He said a shocked and excited expression on his face. "I'll take you guys to a forest one day if you want. If I can find it, maybe even the forest I was born in!" He said more to Adrianna than Adrian. "Will you tell me more about your world?" He asked seriously interested.

"Most people there posses amazing elemental powers. It started with one family, almost five thousand years ago..." Adrian slid his tray forward and stood up and began pacing as he spoke, his passion for history was very apparent.

Adrianna scooped over so she could watch her brother.

"Humanity was scattered about and a man named Zackary Leto began to unify them under the banner of of what was called the kingdom of light. They were the most advanced humanity had ever been,they had learned how to travel through space, then time, and eventually dimensions. Then a pair of twins was born... The first to ever be recorded on agora. The demon twins... They killed Zackary's great grandson, the king at the time, and a grueling war between the armies of the kingdom of light and the demon twins and the otherworldly monsters they summoned."

He paused looking back at the others watching him.

Avery watched every move Adrian made, even reading his lips at certain parts that he really found interesting. He had never been able to study or learn new things, so he enjoyed every moment of it when he did. "That's so cool!!" He said excitedly once Adrian paused. "Back where I lived nothing really happened except a few fights here and there, but it was never something as serious as a war!" He said, when he meant fights, he meant that he was forced to fight another fairy. At the end of every month all the fairies gathered together and chose two fairies who duel each other to the death. Avery was unable to process why they did that but he was often chosen as it was illegal for a fairy to kill another fairy out of these monthly fights.


Zenix walked into his new school, " what dorm dorm.....da shit.." Zenix thought to him self as he roamed around. " I wonder if their is other students. thare probaly is just in dorms...now whare to find these.l..strange dorms..." Zenix thought as he roamed and found im self outside. " school is too confusing." Zenix said as he sat down and relaxed

@ anyonee
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JayKuro said:

Avery watched every move Adrian made, even reading his lips at certain parts that he really found interesting. He had never been able to study or learn new things, so he enjoyed every moment of it when he did. "That's so cool!!" He said excitedly once Adrian paused. "Back where I lived nothing really happened except a few fights here and there, but it was never something as serious as a war!" He said, when he meant fights, he meant that he was forced to fight another fairy. At the end of every month all the fairies gathered together and chose two fairies who duel each other to the death. Avery was unable to process why they did that but he was often chosen as it was illegal for a fairy to kill another fairy out of these monthly fights.


"That almost sounds like trial by combat,in our world if two people have a legal dispute as long as there are three of more witnesses then the men can settle the matter with a duel to the death and it be perfectly legal." Adrian says fascinated.

"So tell me... Besides being able to snoop in another's mind do you have any other abilities?" As he asks he arches his eyebrow.

"You shouldn't just ask personal things so blatantly, that's like asking to see someone's elemental form,it's just rude." Adrianna scolds
"It's okay I don't mind him asking." He said smiling at Adrianna. "And I don't do it on purpose, and yes besides telepathy I also have telekinetics..... And flying but I would have exactly call that an ability..." He said.

"Interesting, your like a wind clansmen,well almost they can't read minds. Me and this one can read each others minds" he says nudging his sister

"Yeah and sometimes I wish I could block you out like you do me..." Adrianna says with a hint of sour attitude.

"Whatever... We can also turn into a giant metal monster." He says this with a smile and a cocky look."I'd show you but doing it ,inside isn't a good idea."

Adrianna seems to grin knowingly, she knows her brother loves to show off.

"Really?! When you turn into metal monsters do you guys combine or something like that?!" He asked looking at the both of them. "You guy's powers are so coo!" He said enthusiastically, a smile on his face. "You'll have to show me sometime, I really want to see it!" He said nodding his head as he was speaking.

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Zenix had frown bored and decided to walk in. " whats going on?" Zenix said quitely, he was fairly shy for someone his age. Zenix wasnt payin much attention u till he bumped into a young man with his sister, @Alphaius ( this is gonna be de last post for the day im really tired. (~o~)~zZ night <3)
It was a pretty uneventful day for Enryu, though a lot of days were like that for him this school. Ever since coming to the school, he received the highest marks out of everybody, but that only because of his Copy ability. Walking the hallway to his dorm room, Enryu notice a Fairy and what seemed like two twins of some kind with white hair. He nodded at the group and continued walking towards his dorm room when he saw another person. The boy wore a pair of glasses and bumped into the group.

@Aragon @JayKuro @Alphaius

Avery yawned a bit feeling a little tired. He noticed a boy bump into Adrian and looked him over, in s curious way. "Okay guys I'm feeling a little sleepy, if you need me in in dorm 102!" He said speaking to everyone including the newcomer. He exited the cafeteria heading into the gardens deciding to sleep there instead of his actual dorm room. He climbed the biggest tree he could find scraping his feet and knees here and there but it didn't faze him. He lied down a big branch and closed his eyes only half awake.

Right before Enryu entered his dorm room, the fairy boy told everybody his room number, which was 102, which wasn't far from his. Walking in his room, Enryu shut the door behind him and stretched it was a long and uneventful day for him. Taking a quick shower he decided to lie down on his bed and read a book. While reading his eyelids began to droop and before he knew it, Enryu fell asleep.
Instead of walking through the school, Akire flew to his dorms window and picked the lock. He landed in the room and put his things in the bed that wasn't taken, shutting the window then starting to unpack


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