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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Avery felt another presence enter his mind. 'I wonder how many people are coming today?' He thought as an image of the person appeared. 'Ooh a mysterious guy!! They are always so interesting, unless they're mean!' He thought as a picture of where he was was also spent to Avery. He wasn't completely sure if this wa part of his telepathy but if someone new enters his head, or if he thinks about someone he can always find out what they look like, adpndnwhere they are. Sometimes it's cool other times it's a little disturbing.

Amelia, upset from what had just happened, decided to go back to trying to find her dorm. Upon walking inside, she sees a person by the entrance. It looked, to her, like a ghost or some sort of devil with its robe and hood. She felt something in her stomach say "stay away, Keep your distance," but her curiosity got the best of her as she started making her way over to the dark looking figure. @SoulReaper
"Thanks", Enryu took the sucker from Zenix and placed in his mouth. Sucking on it for a few seconds, Enryu too the sucker out. "My name is Enryu. I'm gonna head to the cafeteria, your welcome to join me if you want." Enryu got up and started walking towards the cafeteria. Entering inside he got a plate of eggs, pancakes, bacon, and some chocolate milk and went to find a table to sit down at. He then saw the fariy kid from last night, but he was with a different group of friends. Deciding to go out of his comfort zone, Enryu sat down near the fairy and began eating.

@Aragon @JayKuro @Zy That Guy

Aver noticed Enryu sit down near him. Aver stole a piece of bacon and placed it in his mouth. "That's the table joining ritual! It is now complete!" He said swallowing the bacon down with some apple juice, laughing afterwards. "My name's Avery and it's nice to see you again!" He said smiling.


The figure was currently entering the building itself, and was attempting to find some signs or a semblance of direction as to where it needed to go.

(Not 100% sure if you meant for anything else with that post.)

@Amelia White

The figure would look about very carefully, seeming to notice the girl though didn't really say anything. It did seem to try and walk past her, unless the girl was coming straight at it, then it would just sort of.. freeze in place.
Zenix got up and sat by Enryu "so how are you?....." Zenix said in a soft voice. zenix wasn't a sociable person, his social skills were very very poor.
"Now, What are you" She says, thinking out loud. Realizing she said what she thought out loud, she instantly apologizes. "That was so rude of me to say. What I meant was.. Well.. Hi, I'm Amelia." She stays, stuttering her words and holding out her hand. @SoulReaper

"Do you have food for me to take?" He asked looking at the newcomer. He wasn't particularly hungry anymore, at this point he was just enjoying taking other's food. When Void wasn't looking he stole a piece of bacon, and when Enryu wasn't looking he stole another piece of bacon. He winked at Zenix and out a finger up to his mouth signaling for him not to tell.

@Aragon @SoulReaper​
''My name is Enryu Grace." Enryu out of the corner of his eye saw Avery take a piece of his bacon. Flickering his eyes, Enryu used a telekinetic ability and brought the bacon back to his plate. Looking at the fairy he said,"Please don't do that. What are everybody's abilities here?" Enryu glanced at everybody sitting at the table, and took a swig from his cup and wait for the people at the table to reply.

@Aragon @JayKuro @Zy That Guy
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"What made you think I was human?" Avery asked not having a particular reason for taking people's food. "Besides your just going to wait 'till I leave to get more." He said watching as the bacon was lifted from his plate. 'Everyone here is so serious!' He thought not particularly looking at anything. 'I wish Mariah was here to lighten up the mood!' He thought hoping to 'accidentally' bump into her again. "I have telekinetics and telepathy, along with the fact that I'm a fairy." He said going back to drinking his apple juice.

@Aragon @MariahChanell
This food is delicious it's like i can't stop eating it, that probably due to me not eating for a whole day. For some reason everytime he looked away his food was gone but Avery looked happy and was eating he didn't even have a plate. He thinks I haven't noticed but this is to much food for me to eat alone anyways. Void finally looked up from his plate and saw people at his table, he was a little taken aback because he thought it was just him and Avery. "Hi everyone I'm Void. My ability is... Well you wouldn't understand if I told you so I'll show you." Void made a tiny little version of him that picked up his fork and started shoveling food into his mouth. "This is mini me I can basically create anything out of thin air if we're not breaking it down to technical components." He made more to defend his food from Avery.
@Amelia White

The figure shifts a bit, looking at the girl wearily before stepping back. It would take a moment, before finally speaking. "I-I'm hum.. Shado..?" From the tone of voice, she may be able to tell it seemed male, though a bit young, possibly a teenager or young adult. "I hum.. don't really like talking.. about what I am..?"


The newcomer seemed to be talking to one of the students.
" my name is Zenix and i am demon.' if you want some food here have some, Zenix hands the little fairy some food and looks out the window.

Avery got up from the table going to get a plate and food, as well as more juice. "I'll be right back." He said in no particular tone. He wasn't use to being around serious people before and wasn't exactly sure how to react. He looked around for anything in particular that caught his eye but it seemed like nothing did. He could feel eyes in the back of his eyes and decided that he would get a drink and sit back down, as he didn't like the eyes staring him down. He got a cup of the same fruit punch from yesterday and sat down deciding to go explore the school after this.

"Well, That's alright. Nice to meet you, Shadow. Are you new here too? I've been trying to find the dorms but I can't seem to focus, this place is just too cool!" She says with a smile and the same southern twang that keeps escaping her lips. @SoulReaper
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(Ok cool :) )

"Well, I think so, I mean better to get settled sooner rather than later, right?" She says, scratching the back of her head. "So what brings you here?" She asks. @SoulReaper
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Avery finished his punch and stood up. "I'm gonna go now it was nice seeing you guys again." He said as he started to run out the cafeteria. He didn't socialize well with serious types at all, especially if they reminded him of the fairies back at home. He wanted to play something and after a while of looking he found his way in the music room. He smiled and got on the piano ready to play. He had ever actually gotten lessons on how to play instruments but he had taught himself and found out he really liked playing. He started playing the first song he had ever taught to himself and was surprised that he remembered all the keys.

@Aragon @Twyllvarlais


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@Amelia White

"Hum well.. I guess? not really sure where mine is or how things work though." He sighs and shakes his head. "I hum.. don't really have a better place to live at, don't.. want to go into details though.."
"That's all good, your business is your business," she says, "Well, I'm going to go try to find my dorm, but I'll see you around." She spins on her heels and walks around, again trying to find room 114. @SoulReaper
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