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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Avery scratched the back of his head. "I don't know where workers are but if you tell me what grade your in I can hand write you a schedule!" He said looking at Amelia "I haven't gotten a schedule either, in fact I don't think anyone has." He said looking around.

@Amelia White
"Well, At least were all missing them, I guess" She laughs. "Anyway, Which way to the dorms?" Amelia looked around at the different corridors in the hallway, she also glanced at the piano and the person playing. She suddenly felt very anxious in this school, but she shrugged it off quickly, trying to hide it from Avery. @JayKuro
Amelia giggles watching him march. As she talks with this boy, she gets curiouser and curiouser about him. She quickly catches up to him and follows him down the hall, glancing out the windows every so often. The scenery amazed her, all she saw growing up was crops and cows. She felt so many different feelings all in one day here, where all her days on the farm were the same. She is scared but excited to start her journey here at Moonlight Academy. "So, you seem to know you're way around, how long have you been attending?" She asks. @JayKuro
"I've been attending since yesterday!" He said excitedly looking around as he marched. He hadn't seen the whole school for himself but he had a pretty decent idea of where everything was. "Do you think more people are going to Come today?! He asked Amelia excitedly.

@Amelia White
Shinjiku keeps playing the piano enjoying his time at the piano seeing his fingers move. " i thought i forgot all my knowledge." shinjiku said auitely and kept playing the piano.
"How did you find your way so easily? I've been here only a couple hours less and I'm so lost" She laughs, "And, yeah, anything is possible so why not?" @JayKuro
"Yay!!" he yelled jumping into the air hovering for a few moments before his bare feet hit the cold ground again. He looked back at Amelia "I'm not a hundred percent sure how I found my way but that's not really important what important is that I did find me way! And now I can help newer people find their way!!" He said jumping again this time not hovering.

@Amelia White
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zenix finished the piano but soon fell asleep on the piano Zenix was fairly warm but he did cause a bit of dissonance on the piano. @ anyoneee
Zenix was out cold and tired the dissonance of the piano ecoed through the music doom and a tad but through the Halls, Zenix had fallen asleep and was gonna be asleep for a while.
"You're so kind, It's good to know there are kind people here. Maybe when I'm done unpacking, we could grab lunch.. Or dinner.. I haven't been keeping track of time" Amelia says, looking around for a wall clock. She knows she arrived her in the morning but she lost track of how long she'd been wandering around these halls. @JayKuro
"Okay I'd like that!!" Avery said excitedly stopping in front of room 114. "We have arrived at our destination!" He said in an announcer like voice giggling afterwards.

@Amelia White
zenix is soon fast asleep on the piano his glasses falling on the floor and making a clank sound as one of the lenses crackes and then shatters in a lot of pieces.
"Thank you so much!" She squeals, dropping her bag and hugging onto the door. Soon noticing what she was doing, she jumped off the door and turned to face Avery. "Forget you saw that" She tells him laughing. She takes her key out of he pocket and unlocks the door. As she opens it, she could almost hear Hallelujah playing in the back of her mind. She drags her suitcase inside, says her goodbye to Avery, and shuts the door. "Finally, I can get my stuff out of this suitcase." She says. The first thing she unpacks, placing it on her nightstand, is a picture of her parents. Afterwards, she gets her clothes in order, and her boots. Soon enough she's done unpacking and lays across her bed. She felt herself sinking into the bed as if she was becoming heavier as each second passes. @JayKuro
Avery walked back to his room after saying goodbye to Amelia. He decided he would take a shower and get clean. He grabbed a big fluffy towel, a washcloth, and some of his favorite soap. He turned on the shower water and stepped in the hot water massaging his body as he clened himself. He soon finished and stepped out feeling refreshed. He quickly changed his clothes into a pink long sleeved shirt and some blue shorts laying down on the bed, he was pretty bored now.

@Amelia White
zenix soon woke up and started looking for his glasses he soon felt his glasses but saw that one of his lenses broke and zenix had his glasses broken... " crap...i dont have another pair of glasses and a strong proscription." zenix left the roomfeeling the wall and feeling somthing brail with the number 114. zenix felt the door arefully trying not to disturb the person inside.
Hearing a sound at the door, Amelia gets up off her bed and walks over to open it. "Hello?" She says, thinking it's probably Avery at the door. Upon opening it, she sees a Blonde haired boy stumbling around hugging the wall. "Um.. Do you need some help, sir?" She asks, a little confused as to what she is witnessing. @Aragon
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