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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Avery stopped and hovered in the air going up to Amelia's height. He whispered quietly in her ear, "shh... Don't tell Zenix that he's flying he's blind right now so he won't know unless someone tells him." He whispered gigging after he landed back in the ground. "Would you like to try it? It's actually really fun once you get the hang of it!!" He asked excitedly "I do it all the time!!" He said dramatically flinging his hands about making sure he didn't hit anyone. He was feeling very dramatic today.

@Aragon @Amelia White
Akire tried to keep a straight face as he stretched out his wings, as they had started to hurt from keeping pressed against his back

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"Oh wow you have wings too?!" Avery said looking as Akire stretched out his wings "oh yeah, now I remember!! I have seen them before!" He said "i didn't think I'd get a dormate who also had wings!" He said laughing, that had probably been something he might've least expected.

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" what? zenix said confused he tried flying but went through a wall " THIS. DOSE.NOT.MAKE.MY.SITUATION ANY BETTER! " zenix said as he tried to get out of the wall. " uh....a little help please?" zenix says as he tries to get out of the hole his head was stuck through. zenix tries using his hands but his hands go through the wall. " DAMMIT!" zenix says a tiny bit irritated. @JayKuro @Amelia White
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"Oh no, I can see and I'm not good with heights, or falling." She says awkwardly. "Not that I think you'd drop me, but.. I don't know. Thanks for the offer though." She smiles. Amelia looks over at the boy who'd just spread open his wings. For a moment, all she could do was stare at the boy's wings.

She wondered what it was like to fly, or even have wings.

Akire looked over at the girl who, accidentally reading her thoughts "Flying isn't that bad.." he mumbled then made a face "that is until you get attacked by a migrating goose..." he blinked when he realized what he did and bowed his head "I'm sorry..." he mumbled quietly

@Amelia White
Avery fell to the floor laughing when Zenix steered himself into a wall. He couldn't help himself, and he didn't mean any harm by it he just found it really funny. He telekinetically pulled Zenix from out the wall still laughing causing a commotion in the hallway. After a few minutes he composed himself enough to be able to talk and looked at Zenix, "you're not suppose to struggle that much, or else you start flying sideways!" He said almost bursting out into laughter. "I'm sorry about that I should've warned you ealier." He said getting a little serious. His attention was suddenly caught by someone moving rapidly down the hallway on what appeared to be wings. Avery stared having no expression his his face stopping all his movements.

Akire looked over at his dormate and carefully waved a hand in front if him 'Avery, are you okay?' he sent to the boy

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"Oh no, it's fine, You're like Avery." She said, walking a bit closer to the winged boy. She rests her hands on her hips, staring at his wings. "So were you born with them?" She asks, curious about his wings.

@Kild Kannuk
zenix was on the floor a bit dizzy, " this is why...i dont do flying..." zenix said as he flew again. " AND I WASNT MENT TO GET STUCK IN A WALL!!" zenix said as he smiled he couldnt really see well all he saw was a little boy a tad bit blurry the rest was just pure bluurr no reading he couldnt do much with his eye sight.
"Wow. So you're like an angel? My parents would tell me stories of how they saw angels but I thought they were lying." She told him. She reachs out to touch one but pulls her hand back when she realizes that she doesn't even really know this person. "Sorry, kinda over stepping my boundaries." She says.

@Kild Kannuk

...yeah... Yeah I'm okay... I just wasn't expecting to see them here.... He sent glancing back one more before shaking his head snapping his attention away from it completely. "Zenix don't struggle this time!" He called as Zenix went back in the air ready for round two. 'Hope he doesn't crash into a wall again.' He thought chuckling a bit.

Akire nodded "I'm actually half angle. My father was an angle, but my mother was an avian. My father was forbidden from seeing me after I was born, so I never met him." he then shook his head "I've been inside your head so we'd be even." he said with a small smile 'okay.'

@JayKuro @Amelia White
Avery sighed with relief when Zenix fell asleep and stopped moving. He gad been concentrating a lot more on Zenix after he fell into the wall and was glad he could relax even if what just in the slightest bit. Today had been a long day but it was actually really fun for Avery. "Hey guys where are we going again?" He said yawning and stretching, he was tired of walking and his leg hurt where the scratch was.

"Wow, I'm sorry you never met your dad. I know how much it sucks." She smiles at the half-angel standing before her. She then turns to face Avery.

"We were going to the eye doctor. But maybe it can wait. Looks like someone is sleepy" She says, glancing at Zenix cuddling up on his pillow. She looks up thinking, today was a pretty good day.


// Lol where'd the pillow come from?

Avery looked up and saw that Zenix was out cold again. "He sure likes sleeping." Avery muttered chuckling again counting all the times Zenix had fallen asleep today. "oh yeah the eye doctor.." Avery muttered tiredly "we passed his office a few minutes ago..." He said yawning again, feeling a little hungry and tired.

"Well I guess if we're here, then we might as well wake him up." She said. Even she is starting to yawn now. It's been a long day and she was ready to lay down and sleep herself.

"Okay" he said gently placing Zenix down out of the way of others and flicked him the forehead twice. He wasn't sure if Zenix was a heavy sleeper or not But just in case he was Avery flicked him was more.

Kira had been flying for a few days from the barn and now the academy came into sight, much to the relief of the cat in her arms and the owl perched on her back. The barn owl, Ree, lifted up and swooped down ahead of her as they passed over the gardens. Tilting down to land, Kira shook her head as her red scarf flew up over her face. Murc jumped out of her arms and when she pulled it down, the ground met her instead. After tumbling for a few feet along the grass, making her wings disappear so they wouldn't get hurt, Kira came to a stop next to a flower bed. Sitting up slowly, Ree flew down from her new perch on a flowering bush to land on the grass beside her. Murc walked over as well, nuzzling her. "Not my best landing, sorry guys..." Ree shook her head, lifting a wing to pat her back gently. "No worries, dear. You'll be safe here." Murc nodded in agreement with this. Kira scooped up Murc and the barn owl flew to sit in the hood of her scarf. Together, they approached the academy building and after finding a door, stepped inside. "Any idea where we have to go?" She looked to her companions. Murc looked up at her and meowed, "You're asking a cat and an owl? Seriously?" She sighed and kept walking.
Akire shook his head "It's fine, I never think about it too much." he said. Then he looked over at Avery "I could take him back to his dorm." he suggested seeing as he noticed the boy wouldn't be up for a while

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