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Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

"I think we should head in then... N-not that you have to! I j-just think we should" she stuttered, not wanting to sound bossy or offend her in any way. "My name is Priscilla by the way" she mumbled as she walked into the classroom, taking her seat

@Srion Receno
Alex was walking down the hall like he was still asleep. He bumped into several students on his way down, mumbling sorry as he passed them. He got to the door and gave everyone a small smile

"Good morning everyone" he said leaning against the wall.
"Srion..." she said as she watched Priscilla walk into the classroom. she didnt want to go in quiet yet but hearing Alex she turned and smiled shyly at him. "morning...you look tiered" she said this softly as she looked away slightly her hands playing with her stitching.

@Trust @Blacknife

Soren smiled and did a thumbs up. "it was cool anyway" he said this cheerfully then gave Alex a smile though his mask then looked back over at her.

Sydney chuckled, "but it would have been cooler with a cape." She then shrugged her shoulders and added, "Next time I want to do that, I'm putting one in my bag." She then looked at Alex and cocked an eyebrow at him. "You look dead and tired."

@Srion Receno @Blacknife
"I swear, if i ever get another nights sleep i will be very happy"

He gave a small yawn before looking around the hallway at the other students.

"So how are you guys this morning?"


@Srion Receno
Takara grabbed a bag and shoved some books and other things in it. She hurried over to class. When she got the (about) everyone was standing outside of the classroom door. Takara quickly joined the group and took out a small piece of paper. The paper was simply an illustration of where different people were going to sit.

@Ami the breadling




@A Simple Egg


Srion Receno]"why didnt you sleep ?" Srion asked quietly as she pulled on her stitching lightly. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/22964-blacknife/ said:

Soren Chuckled then looked over to Alex with a smile then over to the girl doodling or something. "hey, what you doing?"

"Bad dreams mainly" he replied while rubbing his eyes.

"You know if you keep picking your stitching your arm will fall off again"
"Can we all go in yet?" Sydney asked, shuffling against the wall. She saw people already inside, and this group was the only ones that were outside..
Takara looked up from the paper and onto the boy. "Oh... Hello... We were just checking where we were going to sit... Would you like to take a look too?" Takara turned the paper so the boy could see the drawing on the paper. The paper was crumbled but it was still possible to read the names. "Our name is Takara... If you wished to know..."
Finally there, down the hall, appeared Mr Benjamin.

"Hello students. I hope you are well. Please come in" he opened the door to find a student already inside.

" Maybe wait next time. Young miss"

And with that he waited for his students to take a seat before he sat down to start the class.
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Gar silently moved towards his seat, which he had memorized, hoping both that there would be people around and that there wouldn't. He had not spoken to anyone since the attack the other day, preferring to sit out of sight, in silence. The attack had shocked him and he desperately wanted to go home, but he knew there was no chance of that. He slid into his seat with, again, mixed feeling about people approaching him, on one hand it would be a distraction and a friend making opportunity, on the other he really wasn't feeling up to it.
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"Soren" he smiled at her after looking at the paper, then over at the teacher before walking in. He sat down with a slight smile on his face as he watched the other students some in.

Once the teacher was in, Sydney shifted and teleported the small distance to her chair, sitting in it in her black fox form, her ears slightly twitching as she watched everyone else file in. She saw Soren have a small smile on his face, and she gave him a dogish smile, her mouth wide open then closed it and looked at her teacher, her ears perked.

@Blacknife @Srion Receno
"Well. Now that we are all here we can start the lesson. Now. For this activity I would like you all to stand up and form small three person groups before we start"
Takara looked around the class still seated. She did not wish to be the first one to stand up. Takara looked around and noticed where Soren and Gar were seated. Takara thought that maybe either Gar or Soren could work out. She wasn't sure how they would react to each other so she didn't go that far into thinking. She looked at the teacher but didn't try to make eye contact.


@A Simple Egg

@Srion Receno
Gar blinked when they were told to get into groups. Well, he'd just have to find two nice people, it couldn't be that hard. He could have asked the boy in front of him but, if he was being perfectly honest, he kinda intimidated him. He turned around to look at the rest of the class just in time to see a girl with short-ish blonde hair look away from him. He smiled happily to himself. Perfect.

He waved at her to get her attention and spoke.

"Hello miss, have you been added to a group yet?"

@Tiagirl001 @Srion Receno
Takara looked over to where the voice came from. She noticed who it was and smiled. "Ah... Garth... Garth is correct right?... We have not been paired yet... We thought of maybe joining you... If it was fine with you... Actually... We haven't seen you until now... How are you?" Takara still remained seated hoping that Garth wouldn't mind.

@A Simple Egg
Soren really didn't want to get pared with the zombie girl so he turned to the two talking. "hey you two need a third person" he smiled as he looked at the two.

@Ami the breadling @Blacknife
Alex looked up from his desk and smiled at her.

"Sure! Ive got no one else..." He looked around the room as everyone else was partnering up quickly so he wasn't going to say no.

"Now we just need one more person..."

@Srion Receno
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"I am good, thank you." Gar said smiling overly brightly. He was about to speak again when he was interrupted by Soren turning around and speaking to them. Again he smiled, the corners of his cheeks were starting to hurt but he had always read that people smiled while making friends.

"Ah, yes, we do. Would you like to fill that position?"

@Srion Receno @Tiagirl001
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