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Fantasy Experimental Class #1717

Tiagirl001 said:
"You may choose to describe us in any way that you wish to. We just like to describe ourselves as 'we' and 'us' and that." Takara smiled patiently.

Alex sighed slightly before leaning back in the bench chair "So. What brings you to this school?" He asked as he stuck his hands into his pockets


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Srion Receno]Srion gave her a small smile. "I'm sure you will fine one to trust" she said this as they kept walking inside taking one more look behind her as she opened the door for her friend. @Ami the breadling "nice name" Soren smiled as he shook it then gently let go. "I'll show you to the head masters" he said this then started to walk to the school. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9731-shado-urufu/ said:
@Shado Urufu[/URL]
"IF you say so.", Liliana replied. "What do you want to do? I never got told what friends do at all..."
Srion looked at her friend and thought. "well... Ummm.... Hang out and tell secrets I guess" Srion shrugged slightly. "I'm not really sure I've never really had a best friend before"

@Ami the breadling

"I guess those all make since" he chuckled then stopped as he seen the Zombie girl and Clockwork..."what were there names?" he thought then started to walk a bit slower, he was still slightly embarrassed about shaking Zombie girls arm off. "we are almost there" he said this as he looked over at him.

@Shado Urufu
Srion shook her head. "no, no your not you are still a good friend even through you don't have secrets" she smiled at her. "I have one...but it's not a vary good one" she looked down and sighed.

@Ami the breadling

"oh! That one is Srion and the one with the thing on her back is Liliana" he said this quietly as he pointed to each.

@Shado Wilson
Syd walked to the door of the classroom, standing by it and waiting for everyone else to show up. She moved her hair out of her eye, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms.

(Too lazy to tag everyone.)
Shado would, hesitantly, approach the classroom, having managed to find his dorm and get everything settled, though he wouldn't exactly enter, attempting to peek inside for how many people were there.
Priscilla shuffled into view, somewhat hard to see for some reason, like the air in front of her was shimmering. She was clutching a small book like lifeline, her eyes flitting around as she reached the door before staring at the ground
(sorry I never got the notification :( ))

Soren started down the hall and already there were students out side the class room. Smiling he headed over. "morning!" he said happily.

Srion walked slowly to the classroom she hadnt had the courage to tell her friend her secret, but today she will. Seeing some others there she stayed back so she was out of the way and played with her stitching.
Soren smiled at Sydney "hey" then looked over to Shado "so~ make it around ok?" he asked moving over to him a bit.

@Shado Urufu @Comet

Srion looked around and gave Sydney a small shy smile before she looked over to the girl with White hair. "y-you ok?" she asked shyly as she took a step over to her.

"I-I am fine..." She mumbled softly, a little shocked that someone had spoken to her since she was usually not noticed. "How are you today?" She asked, shuffling back a step, the air cold enough to make breath visible in a small area around her

@Srion Receno
"Well, we're waiting to go into class." She told Shado, then leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest. "So, that one day was crazy huh?" She asked Siron, chuckling slightly and trying to make small talk and not let silence come into play.

@Shado Urufu @Srion Receno
Soren smiled as he nodded. "yep I had fun though!" he made some gabbing motions. " he had no chance against me headphones or not " he laughed then looked at her. he made note tat Shado already went inside, but stayed out to talk and wait for the teacher.

@Comet @Shado Urufu

Srion gave a small smile then shivered slightly. "I am good..." she said this with a smile then looked around at this rate everyone would be late"

Sydney laughed. "Oh yeah, they didn't stand a chance against me either! Even though they knew my powers somehow, I overcame them!" She chuckled, Doing a superhero stance before laughing and leaning against the wall again. "That could have been cooler if I had a cape.." She chuckled nervously, running her fingers through her hair.

@Srion Receno
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