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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Kira sighs and flies back up to her dorm room window to slip inside, smiling to see Ree and Murc asleep at the foot of the bed. Quietly, she finishes unpacking, resting her long sweater on a hook by the door, and hangs her messenger bag on a knob of the dresser. Taking care to not disturb her friends, the girl slides under the covers and gets comfortable, quickly falling asleep.
Kiara looks down at the sleeping guy, feeling an odd amount of respect for him. At the same time, she decided that she should probably attempt to wake him up.

She didn't want to kick him, as that would be rude, so she did the next best thing. She screamed.

She had worked for years to control her screams, so while the scream would mostly be heard by him, it would also cause no damage. (Excepting a possible headache.)
Jumped into the air as kiara screamed in his general proximity. "HASTUR'S TITS WHAT THE HELL!!" he looked around him and noticed a rather mean hearted banshee standing over him.

"You know...That wasn't very nice therefore have this A singular fuck from my finger to you" He stood up and placed his middle finger over his lips then promptly pointed it at kiara.

"Now if you excuse me I shall go to my room now and hopefully sleep soundly there without you rudely interrupting it" with a frown on his face he stormed off into the dormitory and to his roon all the while his head was throbbing harder than Glomulan Tentacle during mating season.
Shado would already be in his room, and at this point, he would be bundled up under the sheets. There weren't any signs of his robes on the ground, which meant he probably slept with them, though he likely had his hood down, as his face and hair were visible. His only other possession was in the form of a laptop/satchel bag, neatly set on his bedside table, his things no doubt inside it.
Kiara was completely unsure as to what she had done wrong. She was being nice. She could've kicked him in the face, or stomped on him, or stabbed him with the needle that he seemed to have forgotten to get back from her.

She sighed. "I wasn't trying to be mean!" She shouted up at the sky, knowing he would hear her. Once again, no damage.

That being said, she returned to her dorm, continuing to unpack her things.
Feeling as if he took things a tad bit too far Inno snuck out of his room, Careful not to awake his roommate. He then wrote a letter addressed to Kiara apologizing profusely about his outburst and explaining that he was rather tense after being molested by a cosmic horror.

@Lunaria Silver

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