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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

"I've not even introduced myself to her- you ask her to stop!- and about the dresses." As they pass over the tears, the screaming only gets louder and Kira adjusts her grip on Inno as it had been slipping a few seconds before. All this calamity... I miss my forest. Head pounding, she half sets down-half drops Inno beside the banshee before she loses focus and her wings disappear, dropping her on the ground beside Inno. "Ow..." Looking around at the rips, the space visible among them, Kira holds her head, missing the quiet of her forest more and more.

@Aughto von realname @Lunaria Silver
Kiara stopped screaming. She was slightly annoyed that people were acting like this was her fault when it clearly wasn't, though none of.that annoyance showed on her face.

She turned around to face the person who started this in the first place with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I thought I was helping."
"Well, you helped the fires, but according to Inno, this is a bigger mess than it was a few minutes ago," Kira says softly. "...Not even settled down yet and the school's got disasters happening."

@Lunaria Silver
Kiara hummed a bit. "Yes, I haven't even gotten the chance to unpack all of my things. I am sorry that I made things worse." She stated. To be completely honest she was a little bit upset that she had been unable to help further. It frustrated her a bit, but not enough to make her lose her temper.
Jack walks to the Moonlight Academy . He hears people arguing but he ignores it and goes to find his Room 120.
"surprisingly yes but all we need is thread really and I already have some cosmic needles on my person. Oh and don't worry There a multiple versions of this universes and it's rather easy to travel between them really" Inno nonchalantly pulled out a seemingly ordinary needle whilst looking at the universe slowly fall apart.

@Moolock @Shado Urufu @Lunaria Silver
"One day here and the Universe tries to collapse." Kiara mused. She looked over at the seemingly terrified boy.

'How unhelpful.'

"Are you ok?" She asked him kindly.
"Well, I need some threads and a stopwatch also do any of you know how to sew?" He patted himself down looking for some threads he can use to temporarily fix the rip on the fabric of reality. "and If worse comes to worse any of you guys up for some interdimensional travel?"
"Always up for some travel, and I do know how to sew. However, I lack a stopwatch. I'm sorry." Kiara said apologetically. "I do have thread though." She told him, reaching into an inside pocket of her dress. She pulled out red thread.

'He causes problems like this but can't even sew?'
He just kinda stands there, not really doing anything.

(Sorry, this kinda got convoluted for me the moment the flames started to destroy the world. I'll just wait till this segment ends.)
"I-I've got a stopwatch," Kira mutters nervously. Her wings flutter a little. Her stopwatch is an old one she found in the barn, probably forgotten by its last owner. "But it's back in my dorm room... Anyone know how to get back there from here?"

@Lunaria Silver @Aughto von realname
"Why bother looking for walls when you can make your own" Inno handed Kira one of the oozing flesh monster that spawned from the green tendrils as the other fleshy monsters began exploding behind him. "Also erm Nice lady with a supersonic scream Here is an interdmensional object this will give you one to two hours near the hole in reality without getting torn to shreds or being sucked into the endless void" with his other hand he placed the needle on Kiara's hand carefully "Oh and whatever you do not look into his eyes now go"
Kira looked between the strange monster in her hand. "What now? What am I doing?" The thing squirmed and she clenched her teeth, not understanding what to do as it oozed over her hand.

@Aughto von realname
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"You are then going to head straight to your dorm and if walls get in your way....Blow them up, Also don't worry about the ooze its just the souls of the tormented cultist that gave it's life to the eldritch deity we are about to kill thus it won't stain your shirt"

Kira's frown remained, she really wasn't understanding any of this, but she flapped her wings a few times and shot up above the academy, beginning to circle while looking for a balcony or something to land on. Where even is my dorm room? I think it was 114... why don't they have numbers on the outside of the building? She landed on a balcony on the dorm floor and sprinted down the hallway. Room 114 came up and she dashed inside to grab her bag. She could get the watch out on the way back, she reflected as she shouldered it and nudged her window open. On her way back to the chaotic space, she fished out the stopwatch and landed beside Inno. "Promise you won't break it?"

@Aughto von realname
Kiara sighed and ran up to the tear while threading the needle. She had to move out of the way of disturbing tentacles a couple of times, but otherwise she made it with no problem. She began sewing the hole, careful not to look into something's eyes. She didn't really know.
"Don't worry...Besides if it does break I'll fix it myself. Anywho situations under control the rip in reality all that matters now is repairing time" Inno took the stopwatch then promptly threw said stopwatch into the anomaly causing the stopwatch to stop in midair and measure time backwards.

"Now all I need to do is." Inno pulled out a pocketwatch with multiple knobs on it side. He began turning the knobs and tinkered with the delicate flow of time in this universe until the flow of time in the space of chaos was back to normal and the stopwatch gently dropped to the ground.
Kira gasped and lunged forward as he flung the stopwatch, only to pause in wonder as it began to float. As soon as the stopwatch falls, she rushes to pick it up and cradles the small device. With a small smile, the stopwatch is slid back into its pocket in her shoulder bag, then Kira walks back to Inno. "Thanks for fixing space, and everything."

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