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Fantasy Moonlight Academy

Oromis still hadn't found much about this place that he liked. He typically sat in his dorm studying old tomes, and of course finding ways to cheat on his tests without being caught.
"I have this wholly under control Just get help or a fire extinguisher as either would be rather nice right now" Inno struggled out of the fire managing only to pull out his upper body whilst his lower and more private parts were slowly roasting with the strange tendrils the green fire had summoned. "Oh and do hurry it isn't like I have half an hour maybe an hour left before I get sucked into the outer realms with these abominations."

@Shado Urufu
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"Fine just get help, I don't care who it is just get someone!!" Inno looked back down into the impenetrable darkness the tendrils came from then at the heaps of flesh dropping from the tendrils. He then grabbed one of the heaps of flesh burning his own as he dragged himself out of oblivion "and please, do hurry."

@Shado Urufu
Kira hears the knocking and gets up from her bed to step into the hallway. Her wings drag beside her due to her small frame, but forgetting her shoes at the door, she walks out to the boy going up and down the dorm hallways. Inside, she'd been ignoring the alarm, but now it pierced her ears louder than Ree's screeching. "What's wrong?" She asked over the noise.

@Shado Urufu
Kiara had made it to her dorm and was unpacking her things, not that she had many...well that wasn't entirely true. The truth was she had lots of things...although most of them may have been stolen property.`Either way, they were her things.

When she heard that somebody was going around knocking on doors, she opened her dorm room door and peeked her head out.

"What's going on?" She wondered.
Kira looked back to the other girl who'd peered into the hallway and shrugged her wings. "Not too sure, but do you know how to shut off the awful noise?" The alarms sounded again, as if to prove her point, and the short girl flinched.

@Lunaria Silver
Kiara looked up, seeming to just realize that the shrill alarms were going off. Kiara smiled at the girl who asked her if she could shut them off.

"To be completely honest, I don't think they're that bothersome. Either way, I have no idea how to shut them off. I don't think screaming at them will work." Kiara apologized.
"Hum, there's a fire going on outside, and we could use a bit of help..?" He shifts uneasily, unsure how to bring the news.
Kira nodded, with a twinge of dismay that the alarms couldn't just be shut off like that, then at the mention of a fire, her eyes widened. Fire, death of forests, feathers, and most everything in its path. "What kind of help?"

@Shado Urufu
Kiara blinked, a bit confused. "There's a....fire? On the first day I got here?!" She literally had no idea how to take this news. "What do you want me to do? Does anybody know where are fire extinguisher is?" Honestly, Kiara was rather fond of fire, but it could be quite destructive.
"If I hum.. knew what I fire extinguisher was, I'd be looking but.. I don't.. It's hum.. green fire, if that helps any..?"
Kiara sighed. "Green fire? Can that even be put out through regular means?" She pondered. It would seem that the others had gotten themselves into trouble. She wondered if the wind from one of her screams could put it out...or the vibrations whatever. It didn't really matter. The only problem would be avoiding hitting the other students...
Kira shook her head. "I'm not sure what to do about green fire, but I've been told fire extinguishers are usually red... metal?" She outlined the size with her hands, adjusting the shape as she thought more about it. "Bright red, metal things." But none of us here seem to know how to use one. She thought about making gusts of wind with her wings, but after a few nights of flying, she reflected she'd be too tired to make any sizable help.

@Lunaria Silver @Shado Urufu
"Hum right.. big red thing, I'll start looking you two can hum.. do what you want, but my roommate could use some help, said he could hold on for thirty minutes..?" With that, he would move away unless stopped, searching for the big red cylinder.
"Would you like to tell us where your room mate is?" Kiara questioned with a smile. She hid just how annoyed she was, because that was not the person she was...pretending to be anyway. 'Honestly, you can't just leave out things like that. How oblivious can you get?'
"For the love of all that is unholy where is he and is it really that hard to find a fire extinguisher" Inno muttered as he crawled away from the tendrils hands covered in burns. He looked over his back where a tendril was hurtling towards him"huh... I've seen enough Japanese anime to see where this is going Heh.". He rolled over to his left as he chuckled at the notion of him starring in an anime of his own.
In her search for a way to turn off the alarms, she finds a glass box attached to the wall with the large red cylinder inside. This must be it! She looks for a way to get it open as there appears to be no latch. Are we supposed to break the glass? Kira waves a wing and calls down the hall, "Guys, I found it!"

@Shado Urufu @Lunaria Silver
He would look over to the fairy girl and quickly moves over to inspect what she was looking at. "I'm not.. really sure..?"
"I think we've got to break it to get it out," she answers, just as uncertain as him. Kira frowns, gently hitting the glass with the joint of her wing. "Any ideas as to how?"

@Shado Urufu

"Hum well.. I think I can break it." He would attempt to take her place, and uses his gauntlet arm to tap on the glass harder than she did, his hand forming a fist. She could see that there were metallic plated on his knuckles as well, possibly for hurting people a lot when he punches them.
Avery was walking down the hall towards his dorm, when he saw people trying to break the glass if a fire extinguisher. "Here guys! That's not how you do it, you're going to hurt yourselves!" He said running up to them before the glass shattered everywhere. He ran up to the side of the glass and pressed a small red button that they must not have noticed before. He took out the extinguisher with a smile. "Is there a fire outside?" He guessed although he already knew the answer, it was just a little obvious to him.

@Shado Urufu @Moolock @Lunaria Silver

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