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  1. Lady Jane

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    I'm fine, I was just waiting on a couple other people. Posts incoming in the next day or so, though.
  2. Lady Jane

    [The Human Element] Atlantis

    The Archmage's eyes softened, and for a moment the barest hint of a smile crossed her features. "That is unnecessary. Once, when the Elements were in balance, dragons frequently roamed the halls of Atlantis. But no dragon has been born in Myrathelle since the corruption of the Fae. There are...
  3. Lady Jane

    I now have internet! Also, settling well into the new house. Now to catch up on all the...

    I now have internet! Also, settling well into the new house. Now to catch up on all the internetting I missed...
  4. Lady Jane

    [The Human Element] Atlantis

    Two guards stood shoulder to shoulder in the back of the group. One had raven black hair and well-polished, fine-crafted plate armor with a large axe strapped to her back. Bronze ear cuffs in the form of dragons glimpsed through her straight, chin-length hair. The other Elf was blond, and she...
  5. Lady Jane

    [The Human Element] Alliance City Streets

    Mitch's mood went from zero to angry in nothing flat. "Is that a threat, you conniving little--" He advanced toward Quinn, only to run headlong into Allen, who intercepted the charge and planted himself to be about as immovable as a brick wall. "Let it go, man. It's a joke." Allen's voice was...
  6. Lady Jane

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    I haz internets! Which is good. I think I was going into withdrawal as we had it shut down in transit for our move. But we are now all shipped into the new place, and other than the much lengthier job of putting all the stuff where it belongs, we're more or less settled in. Which means I can...
  7. Lady Jane

    Online presence will be sketch in the next week. Will catch up on the everything I've put to the...

    Online presence will be sketch in the next week. Will catch up on the everything I've put to the side after the move is done.
  8. Lady Jane

    [The Human Element] Radio Chatter

    I'm around. I was waiting for a couple of posts, but I'll probably move things along in the next couple of days. The next couple of weeks might be a bit sketch for me. The hubby and I got a new house, so we'll be moving in there :) It will be an unquestionable relief to move out of our...
  9. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] Fitful Slumber

    Hm. I think yes. On the one hand, religion (regardless of ones personal beliefs) has a massive sociological impact on a setting, and it bugs me when it's straight-up ignored.On the other hand, it's annoying when the misguided attempt to be inoffensive results only in not-so-subtle metaphors that...
  10. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] The Road Less Traveled

    Cassie nodded. "I agree," she said, head swiveling around to take in as much of her surroundings as possible. Then she turned to the goodwife. She smiled. "Isn't that the way it goes? Pray for patience, and God sends along people to try it. Out of curiosity, were there any particular goings on...
  11. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] The Halls of Power [Finished]

    Cassi breathed almost reverently as she picked up the bow. Yes, this would do nicely. Her gaze swept the rest of the room just before she exited. 4966
  12. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] Fitful Slumber

    So, what you're telling me is that, for the sake of the party, I need to take a specialty in finding feet.
  13. Lady Jane

    Hubby and I got accepted for the house that we were wanting. I'm so excited, I can't even.

    Hubby and I got accepted for the house that we were wanting. I'm so excited, I can't even.
  14. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] Fitful Slumber

    Yep, I'd imagine that will be just the right thing to do and not be a bit like shooting off my nose to spite my face. *nods* Just got notice the other day, actually, that the hubby and I have been accepted for the house we were trying to get. So....the heavy amounts of alcohol might be...
  15. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] The Halls of Power [Finished]

    The wide-eyed, jaw-dropped look returned to Cassi's face as they entered the armory. Oh, sure, she'd seen an armory before, but not one this massive, or with such variety. Her keen eyes swept the place, taking in the details of the place. Still unused to this level of splendor, much of this was...
  16. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] Fitful Slumber

    I'm a bit under the weather, so don't let me stop you. I'll post when my brain cells decide they're not going to all commit mutinty.
  17. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] Fitful Slumber

    A friend of mine used to work with horses, and I'd visit them with her when I stayed at her place. The hoses and I had an agreement: they'd like me well enough if I didn't try to sit on them. Fortunately, I was wise enough not to try to explain to them that this is what they were for, or the...
  18. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] The Halls of Power [Finished]

    The problem immediately put Cassi's nervousness to the side. She frowned in contemplation. "So, this fog specifically targets people and animals, but not plants. If it's something natural, that's some pretty specific engineering. To what purpose, I wonder? It's something evidently unsolvable to...
  19. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] Cassi WIP

    Updated with a backstory. I'll try to poke around things like weapons and whatnot tomorrow. Also, I'm positive I'm missing other things.
  20. Lady Jane

    [When Dreams End] The Halls of Power [Finished]

    Simple or not, the room might as well have been the most opulent palace in the whole of the realm for the effect it had on Cassi. She gazed about herself, jaw hanging open until she realized how unsavory that was. Several times in their waiting period, she made an effort to close her mouth, only...