[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Anyone want to assist Grace with her Diplomacy roll, give me an extra +2. You only need to get to a modified 10. As long as you have +5 to the roll you can't hurt me.

I knew somewhere that those 8ranks would be useful.
Sure, Miriam will speak up, she has +12 and Skill Mastery. The actual post may be some time in coming.

Also, would people appreciate Myriad teleporting in temporary Devices that protect against mind reading?
Cassandra would really rather have her mind read. It'd be funny. Plus, her powers don't work the way she gives the impression they do, so it should catch them off guard.
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You probably wouldn't need them. Grace should be his target should he choose to lash out at this point. And she is immune to mental effects, so there is about a 50/50 chance it won't work. Plus, it will put us on the defense which is what Grace is trying not to have happen
On the other hand, she -is- hoping to be taken as more of a threat than she really believes she is. So she's bluffing at Bad Cop, leaving Good Cop open. Can you roll to aid with a different ability? She even has the Teamwork feat.
mind if I don't "stunt" how Stefan aids Grace with the Diplomacy check? I've got the same modifier, even, can I just take 10 to give her the aid another bonus?
The funny thing is, Grace's intensity and colloquial speech accidentally reminded Rio'kir of an Earthborn hero he'd come to respect. I can't imagine that part of his backstory will ever actually be revealed in play, but I love that it became relevant. Totally wasn't expecting it.
At some point, I can see Grace sitting down for lunch with the elf, as she rattles off some nonsense about her favorite tv series, and he spills about that earthbound hero he knew a long time ago.
Using Search and Investigate to try to find out the source of the blast. Am also using Eidetic Memory to put everything away in the databank so he can go back over details to see if he missed anything the first time.
Ouroboros is the second most adorable dragon I've come across lately.

And that's only because my Pathfinder character is currently guardian of a hatchling.
I'm around. I was waiting for a couple of posts, but I'll probably move things along in the next couple of days.

The next couple of weeks might be a bit sketch for me. The hubby and I got a new house, so we'll be moving in there :) It will be an unquestionable relief to move out of our shoebox apartment; though it's a massive change that's got me worried I'm going to forget at least one of the hundred things I need to think about with regards to moving O.o
I haz internets!

Which is good. I think I was going into withdrawal as we had it shut down in transit for our move. But we are now all shipped into the new place, and other than the much lengthier job of putting all the stuff where it belongs, we're more or less settled in. Which means I can stop stressing over the move and actually focus on this.

Post will be incoming tonight.

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