[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

.... It would make zero sense if it wasn't, because being intangible without certain benefits makes you incapable of hitting the physical,so....
I've always understood that it worked that way. A ghost could punch another ghost in the face, but needs telekinesis to pick up cups and other material stuff.
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Though I suppose one could also assume that certain intangibilities don't need telekinesis to interact with physical objects. For example, someone who could become air could pressurise said air to lift objects as if using a physical hand. It'd be fluff but it's a thought.
utdfan22 said:
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Though I suppose one could also assume that certain intangibilities don't need telekinesis to interact with physical objects. For example, someone who could become air could pressurise said air to lift objects as if using a physical hand. It'd be fluff but it's a thought.
That person would represent the ability by taking the Affects Tangible feat.

And didn't Vlad already leave for the Maverick? Have the others caught up? Where are we? I want to harrass Drake when he gets there.
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Apologies to all for dropping out of sight for so long. If everyone's alright with it, I'd like to rejoin and hopefully redeem myself. :)
Welcome back :) I'm going to have you dealing with things on the Streets. I've set the scene for you. I think the kids need some adult supervision anyway -.-

Everyone else, the Atlantis thread is up for everything that goes on there. We'll see how long it takes before things go horribly, horribly wrong xD
Just to be sure I'm on the same page, Stryker was killed how long ago game-wise? What has Jacob been doing during the intervening game time? And what is his assignment at the moment?
A few days ago. There's been an attempted semblance of normalcy in the mean time, so probably his usual patrol route. There was some excitement at Stryker's memorial service; if Jacob had opted to attend, he probably would have been put on evac duty to keep civilians away from a rather spontaneous electrical storm of sorts.His current assignment is to mitigate the disaster in a particular quadrant of Alliance City, making sure to maintain the safety of the civilians in the area, and to monitor for any cascading effects as a result of the massive sonic wave that hit the entire planet. That...power plant might not be a bad idea to keep an eye on.

Oh, and to keep Marcus and Mitch from tearing each other apart. He's currently the only adult in their group, so it possibly might fall to him to be something of a leader.
Hello all, just wanted to pop in and say my app is up and ready to be mercilessly picked apart.
vinom said:
Hello all, just wanted to pop in and say my app is up and ready to be mercilessly picked apart.
You seem to have gone over the Power Level Limit on your saving throws and at least your Blast Power. Also 8 ) is to be avoided as it does this 8)
I'm hardly an expert on the system, so you should probably wait until someone who is chips in, but I thought the limit on both saving throws and offensive powers were 10, regardless of trade-offs, boosts or other complications.
I think he is referencing the rule where you can lower your Cap on another stat- that is, put it's macimum lower- to exchange with another. It's a very specific thing in the Char Creation Book.
Indeed. Saves capped at 15, but Toughness + Defense is capped at 20, just like Attack + DC.
Lady Jane, would you mind checking my modifiers for a ranged attack? I think I have them right but would like someone else to check my math. :)
Are you guys in civvies or costume?

Editted: see Jacob isn't advertising his power, which I'll assume means not all of him are wearing identical iconic costumage.
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You realize I'm not disguised right now and I'm a three foot tall with indigo skin, wild dark blue hair, and eyes of black save white pupils... not some random civilian also helping people; Would Jacob really be that... nonchalant?
Focused on trying to save lives? Yes. If you're helping he's not going to ask questions. For now. Note the line where he's storing your appearance for later analysis? That wasn't random. Right now he's got bigger fish to fry. He'll be keeping an eye or 8 on this character though.
Gonna hold off till tomorrow-ish to see if Stefan can get a word in edgewise, then I'll move things along there.

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