[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

If possible, myriad takes 20 on the roll. If not, she'll take 10. Giving 50 or 40, respectively.
Okay. It'll take you a few minutes, but you'll be able to get in enough to send a short message.

Of course, with your Quickness, a 'few minutes' is in giant freakin' air quotes. The slowest part of the process is going to be getting the guy to answer the damn phone.
So thanks to the efforts of Solyr and Lotus, I actually have a sheet up. I think I'm missing a few feats but I can add that in soon enough. Thank you again!

Now! Where can I do some super hero!? Aka: when and where should I intro post?
You and Fireless can probably walk into the room in the Delta Division HQ thread at any time. I'll double check points and stuff possibly tomorrow at some point.

Oh, and I keep on wanting Charity to squee about just how damned adorable the dragon is, but I have to keep reminding myself that she's somewhat indisposed at the moment.
Wait until it materializes. Nicky wants to ride it. If he's out of Stefan's reach when he does so, Neverending Story quotes will probably be had. Of course, Stefan's knockout gun works just fine on robots, so "out of reach" is a subjective term...
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]Please understand that you now represent, not only Delta, not just the country of the North American Amalgamated States. You represent the people of Earth."

Well, of course, some of us don't have citizenship anywhere. And if we had any, it would be Singapore.

Mmm, is taht going to be a problem btw, that none of Myriad's Minions are people in the legal sense of the word?
In this sense, doubtful. Though it does raise an interesting question...if not done a little too often in a lot of sci-fi.
While I honestly, for whatever reason, failed to pay enough attention previously to notice that Penelope is obviously female, I think I'll continue to have Nicky be an idiot and think she's a he, since power-armor, if it's ok with you, Frixz. Nicky will likely get along great with both Fuelrod and Ouroboros, though ^_^ I should note that Nicky grants objects and characters-that-count-as-objects the ability to heal over time when he's in contact with them, so just remind me if you need him to decide to ride on Fuelrod's back or something if that big pretty armor is damaged :D
From what I read of Fuelrod, the armor is big and clunky, so it's doubtful there is any gender revealing traits to it. Plus you add a speaker system and you really have no idea who is inside unless you open that can. And then half the people die of radiation poisoning.
Nicky has been taking 1 on Notice checks. The huge armor suit wasn't something he could miss. The girl whose skin is just a little metallic he could easily overlook. Also, he's a preteen boy, girls have cooties :P but that won't affect his friendship with Fuelrod, since huge armor suit obviously means guy.

....this game is going to make me type the word 'dude' a lot in the future, I can feel it.
We'll taking 1s is better than when he didn't even have the skill. At least he gets the chance to fail, whereas before he was pretty much guaranteed. I mean, he did notice the big armour suit in the room.
Sweet Jesus....

If Penny ever is out of her suit, keep her away from him. She would start to absorb him and over power herself!
Permission for Grace to spend her PP.

1PP for 4 skill ranks, 2 spent on Pilot, and 2 for specialty with the Maverick.

Also would like to know if you would allow Grace to spend 2PP to bump her INT.

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