[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

[QUOTE="Shining Lotus Sage]yes
yes, make a pass at the vampire, robot lass


The Myriad has a bit of a different attitude towards these things than flesh and blood creatures.
Okay, posted in the HQ. Grace is now there.

@Teh Frixz -do you still need help with modeling the character? Let me know, I can help if you need some.
I've given Frixz a pretty complete list of representations, but I won't have my books until much later today. It would be cool if you could help her pin down exact costs, and decide on how much she wants to charge her LAZ0RS and how much should just be normal limits.
If you can link me into any message thread you two have, I could see what you have planned. Then work up an option or two on the powers.
Okay, @Teh Frixz I sent you a power set up for Fuel Rod. You might want to take a few feats. I would recommend a few ranks in Attack Focus (ranged), or better yet take Attack Specialization in Gamma Blast. 4 ranks will get you to +13 to hit. Maybe add Defensive Attack and Diehard. Maybe add Power Attack.
...Dayyumn. Also- the Dragon is 16'ft at the Shoulder and a few hundred tons. It's fitting by being non-corporeal, right now.
Ah, I have rank 6, which I believe means I travel at 500mph. Of course, my other powers are significantly weaker when I'm doing so...
Yeah, but a) he has a lot more bulk to move, and b) you're rather slow, compared to the speed we all think you SHOULD move at. 500mph < 1c. FAR less :D
I can walk at about...10mph so suck it! I'll have. Final sheet up tonight (thank you everyone!) and hopefully I can post IC
gatherer818 said:
Yeah, but a) he has a lot more bulk to move, and b) you're rather slow, compared to the speed we all think you SHOULD move at. 500mph < 1c. FAR less :D
I will get faster. I may get forcefields first, but I will get faster

any ways If need be im sure delta has like a giant dog collar we can strap to the dragons ass, or we could tie him to the roof... If need be im sure i could theoretically just transport him via dimensional hop..
*cough* that escalated quickly.

By the way, Jay can teleport anywhere in the world with a substantial load and can cross dimensions without the use of a portal, so.....

He's got a bad leg and can still move faster than any of you.

But as an NPC I'm not sure that counts.
Well yeah, but flying is far more fun.

And if I thought it would come up, I'd take the powers for flying through space in an instant.

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