[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

my computer is working again! I am back!

Sephiroth, I'm reasonably certain if you haven't already that you can use "Is a giant G*****n dragon" as a complication, as well. Ordinary people - and even other supers - might not be so willing to work with - or, you know, not fire on, or run screaming from - heroes which fall outside a traditional "two-arms two-legs one-head" body structure...
Hey guys

I'm signing up to save the world as well. My character is an AI who is quite immobile in a suitable computer lab somewhere safe*, but she has Minions that can serve in the field alongside the great heroes of Delta Division.

*We know just how safe those places are, don't we?
Is "Direct Line to Cthulhu and Nylarthotep" one of them?

If so, you should totaly hook my charachter up. He could so work out some shiz with Uncle Neil.
Hey everyone, I think I'll join in here with the chatter. If anyone wouldn't mind though, I'll need some help with creation.

Anyways! Complications? Penny is a 19 year old, gonna be issues there. Might I also add she needs to be securely contained all the time. Otherwise she gushes radiation into the environment.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]Hey everyone, I think I'll join in here with the chatter. If anyone wouldn't mind though, I'll need some help with creation.
Anyways! Complications? Penny is a 19 year old, gonna be issues there. Might I also add she needs to be securely contained all the time. Otherwise she gushes radiation into the environment.

So, you can take a complication 'deadly to others' which would be worth quite a few points. Also, you can take a psychological complication 'trying to live up to your Uncle's expectations'. You have a social complication of 'wanting to be accepted into society'. 'Desire to become a super hero' is also a complication.

You could have a Drawback and power limitation of 'afraid to let loose' that causes you problems when you try to push you powers to the limits. That way when you try to push your power, you have to make a check to see if you really go through with it.

Some of those could be drawbacks if you want to put numbers to them, otherwise if they are simply RP limitations, they are going to count as complications.
Whereas I have a rather opposite Drawback... None of my Powers have an "Non Lethal" or a "Low Power" Setting. They can only be used, at full power, for Lethal Damage.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]I'd like to put numbers to them but honestly i'm baffled by the M&M char gen system.

Your first step is to try to determine how good your abilities are, both in suit and out of suit.

So think Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Are the Average, below average, above average, superhuman, godlike? Decide that for each ability. Then decide how much that suit will add to any of them, if at all. Most suits add to physical abilities, but not to mental, but that could vary by adding a computer interface to the suit.

Immunity to radiation will need to be at 5 ranks, so 5 power points. That makes you immune to radiation from environmental effects as well as any radiation attacks. At 1 rank it only affects environmental radiation. At two ranks it will stop some powers. At five it is pretty much everything. However, you might want the suit to provide an extra 4 points so that it counts as full life support with no need to breathe, immune to poison and the like.

Putting protection into the suit should be fine. It will provide a bonus to your defenses when attacked. You can't make yourself invulnerable at this power level, but you can make yourself very tough.

Radiation control comes down to how powerful you want it, and how you want to attack with it. You could just have blasts that you shoot at individuals, or you could have lines or cones of energy that affect everyone in the area (friend or foe) unless they are quick enough to get out of the area. You can have various ways to use the power, but you kinda need to define how you attack with it.

You migh also want to consider some Atlanta uses for your radiation control. You might be able to create light or infect people, or even might let you have X-ray vision. A little creative use might be good to make the character more than just a walking battle suit.
Hey! I'm needing a bit more assistance and since I didn't want to overwhelm any one player, I'm asking here. I've got base stats for Penelope but I'm stuck there. Someone (>_>) dropped my laptop and now I can't get to my pdf book/do work from it. What should I do?
There's a couple of information threads on the Delta Division and Alliance City up in the Information Database, if anyone would find that helpful.

And Grace can probably wander into the Delta Division HQ thread at any point. Because if running into a Fae (or a fae-like creature) in the tech labs isn't enough, now there's a radioactive dragon in the conference rooms.

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