[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

It's that time of year. Everything just kind of grinds to a halt. The good news is, if a game can make it past the winter slump, it'll probably go on for years. I think I might spend some time this week on recruiting. A bit of fresh blood will help.
Roll call, then? I'm sorta here, just ridiculously busy (my poor Rise of the Runelords is even more neglected on my part than this game, I simply can't find a solid block of time to dedicate to it), obviously Solyr and Lady Jane are here.
im still hear, though ill be going out of town for 2 months starting next week, so depending on whats up with the hotel, I may or may not have internet access.
You can send some of that heat over here, if you'd like -.- We've had a few days where it dropped below minus twenty degrees Celsius. That's still somewhere below zero for you Fahrenheit people.

Come to think of it, I'm not quite sure which one Australia uses. You're on the metric system for most everything else, right?
Im American, we use Fahrenheit... And with wind chill its been below 0, dropped nearly a foot of snow here in Virginia.
Yeah, I knew that much. Oddly, unlike most people in my age bracket, I grew up using Fahrenheit and other Imperial measurements. I was taught the metric system in late elementary and it confused the crap out of me O.o

Last night here in Southwestern Ontario, it dropped to a temperature I like to call Damn Cold and My Bus is Late. No snow, though. But we've been getting a terrifying amount of freezing rain lately.
yea we arent taught anything other then what the normal American measurement standards are.. its rare to actually find a teacher that will teach anything other then our normal measurements...
Australia is entirely metric, except occasionally for length. Humorously, many average height males are reported as 183cm, which is pretty much 6ft
It does, and the PCs forum says they do not. If you have a handful of very specific powers, you can just use power descriptions for their effects and give them the "magic" descriptor. If you want more of a devoted, do-anything-with-enough-prep kind of arcanist, you take the Ritualist and possibly Artificer feats alongside a smaller power set of your most-used spells. Those feats let you basically do anything consistent with your thematics, given sufficient space, materials, time, and knowledge.
I see...... I like that.

Also considering the Force-Ghost /of/ a Wizard, Via Permanant Incorporeal...

Or the same type of thing, but a Dragon.
The problem is at the moment (unless Jane has changed this) there isnt any magic in use, or non the players can use.. Basically its all some sort of biological use. do to story reason.
As far as play, you have to think more X-Men and less Avengers. So far we haven't had fights against other super villains. It is more of an organization with various beings that you will fight against. So you will need a good mix of powers and not just a single big shot power.
Understood- and I hadn't planned to make a character focused all around one thing, I was just... hoping for Magic.

Going to Redirect to Psychic, I believe, with a range of abilities with that as the explanation...
Your psychic can always think it's magic. There's already a PC doing that; you could both decide the other was heretical but useful—for now.
Story-wise, 'magic' is just a catch-all term for 'things we don't understand yet'. But in this age of enlightenment, it's difficult to find something that can't be more or less explained by science. Magic simply doesn't exist in this world.

Of course, there has also been strong hints that other worlds exist.

I will say that eventually there will be a point in the story where spellcasting can be learned. But right out of the gate, magic isn't available.
SephirothSage said:
I could make one helluva fighter.
I do notice the distinct lack of golems and other constructs, who were imprisoned in a body of living stone many centuries ago by an otherworldly ritual to defend a long-ruined temple.
Understood- or how about a Dragon as a genetic experiment on the part of some mad scientist.... That is, not a magical creature, but the result of !Science!

But the Dragon decided it didn't much like the (rather insane) scientist, so it left him and has ended up with this group?

This is a very loose and basic concept, but... Oh, and what Power Point total am I making this Character at? That helps with concept making.
It would be nice to have a genetic experiment with a complication resulting from a rather unfortunate encounter with my token mad-scientist group.

And PL 10. 153 points, I think it the current total, providing I didn't miss something in my upkeep. I'll have to check my math later.
Yup, Dragon it is.

I'll... end up asking for some advice on how to work the system, I think- but.. yeah, for now.. time to get working on backstory, at least. Checking the lore you have posted.
SephirothSage said:
Yup, Dragon it is.
I'll... end up asking for some advice on how to work the system, I think- but.. yeah, for now.. time to get working on backstory, at least. Checking the lore you have posted.
Eagerly volunteering. I picked up a few of the books from a friend, today, and I've built a few characters in it, and rebuilt a dozen more from other systems. I don't have any setting or archetype books, but those are the ones least needed, I think. I love modeling crazy ideas mechanically.
I know I plan to be more leaning on Stats and Powers/Advantages, than on skills- the concept I suggested to Jane in a PM involved being an Young, Escaped, Lab-Rat.

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