[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Especially consider Enhanced Stats, then. You probably have some kind of strange biology that could be exploited by a group with enough knowledge of your creation to make you manageable. Alternatively, hyper-charged sympathetic nervous system activates redundant organs that briefly double your fury for an extreme metabolic cost.

Fire breath is almost painfully simple to do, with any level of breadth, temperature, collateral damage, sustain, exertion, or fueling you like.

I imagine your physicality would be more central, though, so look through the combat feats closely. A lot of those are adaptable to represent completely inhuman approaches to preparing your meals.
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Indeed, Indeed..

I'm also thinking a few ranks of Growth, with the Permanent Modification... and my Strength and Stamina about as high as I can put em, with a not-so-good Dex, better fighting.. gifted Int and Awareness, but not much better- he's young, despite other facts, after all.... As for Enhanced Stats.... *Shrug* I'm currently looking through the book.

I'm thinking Damage with an Area modification (Type Fire) for the breath.... and a separate Damage for Claws.
2nd Edition. I should point out that I'm also taking a page from 3rd ed and making it mandatory to have at least two complications.

Can one of them be "Daddy is /batshit insane/, and want's me back!" ? Daddy being the Scientist responsible.
That's a great complication. So would be something like an unusual dietary requirement to support your wacko biology. Something that can come up once in a while to make your life hard and drive the story along,
Note: I'm... writing this backstory rather Dark...

And Daddy is one scary individual, based on a Villain I've run before of the same name. That said- your the DM, he's all yours- I'm just defining certain traits in the Dragon's backstory.... and is being able to turn into the Energy Form version of Insubstantial within the bounds of believability? And is "Cosmic Energy" a valid Breath Weapon Type?
Plasma, would be a much better descriptor- I was basically thinking energy, yes- but not fire or lightning... so, Plasma. As per the Plasma Control power, just altered to be a Breath-Weapon in proper dragon style.

Was also thinking of glowing a bit.
Something of a Backstory posted, if you would like to look? Now trying to work out the system... PL 10, 153 Points, right?
For growth and some of your other abilities, you might want to go for Innate as a power modifier. It means that you are built that way, and the power can't be nullified. It would be stupid to have your Growth turned off by some nullifier gun.

Permanent is good for things like magical sight or cosmic awareness, that is a power that could be nullified by some anti-magic field, or a cosmic isolation cube.
ALso I am more then willing to help as I do have a charecter that can more or less turn into a dragon, to some minor degree, though his is more of turning into something resembling humanity's perception of the large scary beast.. Basically i created a dragon fear effect that was always on, basically giving it a fear effect with no save in a radius burst around him. Gave him flight, based off of wings that was some what awkward, and increased his size, density, and defense. He already had strength of Fuck all so i didn't really need to change that. then gave him a few breath attacks witch were nothing more then template power array blast effects.
also making things that are biological functions for you innate is probably a good idea... Like all dragons are big, all dragons are hella strong and tough.. And all dragons have some form of breath weapons..
Yes, I will confirm that if things are truly part of your nature, make them innate. There are way too many people here that have complications regarding Solstice, so there is going to be a mission encountering them, which means a wide variety of nullifiers.

Of course, traditionally they've often been vampire hunters. Odds are there's a dragon slayer or two among them.
I'm pretty sure that Oracle can shrug off most of what Solstice has on hand, for nullifiers, but her core competency is battlefield control. It'll be nice to have someone who stays powerful enough to bother buffing up.
And vlads totally a lost broken monster, why doesnt he get all of charity's attention :P jk
"A soft spot for monsters and broken things..." Huh. As soon as I said that I had the feeling I'd heard it somewhere. It took me halfway through my work shift to realize I might have accidentally channeled Tyrion Lannister.

And Belial, she quoted Dante's Divine Comedy to you! What more do you want! :P
So, to catch people up to speed: Stryker, the Paragon of Alliance City was assassinated a few days ago. And if that wasn't bad enough, there's a rumor going around that someone tried to poison Samantha Clive. That was fortunately circumvented, and she's no worse for wear, but the fact that anyone got that damn close is scary.

The memorial service for Stryker was going well...until Charity London inexplicably passed out. The grapevine seems to indicate she's fine...sort of. She's alive and awake, but it seems she can't remember a damn thing that happened after she was twelve. And if that wasn't enough, a sonic boom just hit the city--and supposedly even the world--and Delta's scrambling to initiate disaster relief.

You would naturally think that the widespread disaster is the most important thing going on right now. But apparently there is something else that calls your attention. Players given leave to post can hit up the Delta Division HQ threat unless otherwise stated.
OH! Because I keep on forgetting to say this....

I have a strange rule with Hero Points. At the start of every mission, the Hero Points you have from character creation are refreshed as normal...so, the one you get automatically, and then anything from the feat Luck. Any Hero Points gained from complications can be banked and are not reset. At any point in any following missions, they can be used. This creates an opportunity where your character, frustrated and annoyed from the everything he or she has gone through, has just had it. They can explode in a brilliant comic-book-esque tirade of rage, using their banked Hero Points as described on page 121.

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