[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Heh, it was a reasonable assumption that given the thought of an EMP going off right in his lab that he wouldn't take the time to be too stealthy. A standard action only takes like 3 seconds...
@solyrflair: I decline to answer on the grounds it might serve to perpetuate spoilers ;)

I'm probably going to post in the medical thread after Stefan shows up, so the doctor doesn't have to explain herself twice.
poking my oversized nose in here, I'm cruising around for another game and this one caught my eye since my only other experience of M&M has died...

Anyways! If there seems to be room, let me know! I'll be outside, skulking.
I am really beginning to hate the whole Invention rules of M&M. I can understand having 1 hour per power point to come up with your designs, but the while concept of 1 day per power point to build it is ridiculous. So the item I was looking to build is about 8 points, so one day to design. But then it will take 8 days to build. So 9 days with no interruptions, makes it pretty much useless to be an inventor.

I guess in a comic book way, it would work. You beat the villain barely and you don't face him again for 4-5 issues until he comes back and you had plenty of time. But in a RP world, you generally don't get weeks off like that. This little 8 point gadget of Grace's could probably be made into a permanent power faster than making a one-shot invention.
also depends on how much down time the story teller gives us.. Ive had games where the story teller was like and a month gos by, get your down time in and we move on to the next.
I was thinking the same thing, a lot of MnM stories take their time between chapters. A week or three of investigation or waiting for the bad guy since you can't always have the knowledge to be proactive is a perfect time to toss together gadgets.
Yeah, I think last time I ran into the invention rules, it was in the middle of combat and I just made a snap decision to heave them out the window and turn the 'hour' into 'rounds'. In hindsight, that might not have been the best way to go about it either.

I can see the purpose of it. I mean, if you're trying to cobble together several different theories about why something should work, then it's going to take a bit of trial and error. On the other hand if it's material you're thoroughly familiar with, it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to MacGyver a machine together. Unless I'm completely misunderstanding something, both concepts fall under Inventing. Though it wouldn't be the first time something only made sense in my head.

And you've both got a point; generally speaking, there's a little more downtime in cases like this, where weeks and even months go by between sessions. Having weekly tabletop games that end after a few hours gives a natural break where it's assumed some time has past. PbP games don't lend themselves quite as naturally to those breaks. There's also the fact that one thing happening after another is sort of the point in the story right now. Just so much bad is happening all at once, and that pressure is one of the things they have to deal with.

But, I'll say this: I've got one more thing to turn the world upside down, and then I think there'll be space for your needed downtime--and possibly someone to help. And unless something completely takes a left turn, it should be before any combat with the Fae.
There are two uses for invention.

1) design and construct a device for use in one scene to come. Takes 1 hour per PP to design and 1 day per PP to construct. Halve the time for -5 to roll.

2) jury-rigging an existing device. Takes 1 round per PP to rig, and only last for rest of scene or as little as one use. Automatic -5 to roll.

Building something at 10-11 PP could take as little as 5-5.5 days. But the odds of doing it drop a good bit. Low PP items can be done fast and easy, but something bigger will take even longer and be more difficult. The real question is if there is going to be enough time to use the ability. I hope so.
Gatherer, just to double check, Stefan doesn't have the detect teleportation thing on his teather anymore, right? I looked through the sheet and I couldn't find it.
Detect teleport, no. Right now he's running all the detection he's got, which is on GHOST mode.

Super-senses (vision gains Analytical, Counters Concealment, Counters Illusion, Counters Obscure [all], and Penetrates Concealment) 14 (Dimensional) (15 PP)

So, he has "true seeing", basically. Even through dimensional barriers and disguises, be they mundane or power-based. Since he's technically no longer a time traveler (more of a displaced time citizen, since he's not in his home time, but no longer possesses any ability to move through time), having a power that was intended for chasing rival time travelers through their teleports made no sense for him, mechanically or flavor-wise. He got rid of the tether and all it represented...
I am going to have Grace disappear for a few posts. I'll be out of the country for a few weeks and only a possibility of questionable wifi access. Should be back by Jan 10, and will resume then. Just assume that if we get to initiative she takes 10, and uses her actIons to move to the group.
Awww, and the next bit that's going to happen will blow her mind. I might have to stall a little bit, maybe take Stefan's gear for a test drive.
Technically, my post will take Stefan two rounds to complete, so if they react after the first round of him pushing through the crowd and telling Nicky to be ready to fight, they'll interrupt him. He needs two move actions to finish resetting his gear to a combat mode, and he's also moving through the crowd, so first round he moves and adjusts computer, second round he moves and adjusts suit.
It all depends on how fast you get into combat and how fast the combat goes, or if Vlad scoops his heart out and turns into a fae munching squid with 40 arms and improved grapple. I will have some posting time, I just can't say I will be reliable, so it will all depend on what happens in the next few days and if you need me to post every round, or I can store up actions for the combat.
fae munching squid? he can turn into a fae munching dragon... with like 2 arms.... or a wolf who controls shadow... though I doubt that'll blow over well.
-.- I think Vlad's got quite enough mileage out of that Reincarnation feat. I might have to cause some crazy extradimensional alien Cthulhu monster to climb from his dead body if he tries to snap his neck again. Or something.

And hay Shep :3 Yeah, popping into the thread where everyone's gathering would be a good thing. tl;dr Charity's fine(ish) but doesn't remember the last twelve years, and has a creepy organic residue wrapped around her brain, supposedly deposited by a bug in PSO. You....should probably get yourself checked out at some point, since you were bit too. Though the thing in her head does seem to be specifically tailor made for her. But before they could really figure that out, there was a massive sound wave that hit (at least) the city. Delta's deploying teams for a relief effort, and everyone who wasn't injured by falling glass or deafened by the screech was told to go to a particular room for deployment. Then suddenly, Fae. Though right this very second, no one but Stefan's seen them yet, and he's reported that matter to Sam. It remains to be seen how that's going to play out.

Solyrflair, enjoy your time away. That's what's supposed to happen this time of year anyway, isn't it? At this point, it remains to be seen how quickly the situation will devolve into combat. Which is probably as long as it'll take for Vlad to succeed at a will save.
Yea im trying to avoid abusing that feat to much more.. less the story teller start really resenting it and makes me regret it... as for will saves i only got a plus 2 so im probably not gonna get much higher.
I just realized vlad has the notice skill while in his normal form at +2. I should probably remember to add that to his check in the future, he might stand a chance of seeing things then...
Okay, I am back and operational. It was a nice vacation, but I hadn't expected to be so slammed at work when I got back. My first day off after 8 10-hour days in a row. I can finally work on this again.

I didn't expect things to be so delayed while I was gone. I though Grace would have to jump into the middle of a combat. I guess the holidays slowed everyone down a bit.
Wow. I didn't realize that going away on vacation was going to shut this game down so completely. I hope we can get moving again.

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