[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Well, she's been left alone in the Maverick enough times for her to check it out.

Also, do I need to have a specialized skill in Pilot, or is Pilot good enough for all flying vehicles? What would you call the Maverick? VTOL? fixed-wing Aircraft?
Pilot covers all flying vehicles. It makes sense to have a specialty in the Maverick though, because it is unique, and it'll be the machine she has the most experience with. It functions more or less like the X-men's vehicle, but cooler cause it teleports. Mind you, that teleportation is limited in that it takes some time to recharge that function.

...I should probably stat it out for you at some point.
Hey, @Lady Jane, it occurs to me that it would be particularly appropriate, given present plot and the explanation I'm about to allude to for Cassandra's language mastery, that I trade out the Modern Mandarin for Ancient Greek. I mean, she's descended from the people who first pissed the Atlanteans off. I think she ought to be able to speak to them in the language that leads to the most awkward diplomacy, rather than falling back to Sumerian trader pidgin.
Hehe, go for it. Ancient Greek would be particularly appropriate, though for an entirely different reason. The 'Common' language spoken by the humans in Myrathelle is a bastardized version of Ancient Greek. Elves speak and understand it fluently.
Yeah, that happens occasionally to a few people. I find myself obsessively checking the threads every once in a while to make sure no one's gone and posted something that the site missed while blinking.
Ahaha, I was literally just wondering when someone would notice the lack of Eric/Vorg.

Also, no one seems the slightest bit worried that something's gonna happen to Jay or Meryl.
I just mentioned they were all in danger. Ive mentioned it multiple times actually. I said it back when we were investigating striker.
Grace knows that Jay and Meryl are safe until after someone tries to get Drake. Plaus she has the Spyder and her parents on her mind. She's a little tunnel vision right now.
Oh dear :S That's happened twice so far this year. Around fall, we caught the tail end of a hurricane. Ended up with downed power lines everywhere. We very nearly drove over one, so we called the emergency hotline just in case anyone else did that. Then we had a massive ice storm over Christmas. Power was out over a very large area all through the holidays. Fortunately, I and my hubby were going to his aunt's two hours away for dinner, and she had power.

On another note: if you'll pardon the Supernatural reference, Drake letting anyone else fly the Maverick is a bit like Dean letting anyone else drive the Impala :P
Grace is about to overload Drake with logical reasons, and he is either going to have to ignore the logic (which will drop him in esteem to Grace's eyes) or he will have to let her drive and just observe her.

And where did this Drake loves Charity thing come from!!! Did Grace miss something? I mean, she is a student of Delta Division. She should know this stuff if it was public. Then again she has an 8 Wisdom so she could just be completely blind to the whole relationship thing. Next thing she knows Nicky will be dating Sam.
solyrflair said:
And where did this Drake loves Charity thing come from!!! Did Grace miss something? I mean, she is a student of Delta Division. She should know this stuff if it was public. Then again she has an 8 Wisdom so she could just be completely blind to the whole relationship thing. Next thing she knows Nicky will be dating Sam.
It's always been a thing. They just happen to be professionals, and Drake's not big on the letting people know about his feelings. It's not public in the slightest. It is very possible she just plain would have missed it. I'd hinted at it when Charity went down Drake looked as close to panicking as anyone had seen them, but apparently I was being more subtle than I thought I was.

And I...have a hard time seeing Sam dating Nicky. She's got more important things to do and certainly can't be bothered with this relationship nonsense.
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]And I...have a hard time seeing Sam dating Nicky. She's got more important things to do and certainly can't be bothered with this relationship nonsense.

"So you're saying it's just sex between them?"

--The Daily Mail
SephirothSage said:
......... You say that now.
Justt wait for the "Berserk Fit's" complication to come up.
Can he hit intangible when he's doing that? If not, I have a solution.

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