[The Human Element] Alliance City Streets

Quinn stood, calm relaxed. Prepared to sucker punch him eight ways from wensday if he tried something, but not assuming an aggressive stance or demeanor. "I'm Quinn, and among the things I want is the minor matter of be spoken to respectfully." He said with a calm smirk.
"Marcus, Mitch, stand down for a moment." Jacob turned to the Fae. "I'm Jacob. Thank you for helping the civilians. However, we have reason to suspect any Fae we meet. The agents manners leave room for improvement but their caution is merited. I thank you for your help in saving lives today. Why are you here of all places, today of all days?"
He shrugged. "I know a good steak restaurant in town... I always like visiting a few good restaurants when ever I'm in the neighborhood and today that meant this city and a hickory grilled fillet." He said casually. He didn't mention that the reason he was in 'the neighborhood' aka this reality, was because the Norns foresaw a great upheaval and that usually meant a chance to prove his worth.
Marcus did what he was told and relaxed his defensive posture, though he remained on guard. Mitch wasn't having any of it and took a threatening step forward. "What kind of game you playing--get off me, Gray!" Allen had stepped in front of him with one hand firmly pressed on Mitch's sternum.

"He was helping people," Allen said in a quiet voice. "Isn't that what we do?" He turned and offered a hand to Quinn to shake. "I'm Allen Gray. Spirit...they call me Spirit." His gaze flickered to Jacob, uncertain what to do next.
Quinn shakes Allen's hand. "Well-met Grey Spirit." He said simply. "If you don't mind, I'd like to see what set off that explosion... it might not have been an accident." He steps toward a dark section of the tent, shadows entwining around his ankles like a cat brushing against the leg of it's owner. "Want to come with?" He asked casually, wondering if any of them had aptitude related to investigating explosives.
Jacob nodded to Allen minutely. That one had the right instincts. Marcus at least was willing to listen. Mitch...had 'problem' written all over him. Time to deal with that in a minute.

"Quinn, thank you for the help rendered. We do need to check out the power station for clues, as the timing is odd. If you can get us inside quickly I'd welcome the help.

"Treachery will be met with force, of course, but help is welcome. Allen, Marcus, Mitch...you coming or staying out here?"
He looks at the shadow. "Sure, perfectly safely ev- None of you are pregnant or planning to be pregnant, correct?" He asked, employing some deadpan humor.
"I can't speak for those suffering testosterone poisoning, but I'm not." Jason looked at the three young men. "You can stay here or come with. If you come, you follow my lead and my directions. If you stay, I'd suggest letting HQ know what's going on and what we're doing to help." Jason sends one of his copies to HQ himself, with instructions to report in on details he didn't want going out over radio. Such as his willingness to have a Fae helping.

"If you're coming, move it right now." Jason waited for the others. He planned to cover the back. If the Fae was leading them astray Jason planned on being able to react from the back. His copies all lined up, ready to go. He kept 5 outside, four helping the badly injured and coordinating rescue efforts, and the fifth heading to HQ.

He turned to the Fae. "Lead on. Let your actions show the real you."
"Right... If you don't want to come with, step back." He said with a grin, revealing unnaturally white teeth, a smidgen sharper then a human's would be. The shadows in the room pulse and come together into a semi-solid miasma... He steps close to Jason, letting the other decide, before hurling the willing through the shadow-corridor to the fifth closest shadow to the center of the explosion, figuring that would be a safe enough distance.
Allen looked baffled for a moment. "We can't get--oh." He grinned. A little slow on the uptake, he seemed to appreciate the joke. For a second, even Marcus looked amused, though that might have been at his friend's expense. The two of them went with Quinn willingly. With a bitter look at Jacob and an exasperated grunt, Mitch joined them.

Shadows weren't hard to find in the building. The whole place was nearly engulfed in darkness, the natural light fading the further into the building they went. The early morning sun was fading behind dark clouds, and the wind kicked up loose papers through the shattered windows. The fire was gone, but its evidence remained among the factory equipment. Metal fixtures were broken and twisted, chipped paint burnt away and replaced by charred smoke trails. The whole place smelled of chemical burns.

"Flamer McJackass put out all the fire," Marcus said, "and I shut down anything running on electricity, so that should keep the place from blowing us all to kingdom come." He frowned a second and looked at Jacob. "What did you mean the timing's odd? The whole city got hit--apparently the whole world. No word yet as to why, but I assume the higher-ups are looking into it. I know they think--well..." His gaze shifted to Quinn.
Quinn looked at Marcus. "What cha looking at me for... do I really look like the kind of guy who'd 'splode a factory for the hell of it?" He asked, wondering exactly what these people's problem was.
Jacob looked at Quinn. "We've got a lot of evidence pointing to the Fae as part of the problems we're facing, yes. However, I have good reason to believe that the Fae have factions as humans do. For now, let's take a look around and see what we can find of the cause of this explosion."

Jacob headed deeper into the power plant, working to track the source of the blast. His eyes took in every detail for later meditation, his mind whirring and clicking through possibilities. Was this just part of the tipping point of the latest disaster? Or was this set off deliberately to keep the city off-balance? He didn't know. Yet.


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"Oh wow... you managed to figure out a race has factions... What's next on your list to deduce... if we have multiple gender?" He asked sarcastically, searching around the site.

Jacob smiles at Quinn. "Apologies. I was making a comment for another set of ears in the room. A set belonging to someone who would gladly kill all Fae just because some were involved in recent events." Jacob doesn't bother to hide his eyes flicking to Mitch and back.

"Everyone spread out a little. We need to look for any signs of the origin of the explosion."
Mitch gave Jacob a withering look.

Marcus looked thoughtful. "Actually, if you think about it, the assumption of how many genders a race of creatures has could be detrimental to a relationship between species. On Earth alone, there are several creatures that have only one gender, for example, and whose to..."

Allen gave Marcus a nonplussed look. "Um...buddy...."

"...say genders of an alien species are limited to two...and...what?" He blinked as Allen interrupted.

"You're opening your mouth and your sister's coming out." Mitch turned to him, hands casually laced together behind his head. "Seriously, we didn't want to listen to her bullshit anyway, just because she's brain damaged doesn't mean you have to take up the slack."

Marcus' eyes flashed and he took a threatening step toward Mitch. "What did you say?"

"I said who cares if she thinks two plus two equals three, I'd still hit that."

Poor Allen was caught in the middle as he grabbed Marcus before he could sock Mitch in the jaw. Needless to say, the three of them were exactly no help in the search of the building.

Quinn didn't see much. The shadows weren't giving up their secrets, not at first glance. The chaos was overwhelming as Jacob actually attempted to do his job, even if the three younger guys weren't. Nothing in particular drew his eye; the bent and twisted metal showed no clear origin point. The floor was littered with charred computer parts and other office equipment from the rooms upstairs overlooking the factory. It was like a set piece from a post-apocalyptic film, and the boys were about to become the players in a 'Lord of the Flies' situation.
Quinn turns to Jacob. "Are you allowed to execute these whelps for insubordination?" He asked, trying out a little dry humor. The Fae slowly worked his way toward where the worse deviation was... He didn't mind the hot floor. Even red hot metal couldn't burn his feet faster then he could heal them. He tried to puzzle out a sense of cause, or at least sequence in all the carnage. An idea hit him. He began to look for a rat, cockroach or other witness to interview.

Mitch's mood went from zero to angry in nothing flat. "Is that a threat, you conniving little--" He advanced toward Quinn, only to run headlong into Allen, who intercepted the charge and planted himself to be about as immovable as a brick wall.

"Let it go, man. It's a joke." Allen's voice was gentle and pleading.

"Yeah, well, the joke's on you when they start fucking with your families!" Then he went pale, and he clamped a hand over his mouth. Fear flashed in his eyes. He pushed on Allen's arm, and the kid paragon let him go. Mitch staggered back a couple of steps before he turned to walk away.

Small creatures were of little help to Quinn. Those that weren't dead were terrified and confused. The little information that he could glean from their deranged state was that something scary had happened before things were on fire in the building. The massive sonic wave that had hit the city caused widespread damage. It was conceivable that something had rattled lose in the factory's sensitive equipment and that had caused its explosion. On the surface, it appeared there might have not been anything malicious within the building itself. Though what had caused that sonic wave was anyone's guess.
Quinn continues is interviews, trying to get a tighter bead on the scary occurrence, whether is was a predator or a scent.... some instinctual category it fit in to trigger the flight response in the animals.


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