[When Dreams End] The Halls of Power [Finished]

The armory is in a different section of the structure, sunk into the hill and protected with thick walls, strong doors, and dangerous looking guards. Though you are allowed entry, many of the rooms remain off limits as the items within are recognizable as equipment of the Prince’s guards. One chamber, possibly prepared just for your use judging by how mismatched everything in it is compared to the orderly arrangement of the other rooms you have seen, is different.

Located on a wooden stand is the unmistakable curved blade of a katana. The blade is not mounted, instead set up to display the writing on its tang. A short letter is written there in Yamato, the language of Varja, “You said that a warrior’s sword needs no adornment, his legend brands it better than any craftsmen. Here is a sword, prove it.”

There are other items waiting to be examined, and the promised sour faced clerks ready to record it all.

Roll Notice and Search checks please
She immediatly walks to the blade, and smiling, takes it up, and reads the note. A Broad grin spreads, as she pocket's the note- and then quietly slides the blade in to the Sheath awaiting at her side. She looks around, briefly- hoping for a suit of armor to join it.

"I wonder if I should acquire a knife of some kind, for self defense." Bal asked himself aloud, perused the armory.

Verashay take a looks around the room as she follows the others, as she is equipped she is looking for anything that may stand out.

"Ooh, look at this!" Kaori zipped around the room, stopping at everything that managed to catch her eye, which was about everything.

All of you manage to find the equipment you feel you will need for the trip.

In the course of searching, Bal manages to find something unusual, a rosary. Each bead is a bright, sanguineous gem and the chain and pendants are formed of a strange substance that shifts from yellowish crystal to pale, golden metal depending on how the light hits it. When the clerks notice it, they confer among each other quietly before informing him that there is no record of this object in the property of the Prince.
"How strange." Muttered Bal, somewhat transfixed by the rosary. "If there is no objection from his majesty' royal bookkeepers, I would very much like to claim this item as my own." He said, pocketing the rosary. He knew they had no grounds to object, and was confidant that it would not be an issue.
The wide-eyed, jaw-dropped look returned to Cassi's face as they entered the armory. Oh, sure, she'd seen an armory before, but not one this massive, or with such variety. Her keen eyes swept the place, taking in the details of the place. Still unused to this level of splendor, much of this was nevertheless a concept she understood. Weapons and armor, they were tools of a warrior, a survivor. So long as those tools were in hand, mankind was separate from the animal.

Her mouth closed along with her throat as it brought to mind the reason why she was without her own weapons. Her bow had broken in the fight that had cost her friend his life. Swallowing, she forced herself to put aside the thoughts. Sorrow had no place here. Here, she must gird herself so that tragedy would not happen again.

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It was laying in a corner, not even with the other ranged weapons, and unstrung so that it looked like a steel loop. Yet the weapon Cassi found was undoubtedly a bow. By its weight it was hollow, by its length it was probably meant to be a long bow, and by its quality it was obviously exceptionally made. It is made of a truly white steel, with a symmetrical wavelike pattern covered it, stretching along its length like wood grain. When she showed it to the clerks they pronounced it a longbow, already an item of great worth, without noting its make or material at all. Just from the feel of it, Cassi could tell it was worth far more then that.

Analise, Bal, Cassi, please roll Memorize checks.

After that, everyone move over to the new thread.


When you leave the castle, it is with a writ permitting you to use the postal roads and horses for your travel. This is not entirely uncommon, as many merchants without guards or horses of their own often pay for similar writs so as to enjoy the safety of well patrolled roads and the convenience of horses they do not have to maintain while not in use. Yours also includes the release of a horsecart for those of you unable to ride.


Back in the hastily converted study, one of the Prince's servants enters. His presence alone was enough to convey the message, so he bows and takes his leave as soon as the Prince noticed him.

Roy held up his right arm, pushing his sleeve down with his left, to reveal an ornate golden bracer. He brought it down heavily on the desk, likely leaving a mark in the surface.

For a moment nothing was said. Nothing needed to be. Then he turned to his scribe and said, "Have you finished?"

Her hands were folded in her lap, though the pen continued to write on the tablet before her. "Two of them. The third is not in the immediate records, though inquiries are being made."


"The Virgin of Lucrecio and Nimrod."

"All that and still not enough..." He mused for a moment.

"Regardless, we move forward. This is exactly the sort of setback we planned for."

"Of course your majesty."

"Do you think it will be enough, to cover up what we have done?"

"No, my husband, I do not. Nevertheless it is the right thing to do."

He looked at her strangely for a moment before shaking his head and getting back to the paperwork before him.
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Now on the road, Bal attempted to wear the rosary. It was obviously magical, but he hadn't wanted to test it's powers in front of the clerks in case they decided to appropriate it.

Cassi breathed almost reverently as she picked up the bow. Yes, this would do nicely. Her gaze swept the rest of the room just before she exited.


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