[When Dreams End] The Halls of Power [Finished]


Elder Member
All things considered, this was not the room you thought you would find yourselves in.

To be sure, everything appeared well made and of quality material. Yet nothing was gilded, there was not a square inch of marble in sight, the carpet was of a simple pattern, and the windows were plain glass. The overall effect was of a well-to-do banker or mercant's sitting room instead of the reception chamber of the Prince of Alberia.

The present company was likewise out of place, though more form its diversity then any lack of quality. One youth in unflattering black robes bore the pectoral cross of a cardinal's staff. Two blond twins, whose hair and dress seemed to be compensating for the fact that they were not identical, were the joint heads of the Chevalier de Haute Naissance, an independent order of landless knights. A scandalously dressed woman was the well known Madame of a local brothel that served many of the city's more well to do members. She and the priest made friendly small talk, obviously long acquaintances.

One by one, or two at once in the case of the twins, they and several others were called into the Princes office until only the five of you remained. At last you are all ushured in together

Prince Aidem Roy sits facing you, his back to a wall. Guards of the order of the crucible stand at each corner, differentiated from statues only by the sound of regular breathing. the upper portion of the walls and ceiling were made of panes of glass in lead tracery, obviously a later addition to the heavy stone room. Several reports lie open on his desk, his scribe in the process of putting them away, and he looks up from them to greet you.

"Thank you for coming. It has pleased God this day to show me I have many friends I did not even suspect and I hope he remains in a good mood where you are concerned. Please sit."

Though there are only two chair in the room, servants emerge as though by magic to lay three others before the desk. The scribe gave him a quick look that seemed annoyance as much as communication. Nevertheless, she remained quiet and prepared to write anything that would prove necessary.

"I am afraid I do not know you as well as I should. Several acquaintances of mine handled your invitations to preserve a separation between the crown and these activities."

He seemed to be expecting you all to say something.
Analise, as she is known in this strange western land, swaggers towards her seat- her wide brimmed hat over her raven-black hair casting only light shadows over her face- her heavy armored coat hanging over an old Kimono in the eastern Style. Where once it was a beautiful work of art, it is now a worn and almost tattered garment worn over a pair of western style pants, with a western style vest worn on her ample chest.

She is muscled- she does not show much skin, but her garb is tight. Her single finest piece of clothing, is the high-quality pair of padded, fur and leather, gloves on her hands. They are worn too- but they have handled the time far better the rest- still sturdy and strong. Around her neck is a warm scarf, a cotton strip. At her side, in a strip of leather sash, is a Sheath with no sword, and a large jug that is currently sealed with a large stopper. She smiles, as she walks in- her violet eyes staring at the prince with a vauge interest. Her mannerisms do not show drunkenness, but the stale smell of Sake is strong on her person- and the magical aura on her person is impressive for one so young, it might be added. She smiles, as she sits down- then speaks. "Greetings, Great Lord. I am most honored to be within your presence, and even more honored to have been called in to it, eh?" The broad grin turns to a smaller smile. "I am Analise Dakar, a Warlock of some Skill- though I currently lack a Physical blade, my ability with magic is far from lacking. I am a Dsuk'Tsarith Nephilim, as well.... I come from a far off land- I have survived a long and treacherous journey. I am skilled and mighty, and I have come to serve you- for a price, I must sadly admit- swords are not cheap, and neither is armor, and I need both to serve as I once did."

She has bowed her head- but raises it as she finishes. "This all said, I would be honored merely to be of service to one of true strength."
Verashay enters the room and approaches the desk to make an poor attempt at a curtsy. She is dressed in tight fitting cloths in grey and black, she wears thin functional gloves and an armored long coat. The hilt of a Katana peaks from her back along with a quiver (to which the katana is attached). There is a bow slung over her shoulder and a Kusurai-gama is tucked in her belt with the chain hidden away in a bag on her belt near the handle. Verashay is nothing if not nondescript, the kind of girl one would refer to an handsome when one really meant plain. After her curtsy she sets her pack next to a chair and takes a seat with her legs crossed in the lotus position. Oh her feet she wears low lose fitting boots that look old but in surprisingly good condition, as if they are rarely worn. Despite her quotidian appearance she exudes a wiry strength that belies her small frame.

Looking about she takes in the other in the room with a sigh before she catches Analise speak to the Prince, "I am here to see what service I may be to you milord, I won't trouble you with my name--as you will forget it as soon as I leave. How may I serve?"
Kaori wandered in, hands behind her head, looking around at the people sitting in the room. She was not what most people think when you say 'martial artist'. Her long black hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail, tied with a tiger-patterned band. Her eyes were reddish brown, and seemed to be rather cat-like. Her clothing is of an Eastern style and well suited for tasks that require a lot of flexibility. What really sets her apart though is her build. At a scant five foot tall and maybe a hundred pounds if wet, she is almost child like in appearance, and sometimes even demeanor. But something about the way she moves tells of a subtle strength and grace, like watching a lion or tiger stalking its prey.

After getting her fill of the room, she noticed someone was talking. Sitting Indian style on the chair she waves. "Hello! My names Kaori! Nice to meet'cha!"
"Your Highness, it is good to see you again." Said Bal Kesh, bowing to his majesty. "We met once during last Winter's Gala, although you were busy at the time and understandably would not remember. I am Bal, scion of the deposed house of Kesh. Though my family has fallen on hard times, know that we are ever your loyal vassals."
Simple or not, the room might as well have been the most opulent palace in the whole of the realm for the effect it had on Cassi. She gazed about herself, jaw hanging open until she realized how unsavory that was. Several times in their waiting period, she made an effort to close her mouth, only to have it hang open in astonishment once again a few minutes later.

Truthfully, she was just glad to be there at all. She could track her way through the woods on a cloudy night with a thick canopy of trees with naught but the breath of wind on her face, but God help her if she needed to find her way through a city. The streets seemed to her to completely forsake the cardinal directions of the compass; and though its pattern may have made sense to someone used to form and structure, it was a wonder she'd managed to navigate at all.

But the people here... Oh! The people! Never could she have imagined such a diverse group. She wondered at the irony of the relationship between the man of cloth and the woman of...well, never mind what she was a woman of. Thinking of such things brought a bit of a flush to her cheeks.

Then they were ushered in and she had a new room to stare at like it was the first time she'd seen four walls and a window. The others had all spoken, and it took a half a beat for her to realize they were now waiting on her. "Oh!" She closed her mouth again, whereupon she made the discovery that it hindered in the whole speaking thing she was trying to accomplish. "Um..." Well, that was clever. She spent at least thirty seconds trying to decide if she was supposed to salute, and if so, what that salute was supposed to look like. In the end, she decided that if no one else had, perhaps she should just speak instead.

Of course, that was proving to be an issue. Perched barely on the edge of her chair, she bounced to her feet to offer a bow from the waist, twice, as if thinking once wasn't enough. Nervously, she plopped back onto the chair. "I, ah...I'm... My name is Cassie. Um, Your Highness." She thanked her lucky stars that the gentleman before her had used the title, or she would have spent several minutes trying to decide which one she was supposed to use. "I look forward to servicing you." Damn it. "With you. Uh. Serving you. Sire."

Well, that went well.
The Prince listened politely to each speaker in turn. When Cassie was done he smiled and turned to his scribe. "Please remind me to stop playing dice with the Almighty, he is far too good at winning. Also, please draft a letter to Varja thanking it for so fine a contribution to our nation."

Her pen remained unmoved, and her level gaze communicated all sorts of disapproval. Still, it was closer to exasperation then reproach. The Prince's expression hardened.

"All levity aside, I am glad to meet you or see you again as appropriate. You may rest at ease that your secrets will remain safe in my keeping, though the necessities of state prevent me from giving you my oath on the matter. As there is no way to phrase this delicately, I am unable to use this group directly, either in the capital or among the nobility, for reasons that should be clear to everyone. However, I and Alberia need the help you can give us. I, of all people, know that GOD is pleased to work many wonders uncommon to men and am not inclined to dismiss HIS grace working in every soul."

He lifted his hand and pair of servants moved a board with a map attached onto his desk where everyone could see it. This," He indicated a point near the Mountains of Light in an open plane north of the river, "is the regional seat for Martanius Corrente one of the members of parliament. His constituents," he worked his mouth around the still unfamiliar word, "are relatively few and he is fairly rich. We have long suspected he has been involved in the black market trade of supernatural artifacts but my best agents have either found nothing or he has uncovered and persuaded them to remain silent one way or another."

He looked up,

"Your job is not to investigate his activities, for now. Rather, to undermine his support basis. Right now he remains in power most because he continues to offer protection. However, a recent situation has shown him incapable of making good on that offer."

He smiled slightly, likely at the thought of undermining Martainius.

"A grey fog has come down from the foothills of the mountain of light. It leaves plants and earth unaffected, but humans or animals exposed to it for too long become unresponsive. They do not speak, eat, or move. Some have been found standing and will not raise themselves if knocked over. Others have fallen into puddles and drown. The people are afraid and Lord Corrente has shown no ability to to solve the problem. Your job is to make this go away. To be sure, I am concerned about my people. However, if the Prince is able to protect the nation while the nobility is not it greatly strengthens my position. In addition, I have agents in place to capitalize on the situation."

He turned to face you.

"Your unique collections of talents make you the only group I have flexible and skilled enough to resolve this to our advantage. Do you believe you are equal to this challenge?"
Analise snorts, and nods- wide brimmed felt hat tipping down. "That I do- I know not what this is, but.... it matters not. I'll find a way, or die trying.. not much else left to do, after all."
"I believe I am more than up to the task, m'lord." This was the chance that Kesh had been waiting for. Prove himself to the prince, help secure his rule, and he would be the right hand of power in the kingdom in no time, his house restored and his legacy intact.
Verashay nodded her head vigorously as she gestures at Analise," I agree m'lord if she has to die to find out what this is then so be it. We will do all we can to prevent that, of course." She grins wryly with a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Then laughing fully she looks around the room. " I am sure that each of us were chosen so that out talents would complement a group, once we get to know each other and how to play to our strengths we will triumph."
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"Varja?" She tilted her head slightly to the right, looking slightly confused. "I'm from Phaion, not Varja..." She shook her head. "Anyway, I can handle whatever task you have for me!"
The problem immediately put Cassi's nervousness to the side. She frowned in contemplation. "So, this fog specifically targets people and animals, but not plants. If it's something natural, that's some pretty specific engineering. To what purpose, I wonder? It's something evidently unsolvable to someone with access to curios of the supernatural, so if it is magic, I would think it's damn strong. Hm." She tapped her finger on her mouth. "I'd have to look at the effects more closely to draw any actionable conclusions, but..." She glanced around. "Given the capabilities of the people here, I'd say it's definitely doable." She smiled.
"Your confidence is reassuring, I will leave it to you then. Travel documents have already been drawn up. I hope it is clear why I cannot send you by official means, but you will be not be waylaid by any patrols along the road."
Verashay springs to her feet and stretches a bit. "Will we be walking, riding or taking some other means of travel?" She asks surveying the group around her.

With a bow she turns and starts to move for the door, "I can't say I have ever been to this spot, does anyone have any knowledge of the region?"
As Analise rises- she fixes her eyes on the prince. "I need a Sword- and preferably, armor- to best serve you, my Lord. If you would be willing..?"
The Prince's expression changed to one of realization. "Of course, forgive me. I am accustom to people in those chairs being nearly as rich as I am. Horses will be arranged." He turned to Analise, "There is an armory full of equipment, but far too much of it bears my crest. I hope you will not take offense if it is... recognizably foreign. I don't know that I have anything of the sort on hand that wasn't a gift, novelty, or souvenir. You have leave to look, but I can not promise what you will find."
"Will this include finances as well, my lord? While I am certain my fellows and I can make due, coin can make the right difference in the right place"
"Of course, of course. While not insignificant, your expenses should not come to an even noticeable fraction of the national budget."
Analise bows her head. "I thank you. I will go see what I can make use of, then- and take only that which I need." As she turns to leave, cloak fluttering slightly.
At the word expenses a small grin emerges on the edges of Verashay's mouth. "Indeed my Prince, we will only take what is not nailed---er--what is needed."
"Take all you like. A word of warning though, if my sour faced clerks think you are abusing the privilege they have been instructed to require an item's weight in paperwork before you may remove it. Be sure to spell everything correctly, refiling forms is one of the reasons the clerks are so sour faced."
Verashay looks as shocked as if the Prince had said "Off to the dungeons with them, start with the hot irons, and then get nasty."---she slides her hood up over her head and mutters, " P--paperwork---anything but that." She shudders with no hint of sarcasm--but a great deal of fear ---in her voice.
Analise, on the other hand, bows. "Ahh, Paperwork. I will make sure to write with exacting finesse and precision, my Lord."
"Hmph, you are all so greedy. Though I could use some coin to fix my house a bit, the roof caved in again." She looks down dejectedly, before perking up again. "Oh! Horses though! Oooh I've never ridden a horse before!" She looks thoroughly excited at the prospect.
"Truly, no kingdom or empire has faced an enemy so unconquerable as the tangled web of bureaucracy ." Said Kesh, the corner of his mouth twitching in a half smile. "I can assure you m'lord that I will be as frugal as possible when handling the finances." Bal Kesh never had and never would gamble with other people's money, only his own.

Which was why he was goddamn broke.

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