[When Dreams End] Fitful Slumber


That is not what I want- if it's like that, then I just want a Normal Katana. I was talking about the Europeanized, Double Edged sword that could be used to cheat in duels by striking on your backswing.
Hey, I was just looking over the character sheets to see what I was working with and make sure I got everyone's descriptions down right.... DId Hell roll their stats?

Edit: Just found his rolls... wow, wish my luck was that good. T_T
Yeah I was as surprised as anyone, now I'll probably have nothing but rotten rolls in game to make up for it :tongue:
I'm a bit under the weather, so don't let me stop you. I'll post when my brain cells decide they're not going to all commit mutinty.
hellrazoromega said:
If you have no points in a skill is it just a straight d100 roll?
1d100-30 for the untrained penalty.

Edit: To be clear you all get all the stuff you indicated. This is to see if you find anything else.
OK next question, and for give me for being new and not being able to find it, but under your class where it says Initiate Bonuses do you need to spend at least a point to get those in a skill or do you at least get the bonus as a base? It says you get the bonus at creation and for each level so I want to make sure I am looking at it right.
hellrazoromega said:
OK next question, and for give me for being new and not being able to find it, but under your class where it says Initiate Bonuses do you need to spend at least a point to get those in a skill or do you at least get the bonus as a base? It says you get the bonus at creation and for each level so I want to make sure I am looking at it right.
You do not need to put any points into it.

SephirothSage said:
High Rolls good, or High Rolls bad?
High Rolls good.

Edit: The note was written into the blade, in the part normally covered by the handle.
Ah, Gotcha. .... Wait, that's fucking awesome. No, seriously, I like that- so I'm picking it- alright. No proper handle. Cool.

So that 99 was awesome, I take it.
Oh sweet so I do have some points there need to add them on my sheet--like a dummy I overlooked my class stuff
SephirothSage said:
Ah, Gotcha. .... Wait, that's fucking awesome. No, seriously, I like that- so I'm picking it- alright. No proper handle. Cool.
So that 99 was awesome, I take it.
99-30=69. At least I didn't see you put any points into it. There is a proper handle, its just that katana are usually displayed without them.

@Everyone: There are nice things for you all too, its just that Seph asked for one a while back so I had time to think up a nice description.
She has no points in it, no. And I realize that- I just.. er..... imagined holding one by the freaking bit that slots in to the handle. But- yeah, no.. I need to attach the handle, I suppose.
JayTee said:
Subdue them with heavy amounts of alcohol, teach them a lesson in pain )_)
Yep, I'd imagine that will be just the right thing to do and not be a bit like shooting off my nose to spite my face. *nods*

Just got notice the other day, actually, that the hubby and I have been accepted for the house we were trying to get. So....the heavy amounts of alcohol might be necessary anyway, just for an entirely different reason. Also, it seems to have had a wonderful effect on my immune system. Now that my body isn't focused on being super stressed out about the house thing, it can focus on me not being sick. So, while my nose is still threatening to run away on me, and my throat is still relishing this new invention of sandpaper, my sinuses no longer feel like they're packing plastic explosives.

Oh, and I might be slightly absent toward the back half of the month during the moving of the stuff.
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]Yep, I'd imagine that will be just the right thing to do and not be a bit like shooting off my nose to spite my face. *nods*
Just got notice the other day, actually, that the hubby and I have been accepted for the house we were trying to get. So....the heavy amounts of alcohol might be necessary anyway, just for an entirely different reason. Also, it seems to have had a wonderful effect on my immune system. Now that my body isn't focused on being super stressed out about the house thing, it can focus on me not being sick. So, while my nose is still threatening to run away on me, and my throat is still relishing this new invention of sandpaper, my sinuses no longer feel like they're packing plastic explosives.

Oh, and I might be slightly absent toward the back half of the month during the moving of the stuff.

Ah--well congratulations on getting the house--but I don't envy you the moving part.
Congratulations Lady Jane, you have my warm wishes for your new home.

Story post is up. I will be starting a new thread soon.
hellrazoromega said:
Holy smokes with that Notice/Search skill Cassi could find a needle in an acre of haystacks!!!
Sadly, it falls short of Absurd difficulty. Very Difficult, the next one down is tightrope walking level.
Well with the skill many of the rest of us have we'll be lucky if we can find our own feet in the morning.

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