[When Dreams End] Fitful Slumber

SephirothSage said:
Equipment- I took Exclusive Weapon: Katana on the Warlock.
I take it, I start with a Katana? xD
If you paid for it, or can convince your rich friend to do so yes. If not you get to work that into conversation for your advance on services to the Prince. Don't worry, you will get one and will not need to kill anything in the first scene. (Note, it might just be the weapon that was confiscated by the guard before they let you see the reigning monarch if you want it to be a family item or the like)
I'm basically pennyless 'cause I lost all my money. All I have are the clothes on my back. :(
I'll take it as a family Item, and her be Ronin from a Foreign Country, kicked out because instead of Committing Seppuku when she was ordered to, she ran the hell out of there- and has ended up here, near Penniless, destitute, without the armor and support of a Samurai- without even her Katana, as she lost it in her mad escape- she's relied heavily on her magic, in her journey here- and not being half bad at beating the shit outa you with her fists.

Honor is /pretty/ much a Vestigal thing, at this point- she has some, but doesn't really have the same belief in the concept she once did- drinks alot more often now, to.
SephirothSage said:
I'll take it as a family Item, and her be Ronin from a Foreign Country, kicked out because instead of Committing Seppuku when she was ordered to, she ran the hell out of there- and has ended up here, near Penniless, destitute, without the armor and support of a Samurai- without even her Katana, as she lost it in her mad escape- she's relied heavily on her magic, in her journey here- and not being half bad at beating the shit outa you with her fists.
Honor is /pretty/ much a Vestigal thing, at this point- she has some, but doesn't really have the same belief in the concept she once did- drinks alot more often now, to.
Would you like any information on the Japan analog or the China analog? They are both found to the east on the same island and have a unique approach to the supernatural. They also hate each other.
I actually would- I already wrote a Backstory making some basic assumptions based of my time in Rokugan, and if you'd look over that for any major issues, I'd be glad- I lacked that information, as I only have the Core Book and haven't had it long.

PS; Of course they hate each other, Japan and China hated each other historically IRL, and probably still do.
SephirothSage said:
I actually would- I already wrote a Backstory making some basic assumptions based of my time in Rokugan, and if you'd look over that for any major issues, I'd be glad- I lacked that information, as I only have the Core Book and haven't had it long.
PS; Of course they hate each other, Japan and China hated each other historically IRL, and probably still do.
Nothing you wrote is terribly at odds with the setting. As for why they hate each other: This time its because Japan stole all the magical mcguffins that keep portals to (various) hell(s) from opening when people use magic.
Ahh, I see. Do you like my Backstory, BTW? I put a bit of thought in to it- I thought it was kinda a good excuse for why she's totally unarmed, and a few other things.

Her Magic is a good reasoning for why she survived, unarmed, this journey. xD
I broke down and took Starting Wealth-- which turned out to be WAY more than I needs so I am doing great money wise--I'll buy you all a drink.
None for Kaori please, she doesn't like bitter drinks... Unless it's mead or wine, that's sweet enough maybe.

Edit: Seph! Aiie! Supernatural folk are by and large hated by normal folk! That line is tantamount to punching the emperor in the face!
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People fear what they don't understand, which leads to hostilities and other nastiness. It's pretty straightforward.
RIGHT, but how the hell do the weak mundanes /do/ anything about it? Why don't the Mages capable of altering reality, y'know, rule it?
"No matter how subtle the wizard, a blade between the shoulders will seriously cramp his style."

In other words, Magic is an excellent force multiplier, but it doesn't make you invincible. Eventually, you're going to run out of juice to fuel your spells, and then you get ganked.
Right- I realize this.

I'm saying I expect the Wizards to be the Oppresor's, not the oppressed, more often than not. Heh.

Also, much of my Argument was non-serious, admitably.
Also bear in mind that the church is the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever. They can say a person's magic or whatever is a gift from god and bam, you're good. Also, the inquisition are responsible for slaying supernatural forces, and they have their share of warlocks, psychics, and ki users. Then there's Tol Ralko, who preserve the supernatural on their island....
Well if someone could put their hand up and make a pinching motion and say, "I'm crushing your head," and your head really go crushed that would tend to make people fear you. If you could really do it, it is a perfectly rational fear. And while the churches stance is hypocritical, they are not alone, like in the real world it's a matter of destroying what you can't control, something religions and secular governments and organisations--hell humanity in general---is guilty of.
Discriminating against those with magic power makes MORE sense then any of the other kinds. They can do something you can't. Those bastards don't deserve their power if you don't have some of your own.

Also, as stealthfox said, the Inquisition has lots of magical power. There is a "saint" advantage to reflect your ability to turn people into frogs without being burned for your trouble. In addition there is a small international wizard order whose members look out for each other.

Don't worry though, the Prince isn't going to drag you in front of the church or anything like that. This is going in his blackmail folder though.
Considering how psychic powers are largely invisible, I'm going to see how long I can go without actually reveling that I actually have power :D

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