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    Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Mirri Frightened of drawing attention to herself, Ivory lets her silence signal her consent. Stand your ground woman, you are shaming yourself. She looks from the Mask's fiends to the Exalts arrayed before her, letting their presence lend her courage, and readies herself for what's to come.
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    Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Mirri Ivory nods slightly at Rain's assurance. This is te last thug we need rigth now. A useless distraction in their enemy's shadow. As she falls in behind Rain to head back to the village she hears the stranger's voices. She turns and shrinks visibily and steps backwards clutching at her...
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    Posted the IC thread. This is meant to just be an introduction. Get an idea of your characters and introduce the first bits of the plot. Your characters know that your sires were once members of the same coterey, however unlikely that may seem from what you know of them. You have each met...
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    Soiree at the Golden Pond [Ancient Glory]

    To All: You have each been invited by you sires to attend a gathering at Elysium - by invitation only - hosted by Vibius, the Rex Sacrorum. A few of you were told kindly in person, others threatened into attending and told to behave civilly, and others simply informed it would be best for you...
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    Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Mirri "I think it best that we go over our strategy in the village, where we will at least be able to render assistance should the mask choose to strike."
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    Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Mirri "They don't seem overly concerned with the locals. Even the Dragon-Blood simply asked that they stay away from the island when it appeared," she says. Ivory turns to look at Rain, "although I suppose the Mask or his local commander might take his messenger's death as a sign that the...
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    Setting Information [Ancient Glory]

    Gaius Aurelius Saturninus - Julii, Sire to Quintis Julius Serenus: Considered one of the most formidable Senex to oppose in debate. Over the last two centuries, Saturninus has steadily increased his standing in the Camarilla and is one of the most respected members of the Senex. Having been the...
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    Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Mirri Ivory nods at Adair, "yes, I'll stay behind you." This should be interesting.
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    I'm going to be finishing the background thread and posting some addiional ondo tonight or tomorrow and then I'll oat the ic thread. Sorry for the wait.
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    Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Mirri Ivory stands to the back of Matsu silently, only nodding to acknowledge the newcomer when Adair introduces the party by name. Interesting fellow and an interesting companion, and he clearly seems in charge. Handled that sword of his rather well too. She steps backwards and stares at...
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    The bloodline is fine, though the origin story would have to be altered. The disfigurement thing is fine too.
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    Okay, going to read it tomorrow morning and let you know then. I'm sure I'll be fine with it though. They do seem to fit into the Necropolis perfectly. As far as the disfigurements, just let me know what it does and how many points it is so I don't have to hunt around. :)
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    Do you mean unyielding mask? Also, I recall the sound discipline the bloodline gets but I don't recall the bloodline or what book its from, could you point the way? And where do I find the Progressive Disfigurements?
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    Ok cool. I was wondering where the nosferatu writeup was.
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    Okay cool. Try to have it written up before this weekend starts if you can. So I can finish up your sires and get this thing started.
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    Sorry for the delay in getting this started. Been real busy with some weird stuff coming up. I'll have the basic setting info finished soon, then I'll put up the intros and get started. Please make sure your characters are finished soon as you can.
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    Setting Information [Ancient Glory]

    The way things stand: Senex: There are two major factions within the Senex, fairly evenly decided, with a slight advantage to the traditionalists. One faction, led by the charismatic Flavius Pompeius Reginus, advocates a more active position in the mortal affairs of the Republic. Pointing...
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    The Campfire [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Redshirt, very funny!
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    Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]

    Mirri Ivory nods and falls in behind Matsu, drawing her twin daggers, trying to keep her battlen nerves from showing. these look like toothpicks compared to Rain's.
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    Introduction [Ancient Glory]

    Just buy that separately.