Introduction [Ancient Glory]


Junior Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for joining the game. I just wanted to let you all know, I am finalizing what I'm going to be running in the next couple of days. I may modify the rules a bit including character creation, but it shouldn't be too burdensome.

One more thing I wanted to ask you, is whether your character is religious, and if so, what religion.

Let me know if you have any questions.
My character isn't religious, but he follows a lot of observances and invocations out of habit. He worships the Dodekatheon (I can't remember the Roman name for the pantheon, but they're the same pantheon with different names, so you know what I mean.)
Plotius makes a show of believing in the roman pantheon, though he actually worships the egyptian pantheon, Set namely, though not as the evil god he's usually portrayed, but as shown by the Cult of Set.
It's worth noting that Rome was actually rather inclusive of the religions of the provinces, so worshipping the Pesedjet openly shouldn't be any kind of problem. The only reason Judaism and later Christianity were so heavily persecuted was because they refused to acknowledge the Roman gods, which the polytheistic religions had less of a problem with and was the only requirement for free worship.
That is true, but the write-up of the Cult of Augurs seems to suggest a kind of roman-centric religion within that order, and likewise with the write-up about the Venifica powers they wield.
I posted the character creation guidelines in the character sheet forum. I will be posting some settig details later tonight. I hope to have the game started in a few days once i get in the character sheets.
My as yet unnamed character is still very tied to the religious beliefs of her own tribe, who believed in the gods of various natural monuments and animals. For funsies I'm going to pretend I am not an archeology student and ignore what I know about modern theories and go with the far more romantic Celtic flare of tribes in Gaul. She does not express her religion much, however.
Bah, I had 5 more xp I hadn't included, spent now.

Actually, apoatar, does the Senex benefit apply to the bonus xp you've awarded? If it doesn't, i'll need to re-jig my expenditure ever-so-slightly, but my character's essentially done.

EDIT: Nevermind, re-jigged anyway, just remembered I didn't have any Animalism.
Cool beans. I'll pick up a dot of Haven then. Are you treating Haven Size and Haven Security as seperate merits?
I'd like to know also.

It seems, from my reading of the merit is that this is a special case, where you can basically have up to 18 dots in (5 for Location, 5 for Security, 5 for Occultation [in the Mekhet clanbook], and 3 in Size ) or up to 15 dots (5 for Location, 5 for Size, and 5 for Security)
That's how Haunt works in Geist. It's how it's implied to work in all the other lines, but Geist is where it's clearest, so I tend to think of that as stealth errata.
I'll just treat it like this. For every point you buy you get three to spread around for Size, Location and Security. Up to 5 in each.

I would encourage spending in Haven, btw.
Sorry for the delay in getting this started. Been real busy with some weird stuff coming up.

I'll have the basic setting info finished soon, then I'll put up the intros and get started.

Please make sure your characters are finished soon as you can.
Okay cool. Try to have it written up before this weekend starts if you can. So I can finish up your sires and get this thing started.
Just need to check some details-

With a background reworking, may I play a Baddicelli? Blind, mimic Nosferatu.

Also, with the Bonded Mask and Progressive Disfigurements from the Nosferatu clanbook?
Do you mean unyielding mask? Also, I recall the sound discipline the bloodline gets but I don't recall the bloodline or what book its from, could you point the way? And where do I find the Progressive Disfigurements?

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