Setting Information [Ancient Glory]


Junior Member
The way things stand:

Senex: There are two major factions within the Senex, fairly evenly decided, with a slight advantage to the traditionalists.

One faction, led by the charismatic Flavius Pompeius Reginus, advocates a more active position in the mortal affairs of the Republic. Pointing to the increasing unrest in the Republic since the middle of the last century, the constant threat of rebellion, the loss of carefully cultivated influence to random riots, Reginus argues that the Kindred must use a heavier hand on the mortals to guide them through these unsteady times. He readily assures the Senex that it is the only way to maintain the status quo.

The traditionalists retort that these uncertain times are sure to expose the heavy hand of the Kindred, and the results will be nothing less than the destruction of everything that the Propinqui have built. The most notable defender of the traditionalist argument is Gallus Didius Pollio.

The debates on this topic have been lively and entertaining, with arguments won by both sides, but with no official vote or concrete action taken on the issue.

Legio Mortuum: The army of the dead as always stands ready to enforce the will of the Senex. The Legion stands at full strength and in the midst of a steadily increasing recruitment drive under the orders of the Praetor of Rome, Quintus Junius Brutus. As a result of the recruitment drive, the Legion is currently very observant of the law.

The Augurs: The prophets look on the current political landscape, not voicing their opinions, but gladly casting expensive auguries for those willing to pay to grant their arguments weights.

The results of most - the cynics would say all - auguries on the most important political subject tend to be generally positive for the client, but vague and typically unsatisfying. Meanwhile the Cult gets rich, with the fattest grounds, and choice property in the Necropolis granted to their members for ever more lavish shrines and temples.

Peregina Collegia: The fates have not favored the Strangers in this political climate. The Legion's crackdown has struck the Wing most heavily. Their Magistrates on the Senex remain neutral on most divisive issues, saving their minimal political power to do what they can to shield themselves from an aggressive Legion and to push for more status, better feeding grounds, and safer havens in the Necropolis.

The Mortal World: Marcus Licinius Crassus, the general who brought Spartucus to justice - crucifying six thousand of his men along the Appian Way - and the legendary general Pompeius Magnus are serving their terms as Consuls of Rome. The Republic is in the midst of decades of turmoil. Apocalyptic cults number in the hundreds, mad prophets declare the end of times in every forum, chariot brawls turn into riots, and tavern fires devour entire districts.

As goes the world above, so goes the world below. As generals rebel and Senators fall, Elders and the younger Propinqui stand to lose or gain influence, domains and feeding grounds as never before. There has never been a more chaotic time in the Necropolis than the times of legend when the Julii brought sacrifice to the Striges who rules over them.

It is a dangerous time to be a Roman, but also a time of opportunity for those bold enough to seize the moment, and the wits to turn the chaos to their own ends.
Gaius Aurelius Saturninus - Julii, Sire to Quintis Julius Serenus: Considered one of the most formidable Senex to oppose in debate. Over the last two centuries, Saturninus has steadily increased his standing in the Camarilla and is one of the most respected members of the Senex. Having been the chief proponent of several motions in the last century to open Rome and its bountiful gifts to foreigners willing to serve her, he is a favorite of many in the Collegia.

Setephenesh - Mekhet Khiabit, Sire to Publius Plotius Philus: A Kindred of Egyptian decent and and a dealer of esoteric goods. Little is known about him other than his reputation as a buyer of artifacts and relics of history and lost gods. It is whispered that he is a practitioner of dark arts, though the Legio does not seem to have paid attention to the rumors. His close friendship with Velus, and Equestrian of the Legion, is cited quietly as the reason for the Legion's blindness.

Hermes Delicos - Mekhet, Sire to Lucius Deretius: A fat Greek wine merchant, reputed for his taste for young blood. His large donation to the blood dole have given him a reputation - a much kinder one - for generosity. Those with the right friends, he is known as a Kindred that can get things done when words and gold aren't enough, without the complications of dirtying ones own hands.

Asoka - Daeva, Sire to Arria: A wealthy dealer of exotic slaves and narcotics, and known for his captivating retelling of his adventures in the exotic Orient. After a century of his enlisting with the Camarilla he has become a respected member of the Collegia and one of their Magistrates on the Senex.

Equestrian Decimus Nigilius Velus - Gangrel, Sire to Adiega Lugurix: A stone-faced man of good Roman stock. A soldier in life and a soldier in death. He shows little of himself to others and his motives seem to be maintaining order. Though to be the youngest Equestrian at just over a century from his Embrace.

Decius Vitruvius -Nosferatu Baddacelli, Sire to Lucius Lucretius Lupus:

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