Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


"They don't seem overly concerned with the locals. Even the Dragon-Blood simply asked that they stay away from the island when it appeared," she says. Ivory turns to look at Rain, "although I suppose the Mask or his local commander might take his messenger's death as a sign that the locals hve chosen to interfere."

Shu scowls. "Oh, I'm sorry, next time I'll just let the evil hordes of the undead do what they like! What could I have been thinking?"

"I don't know, strategy, planning, making sure you weren't biting on more than you could chew, collecting information on the ennemy before performing a surgical strike, thinking about retaliation and collateral damage... oh wait, you didn't think that. No, you just charged in. No wonder an... solars have such an awful reputation."

Matsu started walking away towards whatever direction the group the heading.

"Know what, forget it. Lets at least hope the Mask has a sense of PR and avoids having his people target random civilians. That's the best we can expect now."

"I think it best that we go over our strategy in the village, where we will at least be able to render assistance should the mask choose to strike."

Kwan Shu snorts. "You can stop talking like you aren't one. No matter how much it disgusts you. You think you're better than me? You sicken me. You're like a whipped dog. So go on, walk away. I have no use for you."

"You know, priest," Scorpion says, slowly spinning Venom in one hand, "you're really starting to get on my tits. We get it. You don't like Solars. Think we're the second coming of the Yozis. If that's the case, then leave. Go. Why are you here, anyway? If we're all so bad, come on. Take us down. Either that, or leave. I'm sick of hearing you whine. You don't like what Kwan Shu did? Then do it better. Simple as that. Put up or shut up. At least he did something. There's an old saying that's been around for a long time. How does it go? Oh yes. 'Be careful what you wish for.' Seriously. I'd advise you start keeping your opinions to yourself. Before they get you in trouble."

Aindani and Afa walked on, observing the argument with some distaste. While it was always possible for a Dragon-Blooded or enlightened mortal to find and attune weapons made of the magical materials, his newfound allies were displaying their nature far too openly. His own cool-headed reaction to Kwan-Shu charging with his daiklave - what is this material anyway? It fits the description of starmetal, even though I've never seen a scrapt of this in my whole life - and his prowess during the fight, never mind his ifrit companion, marked him as someone more than a mere mortal, but he did not bother to confirm his nature.

"I suggest you lay aside whatever differents you might have for the duration of this little crisis - and besides, even if the Mask would not specially target the village for revenge, it is always possible that his agents might see it as a reserve of spare parts anyway - or at best a place to convert to intensive ancestor worship."

Adair frowned. This couldn't be making a good impression.

"Guys, I think we need to calm down a bit here. Everyone is used to doing things their own way, alright?" He looked stern. "Our new ally is right- we need to set aside our differences."

"Why not accept that everyone is doing their best and try and compromise?"

Shu shrugs. "It's easier to compromise with someone when they don't look like something just shat in their mouth every time they look at you. That being said, you're right; we don't have time for this. Let's go back to the village and wait for morning."

Stalking away, he walks past Mirri. As he does so, he leans in and whispers in Old Realm. <"If the fighting gets seriously dangerous, stay close to me. I'll get you through if I can.">
To All

"Are you quite done?" Two figures stand at the rim of the rachel, and you can hear the milling crowds now inside the rachel. More of those psudeo ape-childer things are climbing the rim along with bizarre creatures covered in muscle and bile and blood with long, over-developed arms holding axes as big as your torso.

Of the two figures, it is the shorter one speaking. Wearing nothing but blacks, leathers, boots, gloves, and a iron morion over its face.

The other is taller, looking straight ahead with eyes drained of emotion. wearing somee sort of segmented plate that's quietly whispering in the wind. His head is bald, with two artful little scars on the side of his face the color of wine.

For the second time today, Rain starts cursing internally. Oh, fuck you, you gods of fate.

Shu turns around amicably, leaning against a nearby tree. "Oh yes, just finished. Something we can help you boys with?"

Oh for crying out.... Oh well, that solved the dilema or flee or fight. It's so easy to forget about bad guys when in the middle of an argument. It suddenly also hit him he had just blurted out what they were to the new guy and the elemental, crap. He was becomng just as stupid as them. Err, focus on the bad guys.

He just keppt silent and prepared himself for the inevitable fight that would ensure.

Ivory nods slightly at Rain's assurance. This is te last thug we need rigth now. A useless distraction in their enemy's shadow.

As she falls in behind Rain to head back to the village she hears the stranger's voices. She turns and shrinks visibily and steps backwards clutching at her knives - absurdly small in comparisson to the weapons around her - as she takes in the frightening visage. No, not this.

The Scavenger lord dismounted lithely, putting a hand on his sword's grip. "What a charming company," he said. "I could say that it is a fortunate meeting, but I would be lying." He did not feel like there was anything to add. Surrendering to the Mask of Winter's pawns was not an option. He hoped that his new allies would echo his sentiment.

"Get ready," he whispered to Afa.
To All

There's a grand total of fifteen of the constructs standing before them. The pair in the back look on, the taller man yawns a little.

"You may leave in peace, if you wish." The morion clad one speaks. A few of the burly ape-like ones start to giggle like children. In the voices of children.

Rain steps away from the tree, casually walking forward, placing himself between Mirri and the source of danger. <"If I tell you to run you run. If all else fails we'll need to get a report back.">

Shu looks the men coldly in the eye. "Why do I doubt you?"

Frightened of drawing attention to herself, Ivory lets her silence signal her consent.

Stand your ground woman, you are shaming yourself. She looks from the Mask's fiends to the Exalts arrayed before her, letting their presence lend her courage, and readies herself for what's to come.

Unsheathing his glass sword, Aindani frowned at hearing Kwan Shu's Old Realm words. I will have to investigate this later.

"Oh, I am afraid that we all know that it will not end so smoothly," he stated matter-of-factly. Back-stabbing bastards. Even if your proposal was sincere, no way I'd be turning away with my tail between my legs after this. "Will you at least spare this sight to the children?" he added with a sneer, determined to show that he was not impressed.

Adair gulped- this was bad, but...something had to be done. These men, no, these things would hurt people if they didn't do something now.

"As the diplomat here..." He started, smirking to hide his fear. "I'd like to offer my opening argument."

He put his right hand by his side, and lifted it as if he was pulling something from an unseen pocket or holster. A long, golden fire wand emerged from nothing, and Adair quickly pointed it towards the speaking Death knight, still wearing his smirk. "Your beginning statements are impressive, but we aren't without our own merit sir."

"And while this is impressive, you'll find my rebuttal is usually straight to the point."

Solar Flare Methodology

5 motes, 1 wp

Personal Essence: 10/18

Peripheral Essence: 44/44

Willpower: 5/6

Good Gods, at least the little one will die like an Exalt.

Equitable Solution makes a silken whispering sound as it's pulled clear of its sheath. Shu falls in to his distinctive reversed-grip stance, cocking an eyebrow at the diminutive Exalt with the essence-constructed firewand.

"Little boy, I didn't think ya had it in you. Shall we show them a good time?"

Join Battle: Results for 14 dice: 7 successes [ 3 4 0 7 9 5 2 5 2 6 8 3 8 7 ] (TN: 7)

Scorpion stays quiet, content to let the others do the talking, letting them draw attention to themselves. That isn't to say he isn't ready. Venom and Sting are in his hands, and he is prepared, waiting patiently for the conflict to begin, waiting for an opportunity to exploit. While he waits, he activates Pearlescent Filigree Defense, feeling the Essence infuse his body and toughen his skin.

Spending 6 motes for Pearlescent Filigree Defense. This brings my total mote expenditure to 14 (3 for previous Pearlescent Filigree Defense, 5 for previous First Awareness Excellency, and now the 6 motes for PFD). My anima banner effect is now active, obscuring my features and helping my stealth.

Current totals: Personal: 16; Peripheral: 14

JB: Results for 6 dice: 2 successes [ 2 1 7 2 8 6 ] (TN: 7)
To All

The Deathknights look at one another and sigh. "Always foolhardy." The one clad with the morion says.

"And the children? I believe you've seen what we do to children, so spare me your petty compassion, Exalt." The masked one pats the flank of one of the apes.

The taller man simply smiles in an eerie manner, when suddenly cold bands of metal shoot up from his odd, shifting armor covering his head and forming into a wicked helm of some sort. He is clad head-to-toe in steel now, the hulking brute.

"Begin." His voice echoes from the chilling suit. A single glowing eye appears where the eye slit would be on the angled plate.

Join Battle for apes (two per combat round): Results for 7 dice: 6 successes [ 4 7 0 9 0 4 5 ] (TN: 7)... O.o

Join Battle for Meat Puppets (two per round): Results for 4 dice: 2 successes [ 6 1 5 0 ] (TN: 7)

Join Battle for the Armored Abyssal: Results for 9 dice: 8 successes [ 4 8 1 0 8 7 0 5 8 ] (TN: 7)

The eclipse swallowed the last of his fear and stood fast, looking over his shoulder for a moment. His bravado inspired look was replaced with his normal, calm smle.

"Ivory...please get somewhere safe. I'm not gonna forgive myself if something happens to you." He spoke honestly- still totally unaware of his companions abilities. With a wink, he turned his attention back to his rather frightening enemies.

"I guess we are playing this one by ear, huh?" He joked to Matsu and the others as he aimed his weapon.

Join Battle

Results for 7 dice: 3 successes [ 2 4 9 0 6 4 1 ] (TN: 7)

Matsu smiled at Adair's comment. He cracked his knuckles before answering:

"But of course Adair. I'll do the percussions."

Seemed the newcomer had a rather direct definition of negociation. Oh well, now that big sword and mac sneaky had thrown rocks on the hornet nest, it was time to do some work.

Join Battle:

Results for 2 dice: 3 successes [ 0 9 ] (TN: 7)
OOC: We'll just let apo roll JB later when he arrives.

To Adair

A hulking mass of metal dipped in whispering pitch is coming toward you at a measured pace. Suddenly taking to one knee, the beast hurtles toward you, an immense wall of blackness in the gray skies. Reeling back one arm, focusing (seemingly) all his might into that one blow as you watch an entire miasma of essence erupt around his body in a corona of shrieking devils and the scream of something you can't quite hear, but it makes your teeth vibrate down to their roots. Suddenly, he's before you, the blow coming in with a bitter upthrust into your stomach.

C-C-C-Combo! Ravaging Blow + First Martial Arts Excellency.

12 Motes spent, 1 Willpower. 6 Willpower left. Dex 4 + 5 MA doubled to 18 + 1 from his gauntlets.

Results for 19 dice: 16 successes [ 0 4 0 0 9 2 0 7 5 1 0 1 6 0 8 9 4 5 1 ] (TN: 7) Sweet Jesus.

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