Chapter One: The Skull on the Sword. [An Age Undreamed Of]


Adair blinked, and abruptly decided that if his foe's strike hit him, he would probably die. With this in mind, he decided that he needed to move.

The abyssal found he struck not but a wispy after-image of his target. Adair, his caste mark glowing brightly, had moved to the side, unharmed. Essence flowed about his already shining weapon. If these bastards wanted a fight, he would bring it to them.

Activating Combo- Seven Shadow Evasion (Using now), 1st Archery Excellency, Essence Arrow

Personal Essence: 10/18

Peripheral Essence: 33/44

Willpower: 4/6

Biting off a harsh whisper of <"Mirri, try to stay back!"> Shu began running toward the armoured man attacking the young Solar. "Hey, corpsefucker! Pick on someone your own size!" sprinting over the uneven ground, Rain began to plan frantically. Hold your essence in reserve. Test his defenses. You'll need to defend.

As he covered the ground, he tightened the grip on his sword. Without losing momentum he drops to his knees mid-step, sliding along on the rough shingle, counting on the thick leather clothing to take the edge. Arcing his back almost parallel to the ground, he slides neatly under the fist of the attacker. Still moving, he shifted his weight, spinning around. The razor-edge of his blade slid neatly across the back of the warrior's knees as Rain continued upwards into a standing position and reversing the momentum of the blade, slamming the point toward the small of the dark man's back.

Even as he moved through the attack, a moment's thought set off a resonance with an essence construct hanging off a thread of fate attached to him, weakening the weft of the destiny for a temporary boost. He hoped it would be enough.

Attacking twice, no essence or willpower spent. Stunt dice?

Roll 1: 11 dice. Results for 11 dice: 6 successes [ 2 1 8 8 5 2 4 0 0 1 5 ] (TN: 7)

Roll 2: Results for 10 dice: 11 successes [ 8 8 8 0 1 0 0 6 8 8 ] (TN: 7) Fuck me sideways.

EDIT: 2 stunt dice earned.

Dice for roll 1: Results for 2 dice: 1 success [ 5 8 ] (TN: 7)

Dice for roll 2: Results for 2 dice: 1 success [ 9 2 ] (TN: 7)

7 successes on attack 1, 12 successes on attack 2.

Second attack hits, ping damage.

Results for 3 dice: 3 successes [ 0 8 9 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra) (I love this diceroller.)

Three lethal inflicted. 4 motes regained from stunt.

EDIT: Activating the Battle-Carrying Presence resplendency from my secondary resplendent destiny. Costs 1 endurance. For the rest of the scene, no-one can fail a Valour check as long as I don't, and also will not suffer fatigue or wound penalties lower than mine. Fuck yeah, Astrology.
To Matsu

Good Gods above, what a martial display. The Terrestrials you once served could only dream of such speed. Deep inside you know you can possess such speed as well.

Then you'll hear a sound like children giggling and everything goes to goat shit. To your left, one of the giant ape-child creatures is loping toward you with a club of basalt that looks like it caves ribs in quite soundly. The child's face inside it's maw is gurgling with utter glee. White teeth flash in the clouded sun as it reels back to cave your head in.

Results for 9 dice: 5 successes [ 4 8 9 8 9 9 6 1 3 ] (TN: 7)
To Adair

Thank the Gods! You avoided that one deftly, but suddenly to your left, dark shadows eclipse the Sun as you realize something looms above you. One of the apes! A peel of laughter breaks out from behind a wall of long white fangs, gnarled, grody claws come sweeping in to take a chunk of your gut out. You'll toss a last look back to Shu as his mighty blade sends sparks off that black armor of your adversary. No time to think! Claws caked with blood and fungus and other terrible things are arcing toward you!

Results for 8 dice: 9 successes [ 0 9 3 9 4 0 8 0 ] (TN: 7) I'll be prefectly honest in saying the ECR Dice Roller, HATES Thac0. Holy God.

Do your thing, Thac0, Midboss and then Tick 5 is up and you guys can do your attacks or whatever.

Dodge = 7 (thank god for bracers)

Matsu had almost been distracted by the attack that nearly splaterred Adair and only just caught sight of the abomination charging him. He rolled over in between the creatures legs and got back up before canalysing his essence in his fist and throwing a strong punch on the creature's spine.

"You're creepy."

Use of fist or irion technique.

To hit: Results for 8 dice: 6 successes [ 1 0 7 5 9 1 0 4 ] (TN: 7)

"Keep moving, aim, aim, keep moving...HOLY-" Adair's thoughts were interrupted by another attack, and once again the exalt whisked out of the way of the attack with unnatural speed. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face- these guys mean business!

Still In Combo, Seven Shadow Evasion again...

Personal Essence: 10/18

Peripheral Essence: 30/44

Willpower: 4/6


Landing on his feet, the intrepid gunman wasted no time swinging his weapon around. He had already showed his hand- it was time to deal it. Adair leveled his golden firewand- that he decided that he would call "Straightforward Rebuttal" from now on- and pulled the trigger.


For a moment, golden motes of essence collected around the barrel and when the gout of yellow-gold flame ushered forth, they constricted about it, pulling it together to form a solid projectile that hurtled towards Adair's abyssal foe like a comet with a tail of sunlight behind it.

Still In Combo, Archery Excellency (+3), Essence Arrow (Righteous Judgment Arrow)

Solar Flare Methodology: Archery (4) + Dex (4) + Spec (2) + Weapon Accuracy (4) + Excellency (3)

Results for 17 dice: 12 successes (TN: 7)

Ping Damage

Results for 4 dice: 1 success (TN: 7) (damage/extra)

Personal Essence: 10/18

Peripheral Essence: 24/44

Willpower: 4/6
To Aindani

One of the greasy, stitched together beasts with the long arms is comin' your way. That axe is lookin' hungry. Suddenly: it's body whips back with an ear-splitting roar and hazy blur of corded muscles and steel comes flying at you straight and level for your torso. My, that's a large axe...

Results for 6 dice: 5 successes [ 8 6 0 4 4 0 ] (TN: 7)

The other meat puppet will also engage Afa, let that just be some background fighting. The Ifrit will win unless he becomes highly unlucky, so don't worry about him.

Smoothly, Rain swung his sword back, spinning it neatly back into stance. The tip dripped blood; the armour was thick, but his tip had slid between a joint in the plates deep enough to taste flesh and if he was any judge it had bitten deeply. Not as deep as I'd like, though... To dangerous to risk going all out, need to hold my Essence in reserve to defend... but I know one trick that I can throw in... expensive, but it could keep me alive.

With a moment's thought Rain drew the essence from within himself, his crimson eyes flashing brightly for a second. Unseen and unfelt, the essence sheathed around himself and pulsed outwards, wrapping around the others, an intangible last line of defense. I guess it could help them out too.

As soon as he felt it settle - a mere matter of seconds - he wedged his feet and leapt directly at the servant of darkness. Flying through the air, he thrust a hand out, catching the armoured shoulder and using the momentum to roll gracefully over him. Rain landed neatly behind the armoured man and spun, pressing the keen edge of his blade to the man's throat.

For a heartbeat the tableau held. Then Shu pressed his foot against the small of the man's back, pushing him forward onto the dire edge even as he twisted away, drawing the sword along the neck of his enemy.

10m personal spent activating Rain's anima power. It negates a single level of post-soak damage for Rain and any ally within 30 yards of the sidereal.

For all the fanciness, it's a simple melee attack.

Dex 5 + Melee 4 + Accuracy 4 = 13 dice. Spending a willpower to channel Valour = 15 dice total.

Results for 15 dice: 13 successes [ 0 0 1 6 4 8 0 9 9 0 6 5 4 0 6 ] (TN: 7)

2 stunt dice: Results for 2 dice: 2 successes [ 7 9 ] (TN: 7)

15 successes total. enemy DV is 8.

Damage: Strength 3 + 7 overkill + 9L = 19L presoak -28 soak = ping damage.

Results for 3 dice: 2 successes [ 9 8 6 ] (TN: 7) (damage/extra)

2 lethal inflicted. 4 motes of essence regained.

Current spent essence pool is (6/0). 2 willpower left.
To Rain

Movement, a quick flash of steal and a scream. High, terrified and enraged all at once. But it is not his. His armor. You see myriad faces emerge on the plates looming in front of you, reaching, screaming, begging for sustenance. The cries for blood only grow louder as blood from his slit neck runs down his maille.

A miasma of essence still clings to his limbs, his anima a creature all its own, draining the grass of color below. He strikes, a pair of baleful comets piercing the air, looking to impact and devestate the land that is your body. Air begins to split and scream as the first punch comes in, a high pitched whine shatters the air as the second soulsteel annhilation looks to destory the root chakra.

Two attacks: Results for 10 dice: 7 successes [ 6 8 8 3 0 0 2 9 2 2 ] (TN: 7)

Results for 9 dice: 6 successes [ 6 0 0 3 7 6 9 5 6 ] (TN: 7)

Eyes widening at the speed of the punches, Rain lets a trickle of essence flow along the edge of his sword as he swings it up. The edge glows ruby red to his eyes (though it remains invisible to the others) as it shears neatly through the threads of fate connecting that blow to him before the flat of the blade imposes itself between the fist and Rain's face. The second blow is still a challenge, but easier to deflect.

3m personal on Impeding the Flow to stop the first attack, second attack is defeated by DVs normally. essence expenditure is at (9/0).

Scorpion crouches, watching the battle unfold around him. Kwan Shu's frontal assault method is not Scorpion's, but then, he was a Night, not a Dawn. As such, his methods vary somewhat. Picking up a handful of stones from the ground, he begins to sneak his way around the battle. As he moves, he uses the treeline to hide his progress, and he tosses the stones, bouncing them off trees, opponents, the foliage and other rocks, all in an effort to distract those who might observe him. Once in position, behind the figure Kwan Shu is fighting, Scorpion reaches down and removes the bola he has in reserve, readying the weapon for use.

Miscellaneous action to establish surprise.

Dex (5) + Stealth (3) - Results for 8 dice: 5 successes [ 5 5 8 0 7 5 8 6 ] (TN: 7) + 2 bonus successes from anima effect = 7 successes

Plus any stunt dice.

**Edit - 2 stunt dice: Results for 2 dice: 3 successes [ 0 9 ] (TN: 7)

Total: 10 successes.

Gain 4 motes.

Current totals: Personal: 16; Peripheral: 18

Miscellaneous action to ready another weapon.

5 tick action. Next action on tick 11.

The Scavenger lord leapt aside while keeping his blade low, narrowly dodging the battle axe, before slicing upwards in an arc aimed at the construct's shoulder, the glass blade gleaming in the sunlight as a bolt of light coming to purify the unclean mounds of flesh...


OOC: DDV 5, so the attack misses by a hair's breadth.

Results for 9 dice: 5 successes [ 2 4 1 0 7 2 6 7 8 ] (TN: 7)

Speed 4, Dmg +6L (P)

(hoping the stunt dices makes up for it...)

Stunt dice: Results for 2 dice: 1 success [ 3 8 ] (TN: 7)

Attack total: 6 successes

EDIT: attacked with 10 dice instead of 9
Hit! One over and he has ten soak, natural. These are just literally ape corpses with a lot of flesh put it lightly.
Results for 3 dice: 2 successes (TN: 7) (damage/extra)

Corrected: Results for 4 dice: 1 success (TN: 7) (damage/extra)

Actually, the corrected result is
less satisfying :( ...
To Aindani

The creature roars in pain, spittle splashing against your clothes as you slice a deep furrow into the muscles, blood pouring out.
The apes are up again.

To Matsu

The creature deftly dodged the blows of your fists, reeling around, hammering its own chest like a meaty drum, screaming at you in a child's hoarse rage. Suddenly, it lauches forward, gouts of dirt flying into the air as its huge club comes rocketing home, hoping to make a broken trophy of your skull.

Results for 9 dice: 5 successes [ 4 2 1 0 5 6 4 9 0 ] (TN: 7)
To Adair

A childish giggle, and a blur of movement in the misty air, looking to break some bones and dislocate all the others in your torso. There's nothing in those black spheres deep set in its true ape face, nothing but blind obedience and rage. The child's face is muttering and laughing, happy as can be, like chasing fireflies on a spring night.

Results for 8 dice: 6 successes [ 8 1 1 0 3 9 0 2 ] (TN: 7)

To All

More of the apes standing with the other Abyssal are moving to engage.

Join Battle: Results for 7 dice: 7 successes [ 9 0 9 7 2 5 0 ] (TN: 7) They go next tick.

Dodge DV: 6 (-1 for the attack action in the previous tick) 5. So the attack just misses. God am I glad to have invested in those bracers.

Damn the thing was agile for an oversised gorila made of dead bodies. Matsu quickly jumped back and the club barely missed turning his face into pulp. Gods was that too close.

(does that mean the other apes go next ?)
*checks* Yes. You are correct, sir. I could have sworn it'd have been you guys next as well, but it is, in fact, the new apes. Onward! There are two new ones leaping into the battle.

To Rain

The slick carapace before you reflects a darker shadow of yourself, scarred, haggard and terrible to see. Shadows cling to you, clawing at your arms, whispering things, for a second, you can almost hear them when you hear the heavy grunt of something to your right and a blur of motion. Club! A solid slab of rock coming down to make your brains into a fine, tasty paste. Where the hell did he come from?! The carapace--for the instant as you look back at the Abyssal--shows you what may come. Heavy thump, a lifeless lump!

Results for 9 dice: 5 successes [ 9 8 7 0 3 5 5 4 3 ] (TN: 7)

The attack is fast, but Rain is faster. A swift corkscrew leap to the side neatly carries him just out from under the club's reach.

Dodge DV is 5 and the attack misses.
To Aindani

OOC: I made a mistake earlier, roll damage as it would have been for THREE soak. I thought you were fighting an ape, but you're clearly fighting a Meat Puppet. So, just go ahead and re-roll that damage with the new soak factored in. Sorry.

With a scream not unlike that of an upset child in the middle of a market or square, a raging ape new to the battle comes toward you, bellowing and flailing its arms like a madman. Then clasping its hands, it barrels at you, looking to smartly crack you in the back.

Results for 8 dice: 5 successes [ 9 1 8 5 8 8 1 8 ] (TN: 7)

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